My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 48 - Hope and despair in the battle for treasure chests

   Godzilla’s self-detonation power is like an atomic bomb. The air wave directly overturns the earth, rolling away with endless dust and vegetation, tearing the rain and night like a raging wave, and the damage range is a thousand meters.

   After everything subsided, a lone treasure chest was shrouded in colorful streamers in the thousand-meter giant pit, which was more eye-catching and eye-catching than lightning.

   The sound of rain clashed, but still could not break the silence between heaven and earth.

   is so powerful, no one would have expected it.

   But the most important thing right now is the treasure chest.

   The night sky.

   A blue ice bird broke through the dark cloud, swooped down, and went straight to the treasure chest.

   On the ice bird, a young man has red eyes and short breathing.

   After so long, I finally waited.

   Legendary Treasure Box, even if there is a big boss who can’t afford it, I have to fight it.

The wages of avarice is death.

   Once you get it, you don’t have to fight anymore in this life. Whether you sell it or use it yourself, it will be enough to change your life.

   Therefore, no one can bear this temptation.

   And the appearance of the ice bird is just the beginning.

   The next moment, faster than the ice bird is a flash of lightning, in the lightning, a figure is looming, with a crazy look.

   Immediately afterwards, at the edge of the huge pit, one person rushed out from the ground and rushed towards the treasure chest.

   fighter plane, black panther, meteor-like fire, streamer-like current…

   In an instant, more than a dozen long-hidden figures showed up in various ways, and went straight to the treasure chest lying quietly in the huge pit.

   There are many combat professions in this world, and the various skills are endless.

   is good at hiding, and there are more people with speed.

   It’s just that before, they have been hiding in secret, waiting for what may be the only opportunity in this life.

   Now that the opportunity arises, I have to fight for everything.

   For Chen Chai, this is not good news…

   “Stop it!”

   The giant mecha slowly got up, moving slowly and lagging, and said angrily: “Those who dare to **** die!”

   I’m sorry, no one cares about it.

   Li Wentian was anxious, and said to the inside: “I will open up all restrictions on nuclear fusion for Lao Tzu!”

   [Restrictions on the energy supply of nuclear fusion reactors are being lifted: 50%, 60%, 70%…]


   The roar inside the mecha.

   After that, the durability of the mecha quickly returned to full, and the body was completely stabilized.

   “Damn, a bunch of people rush to the street and die for Lao Tzu.”

   Li Wentian burst into blood on the surface of his body, roared and raised his hand, the mecha raised his hand, the shape of the giant sword in his hand changed, and finally turned into a muzzle.

  Energy gathers.


   A beam of golden energy that is not weaker than Godzilla’s breath distorted the space, and after the blink of an eye, it blasted into the huge pit, where the treasure chest was.

   There is no accident.

   The first two rushed past were melted instantly and died.

   Inside the muzzle, energy began to gather again, but it took longer.

   In the huge pit, the successor did not stop, taking this opportunity to continue rushing forward.

the other side.

   Godzilla slowly got up.

   Chen Chai stood on Godzilla’s head, looking calmly at the scene in front of him, indifferent.

   was robbed?


  Because of the sight, a copy entrance suddenly appeared above the treasure chest, quietly opened his mouth in the roar, and ate the treasure chest directly.

   [Record: Your skill “Strengthening Fist” put the legendary treasure chest into the trial space, and you can’t wait to open the treasure chest and get: legendary item +1. 】


   Chen Crack frowned.

  A legendary treasure chest that is so spicy, how can an item be opened?

   Damn it.

   Is it because the physical strength is too bad and the face is too dark?

   It doesn’t make sense. He is so handsome and his face is so pale, so he won’t be able to drive a thing.

   has no luck attribute, it must have nothing to do with luck.

   Chen crack understands.

   It must be that the treasure chest that Godzilla dropped after death can only open one item.

   is a bit small, but there are 18 Godzillas in total, and you can get 18 legendary items by killing them all.

   This is a lot.

   After understanding, Chen Cha looked at the trial space.

   [Record: Your strong body fist triumphantly took the treasure and came to the blood therapy surgery, causing the blood therapy surgery to slobber…]

  In the trial space.

  Jin Hong looked at the little boy in white who suddenly appeared in front of him with a dazed expression.

   Why is there another trial boss?


   Jin Hong is puzzled.

  Blood Healing left the woman’s arms and yelled at the strong fist: “Touch me, touch me.”

   Qiangshen fist smiled, and threw the crystal in his hand over, with a proud tone: “Snatch me, huh, I haven’t lost anything when it comes to snatching things.”

   Blood Healing Technique took a bite with the crystal, and said depressed: “You can’t eat it.”

   Aside, Jin Hong looked dumbfounded at Crystal.

   The crystal glows with colorful rays.

   If she read it right, this should be a legendary item.

   Who is the sacred child in white clothes who suddenly appeared, and even possessed a legendary item.

   It sounds like it was just grabbed…

   “You are stupid.”

   Qiangshen fist blanked his eyes and blood therapy, and said: “Of course this thing can’t be eaten. You have to identify it before you can use it. If it is an experience stone, then you can eat it.”

   Blood Healing Technique curiously asked: “If it is an experience stone, how much experience will there be in it?”

