My Little Girlfriend is Too Possessive, What Should I Do?

Chapter 22 - (1)

There was no taxi at the gate of the hospital, and Cheng Nan ran for several hundred meters before encountering an unmanned taxi. He didn’t care about the money, and hurriedly asked the driver to drive to Ping An Old Street.

Cheng Nan sat in the taxi and kept sending messages to Shen Chenxi, but no one answered; calling, no one answered.

It was less than an hour’s drive, but Cheng Nan felt like he was on pins and needles.

After Cheng Nan got home and got off the car, she saw Zhang Pi squatting on the side of her corridor and playing with her mobile phone. When she saw her, she immediately stood up and pointed to the stairs and said to her, “There is a man in a suit who has been upstairs. Wait for you, go up quickly!”

“Thank you.” Cheng Nan left a sentence and hurried upstairs.

When I waited on the third floor, I found that a man who looked like an elite was leaning on her rusty green iron door and sliding the screen of his mobile phone. When he saw Cheng Nan’s appearance, he stood up straight and put down his glasses. .

“Hello Ms. Cheng Nan, my name is Xiao Ke, you can call me Secretary Xiao.” When Xiao Ke spoke, Cheng Nan felt very uncomfortable, and they usually don’t talk like that.

Cheng Nan was a little out of breath, and after calming down, he asked directly, “Secretary Xiao, where is Shen Chenxi now?”

“The chairman and I made a special trip to pick up Miss Shen Chenxi home today. The chairman asked me to thank you for him. I am very grateful for your careful care of the lady during this time. I have been bothering you.” The corner of Secretary Xiao’s mouth kept hanging. With the kindest smile, “Shall I come into your house and say a few words to you?”

Cheng Nan pursed his lips, took out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

“Please come in.”

“Your home looks very warm. Although it is not very big, it is enough for two or three people to live in.” Secretary Xiao commented with a smile on his face.

Secretary Xiao was obviously a little surprised when he passed by the dining table and saw the lonely pot of eight-treasure porridge left.

“Do you only drink eight-treasure porridge at noon?”

Cheng Nan cited Secretary Xiao to sit on the old sofa and poured a glass of warm water for Secretary Xiao.

“I have something to do this morning, and I cooked it for Shen Chenxi for breakfast.”

Secretary Xiao took a sip of tea with a smile and said: “Then my lady really doesn’t choose, it seems that she eats the eight-treasure porridge as a Chinese food. She used to choose it, and she doesn’t eat any precious and precious dishes from the mountains and seas, but now it is an eight-treasure porridge. You can eat them all.”

Secretary Xiao has something to say, but Cheng Nan’s mood is not very good now. He doesn’t want to go around with him, so he said bluntly: “If you have something to say, just say it.”

Secretary Xiao looked at Cheng Nan for a long time, and finally said, “Since you said so, then I won’t detour.”

He took out an envelope from his briefcase and put it on the low table, the smile on his face faded into a professional smile.

“That’s right,” Secretary Xiao pushed the envelope in front of Cheng Nan, “there is a check for 500,000 yuan. As long as you promise us one condition, the money will be given to you unconditionally.”

Cheng Nan’s eyes fell on the envelope from Secretary Xiao’s face, and his voice did not waver: “What conditions?”

“Between you, break up.”

Cheng Nan lowered his eyes when he heard the words, and looked at the envelope for a long time without answering.

Secretary Xiao frowned slightly: “It is impossible for you to be together. Maybe you are just curious about the relationship between the same **** and want to try it, but you must know that some people are destined to be impossible to turn this curiosity into reality.”

“500,000, buy out this month’s acquaintance between you, you have to learn to be satisfied.”

Seeing that Cheng Nan still didn’t speak, Secretary Xiao’s eyes became more solemn, and he stretched out his hand to help his glasses again.

“I heard that your grandmother is in the hospital at this time. It seems that her condition has begun to deteriorate. She needs money urgently. This money may be able to solve her urgent needs. Are you right?”

Cheng Nan’s face became ugly at this time. She looked at Secretary Xiao seriously: “Have you investigated me?”

Secretary Xiao did not deny it: “know some.”

