My Love Style Is A Bit Abnormal

Chapter 358

Chapter 358, [After Tomorrow]

Chapter 358, [after tomorrow]

Now that this matter has been decided, Xiao Yi and the others did not delay any longer, and went out to prepare related matters after hurriedly eating.

Although Su Yunqing didn’t say anything, he still acquiesced to this small proposal.

Moreover, she herself agreed with this proposal.

Xiao Yi first drove Xiaoxiao and Yunqing to Chu Jing’s apartment, then turned around and headed towards the nearby gas station.

Back to the apartment.

Chu Jing was lying on the sofa with a mask on.

Now she has passed artist training and participated in a web drama filmed by Net Yiyun.

Because it is a newcomer, it is inevitable that the early stage is more difficult.

After all, the coffee position has not gone up, and it is impossible to play big names.

However, everyone in the company basically knew that she had something to do with the big boss. After all, when she came to Net Yiyun, Xiao Yi personally brought her here. How could they ever see Xiao Yi being so interested in a new artist?

Combined with Chu Jing’s good looks, almost everyone understood some of the inner meanings.

So Chu Jing got along well in Wang Yiyun, and she didn’t open her eyes to ask for trouble.

After meeting with Xiaoxiao, Chu Jing was a little reluctant to learn that Yunqing was going to Xicheng.

But he didn’t say much, he took off the mask and helped to pack up his clothes.

Fill up the car.

After going to the nearby shopping mall to buy enough snacks, Xiao Yi drove downstairs to Chu Jing’s apartment.

After a while, Su Yunqing and Xiaoxiao went downstairs together.

Walking forward, taking their suitcases and putting them in the trunk, Xiaoxiao and Yunqing sat in the back seat holding hands.

Then, Xiao Yi returned to Huqiu to pick up Qingyi.

At this time, it was already about ten o’clock in the night.

Because of the night road and not many vehicles on the road, Xiao Yi was not driving very fast.

Listening to the chattering voice in the back seat, Xiao Yi had a smile on his face.

At first Xiao Yi was a little hesitant, but now that he was driving on the road, he realized how suitable Xiao Yi’s suggestion was.

Silent night.

Driving on the boundless highway, looking at the bright lights outside the window, listening to the soft and melodious voice behind me, can really calm down the impetuous mind in an instant.

About half an hour or so, the car left Suzhou.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, Xiaoxiao stretched his head out of the window, took a breath of fresh air, and said excitedly.

“Sister Qingyi, Sister Yunqing, the moon looks good tonight.”

Looking for the sound, Xiao Yi slowed down, raised his eyes and looked out the window.

I saw a bright moon hanging above the dark night sky.

Scattered around are some dim stars.

On the night of the full moon, there are generally fewer stars, and it is precisely because of this that the full moon is more charming and bright.

Because the season is approaching late summer, and the surrounding mountains overlap, the air is not sultry, but rather cool.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi caught a glimpse of Su Yunqing’s face through the rearview mirror, and seemed to be holding back something.

With a clear mind, Xiao Yi found a suitable passage and drove the car into an uninhabited lane, then stopped the car.

Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled and said suspiciously.

“Brother, where are you going?”

Before Xiao Yi could answer, Jiang Qingyi said with a smile.

“I drank a lot of water just now. I want to make it easier.”

After speaking, he took Su Yunqing’s little hand and said softly.

“Yunqing, will you go with me?”

Nodding, Su Yunqing blushed and let Qingyi hold her hand and walk towards the dark place.

After realizing it, Xiao Yi glanced at Xiao Yi with a faint glance.

“Brother, you and Sister Qingyi really have a heart-to-heart relationship.”

“Go, go, do you want to arrange me?”

Glancing at her angrily, Xiao Yi pushed the door and got out of the car.

Looking around, there was no light.

However, because of the bright moonlight, Siye could still see clearly.

The cool breeze blew slowly, swept across the hills and brushed my cheeks, and a sense of comfort immersed in the heart and spleen spread from the bottom of my heart.

Xiaoxiao didn’t sit still, he found a quick space to put a cushion on, and lay down leisurely.

“Brother, do you eat potato chips?”

“Don’t eat.”

“Where’s the milk?”

“Don’t drink.”

“Hmph, I’ll wait until you’re hungry, I won’t give you anything you want.”

While the brothers and sisters were fighting, Jiang Qingyi and Su Yunqing had already finished walking back.

Seeing this, Xiaoxiao busy pulled them to sit down on the mat.

“Sister Qingyi, Sister Yunqing, let’s take a break before we set off.”

Xu is because of what happened just now, Su Yunqing was still a little shy, with a blushing face and dared not look at people, but Jiang Qingyi looked as usual, took the snacks on the mat and distributed a bag to Yunqing.

that’s it.

The group of four stopped temporarily at the junction of Suzhou and Xicheng.

A place off the beaten track but with beautiful scenery.

Mei Feng chatted excitedly for a few words, and suddenly Xiao Xiao looked at Xiao Yi and said.

“Brother, I haven’t heard you sing for a long time.”

“Such a good atmosphere, sing a song to listen to it?”

Hearing this, Jiang Qingyi also looked at Xiao Yi.

Women are all sensual creatures, and the scene at this time is romantic enough, which inevitably softens their minds.

The bright moon is in the sky, there is no one in the four fields, only each other.

With a slight smile, Xiao Yi found a smooth bluestone and sat on it, then looked up at the moon above his head and said softly.

“it is good.”

A mellow voice sounded leisurely in the night sky.

[The night sky without stars, there is no topic to add]

【Too many promises slip through your fingers, dare not ask for anything】

【When memories detained us and kissed in an instant】

[Everything is hazy like reincarnation, and my heart gradually loses control]

Seeing that under the night, the younger brother was sitting on the stone and singing emotionally, a certain heartstring in Su Yunqing’s heart was suddenly fiddled for no reason.

She loves the person in front of her.

Love everything about him, love his uninhibitedness, love his occasional rambling, and love his sudden seriousness and sincerity.

Just as he sang this sentence, his heart gradually lost control.

Sometimes a person really can’t control his heartbeat.

In fact, Su Yunqing understood many things in his heart.

Today’s trip that says go away, in fact, everything is for oneself.

Listening to the song quietly, Xiao Xiao shook her ponytail proudly, Jiang Qingyi looked at Xiao Yi calmly, with a shallow smile on her face.

The singing continues.

[Whether you fall in love with someone or not, after tomorrow, Shan Ming and Shui Xiu are no better than you. 】

[Holding your hand until the end, how to turn back at this moment. 】

After the song ended, Xiao Yi joked while looking at the three people who were in a daze.

“After singing, why didn’t you get any applause?”

Hearing this, Xiaoxiao immediately clapped her little hands and cheered.

“It sounds great!!!”

“Brother, what’s the name of this song? Did you make it up yourself?”

Putting his eyes on Su Yunqing, Xiao Yi replied softly.

“The song is called After Tomorrow.”

Su Yunqing turned her head slightly when she noticed that Xiao Yi was looking at her, her heart quivering slightly.

After tomorrow~

After tomorrow, can you really go to the end like he sang?

For no reason.

When Su Yunqing listened to this lyrics, her heart suddenly felt a little sour.

(End of this chapter)

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