My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 29

Chapter 29:

“Lin Feng, if it doesn’t look good, let’s go!” Qin Yumo said when he saw Lin Feng like this.

“No!” Lin Feng said, holding back his drowsiness, “How can we leave after reading half of it? We spent money, and it would be a big loss to leave without reading it!”


Qin Yumo chuckled, she knew that Lin Feng didn’t care about the small money at all, he just wanted to accompany her, and she felt warm in her heart and summoned up her courage.

Lin Feng felt a soft-boneless little hand resting on the back of his hand, and he suddenly lost his mind.

“Lin Feng, do you believe in love at first sight?” Qin Yumo opened his mouth, blinking at Lin Feng’s face.

Could it be that Qin Yumo is about to start confessing?

Lin Feng’s heartbeat accelerated. In the last life, he always took the initiative to chase others, but in the end it was fruitless. Even Hu Yifei was also actively pursued by Lin Feng. When was he chased by beautiful women?

However, since coming to the love apartment, everything has changed. Not only are some people chasing after them, but they are also chasing after the beautiful Qin Yumo.

Lin Feng nodded and said, “I believe that love is just a matter of a few seconds. Once you see it right, it’s love at first sight!”

Qin Yumo also nodded slightly, and then slowly said, “Lin Feng, do you remember when we met in the supermarket? At that moment, I experienced the feeling of love at first sight, and it was really wonderful.”

Lin Feng’s heartbeat accelerated when he heard Qin Yumo’s words.

“Lin Feng, I like you!” Qin Yumo looked at Lin Feng with firm eyes and said, “The moment I saw you in the supermarket, I found out that I fell in love with you. I thought we would never meet again, but when I met you in the supermarket, I found out that I fell in love with you. The moment I met you in the love apartment, I found that I couldn’t help falling in love with you, Lin Feng, will you let me be your girlfriend?”

As he spoke, Qin Yumo became excited and his voice became louder. Finally, everyone in the entire movie hall heard it and looked back at Qin Yumo and Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Qin Yumo and asked softly, “Yumo, do you really regret it?”

“I don’t know if I will regret my confession now, but I know that if I don’t confess to you, I will regret it!” Qin Yumo said firmly.

“Together with!”

Those who watched the movie all roared. Fortunately, the light was dim, otherwise Qin Yumo’s flushed cheeks would have been visible.

Life is a play, and it is broadcast live every day. Sometimes life is more **** than TV dramas.

“Okay, I accept you!” Lin Feng said solemnly.

As soon as Lin Feng’s words fell, a ding dong sounded in his mind: “The host has soaked in Qin Yumo, and the reward is 1,000 charm points. Currently, the host’s total charm point is 3,100!”

Hearing that Lin Feng accepted him, Qin Yumo immediately burst into tears with excitement, “Thank you, Lin Feng!” Qin Yumo’s fragrant lips took the initiative to cut Lin Feng’s lips. The two were deeply slaughtered together.

You know, when Qin Yumo was in love with Richard, he seldom held hands, let alone slaying, let alone anything else.

However, in the face of Lin Feng, she took the initiative to offer her own slaughter.

“Clap clap clap!”

Those in the audience started to applaud involuntarily, wishing the couple a blessing.

Next, Qin Yumo cuddled in Lin Feng’s arms with a happy smile on his face, and the two finally left without watching the movie.

The two were walking down the street holding hands. Lin Feng stopped, took Qin Yumo’s hand and said, “Yumo, don’t talk to the people in the apartment about the things between us, okay?”

Qin Yumo was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and said in a friendly manner, “Well, everything is up to you!”

Lin Feng smiled and went back to the love apartment after walking around with Qin Yumo for a while.


Chapter 31 “God Sculpture” Officially Starts Filming

When Lin Feng returned to the love apartment, he separated from Qin Yumo, and the two walked into the apartment one after another.

When Lin Feng came back, he found that Chen Meijia and others were still playing games there, and Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Gu Qiqi also joined in, seeing how they were playing very well.

“Quick, go to the middle and push the tower!”

“Hold on! Hold on!”

“Zi Qiao, use the hook to hook him!” Zeng Xiaoxian shouted excitedly, but in the end Zi Qiao still failed to hook the opponent, which finally led to the defeat of the game.

“Zi Qiao, you didn’t catch it! We lost again, hey!” Lin Wanyu said with a sigh.

“Tell him to seduce a beautiful woman!” Chen Meijia said angrily.

“I’m really not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs!” Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head and said.

“What’s the big deal, let’s have another plate!” Lu Ziqiao looked very angry.

“Forget it, stop playing! I’m so tired, the whole day is over!”

It was only then that everyone realized that they had been playing this game all day, and the most important thing was that they didn’t realize they were hungry even after they didn’t eat at noon.

This game really makes me sleepless!

“Lin Feng, you’re back!” Chen Meijia saw that Lin Feng was back, and immediately grabbed Lin Feng: “Lin Feng, teach me how to play this game well!”

“Forget it, you don’t seem to have eaten yet, go find something to eat!” Lin Feng said.

“Oh, Lin Feng, if you don’t tell me, I really didn’t realize that I haven’t eaten for a day, no, I’m so hungry, I’m going to find something to eat!” Lin Wanyu said while rubbing her stomach.

“I’ll go as well!”

As a result, several people who were playing games went out of the apartment to find something to eat.

Lin Feng was bored, so he went back to his room, turned on the computer, and went to to check the results of “The Devil’s Life” and found that it was as expected.

“The Devil’s Life” has swept all the lists of After reading the comments, almost all of them are praising the novel’s well-written writing. Occasionally, there is a person who criticizes this novel, and it has been buried long ago.

However, the novel was soon completed. Lin Feng hesitated whether to continue writing it. At first, he chose to write the novel because he had to pay back the one million to the system.

“Drip drip!”

Lin Feng’s QQ rang, and when he opened it, it was a message from beauty editor Ding Jingyi.

Ding Jingyi: “Lin Feng, are you there?”

“Yes, Jingyi MM, is something wrong?” Lin Feng replied quickly.

“Your enchanting book is about to end, are you ready for your new book?” Ding Jingyi asked, because Lin Feng published the entire novel regularly, so Ding Jingyi, the editor, had already read it.

“The new book is ready, it’s still the city!” Lin Feng said. “At that time, I’ll have to trouble you, Jingyi MM!”

Ding Jingyi: Even if you don’t give me one hundred yuan, you still want me to help you, good or bad! (A shy look!)

Lin Feng looked at this sentence and smiled slightly. He had heard about Brother Bai Yuan, “Jingyi MM, are you teasing me?”

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