“As long as you nod your head, the money is yours.” Secretary Xiao tapped on the envelope, “Emotion is the most false thing. If you love you one second, you can stop loving you the next second. Having money is the most real thing, it is really in your hands and will never leave you.”

Cheng Nan looked at the envelope on the low table. In his mind, the unconscious grandmother in the hospital ward and Shen Chenxi, who grabbed her clothes and kissed her on the foot…

She lowered her eyes and finally closed them.

Shen Chenxi had already left, but her grandmother was still lying on the hospital bed waiting for her to take the money to save her life.

A cold-hearted person like her might not be worthy of Shen Chenxi at all, not worthy of that sincere love.

She gathered all her emotions, and when she opened it again, she slowly raised the corners of her mouth. He reached out and took the envelope, opened it, took out the check inside, and looked at the five hundred thousand on it.

“Okay.” Cheng Nan heard himself say, “Yes.”

She looked up at Secretary Xiao and said coldly, “But I don’t want a check, I want cash.”

Secretary Xiao was stunned for a moment: “You can cash the check directly at the bank.”

There are many problems with checks and they are easy to invalidate.

Cheng Nan: “I’m just a poor man. I haven’t seen a check yet. How do I know how to cash it? You’d better give me cash directly. It’s more convenient.”

Secretary Xiao’s face was ugly: “There is no bank near you at all!”

Cheng Nan shrugged: “Yes, look for it. I’ll talk to you when you bring the money.”

Secretary Xiao looked at Cheng Nan’s appearance, suppressed the anger in his heart, and pulled out a faint smile.

“Then wait a minute, I’ll get you money.”

Seeing the figure of Secretary Xiao leaving in a hurry, Cheng Nan felt empty in her heart. She held the cup and lost her mind for a while. Then she took out her mobile phone and called the parent of a student who used to make up the class. She remembered that student. The eldest daughter of the family is a law student, has graduated and is working in a law firm.

After Secretary Xiao entered Cheng Nan’s house with a box of cash, he saw a woman in a suit sitting on the sofa and smiling at her. Several contracts were already placed on the table, all of which were gift contracts. .

Secretary Xiao: “…”

When the two signed the contract, the woman recorded the harmony with her mobile phone.

After finishing the procedure, Cheng Nan, in front of Secretary Xiao, deleted all the contact information about Shen Chenxi from the mobile phone, and finally handed the mobile phone to Secretary Xiao: “Do you want to check it?”

After watching Cheng Nan’s operation, Secretary Xiao suddenly asked, “Have you really loved Miss Shen Chenxi?”

Cheng Nan didn’t expect Secretary Xiao to ask this. After a while, she heard her voice flat and replied, “Does this question make sense?”

Secretary Xiao’s expression became indifferent. He stretched out his hand to support his glasses and nodded, “That’s fine, after all, you are not destined to be from the same world.”

“Can I trouble you to help me pack everything Miss? I need to take it away.”

“Okay, you’ll wait.” Cheng Nan got up and responded, and soon packed a large suitcase.

“Her private parts are probably here.”

“Thank you.” Secretary Xiao said.

Secretary Xiao took the suitcase from Cheng Nan, put Shen Chenxi’s mobile phone found early in his trouser pocket, and stood at the door to say goodbye to Cheng Nan.

“I’ll go first, bye.”

Cheng Nan leaned against the door frame and nodded simply: “Goodbye.”

Watching Secretary Xiao quickly disappear into the corridor with his suitcase, Cheng Nan suddenly felt very tired.

At this time, the woman who had been mute on the sofa also came over. She pushed on her glasses and looked at Cheng Nan indifferently: “It’s done, I’ll go first.”

Cheng Nan: “Okay, I will send the money to your firm later.”

Woman: “Okay. Don’t forget to pay your taxes.”

Cheng Nan: “Okay, I will go.”

After the woman left, Cheng Nan slammed the door shut, walked into the guest room with his slippers, and fell asleep on the bed with his eyes closed, without even covering the quilt.

The box containing half a million cash was just sitting there on the low table in the living room, motionless.

Cheng Nan slept from the afternoon until late at night. She rolled over and looked at the ceiling in large letters.

