My Little Girlfriend is Too Possessive, What Should I Do?

Chapter 20

When I came to the KTV entrance, I found that it was pouring rain outside. Countless customers and pedestrians were trapped by the sudden heavy rain and crowded at the KTV entrance to avoid the rain.

Southern winters are clammy and cold, and no matter how many pieces you wear, you can’t feel the cold. The bone-chilling rain slammed the ground violently, smashing into people’s hearts.

“Why is it raining so much all of a sudden? The weather forecast said before going out that it won’t rain tonight, so I can’t believe it.” A young and beautiful girl stood beside the two and rubbed her palms. Ha gas complained.

“It’s okay, I’ll accompany you.” An ordinary-looking boy stood next to the girl, the boy took off his jacket and put it on the girl, then took out his mobile phone to check the weather forecast, “The weather forecast said that this rain is a thunderstorm, very It will stop soon.”

“Yeah, that’s about the same…”

Cheng Nan took Shen Chenxi’s hand and stuffed Shen Chenxi’s frozen hand into his jacket pocket to keep warm. The two of them tilted their heads at the same time and smiled at each other.

Sure enough, as the boy said, the thunderstorm stopped quickly, but because it was a sudden rainstorm, and the drainage system in Huaxian County was even more old, countless stagnant water was flowing on the ground, which seriously affected everyone. ‘s travel.

Many people kept complaining in their mouths, but they still walked out with this pitch-black dirty water. If we don’t take advantage of the rain to stop now, what if it rains again later? None of them brought umbrellas.

Everyone gathered at the entrance of the KTV was using taxi software to take taxis. As a result, they couldn’t get a taxi at all, and no taxis appeared. The irritability of everyone became more and more intense.

Cheng Nan looked at the taxi-hailing software on his mobile phone that kept spinning in circles, waited for a long time, and finally gave up. She turned her head and said to Shen Chenxi: “It’s still early, and there is still a night bus to take it. Can we take the bus back later?”

Shen Chenxi always listened to Cheng Nan’s words and nodded in agreement.

Cheng Nan took Shen Chenxi out of the crowd and walked for a while in the direction of the street. He found that the whole street was full of water, and there was no place where there was less water. Finally, he had to go over there. on the street, smiled helplessly, turned to look at the cute little girlfriend, reached out and rubbed her hair, and then squatted down in front of her.

Shen Chenxi: ? ? ? What is Cheng Nan doing?

Shen Chenxi’s face was full of doubts, and then she heard Cheng Nan’s voice, “Come up, I’ll carry you over there, the water is so deep on the ground, it’s enough for one person to wet his shoes, don’t let both of them get wet.”

Cheng Nan saw that Shen Chenxi was not lying on her back, turned his head and saw that Shen Chenxi was still standing behind her with a smirk, the smile on his face was extremely bright, without Cheng Nan shouting, she jumped to Cheng with a run. Fortunately, Cheng Nan was well prepared and was not hit on the road by the impact force.

“You made me almost fall.” Cheng Nan smiled helplessly.

Shen Chenxi put her arms around Cheng Nan’s neck, and swayed behind Cheng Nan’s back, coquettishly.

Cheng Nan carried the person on his back and walked steadily into the stagnant water.

Shen Chenxi hugged Cheng Nan’s neck tightly, her small legs swaying happily, her face buried in Cheng Nan’s shoulders, and she giggled silently.

As if being happy was not enough, he was so happy that he tilted his head and kissed Cheng Nan’s earlobe. Cheng Nan was so frightened that he almost let go of the hands that hooked Shen Chenxi’s legs/legs.

“There are so many people, don’t mess around!”

Cheng Nan’s ears were a little red, and he deliberately upset Shen Chenxi, so frightened that Shen Chenxi immediately hugged Cheng Nan’s neck, not daring to make any small movements.

The two finally squeezed into a bus full of people. With his years of experience, Cheng Nan quickly grabbed an open space by the window, and kept Shen Chenxi in his arms so that no one would get crowded. .

After the operation, Cheng Nan felt that he was about to sweat in this big winter, while Shen Chenxi kept smiling and frowning in the protective circle that Cheng Nan had circled for her.

