My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 45 - Dad, our Shengyang Group is going to die

   I don’t know the exact location, it’s really troublesome.

   Chen Crack frowned.

   It would be great if life sharing ignores the distance limit, but unfortunately, the skill has a distance limit. The sharing range is 100 meters, and the sharing effect will be interrupted if it exceeds 100 meters.

   Life sharing is a very interesting skill.

   The interesting thing is that Chen Cha has no health, so he cannot share his health with the target.

   But the essence of life value is to determine life and death.

   Therefore, as long as he is within one hundred meters, once he starts life sharing, then as long as he does not die, the person sharing with him will not die.

in short.

   He can make the target lose life [HP] through life sharing.

  Magic skills!

   is a magical skill for the sharer.

   is also the reason why Chen Che is confident that he can rescue Jin Hong.

   As for if there is no life sharing skill, it can be saved, but it will be more troublesome.

   For example, he has to find a way to get through this dungeon and solve the last 10% area…

   “You stay here first, I will think of a way.”

   Chen Che left the copy after speaking.

   The blood therapy technique was in a trance, and then re-occupied the body, looking forward to the woman, and said, “Is there any more?”

   Jin Hong smiled lightly: “Yes.”

   talked and took out a piece of chocolate again.

   Blood Healing Technique cheered and ate.

   Jin Hong was speechless for a long time, and sighed quietly in his heart…

   In the rain curtain.

   Chen Cha looked at the Godzilla who was raging everywhere, breathed out slowly, and decided to go to the nineteenth district that he had just discovered.

   And just as he was about to leave, at the end of his line of sight, armored vehicles rushed towards him.

   In a blink of an eye, the vehicle came to the square and stopped.

   A group of people rushed down and went straight to the entrance of the instance.

   “Hey, are you waiting to die? Run.”

   Someone saw Chen Cha and shouted.

   Chen Li didn’t even hear about this, and the scarlet bone armor appeared all over his body, looking at the Godzilla who was chasing behind the crowd.

   With a loud bang, Godzilla’s huge body fell from the sky, looking at the ants on the ground, opening his mouth, red energy brewing.


   The complexion of the crowd changed drastically, and they rushed towards the entrance of the dungeon frantically.

   But it still seems a bit slow.

   in a panic.

   A blood beam pierced through the rain screen, broke through the air, and disappeared into Godzilla’s mouth in the blink of an eye.


   Energy exploded in the mouth.

   Godzilla roars in pain.

   turned to look at the toothpick running through his head.

   High in the sky, an ant appeared out of thin air next to the toothpick. The ant reached out and grabbed the toothpick, and then looked over.

   Damn it.

   Godzilla opened his mouth and bit.

   The one-meter range is still a bit too short after all.

   Chen Cha sighed, and once again used the Chiyan Spear to move, and came to Godzilla’s head.

   Both feet fell.

   Chen Li put his hands on Godzilla’s head, and then, one by one, let’s go!

  In an instant.

   The three-hundred-meter Godzilla suddenly had an somersault on his own, and slammed his head down on the ground.

At the entrance of   , the crowd who hadn’t escaped were alarmed by the huge movement, and looked back curiously.

   “What’s wrong with the boss?”

   “I saw it just now, and the boss himself flipped suddenly.”


“do not know.”

   “Fuck, I saw someone, someone grabbed the boss’s head and fell over the boss.”

   “Where is it.”

   “Hi, I saw it too, he is too young, right.”

   “The ant smashes the giant, it’s so beautiful and picturesque.”

   “Here comes again…”


   in sight.

   Godzilla’s huge body was raised again, and then fell. The earth shook constantly, the rain curtain shattered, and the terrifying waves caused by the moment of landing were visible to the naked eye, directly flying everyone in the square.

   The movement is very static and powerful.

   But on the surface, it looks like Godzilla wanted to have a carp, but failed.

   And this is just the beginning.


  Godzilla is constantly being raised up and down, up and down…

   The people on the square looked silly.

   “What is my Nima.”

   “Big guy is too awesome, right? Can this fall?”

   “If you don’t look carefully, I thought Godzilla was tossing himself.”

   “Video recording, fast recording.”

   “Hi, the boss is wearing a red flame bone armor.”

   “Level Fifty-Five Big Brother?”

   “That’s not right, even if you are a fifty-fifth level boss, you will be suppressed by the level after entering the dungeon. The red flame bone armor can’t be worn.”

   “How can we guess about the big guys’ methods.”

   “Who can contact the boss?”

   “What’s wrong?”

   “Tell the boss, can you not fall like this, otherwise we can’t do the output if we want to go up and help, the movement is too big, and the earth will be turned upside down, and if one is not careful, I am afraid that it will be smashed to death.”

   “Help? Forget it, it’s too dangerous.”

   “I think it’s better to go. Although Godzilla is temporarily controlled by the boss, the poison gas will soon come. Go out and get some detoxification equipment and props.”

   “Indeed, it’s better to leave.”