She had a dream just now. In the dream, Shen Chenxi pinched her neck for a while and asked her why she broke up with her, why she didn’t want her for half a million, and then grabbed her with red eyes and tears. Clothes begged her not to abandon her, not to break up… The whole dream made Cheng Nan extremely uncomfortable.

“You can get 500,000 with just a nod and save my grandmother’s life. Why don’t you agree? You don’t all leave?” Cheng Nan tried his best to look cold-hearted and cold-blooded. In her opinion, this is the Should be her real look.

Cheng Nan got up with an indifferent expression and went to get something to eat for herself. First, she ate all the cold eight-treasure porridge. After Cheng Nan ate the porridge for two adults, she went again as if she was not full. Give yourself the following, tomato and egg noodles, which is also for two people.

She is like a hungry beggar who sees food and eats frantically.

Finally, I was full and went back to my room to sleep.

The next day, Cheng Nan took the money to pay the tax, paid the lawyer’s fee, and transferred all the remaining money to his card.

Shen Chenxi was taken directly back to the sea market, and she was locked at home and not allowed to go out.

“The company needs to develop the business in Beijing. I have already arranged the transfer for you, and you will study in Beijing in the future.” Jiang Yichen said in a flat tone, “We are not allowed to get up late for the flight tomorrow morning.”

After Jiang Yichen finished speaking, he closed Shen Chenxi’s door and locked the door from the outside. This is Jiang Yichen’s usual style.

Shen Chenxi was sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, looking at the starry night sky outside the window, she was thinking about Cheng Nan.

She left without saying goodbye, what about Cheng Nan?

Cheng Nan would be flustered if he couldn’t see her at home? Will you go outside to find her?

Shen Chenxi gripped her hair in pain. She was so confused at the time that she forgot to take away the phone on the sofa, and now she can’t even get in touch.

She suddenly remembered that she hadn’t thrown away the old mobile phone that she had replaced before, and hurriedly rummaged around. She managed to dig out the old mobile phone, but she couldn’t connect to the WI-FI! Jiang Yichen disconnected the internet at home!

Shen Chenxi held the old mobile phone tightly, and lay helplessly on the bed, staring at the chandelier above her head in a daze, feeling very annoyed.

No, she is going to find Cheng Nan, and Cheng Nan will worry about her!

Shen Chenxi quietly walked behind the door, grabbed the handle and twisted it down, as expected, it was locked.

In the past, she didn’t care, she had no sense of belonging to the world, she could stay anywhere, and it didn’t matter if she was locked. But it’s different now. She has someone she likes, she wants to find her, and she wants to be with her forever.

Since he planned to run away, he would definitely need money then, so Shen Chenxi lightly put all the money, cards, and precious jewelry in the room into his backpack, and then found himself a mask and hat. Then it’s time to wait.

In the middle of the night, Shen Chenxi started to move, carefully cutting the quilt with scissors, and then tying them together. Her room was on the third floor, and the sheets were of good quality and would not break.

Shen Chenxi carefully slid from the third floor along the sheets to the lawn on the first floor. Just as she stood firm and was about to leave, the lights in the entire villa and yard turned on, which was extremely dazzling.

Several black-clothed bodyguards surrounded Shen Chenxi, preventing her from escaping.

Jiang Yichen walked up to Shen Chenxi with a cold face and turned against the light, without speaking, and slapped Shen Chenxi’s face fiercely.

“Crack” made a crisp sound.

“It seems that you still don’t know what you should or shouldn’t do. Shen Chenxi, although you are dumb, you are still my Jiang Yichen’s daughter! You are the heir of the Shen family! You can’t mess with women. Together!”

“Don’t you think you’re disgusting?”

Shen Chenxi’s eyes were about to come out when she heard that, her face was covered with red handprints, her eyes were bloodshot, and her fists were clenched.

She suddenly rushed up and wanted to die with Jiang Yichen, but was stubbornly stopped by the black-clothed bodyguard, and finally pressed to the ground and couldn’t move.

Jiang Yichen walked up to Shen Chenxi and squatted down, looking at Shen Chenxi’s embarrassed appearance at this moment, and sneered.

“Do you know how stupid you are now? You think you are going to see your loved one, but does the love you think you really love you?”

