My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 229 - Teenagers and Girls in the Snow

The day passed in a flash.

During this day, someone had entered the Secret Realm of Reincarnation to seek the breakthrough of the demigod, and the first person to enter was the main path of the Holy Land power.

For Chen Chai, these things are not important.

The most important thing right now is that the core fragments of the world have been integrated.

Trial space, in the courtyard of the martial arts hall.

Chen Chai glanced at the girl in the room who was indulging in games and never got bored, smiled slightly, raised his hand, and a fragment suddenly appeared in his hand.

The fragments glowed, compared to the fragments provided by uo after the destruction of the copy of the King of Godzilla, the fragments in front of them were undoubtedly stronger.

After all, it is a fragment of the will of the whole world.

In the light enveloped, the core fragment of the world after fusion was not an imagined solid fragment, but a pool of glass liquid.

Since it is called the core fragment of the world, it must be related to the world.

Can you take this opportunity to see the world again?

With anticipation in his heart, Chen Che held his palm slowly, the light in his palm slowly faded away, and the fragments were absorbed and merged.

[Record: The core fragments of the world have been absorbed, and all its own data attributes have been completed…]

Eyes are closed, and an indescribable feeling flows in the body and soul, touching the deepest part of the soul.

The memory pauses, then flashes.

This feeling was the same as when facing the abyss, and once again touched his previously unknown memory.

“You want to challenge me?”

“Why not?”


“You lost.”

“No, you lost.”


Compared with the last time, this time I got more memories.

Although it is still impossible to know, see clearly what the existence and appearance of what I challenged in my memory, but the relevant memory is more perfect.

At least he knew who the enemy was.

There is no wrong guess, his enemy is indeed the only main god.

Without words, Chen Che’s mind was surging like a tide, and his thoughts fluctuated.

So is he really reincarnated?

Once I was able to face the only main **** and challenge the other side, what kind of power would it be.


The memories obtained this time are more memories of that challenge, and no more memories related to the three true gods.

Besides, he felt an inexplicable strangeness.

The more he learns, the deeper the memory, and the clearer this strangeness, making him feel that those memories don’t seem to belong to him…

Strange feeling.

Chen Cha slowly opened his eyes, slightly lost.

If those memories are not his, then who would they be? Isn’t he the one who challenged the only main god, and he just gained the memory of the challenger?

But why can he get the memory of that challenger.


There are still other reasons.

And the last conversation in this memory.

The only main **** said he was defeated.

The challenger said that the only main **** was defeated.

So who between the two failed and who won?

Still not enough…

The acquisition of memory is still not enough.

Chen Che looked regretful, but he was also content.

A piece of fragment allows all his data attributes to be fully complemented. The benefit is that he has gained more memories and once again unveiled some of the secrets of the past. It is also considered okay. It is an unexpected gain, an unexpected joy.

After all, the price of acquiring memory was almost dead last time, but this time it was easy.

The only regret is that the world did not show up…

After regretting, he checked the completed data attributes.

[Character: Chen Crack]

【Level: 100】

[Life value: 1 million]

【Divine power value: 10000】


[Occupation: Bartender]

[Shenhuo: Abyssal Witch]

[Skills: Strengthening Body Boxing (Half God), Blood Healing Technique, Blood Dragon Yin, Winding Silky Strength, Sword Training, Spiritual Impact, Bone-Making Palms, Dragon Golden Light Body, Life and Death, Snow Blowing Skill, Snow Blowing Knife Method , Demon Disintegration Knife, Heart of the Forge, Immortal Dharma Body (Jiang Xia), Nine Reincarnations…]


There is a lot of attribute data, which is similar to what you know about yourself. There is nothing worth noting and unexpected.

Chen Cha finished reading the attribute information, and then closed the attribute panel in a dispirited manner.

[Record: Your attribute panel has been awakened and resurrected with full blood, indicating that the previous failure to reorganize the body was because the attribute was not completed. This time the attribute must be reorganized successfully. 】


The property panel can do it again?

Believe you a ghost.

Chen Che was speechless, but after thinking about it, he didn’t criticize anything.

Since you can do it again, let’s do it again.

Death is hard to see, the abyss cannot be seen, and the goal is only the world.

You have to find a way to see the world. When the time comes, you can not only reorganize your body, but also get more memory information, killing two birds with one stone.

And if you want to see the world, you have to do what you like.

It is almost impossible to want to reappear a mortal situation with his current strength, so he can only find another way.

Thinking about it carefully, the world seems to be very interested in the ancient world of the ancient gods…

Chen Chai’s heart immediately understood the goal, and stood up.

Even if the world is more familiar with him, it is more friendly and not easy to see, so far he has only seen it once, and at other times, even when he was imprisoned in the abyss, he did not show up.

But seeing that the world is always safer than death and the abyss…

The surrounding wind and snow filled the sky, and the martial arts hall was as lonely and misty as a lone boat in it.