   “No, I have to look again.”

   “By the way, I have to find a way to tell the boss about the poisonous gas, otherwise the poisonous gas will come, what should I do if the boss is poisoned.”

   “Fuck, run, run.”


   Under the night.

   After being slammed by Godzilla, he finally ran away with a roar, and opened his mouth and began to squirt.

  In an instant, the scary red energy beam began to sweep up and down.

   See here.

  The people on the square finally stunned, and hurriedly ran to the entrance of the instance, one by one running faster than one.

   When the last person entered the dungeon entrance, a thick beam of red energy swept across, and the square was instantly ruined.

   Boom! boom! boom!

   Chen Cha was indifferent, and with a blank expression on Godzilla’s scalp, he kept smashing while walking along the way.

   I have to say that Godzilla’s scalp is really hard.

   It is reasonable to say that the body is so heavy. If he pulls a little scalp, he can only pull the scalp off, and cannot drive the huge body.

But the scalp is too hard. He just nodded his scalp. He pulled the skin of Godzilla’s entire body, and then wrapped the skin of Godzilla’s inner bones and flesh. Tugged with it.

   Summarize in one sentence: Move the whole body by pulling a start.

   If it’s hair, it’s more appropriate.

   It’s a pity that Godzilla has no hair.


  The strong are all bald heads.

   And just as Chen Qian was stirring the situation in the copy, outside the copy.

   The hall, larger than a football field, was full of people.

   at the end of the hall.

   Li Wentian turned into a white-haired ancient ape more than ten meters high, and said with a loud voice: “Everyone is quiet, and things to deal with poisonous gas will be delivered soon. Next, our goal is the eighteen Godzillas.”

   “Would you like to come with me?”

   The crowd is silent.

   Suddenly, someone opened his mouth and said, “Shall we go to die?”

   Another person said: “Yes, even if the poison gas can be solved, then Godzilla is a legendary boss, there is no fight at all, or there are 18 Godzillas, no matter how many people are, it will be dead.”

   The crowd suddenly spoke up one after another.

   “Li Gongzi don’t rush to be so confident, or else go first and see what Godzilla looks like?”

   “King Kong vs. Godzilla, the problem is that King Kong can’t beat Godzilla.”

   “Li Gongzi, you are too young, the gap is too big.”

   “If you don’t go, you can’t go, it’s too dangerous.”


   See here.

   Li Wentian felt helpless.

   There is really no way.

He has seen the situation in the copy through the video recorded by the person who escaped. Frankly speaking, facing the Godzilla who can overturn the sea with ease, he is like a stunted kid who goes up to death. .

   Both attributes and size are very different.

   In this way, the poison gas is resolved and there is no alternative, the eighteen Godzillas are really cruel.

   But do you just give up this copy?


   The investment is so big, and it is too big to give up the loss before the real harvest.

   But there is no way to not give up.

   High-level professionals will be suppressed when they enter, and low-level professionals will die if they are genius.

   Embarrassing and tricky.

  On this occasion.

   Someone suddenly said: “There is a way, as long as the poison gas is resolved, someone can fix Godzilla.”

   “Yes, yes, we ran into a big guy when we retreated just now.”

   “The video, play it soon.”



   A picture appeared on the screen in the lobby. In the picture, a Godzilla was throwing himself continuously.

   “What is this Godzilla doing?”



   “ I look so frustrated, I’m all gulping.”

   “Good fellow, the entire stronghold was destroyed directly.”

   “Look, the camera is zoomed in.”

   “Fuck, it’s a man. Someone is throwing Godzilla all the time.”

   “Hi, is this a person surely?”

   “Big guy… so fierce…”


This person…

   Li Wentian was silent, recalling the battle not long ago, and instantly understood Godzilla’s feelings, empathized with him, and felt that Godzilla was very pitiful.


   I didn’t expect the boss to be so strong that even Godzilla would fall.

  Looking at Godzilla’s size, it weighs at least tens of thousands of tons.

Ha ha.

  He is only over a thousand tons.

   It’s careless. If he knew that the big guy would fall even 10,000 tons, he shouldn’t have to challenge him, and he shouldn’t be looking for abuse.

   But why do you want to enter the copy?

   Li Wentian chatted privately and immediately went to check it. Soon, someone reported a piece of information.

   The proprietress of the Nightingale Bar is in the copy, and hasn’t come out yet.

   After watching, Li Wentian’s body trembled.

   didn’t come out, it wouldn’t be dead, right.


   The big brother will not anger the Shengyang Group, please destroy the Shengyang Group.

   If you don’t go in to help the big guys fight monsters and save people, then the consequences are really unmanageable.

   miss this.

   Li Wentian decisively contacted the local tyrant father, and sent a private chat directly, saying: “Dad, clean up and run away, our Shengyang Group is going to die.”

   Inside the Li family mansion.

   Li Wanghai, who was sleeping with his wife in his arms, was full of question marks.

   What did the prodigal stuff do?


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