Shen Chenxi suddenly raised her head and stared at Jiang Yichen, Jiang Yichen smiled disdainfully, took out a recording pen from his pocket, opened it, and threw it on the lawn, and soon the voices of Secretary Xiao and Cheng Nan came from inside.

“Just say it if you have something to say.”

This is Cheng Nan’s voice!

“Since you said so, then I won’t go around the corner.”

This is Secretary Xiao’s!

“There is a check for 500,000 yuan. As long as you agree to one condition, the money will be given to you unconditionally.”

“What conditions?”

“Between you, break up.”

Secretary Xiao’s words caused endless panic in Shen Chenxi’s heart.

Cheng Nan, no, don’t promise him! You don’t promise him! The love between us can’t be broken!

Cheng Nan didn’t speak for a long time, and Shen Chenxi’s heart kept beating drums, the more he beat, the more chaotic it became.


When Shen Chenxi heard Cheng Nan say this, she lowered her head, her eyes darkened, and her face was expressionless.

After the edited recording was played, Jiang Yichen squatted down and looked at Shen Chenxi and said, “It’s only 500,000 yuan, and you are abandoned. With this kind of person, you still want to find her?”

Jiang Yichen’s voice was indifferent: “You said, if you didn’t have money before, would she still be willing to be with you?”

Shen Chenxi raised her head to stare at him, her mouth moved, and she said a few words.

In this family, her only relative has never learned sign language or lip language for her. Instead, she has a secretary who can speak sign language and lip language. Every time she has a conversation with Shen Chenxi, she is translated by an assistant.

The assistant kept staring at Shen Chenxi’s lips, and immediately translated: “She said it’s none of your business.”

Shen Chenxi kept talking silently, and the assistant translated at the same time.

Assistant: “If she can stay with me all the time because of money, I’ll be too happy.”

Jiang Yichen was annoyed by what Shen Chenxi said, and immediately got up with a cold face and said, “Anyway, it is impossible for you to have any contact with her anymore.”

Assistant: “You are dreaming! Unless I die, I will definitely go to her!”

Shen Chenxi made a will early on. If she died or went crazy, all the shares, houses and money she got would be donated to the National Education Foundation for Poverty Alleviation in Remote Areas. Jiang Yichen wouldn’t even think of taking a penny from her. arrive. At that time, with the little shares in Jiang Yichen’s hands, he would not be able to hold the position of chairman of Shen’s Group at all.

Jiang Yichen’s face darkened with anger, he squatted down and looked at Shen Chenxi for a long time, and finally smiled.

“I heard that Cheng Nan’s academic performance is very good? Is it one of the top students in Huaxian County? Can she be admitted to the top ten in the country? You said, if I let her get rid of her student status, she will not be able to take the college entrance examination, or she will never be able to take the college entrance examination. Missing from reading… Are you still going to find her?”

Jiang Yichen’s words exploded in Shen Chenxi’s mind. She was not afraid of Jiang Yichen, nor was she afraid of death, but she was afraid that Cheng Nan would get in trouble because of her. She remembered how much Cheng Nan wanted to take the exam.

She stared at Jiang Yichen with red eyes.

Assistant: “If you touch her, I’ll show you right away!”

Jiang Yichen said: “As long as you listen to me calmly, she will not be troubled in any way, and she will hate you in the end.”

Shen Chenxi gave up her resistance and let the bodyguards in black hold her down on the cold lawn.

Seeing Shen Chenxi like this, Jiang Yichen knew that Shen Chenxi had lost.

“Release.” Jiang Yichen waved to the bodyguard.

“Tomorrow morning’s flight, don’t be late.” Jiang Yichen said and left, no matter what happened to Shen Chenxi lying on the lawn.

Shen Chenxi was lying on the lawn, trying to turn over, looking at the bright stars in the sky, but suddenly felt a little dazzling, she closed her eyes, but the tears kept falling from the corners of her eyes.

When Shen Chenxi stepped on the plane to the distant Beijing with a black mask covering the fingerprints of his five fingers, Cheng Nan used the 500,000 yuan given by Secretary Xiao to go to the hospital to pay for the surgery.

The operation was a complete success, Wang Cuicui’s body gradually improved, and the person seemed to be in a lot of energy, which finally made Cheng Nan’s heart relax.