The ice and snow condensed into a knife and appeared in his hand.

When he got up, the knife light flickered.

In an instant, the wind and snow between the heavens and the earth in the entire trial space were all stirred by the space, becoming more terrifying, whistling and arrogant.

And this is just the beginning.

After that, the sky was full of wind and snow, and there were monsters and swordsmen.

The sound of fighting is looming, and countless identical sword bearers are fighting with endless and ever-changing monsters, killing you to death, endlessly.

The visions are constantly manifesting, and the visions are all killing and destruction, which makes people tremble, and the aftertaste is endless.

In such a wind and snow, the figures of the professionals who were resurrected from the Secret Realm of Samsara paused, and then quickly sat down and realized.

“Here again, this kind of heaven and earth phenomenon happened yesterday.”

“Thank you, this is a good opportunity to increase your skill proficiency.”

“I heard that someone had achieved a breakthrough in their skill level yesterday after comprehension. I am so envious.”

“The opportunity of heaven and earth, not to be missed.”


No one knows why this vision appeared in Atols’s world, but for everyone, it was indeed a rare opportunity.


A large river whose surface is frozen for thousands of miles.

At this moment, on the frozen river, a figure was slowly moving forward in response to the changing vision of the wind and snow.

This is a teenager.

The young man had a beautiful face and a firm look. He held an ordinary hatchet in his hand, closed his eyes as he walked forward, and allowed countless visions to pass through his body, without stopping at all.

In contrast, the few fuzzy figures that appeared in the distance behind the young man were not good enough. Every time he tried to lift his feet, he would always stop because of the vision passing through the body.

It is very important to move forward in the vision.

Because the more visions of heaven and earth you come into contact with, the more benefits and insights you will get.

Many people discovered this yesterday, and the teenager also discovered it yesterday.

The vision is powerful and does not hurt people, but the will contained in it is unprecedentedly terrifying. So far, people who can walk in the vision have only taken three steps at most.

The boy also took three steps yesterday, but he was not reconciled.

Why is it here?

Because it’s dead.

Why die?

Because he was weak, he died in the hands of his enemies.

He wants revenge and becomes stronger.

So he has been walking since yesterday, moving forward little by little in the vision, taking three steps.

These three steps consumed all his strength, and the harvest was very rich.

Most people only know that visions can improve skill proficiency, and only a few people who take a step know that in addition to improving proficiency, vision perception can also permanently improve their own attributes.

In a word, the farther you go in the vision, the more benefits you have.

The young man took three steps, his skill proficiency was improved, and his attributes were permanently improved.

Although there is very little improvement, the farther you go, the more you improve.

He wants to know, what kind of improvement he wants to see in the future, and to what extent.

So, after yesterday’s vision ended, his heart became firm.

The vision came suddenly, and I don’t know if it will come again.

But he is willing to wait.

He will go on until the next time the vision comes.

If the vision never appears, then die here.

Because even if you don’t die here, you will be chased by your enemies again after you return, and even this time there will never be a chance to stand up again, and there will be no chance of resurrection after death.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

The existence of the Secret Realm of Reincarnation can make people continue to resurrect.

So what to do?


If you don’t kill, you won’t be resurrected. In this case, you can directly imprison and seal the suppression while you are weak, forever, and never turn back.

There are too many ways to seal, suppress, and imprison.

Once you fall into a situation where you cannot survive or die, you can imagine the end.

The young man finally died, and now he is resurrected again. He cannot go back until he is strong enough to defeat his enemies.

The good news is that after the initial stage, Atoles is not driving people away, he can stay here as long as he wants.

The blizzard environment is not suitable for staying.

The white bone monsters all over the ground are constantly getting stronger, not to mention that it is difficult to kill, and there is no experience point to obtain after killing.

Most people will choose to leave after resurrection, after all, there is nothing here.

But many people choose to stay, choosing to find a way to become stronger in a place where there is nothing.

The teenager is one of them.

He has been here for a month, and the pace of progress is insignificant.

Fortunately, the world here is really extraordinary, and he waited for a change.

The vision came, and he vowed to do everything possible to seize this opportunity to become stronger.

More fortunately, today there is another vision.


The young man’s mind is unprecedentedly firm, and his figure is moving forward with difficulty, even if he only moves forward at all, it doesn’t matter.

He would never allow himself to stop, he was not allowed to stop for a moment.

Behind him, the girl shouted: “Abin, wait for me, don’t leave me, I’m afraid…”

Hearing the sound, the girl’s face emerged in Abin’s mind, sweet and lovely, especially the bright eyes.

The two met in the same reincarnation trial, and together they helped each other passed the [humanity] reincarnation trial and were resurrected.

After Atolsne met again, Abin found that the girl liked him.

But he didn’t allow himself to stop for this, and he didn’t allow himself to have any weaknesses.

