My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 38: Grim Reaper

"Actually, I am suffering from a phobia, it is called Foniasophobia, it is fear of murderers and deaths."

"Oh, really? I never heard of it" Samantha was a pro at lying and she easily lied and Chance smiled at her, "Yeah, it is not a common phobia, it is rare" he explained.

"Okay" Samantha just nodded her head and didn't ask him anything else, like why he is suffering from it or other awkward questions. 

She didn't ask him not just because she was already aware of it but she in general would have had preferred not asking him about deep personal stuff.

That day she wanted a general information on Chance so she contacted Bill but she didn't find more deeper information on Chance, she had the resources to do so but she preferred not to and let it be.

"That's it? Okay? Do you know how bad it is for people suffering from Foniasophobia?" Carol asked Samantha in surprise, she was trying to highlight how indifferent Samantha was towards Chance's condition.

"I don't know" Samantha didn't want to drag this as right now her mind was occupied with her target who suddenly died before she could take any action.

"It is very serious, people…"

"Carol, you are not helping, please stop dragging this, someone died here, maybe we should go and check the scenario" Chance interrupted her and suggested this.

Carol pouted at him which he ignored.

"Let's do what they requested for; I am sure we might get more information by tonight" David shared his opinion.

"Hmm, let us go and rest for some time in our rooms" Chance suggested as the next presentations were all cancelled.

"Yeah, it was a good thing our presentation was done" Carol sighed in relief and the two men helplessly shook their heads but they didn't say anything else to give her some face.

"Samantha?" Chance softly called her as she seemed lost in some deep thoughts.

"Yeah?" she was startled when her name was suddenly called, she was thinking about her target when Chance called her.

"You fine?" He could see Samantha looked a little pale.

"Yeah, it is just that, that woman died so suddenly, it is kind of disturbing" She just made an excuse for her condition and stood up to leave, "If you guys don't mind, I would like to go back to my room to rest for some time"

"Yeah, we too"

The four people then went back to their rooms and Samantha contacted Bill using the secret sim card she had.

"I was waiting for your call" Bill informed her as soon as he answered the phone.

"So? It was a murder or she naturally died?" Samantha anxiously questioned him.

"What do you think?"

"Who the fuck killed her before I could?" Samantha was confused as she was the assassin for this case and someone stole her target.

"Sam, it is him again" Bill tightly closed his eyes as he prepared himself to face Samantha's wrath.

"Him?" Samantha questioned him but Bill stayed silent.

His silence was enough to answer her question.

"It is that bastard again? Grim Reaper?" Samantha was shocked to her core knowing it was Grim Reaper, her biggest rival, her nemesis, the man she hates the most was the one who killed her target.

"Yeah, and I just got the information that, Mario, your target for whom you went to Hawaii two months ago. Even he was killed by Grim Reaper." Bill informed her with a heavy heart as he could feel the anger in Samantha from the other side of the phone.

"When did you find out about this?" She calmly asked him but her voice sounded chillingly cold.

"Around twenty minutes ago" Bill honestly told her the truth.

"And about Hawaii?"

"Same time"

"So, someone else, the other businessman hired Grim Reaper during the Hawaii mission?" 

"Yes, because Mario had dirt on multiple people and these two guys wanted to get their hold on the secrets first, so one guy hired us and the second guy hired Grim Reaper."

"And as usual that bastard beat me at it"

"Sam, don't beat yourself, he is more experienced than you in this field…"

"Please Bill, he is better than me and I am still not as good as him." 

Bill could feel her frustration.

"Samantha, you have been trained to be an assassin for only eight years now but Grim Reaper was trained to be one, since he was eight years old, can you see the difference? So, don't blame yourself, it is just his experience that beats you."

"Bill, I can understand in Mario's case someone else hired another assassin but Garcia was not a big deal, why and who hired Grim Reaper to kill her?" Something stuck Samantha and she questioned Bill ignoring his words of motivation.

Bill was sweating as he was hoping Samantha to not ask him this question but she is smart and felt something is fishy.

"Sam, the truth is…" Bill hesitated and took a pause.

"Bill, please…" Samantha was vexed and was running out of patience.

"No one hired him for this mission, he intentionally did it to annoy you" Bill revealed the truth to her.

"Excuse me?" Samantha was really shocked to know this piece of information.


"Wait, didn't we make peace with him already? And he promised he would not meddle with my missions, right?" Samantha questioned Bill.

"Yeah, he did but it was around a year back and I think he is again trying to annoy you"

"What the fuck is his problem?" Samantha shouted on the phone.

Two years back Samantha was on a mission to kill one of her targets, Grim Reaper too got a mission to kill some other person at the same location and due to some confusion, Samantha killed his target as well and the information on his target never reached him and it was later, he found out what happened.

That was when Grim Reaper declared Samantha as his rival as she almost broke his perfect record and from then on whenever Samantha went on any mission, Grim Reaper used to reach before her and killed her targets.

Samantha was the one who was paid as the people who hire them don't care who is the one doing their dirty work for them, they just wanted the result.

Samantha was a woman of self-respect so she never converted those cheques and they were still lying at her home, by now those checks even expired.

At that time, She was very frustrated and Bill contacted Grim Reaper using his assassin alliance and sent him a one-way phone, he faked liked he was the one contacting him and arranged a meeting between Grim Reaper and Samantha.

The two assassins maintained high secrecy so they never met each other face to face and had a meeting on phone by changing their voice modules.

Samantha tried to be nice, and apologized for ruining one of his missions and then he promised her that from here on he won't meddle with her missions again.

He really didn't until now, until he killed Ms Garcia intentionally.

In case of Mario, Samantha didn't mind it as some other businessman hired Grim Reaper to get his hold on that hard disk but in this current scenario, it was evident he intentionally tried to mess with her again.

"What the fuck is his problem?" Samantha shouted on the phone.

"Not sure"

"Wait, does that mean Grim Reaper is here in Austin right now? In this conference?" Samantha realized that they are not allowed to leave the conference for now and if he was indeed here then it would be perfect for her to catch him.

She was even planning to kill him.

"Not sure. You know him, he doesn't need to be present there to kill his target like us, he is an expert in this field, he can kill his target by not being around them"

"Bill, don't you think too highly of him? Why do you keep praising him?" Samantha was annoyed with Bill as he always praised this nemesis of hers.

"Don't you know why?" Bill questioned her instead and she kept quiet, "Samantha, I really want him to join our team but only because of your stubbornness, I am not asking him to join us."

"Please Bill, hire him. I'll just quit" Samantha again threatened him.

Bill helplessly shook his head, "That is why I never tried to hire him"

"No, only one of us can stay and if you so want him to work under you, then just let me go. He is anyway better than me" Samantha scoffed in anger.

"You are my daughter, I can't let you go" Bill clearly put his point forward and Samantha turned silent, her heart was aching, whenever Bill addressed her as his daughter, which is very rare, she always wishes to go back to those old days when he talks like this but it is impossible.

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