Cheng Nan sat beside Wang Cuicui’s hospital bed and looked at the precautions written by the doctor, when he heard his grandmother ask, “Why did you come alone? What about Xixi? Why didn’t she come?”

Cheng Nan’s hand paused, and without raising his head, he continued to look at the paper in his hand, with a natural tone: “She is just a tenant of our house, she will leave if she rents enough.”

Wang Cuicui looked surprised: “Ah, why don’t you come and see me and say goodbye to me before leaving, you call her and ask her to accompany me, I miss her.”

“Everyone is gone. If it’s too much trouble to call someone to come here on purpose, don’t call.” Cheng Nan said with a natural expression.

Wang Cuicui still wanted to see Shen Chenxi: “But she is very good to me…”

“You’re gone, why are you talking about this. Grandma, do you want something to eat?” Cheng Nan asked with a bowl of nutritious porridge.

“Don’t eat. I want to see Xixi, you ask her to accompany me.” Wang Cuicui pouted and said playfully.

Cheng Nan’s tone suddenly became fierce: “Everyone said she’s gone! She’s gone! Why do you let others come to accompany her? Is she your granddaughter or I am your granddaughter?”

Wang Cuicui obviously didn’t expect Cheng Nan’s anger to be so great, and watched Cheng Nan open his mouth, but finally didn’t say anything.

After Cheng Nan was angry, he complained about how he could be angry with grandma, and immediately softened his tone: “I’m sorry, grandma, I didn’t mean it, don’t be angry, don’t get angry, if you want to scold me, just scold me, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. “

Cheng Nan hugged Wang Cuicui and kept apologizing.

Wang Cuicui moved her shriveled lips, and finally said, “I want to drink porridge.”

“Okay, I’ll feed you.” Cheng Nan let go of Wang Cuicui, took the porridge from the cabinet, blew lightly, and slowly fed it.

When she got home at night, Cheng Nan shut herself in the toilet, turned on the bath water to the maximum, and kept hitting her. She raised her head and faced the strong current.

She can probably think of her grandmother’s thoughts today. Maybe she saw that she was in a bad mood. She thought she had quarreled with Shen Chenxi and wanted to find an excuse for her to find Shen Chenxi and make peace, but she didn’t know, it wasn’t a quarrel. , is abandonment.

It was she who crushed Shen Chenxi’s feelings towards her with 500,000 yuan.

Cheng Nan was very irritable, his mind was messy, and his body was very tired. After washing for a long time, I came out, walked straight into the guest room, fell into a deep sleep, and did not eat for a day.

Since Shen Chenxi left, Cheng Nan has never stepped into the room that originally belonged to her, as if Shen Chenxi’s name had been written on the door of that room, and no one could enter when she was not there.

The next day, Cheng Nan was woken up not by hunger, but by a phone call.

She was completely weak, and it felt like a lead ball was loaded in her head, which was very heavy.

“Hey…” Cheng Nan was dazed, his eyes were not open, and his voice was hoarse.

“Hello, is this Ms. Cheng Nan? We are the delivery staff of Kirin Electric. All the electric appliances you ordered in our brand store were delivered to you today. We are at your door now, are you at home? If you are at home Can I trouble you to open the door?” A male voice came from the phone.

Cheng Nan said hoarsely: “What? Qilin Electric? I didn’t buy it. Did you send it to the wrong place?”

“Then let me check the information with you, the consignee Cheng Nan, the receiving number is the one you answered, the receiving address is Nanping Ping’an Old Street, Huaxian County…”

It was indeed her information. With doubts in his heart, Cheng Nan went to open the door with a blushing face and weak steps. At the door, he saw four installers dressed in work uniforms of the Kirin Group.

“Hello, you are Ms. Cheng Nan.” The man who called her should be headed.

“Hello.” Cheng Nan replied simply.

Her voice was hoarse: “Did you send it wrong? I haven’t bought anything from you Qilin Electric.”

The man suddenly said: “You may not know that these appliances were bought by a lady surnamed Shen. She said that they were delivered to you, but she may have forgotten to tell you. Do you want to contact her and ask Is she so?”