The thin figure continued to move forward, indifferent to the shouts from the wind and snow behind him.

But the wind and snow are getting bigger and stronger for some reason.

Three steps, another three steps have reached the limit.

Abing silently gritted his teeth, clenched the hatchet firmly in his hand, cracks appeared in his clothes quietly, and within the cracks, slender blood stains appeared on the surface of his body.

Lift your foot and move on, only death can stop him.

The price of moving forward is that there are more and more rifts on the body, more and more bloodstains, and everything comes silently.

Only the pain swept like a tide in the silence, wave after wave.

The scorching blood was not frozen by the wind and snow, and slowly slipped down, dyeing the cracked clothes and the frozen river surface.

Abing didn’t notice anything, and his spirit was burning like a flame.

But behind him, the girl saw everything, tears in her eyes instantly filled her eyes, and she tried hard: “Abin, don’t go anymore, don’t go anymore…”

The shouts seemed to be drowned out by the wind and snow, and the boy remained indifferent.

Seeing this, the girl’s tears slipped, trying to raise her foot to catch up, trying to stop all of this.

But the vision passed through the body, and the girl’s raised feet suddenly fell, and the expression of pain appeared in her expression.

She can’t.

Even if there is an infinitely strong love, it can’t help her take one step forward and catch up with the one she loves.

On this occasion, an old monk wearing a white monk’s robe slowly walked over.

The monk has a kind eyebrow and a good eye, and he heard: “Silly boy, you can’t stop him.”

“His heart is very firm, he has only the front in his eyes, no behind, and he will not stop for you. For this reason, he will not hesitate to die on the way forward.”



The girl was stunned, and then whispered in frustration: “I know, but I still don’t give up, thinking I can keep him.”

The old monk sighed and said: “The old monk is still somewhat capable and can send you to him.”

Since I can’t keep it, what if I go.

The girl wiped her tears and said, “I want to help him and help him move on.”

The figure in the line of sight took another step forward, at the cost of a **** barefoot falling on the surface of the icy river, leaving a pair of **** footprints.

The old monk smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and passed a string of black Buddhist beads, and said: “I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell.”

“Thinking of him in my heart, I touch this string of magic beads, I can sacrifice myself once every week I touch it, so that he can gain the strength to move on.”

“The stronger your heart of sacrifice, the stronger the power he gains.”

“But you have to pay attention. No one has been able to turn this string of magic beads for nine weeks so far. Among the people I have encountered, the most determined person only turned for six weeks before being completely destroyed and resurrected in reincarnation. The opportunities are gone.”


I’m not as good as hell, who goes to hell…

Since you can’t stop it and keep it, then burn everything for your loved one…

The girl’s bright eyes looked at the Buddha beads in front of her, stretched out her hand to take it, and then looked at the fuzzy figure shrouded in wind and snow in her sight, kneeled slowly, and whispered: “Abin, I don’t want to be your burden.”

“Although I don’t know why you keep moving forward, it doesn’t matter, I will try my best to help you.”

“Abin, come on.”


The old monk shrouded in golden light, shielding the girl from the wind and snow, and whispered, “Recite with me and move the magic beads.”

The girl closed her eyes, held the prayer beads in her hands and moved slowly, chanting with the old monk in her mouth.

The faint Buddhist sound was covered by wind and snow.

With the chanting, the prayer beads were flicked round and round, and the girl’s hair turned white little by little, and her skin became dry and aging.

When the Buddha beads turned for five weeks, the girl had already turned into an old woman with frosty white temples and a stiff stature.

“Any wish?”

My ear seemed to think of someone’s inquiries.

The girl dared not stop the Buddhist sound in her mouth, slowly raised her head, her muddy eyes looked at the figure that disappeared completely in the wind and snow, and replied softly in her heart: “Abin, I’m sorry, I don’t seem to be able to hold on. NS.”

“It’s so unwilling, not willing.”


“I miss you looking back at me for the last time.”


On the ice, the girl saw what she was like now, and the light in her eyes became even dim.

“Still, don’t do it anymore.”

“I don’t look good now, don’t look at it, don’t look at it.”

“Abin, come on, go straight ahead and walk where you want to go.”

“I’m fine, it’s okay.”

“Really… it doesn’t matter…”


The prayer beads turned for six weeks, and the girl was dying.

The old monk sighed with complicated mind.

That’s it…

Suddenly, the old monk seemed to realize something, and suddenly looked up, his eyes were inexplicable.

In sight, I saw a hatchet breaking through the wind and snow, breaking through the air, and instantly piercing his body.

Then, a figure rushed out from the wind and snow.


The old woman looked up, flustered.

The boy was as firm as ever, stopped in front of the former girl, embraced the girl in his arms, and picked it up.

The prayer beads landed.

The boy walked into the wind and snow again holding the former girl, and gradually disappeared.

This time, let’s go together…

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