A hand was lightly placed on Cheng Nan’s shoulder, Cheng Nan frowned slightly, turned his head to look, and met Zhang Xiaomin’s mean face.

“Sister, it’s a coincidence that you are also on this train.” Zhang Xiaomin put his hand on Cheng Nan’s shoulder, and smiled at Shen Chenxi who was in Cheng Nan’s protection circle, “Sister Chenxi is so beautiful tonight! “

Cheng Nan flicked Zhang Xiaoming’s hand off his shoulder, “Why did you come out, why don’t you continue to spend your birthday with the monitor?”

“As soon as you left, the monitor’s mother called her and said that all the relatives and friends in the family were here, waiting for her to cut the cake, so our group had to disperse.”

Zhang Xiaoming bumped Cheng Nandao with his elbow: “Just now, the way you crossed the road with sister Chenxi on your back was seen by our group. Everyone was shocked to death. You didn’t see it, how exaggerated their expressions were!”

Shen Chenxi’s eyes lit up when she heard the words, her body stood up quite a bit, and she wanted to hear Zhang Xiaomin talk about the follow-up.

Cheng Nan frowned slightly, she was only worried, when Shen Chenxi kissed her, was anyone seen?

“Just saw me carrying her?” Cheng Nan asked calmly.

“Otherwise, since the distance is so far, we can recognize you because of our good eyes! Let’s not talk about that, look, in order to catch up with you, I have soaked my new pair of shoes, don’t you feel moved?” Zhang Xiaomin tugged. Her trousers and trousers were soaked through, and most importantly, she had only been wearing these new shoes for a few days!

Cheng Nan suddenly turned his head to look directly at Zhang Xiaomin, and said slowly, “What do you mean by Truth or Dare?”

Zhang Xiaomin was suddenly speechless, and then quickly said: “Listen to my sophistry! No, listen to my explanation!”

At this moment, the bus suddenly came to a sudden stop, Cheng Nan held the railing with one hand, and held Shen Chenxi in his arms with the other, and stood still.

There was a lot of noise in the car, and then I heard the driver apologize in Huaxian dialect: “I’m sorry, a child rushed out just now, and there is no way to do it.”

Listening to the reasons, everyone expressed their understanding.

Shen Chenxi was protected by Cheng Nan, so she was fine, but Zhang Xiaomin was a little bit miserable. She fell into the crowd, her face was in close contact with a student’s thermos cup, and her face turned red.

“Hey, why am I so unlucky today! My shoes are wet and my face is damaged! Don’t ruin my beautiful face!” Zhang Xiaomin said miserably.

Out of humanitarianism, Cheng Nan put his arms around Shen Chenxi and moved to the side, and said to Zhang Xiaomin, “I’ll make room for you, take care of it yourself.”

“Thank you.” Zhang Xiaomin’s nose twitched, as the so-called play should be done.

The bus stopped at the bus stop at Laojiejiekou, and the three walked down.

“Goodbye, Sister Chenxi!” Zhang Xiaomin waved to Shen Chenxi, who also smiled and waved goodbye to her.

Then I saw Zhang Xiaomin run a few steps back and shout, “Sister Chenxi, if you want to come to my house, just send me a message, I warmly welcome you to live in my house!” After that, she turned her head and ran a 800-meter sprint.

Cheng Nan: “…”

Your pure heart is blocking me.

Cheng Nan looked blankly at the direction of Zhang Xiaomin’s disappearance, wondering when he would break up with her.

The right hand was held, Cheng Nan turned to look, Shen Chenxi gave her a sweet smile, a pair of warm hands wrapped her cold right hand, and led her to the rental house.

Cheng Nan tilted his head to look at Shen Chenxi who was walking beside her, and suddenly felt that on such a cold day, she felt a strong warmth.

After entering the house, Shen Chenxi rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find ginger, and then began to cook **** soup. After Cheng Nan drank a full bowl of **** soup, he went to take a bath with confidence.

Seeing Shen Chenxi walking into the toilet, Cheng Nan immediately drank two bowls of pure water.

God, Jiang put too much water and too little, and her throat was so hot that she almost cried.