His words made Cheng Nan’s mind clear: “Ms. Shen? Shen Chenxi?”

“Yes, that’s the name.”

Cheng Nan shook his head: “She doesn’t live here now, and she doesn’t need anything anymore. You can call her and get in touch with her.”

The man added: “She told us that these things are for you.”

“You happen to be at home today, or let us come in and install all these appliances for you. You can see if there is any problem.” The man said.

The man didn’t hear Cheng Nan’s response for a long time, and then he said, “Our installation is free, and we don’t need to pay any more.”

Cheng Nan looked at the large boxes piled up on the corridor, and probably knew that Shen Chenxi should have bought all kinds of electrical appliances.

She lowered her eyes, let out the door, and said hoarsely, “Then you can pretend.”

“Okay.” The man replied, his voice paused, and then said, “Ms. Cheng, I think you seem to have a fever, do you need us to take you to the hospital?”

Cheng Nan shook his head and refused: “No, there are antipyretics at home, I’ll just take a few pills, you can go after you pack them, and you should go to see them off later, so you won’t be delayed.”

Cheng Nan didn’t talk to them anymore, walked to the TV, squatted down, and opened the drawer, she remembered that she threw all the medicine in it.

Then Cheng Nan didn’t see the messy drawers she thought, but saw a home medicine box, where different types of medicines were sorted, and the dosage of each medicine was carefully posted. The outermost part of the medicine box There’s also a cute post-it note on the top floor that says: [I hope you never get sick and don’t take medicine (smiley)]

Cheng Nan looked at the post-it note and was silent for a long time. Finally, she took the antipyretic and ate it with warm water. She sat on the sofa in a daze. After the delivery staff left, she suddenly got up and went back to the room to call the landlord.


There was a connection there, and the voice of Wang Runze’s mother, Aunt Zhang, came over.

“Nannan, do you have anything to do with me?”

“It’s not a big deal, I just want to ask you something. Do you know which company Shen Chenxi’s parents run?”

Aunt Zhang was silent for a while, and said uncertainly: “I knew it was in Haishi. I heard that the company is quite big and rich, but I don’t know the rest.”

“It’s fine, it’s good for you to tell me the news, so I won’t bother you for now.”

“Don’t disturb, don’t disturb, by the way, let me tell you something, in fact, we old neighbors have always guessed that Jiang Yichen is married. You see, Jiang Yichen’s surname is Jiang, Xixi’s surname is Shen, and Xixi’s mother Also surnamed Shen, if you say that their child does not share the father’s surname but the mother’s surname, isn’t it a marriage.”

Aunt Zhang became interested and kept saying, “Although Jiang Yichen has hardly spoken to us, Grandma Xixi sometimes chats with us. You said that Jiang Yichen originally only lived in a small village in Huaxian County. Suddenly so rich, although he is said to have studied well and was admitted to university, it is impossible for him to have such money so quickly. Haven’t you seen that when he came to our side before, that car, that gift, a It’s piled up in piles, and Xixi’s grandmother can’t finish it, and then she feeds it to the children in the neighborhood.”

“Mom – why don’t you cook, I’m going to starve to death!” Wang Runze’s voice faintly came from the phone.

“Hey, hey, here we come,” Aunt Zhang responded a few times over there.

“Nannan, that’s all Auntie knows. I don’t know anything else. Auntie will go back next week. You can come to my house for dinner then.”

“Okay, thank you auntie, I will.”

Cheng Nandai hung up the phone on the opposite side, and started searching for Jiang Yichen directly on his mobile phone. The first one went to the chairman of Shen’s Group, and he opened it and looked inside, and it was exactly what she was looking for. She browsed the information and got a general idea of ​​the Shen Group.

She turned off her phone and watched the snow falling outside the window. She got up and walked to the window, only to know later that it was snowing in Huaxian.

Cheng Nan changed his clothes and walked to the old street.

Snowflakes fell lightly on Cheng Nan’s head, face and neck, cold and soft.

It has not snowed in Huaxian for a long time. The last time it snowed was the year she first came to Huaxian. In the winter of that year, she had her father and grandmother by her side.

“Dudu” the phone vibrated twice, Cheng Nan took out the phone from his pocket, it was Zhang Xiaomin’s call.