   Strengthening the body fist pondered, and said: “There should be a million experience, enough for you to rise to many levels.”

   Hear the words.

   Jin Hong couldn’t help but said: “The legendary experience stone can gain 10 million experience after using it.”

Ten million!

   The blood therapy technique counted with the fingers, but didn’t figure it out.

   Jianshenquan was not surprised, and said happily: “That’s great, we can all rise to many levels.”

   Jin Hong was speechless.

   many levels?

Ha ha.

   A legendary experience stone is enough for a person’s character level to rise from level 1 to level 55, worth hundreds of millions.

   Where did you get this thing from?

   Where did this newly-appearing boy in white mask come from and what does it have to do with the snack food…

   There are too many doubts in Jin Hong’s mind that can’t be answered…

   In the rain curtain.

   Chen Chai glanced at the items he obtained and then stopped paying attention.

   is a stone, without identification, it is impossible to know what stone it is, but of course it is the best skill stone for him.


   Godzilla roared under him.

   Chen Chai suddenly burst into the Blood Dragon Yin, and looked at the other four Godzillas in the distance who were flying by self-detonation.

   Although the four Godzillas got out of control, they were unable to fight anymore.

  Four lambs to be slaughtered.

   Chen Chai slowly sighed, letting Godzilla, who was out of control under him, slay one of the lambs, and his eyes fell on the huge pit.

   After the mecha attack subsided, the treasure chest disappeared.

   Seeing this, the person who grabbed the treasure chest stopped immediately, turned around and ran without hesitation.

   One of them didn’t believe in evil, but he went to the center of the giant pit where the treasure chest was before and found nothing.

   Then, another shot fell and melted and died on the spot.

   Chen Li shook his head slightly and ignored it.

  Since you choose to be greedy, you must pay a price…

  The dark clouds are getting thicker.

   The person who grabbed the treasure box hid again, not knowing whether to leave, or waiting for the next opportunity.

   In the battlefield.

   The Godzilla under Chen’s body came to the other lying Godzilla, opened his mouth to breathe, and directly thrust the red light plunger into Godzilla’s mouth, continuously impacting.

   On the side, a drone came, and a voice sounded: “Boss, the treasure box…the treasure box is gone, it seems to have been robbed…”

   Li Wentian is very nervous.

   Chen Li glanced at the mini drone that came in, and said lightly: “I didn’t get robbed, I took it away.”


   Li Wentian was surprised, and then heaved a sigh of relief, and said, “That’s great, by the way, you guys, are you okay.”

   Chen Che said casually: “It’s okay.”

   Li Wentian laughed and said, “That’s a shame. If you still think you can’t do it, I will laugh at these Godzillas and treasure chests.”

   Chen Crack looked at the drone with strange eyes.

   Li Wentian fell silent and said awkwardly: “Ah, I was just kidding, isn’t it funny?”

   The spear swept across, and the drone shattered.

   Chen’s cracked heart is full of speechlessness.

   He hasn’t met such a joking fool…

   The thought fell, and there was a groan. After being struck by Godzilla’s face for a while, Godzilla finally couldn’t hold it anymore, and blew himself up.

   The island shakes.

   Another Gothic died on the spot.

   After the self-detonation subsided, another colorful treasure box appeared in the giant pit.

   The snatcher reappeared.

   This time Li Wentian didn’t stop him. He wanted to see how the boss took the treasure box.

   The snatchers were excited, their eyes redder.

  The mechas of the Shengyang Group didn’t do anything, no matter what the reason, it was great news for them.

   Treasure box, right in front of my eyes…

   For a time, the number did not decrease in the slightest. Instead, more looters of dozens of meters rushed into the giant pit than before.

  The fastest man is a man with a flying sword and a mask.

The cyan flying snake was chasing after When it was about to touch the treasure chest, the cyan flying snake shot, the poison needle in the mouth broke through the air, and it easily pierced the flying sword man’s body protection aura. , Causing the man to fall headlong.

   The blue flying snake is excited.

   However, when the people behind saw this, they no longer kept their hands, and they all began to attack. The situation was even more intense than the 100-meter race.

far away.

   Chen Cha ignored the out-of-control Godzilla who continued to rush to the next lamb, and sighed.

   Look at the log information.

   [Record: Your strong body punch can recover the treasure chest, but you don’t recover it, hey, just play…]

   after a moment.

   The speed of life and death and the end of the fight, the final victor was covered in blood, eyes full of hope, and reached out to touch the treasure chest.

   Then, the entrance to the dungeon appeared out of thin air, in the desperate eyes of the winner, slowly swallowing the treasure chest bit by bit.


   The victor knelt down and dumbfounded, clutching the air with unwilling hands in vain, completely unlovable.

   Treasure box… no more…

   On this occasion, a loud noise appeared again.

   Another Godzilla died, and the colorful treasure chest appeared again.

   Many snatchers turned red when they saw this, and rushed over again like crazy gamblers.

   They have paid too much for the fight and cannot afford to lose.


   Either grab one or die here…

   There is no doubt about the result, Qiangshenquan once again swished in front of another final winner, taking away the treasure chest bit by bit.

   about this.

   Chen Crack has nothing to say.

   Li Wentian directly called, “It turned out to be done in this way, it’s amazing.” This kind of fascinating words…


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