Originally, Shen Chenxi said that the pot was all for Cheng Nan, and it was Cheng Nan who tried his best to ensure that he was fine, and won the right to drink only one bowl.

Shen Chenxi finished washing Cheng Nan, and when Cheng Nan came out of the bath, she saw Shen Chenxi holding the remote control facing the TV and constantly changing the channel, she walked over and sat beside her watching the video on the TV Ask: “Are you connected? What do you want to see?”

After asking this sentence, Cheng Nan’s expression suddenly became a little strange. At that time, a certain scene from the western thriller/action movie kept lingering in her mind.

Cheng Nan was immersed in his own world, and did not see Shen Chenxi open a horror movie.

It wasn’t until the strange ringtone came from the TV that hit people’s hearts, Cheng Nan woke up from his own world and looked up, a resentful spirit suddenly approaching the seven orifices and bleeding was approaching the camera, scaring her. He bounced his feet onto the sofa, hugged the pillow tightly, stared at Shen Chenxi’s profile, and didn’t dare to watch the horror movie that was being broadcast.

If you want her to watch a ghost movie, it is better to let her watch a thrilling/sexy action movie, at least that one is not scary!

Shen Chenxi turned her head slowly, met Cheng Nan’s frightened eyes, was silent, turned her head back again, and stared at the pure scary pictures on the TV.

She originally wanted to take this opportunity to lie down in Cheng Nan’s arms delicately, listening to her comforting herself: “Don’t be afraid, those are all fake.” Finally, she watched horror movies again and did not dare to be alone Sleep with her.

but now…

The movie was quickly shut down by Cheng Nan on the grounds that sleeping late was bad for his health, but Cheng Nan naturally took out the pillow from the guest room and walked into Shen Chenxi’s room.

Cheng Nan said solemnly, “I just watched a horror movie, you must be very scared, let me sleep with you.”

Shen Chenxi looked at Cheng Nan and nodded slowly.

The purpose is achieved…

Cheng Nan slept on the outer half of the bed, tossing and turning, and finally moved and moved, and didn’t stop until he took Shen Chenxi into his arms.

Sleeping with someone who was warm and hot, Cheng Nan’s fear was lessened. She closed her eyes, rubbed Shen Chenxi’s hair, found a comfortable position, and quickly fell asleep.

Shen Chenxi hadn’t slept at all, she felt Cheng Nan hugged her tightly, as if she belonged to her, which made her very happy, and she was willing to put the word Cheng Nan on her body. In the same way, she also hopes that Cheng Nan can have her name, her label, and it is best to let others know that Cheng Nan is hers.

Shen Chenxi looked up at Cheng Nan’s sleeping face, and for a long time, she suddenly raised her chin and kissed it.

Someone was kissing him, and Cheng Nan, who was awakened by the kiss, clearly felt it.

Cheng Nan opened her eyes, met Shen Chenxi’s inevitable eyes, and turned to attack. She turned over and pressed Shen Chenxi under her body. Shen Chenxi kept kissing her, and she kept hitting back.

When the love was strong, Shen Chenxi wanted to develop further, but was stopped by Cheng Nan. She reached out and stroked Shen Chenxi’s face, and a kiss gently landed on the scar on Shen Chenxi’s left cheek. Facing her stunned gaze, Cheng Nan said, “Wait until you graduate.”

Although both of them are adults, in Cheng Nan’s heart, graduation from high school is a hurdle. After that, a lot of things can be done, which is suitable for doing. Now, it is not suitable.

Cheng Nan took Shen Chenxi into his arms, closed his eyes and whispered, “I’m so sleepy, let’s sleep together.”

Shen Chenxi’s eyes kept wide open, she stroked her left cheek and the black scar, the smile on her face was the most sincere.

The moon hid in the thick clouds, but in an instant, a torrential rain began to fall outside, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, ding ding dong pounding on the windows, thunder rumbled, and lightning continued.


The author has something to say:

Possibly a small theater:

Shen Chenxi: I am an adult, I can.

Cheng Nan: …We are still young, and reading is our top priority.

Shen Chenxi: Then go talk to your book!

Cheng Nan: …it’s not warm and feels bad.

Shen Chenxi ordered a hundred hot water bottles on the spot.

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