“Cheng Nan! It’s snowing outside! Come out and see when it’s snowing!” Zhang Xiaomin’s cheerful voice came through his phone.

Cheng Nan stretched out his left hand to catch the snowflake falling from the sky, watching it lay quietly on his palm.

Cheng Nan: “I was on the old street and I saw it.”

“I’m here to find you, let’s build a snowman and play together!” Zhang Xiaomin hung up the phone in a hurry.

Cheng Nan closed the phone screen and put it back in his pocket, took out a chair from the corridor, and quietly watched the lightly falling Xiaoxue.

Many people who had returned from their hometown took their children out and stood on the old street together, exclaiming with joy.

The snow covered only a thin layer of the ground, as if they melted away as soon as the winter sun came out.

Soon, Zhang Xiaomin appeared in Cheng Nan’s sight. She was fully armed and wore extremely thick clothes. When she saw Cheng Nan alone, she even looked into the corridor a few times.

“Where’s Sister Chenxi? Why can’t you see her?” Zhang Xiaomin asked.

Cheng Nan: “She’s on her lease, and she’s gone.”

Zhang Xiaomin was shocked, she hadn’t seen her for a few days, and Shen Chenxi left?

“It’s so unkind! Don’t invite me to dinner before I leave! No, I have to call and ask her to go!” Zhang Xiaomin took off his gloves, took out his mobile phone, and started calling Shen Chenxi.

Cheng Nan stood up, walked to a small car parked on the edge of the old street, pushed all the snow that fell on the hood of the car to him, and built a snowman seriously.

“The number you dialed is an empty number…” Zhang Xiaomin was stupid, why did Shen Chenxi’s mobile number become an empty number?

Countless conjectures flashed through Zhang Xiaomin’s heart in an instant. She hurried to Cheng Nan’s side and said in a hurry, “Cheng Nan, Cheng Nan, did you know that Shen Chenxi’s mobile phone number is empty!”

“Well, I know.” Cheng Nan had already pressed it into a small ball with a little snow, which just happened to be the head of the little snowman.

“Then, where are we going to find her?” Zhang Xiaomin lowered his voice.

“We’ll see you again in the future, come and build a snowman.” Cheng Nan continued to press the loose snow road.

Zhang Xiaomin pouted, reluctantly.

“I originally thought that I would be able to make a snowman with sister Chenxi, but when she’s not here, I’ve lost that interest.”

“Then you go.”

“Hey! Won’t you keep me?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, pile up or not.”

The two quickly built a rudimentary snowman. Cheng Nan, with red hands, took out his mobile phone and took many pictures of the small and ugly snowman.

Save it first and show it to her later.

The sun is raging and the weather is sultry. The sea market in September is always easy to make people feel irritable.

Today is the first day of the Haida freshman report. The whole Haida is bustling and very lively.

Cheng Nan sat on a wooden bench under a tree at the entrance of Haida Gymnasium, boredly looking at the freshmen who walked by with their parents dragging heavy luggage with bright smiles on their faces.

“Dudu” the phone vibrated a few times.

Cheng Nan turned on the screen of his mobile phone and saw a message sent by Bai Lingxing to himself.

[The car entered the school gymnasium, are you there yet? 】

Cheng Nan simply replied: [Arrived]

Cheng Nan received a call from Bai Lingxing last night and asked her if she had time to help her with her luggage today. Cheng Nan asked her parents and she said that her parents were not coming and she was the only one reporting. Cheng Nan was silent for a while and then agreed. .

Cheng Nan took the 500,000 yuan given by Secretary Xiao to perform surgery on Wang Cuicui. Wang Cuicui successfully passed the dangerous period at that time and his health continued to improve. Cheng Nan University also suggested that Wang Cuicui should go to the sea market with her, so that she could Being able to take better care of Wang Cuicui was rejected by Wang Cuicui, and she was unwilling to leave Huaxian. Cheng Nan had no choice but to find a well-reviewed nursing home to send Wang Cuicui in. There are many elderly people in it, which is more lively, and there are nurses who can take care of Wang Cuicui, otherwise Cheng Nan would never let Wang Cuicui stay in Huaxian alone. of.

