My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 39: Treats Her Like A Sister

"You are my daughter, I can't let you go" Bill clearly put his point forward and Samantha turned silent, her heart was aching, whenever Bill addressed her as his daughter, which is very rare, she always wishes to go back to those old days when he talks like this but it is impossible.

She can give away anything to have her old days back, when the three of them lived like a family, she had tears in her eyes when she remembered that one person who was the glue and held their family together.

Bill could sense why she suddenly went quiet, "I miss her too" he confined into her.

"We decided we will never talk about her" Samantha coldly replied to him as even mentioning that person was the most painful thing for them.

"Grim Reaper probably wants something from you, is what I feel." Bill abruptly changed the topic and shared another important piece of information.

"What does that bastard want from me?"

"No idea, but if you are willing, we can fix another call with him like last time. I feel he has safely kept that phone we sent him" Bill suggested.

"Don't, let us see if he tries to ruin any other mission of mine and if he does, then we will talk" Samantha advised Bill and he agreed to her suggestion.

"Fine, as you wish. Will you come back tonight? Should I prepone the flight?" Bill asked her.

"No, the organizing committee here announced we all can't leave the city until and unless they know what happened with Ms Garcia and the reason behind her death."

"Okay, I'll too keep myself updated with the happenings there" Bill had his ways to be aware of what is happening where.


Then Samantha lied down on the bed and pondered what Grim Reaper wants from her, she even tried to recollect her missions to find any clues that suggests if she again offended him, to try to identify the reason behind this sudden intrusion into her missions.

No matter how hard she thought, she couldn't find any reason that would trigger him to create trouble for her.

Samantha decided to have a bath and freshen up, she wore her casual clothes, a jean and a t-shirt, she wore a denim jacket over it and let her hair loose.

She decided to go out and check the situation. 

As soon as she stepped out the room, she saw a cop standing at the end of the corridor near the stairs and another cop near the elevator.

She walked towards one of the cops and questioned him, "Hi, is there any update on Ms Garcia's death?"

The cop could understand the curiosity of the public as they might have other plans and this sudden demise of a stranger is a hindrance for them.

"The autopsy is being conducted, by tonight we can get an update." He professionally informed her.

"Can we go out the building?" Another voice questioned the cop and Samantha could recognize it was David who was standing behind her.

"Yes, but you have to be in Austin and report back before midnight" The cop informed David.

"Cool, thanks." 

Samantha then turned around to go back to her room when David stopped her.

"Samantha, we three are planning to head out to a bar in Austin as it is feeling suffocated to stay at this hotel. Would you like to join us?" 

"Umm" Samantha pondered what to do, then she thought it is better to get out for some time or her mind will keep going back to Grim Reaper and she would go crazy.

"Yeah, sure" She accepted David's invitation.

"Awesome, let's meet near the reception in an hour"


After an hour, Samantha headed downstairs wearing the same t-shirt, jeans and the denim jacket, she wore earlier and didn't bother to wear anything else as these were her comfy clothes.

In the reception she saw Carol, who was dressed in a beautiful short golden dress, which ends above her knees. Carol looked damn sexy in that dress; her golden wavy hair only added to her beauty.

'Chance should date her' Samantha thought to herself and greeted the hot woman who was waiting for the two men.

"You are looking really hot" Samantha praised her after greeting Carol.

Carol blushed, "You sure? I am feeling I am a bit overdressed." She awkwardly confessed looking at Samantha's attire.

"I just wanted to be casual" Samantha explained understanding Carol's gaze.

"You are looking more prettier than me in spite of dressing up so casually." Carol honestly told her.

Samantha felt weird, "Why compare ourselves?"

"Sorry, can't help it" Carol awkwardly smiled and just then David joined them.

"Where is Chance?" David asked the two women, he too was dressed casually in a t-shirt, pants and was wearing a leather jacket.

"How would we know?" Carol rolled her eyes and added, "Chance takes more time to get ready than women, can you believe that?" She taunted him.

"Yeah, like seriously" David agreed with her as it was true.

Samantha didn't say anything and was listening to the banter between the two friends.

After five minutes, Chance came downstairs and joined them.

He was wearing a white polo t-shirt, black jeans and a black jacket.

"Wow, you three are dressed so casually, maybe I should go and change" Carol pouted as the three people were wearing t-shirts, jeans and jackets.

"Wear whatever you want, why bother about us?" David rejected Carol's suggestion as he wanted to go out soon and didn't prefer delaying their outing as they had to be back by midnight.     

"It is going to be cold at night, that's why I wore a jacket, you can get a jacket just in case" Samantha casually suggested as it will be cold in Austin.

"Oh, not a problem in that case, I'll use Chance's jacket" Carol casually held his arm and smiled.

Samantha who was fine till now, again got annoyed but she just smiled and ignored Carol's actions.

"Let's go" David walked ahead followed by Samantha, Chance and Carol were walking behind Samantha, with Carol still clinging onto Chance's arm.

"Please, behave yourself" Chance whispered to Carol in a low voice.

Carol angrily glared at him, "Excuse me? What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"I am just saying don't act in a way that Samantha might misunderstand the relationship between you and me" Chance patiently explained.

Carol stopped walking and faced Chance, "What is the relationship between you and me Chance?" she seriously asked him.

"We are friends" Chance answered her question looking very serious.

"Really?" Carol again asked him.

"Carol, come on I told you earlier, we can never be anything more than friends" Chance told her the same thing he had been telling her for years.

"Why not? You have dated so many women, then why not me? Why do you restrain yourself from dating me?" Carol folded her arms in front of her and looked furious.

"Seriously? We are having this discussion here and now?" Chance too looked serious.

Samantha and David who were at the car could see the two people outside the building and they seemed to be having an argument.

"I think something is wrong, they seem to be fighting" Samantha pointed at the two people who were clearly pissed.

"Yeah, it is normal, let them be" David sat in the car and Samantha sat in the front passenger seat next to him.

"I am serious Chance, why can you not date me?" Carol was not in the mood to let him off today.

"I love Samantha" He answered her as a matter of fact but she snapped at him.

"You know her for two months, but you knew me for more than five years, so don't give me this shitty excuse as I am not going to believe it" 

Chance helplessly shook his head, "Carol, you know the truth so stop asking me"

"No, I want to hear it from you"

"Lucas was my friend Carol and you are his sister, I too treat you like a…"

"Don't you dare complete that statement" Carol warned him as she knew he would say he too treats her like a sister.

"You just said you want to hear it from me" 

After hearing his words, Carol angrily walked away from there and headed towards David's car.

Chance deeply sighed and he too headed towards David and Samantha.

"I want to drive" Carol announced to David, she looked agitated so David refused her.

"I rented this car; I cannot let you destroy it"

"David, don't irritate me" Carol was not in the mood to budge.

David then looked at Chance who was standing a few meters behind Carol.

Chance signaled him to let her be so David got out the car and handed it over to Carol but not before warning her, "Be careful, you are not the only one in this car"

David and Chance sat in the back seat of the car and Carol started driving.

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