And Bai Lingxing helped her take care of Wang Cuicui during Cheng Nan’s third year of sprinting for the exam, which made Cheng Nan grateful.

In fact, Bai Lingxing’s family is not in a good condition. During the period when Bai Lingxing’s grandmother was hospitalized, Cheng Nan only saw Bai Lingxing alone to take care of her own grandmother. Bai Lingxing said that her parents were divorced and her father was gambling excessively. She is sick and hospitalized, and the burden of the family is all supported by her mother. Her mother works multiple jobs a day and has no time to see her grandmother. Moreover, her brother is still in elementary school, so the burden on the family is even heavier. I hope she will continue to study. She dropped out of school early to work outside to lighten the burden on the family.

This time too, Bai Lingxing’s mother was trapped by work, her younger brother was still young, and even though her grandmother had been discharged from the hospital, she could only stay at home, so Bai Lingxing took the initiative to say that she wanted to exercise herself and went alone.

Soon, a bus stopped at the Grid Square, which is very large, and there is still some distance between the place to get off the bus and the welcome point set up by the majors of each college.

Cheng Nan got up and stuffed the phone into his trouser pocket, opened the parasol, and walked to the bus without any haste.

‘Actually, you don’t need to call me for help, there are plenty of seniors who are willing to carry luggage for the single freshman elementary school girl. ‘ Cheng Nan thought to himself.

A large group of seniors, sophomores and juniors, had already gathered beside the bus, with bright smiles on their faces. If they could meet an eye-catching elementary school girl, wouldn’t this love come?

In the eyes of many seniors, sophomores and juniors, freshman elementary school girls are the most pure and lovely, obedient and well-behaved, and they are the most suitable girlfriends.

When Cheng Nan walked over, she saw Bai Lingxing taking out her luggage. She walked over and greeted her with a smile.

“Hello, schoolgirl.”

Hearing this, Bai Lingxing turned his head to see Cheng Nan, his face full of joy, he waved his hand and smiled: “Hello, senior!”

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to report.” Cheng Nan took her suitcase and walked with her to the welcome point.

She didn’t see a girl in a white dress just getting off the bus, staring at the back of the two leaving in a daze, the darkness in the depths of her eyes became more and more intense, she tightly clenched her hand on her side, The nails ripped through the palms, and the blood dripped down the cracks of the fists.

When the seniors who were still squatting beside the bus saw the girl’s appearance, their eyes flashed with amazement, and they stepped forward one after another.

“Sister, I’m really bothering you today. I’ll treat you to dinner later as compensation for helping me carry my luggage.” Bai Lingxing said beside Cheng Nan.

Cheng Nan shook his head and refused: “It’s okay, I have something to do in a while, so I won’t have dinner with you. I’ll invite you next time when I’m free.”

“That’s it, okay, then you agreed to treat me to a meal, senior sister can’t be fooled.” Bai Lingxing said.

“Okay,” Cheng Nan nodded and replied.

The two walked and chatted, but they didn’t expect that when the two had just walked into the outdoor tent placed at the welcome point, it suddenly poured rain outside, and countless students who were still in the square sprinted for 800 meters.

The parents of the students who were wet by the rain were all taking shelter from the rain, and many people came outside.

There were too many people, and many people started chatting. Next to Cheng Nan and Bai Lingxing stood two boys, who seemed to be sophomores.

“This weather is really weird. The sun is shining one second, and the next second is dark clouds and heavy rain.”

“Who says it’s not, it’s very weird… By the way, speaking of weirdness, I just saw a girl that was weird.”

“How to say?”

“The person is very beautiful but it is also very strange. Others take the initiative to help her carry her luggage. If she doesn’t want it, then forget it. She doesn’t leave. I don’t answer you and don’t pay attention to you. Not only will I not leave when it rains, but she will also squat on the ground. She doesn’t listen to other people’s kind words to her, and she is still squatting there now.”

“Ah, so weird.”

Cheng Nanyue heard something wrong, she felt a little bored for no reason, she stood up and looked at the square, and vaguely saw a few people holding umbrellas in a circle, as if they were watching something.

Cheng Nanmin pursed his lips, looked around, caught an acquaintance and asked her to help him take Bai Lingxing there

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