My Little Girlfriend is Too Possessive, What Should I Do?

Chapter 2

Cheng Nan volunteered to help the girl with her luggage and put it in the living room.

[I am a little sleepy and want to take a bath and sleep. 】 After the girl entered the living room, she quickly typed a line for Cheng Nan to see.

Cheng Nan nodded and pointed, “The toilet is there, and there is a shower in it. I’ll let Wang Runze teach you how to use it.”

【I know, thank you. 】

In front of Cheng Nan and Wang Runze, the girl opened the suitcase, and the exposed side was half cosmetics and half books and exercise books.

No wonder it’s so heavy…

The wrist behind her twisted secretly. She had just helped her carry her luggage, thinking it was light, but she almost couldn’t lift it.

Cheng Nan glanced at the textbook for the second year of high school.

It turned out that I was still in the second year of high school, so small…

Wait, does she pay me that much rent as a high school student? Did her parents know that she came out alone to live in someone else’s house? But don’t be a child who ran away from home, it would be difficult for her parents to kill her.

The girl quickly took out her nightgown, stood up and went to the toilet.

“Wait,” Cheng Nanyi grabbed the girl’s slender arm and said to the girl’s doubtful eyes, “Do your parents know that you came out to live?”

The girl nodded without hesitation.

“Then you…” Cheng Nan’s voice paused, “Can you pay half the rent first?”

The girl looked straight into Cheng Nan’s eyes. Cheng Nan had a pair of untouched natural peach blossom eyes, but it was not soft at all on her face, but rather serious.

Standing in front of Cheng Nan, Shen Chenxi typed and showed her: [What’s your WeChat? I add you, and now I will transfer all the rent for one month to you. 】

“Okay.” Cheng Nan responded quickly, and immediately took out his QR code for her to scan. She suddenly raised her eyes and looked at herself, Bai Nen pointed at the mobile phone interface, Cheng Nan probed slightly and found that the girl’s interface was the remarks during the application.

“Cheng Nan,” Cheng Nan said, “Cheng of King Hekou, south, south, south, north and west.”

The girl nodded and quickly sent an application to add friends.

After Cheng Nan passed his friend, he saw a cute animation of “Hello (little cartoon girl sticking her head from the door popped up on the chat interface, and then a line of words popped up.

[Shen Chenxi, my name. 】

As soon as Cheng Nan lowered his head and entered Shen Chenxi’s name into a note, he heard the sound of the toilet door being closed.

The phone shook, it was Shen Chenxi’s transfer, and the monthly rent of 9,000 was transferred to Cheng Nan. Cheng Nan squinted his eyes with laughter after he ordered the payment.

“Why don’t you teach your sister Xixi how to use this water heater?” Cheng Nan said, pushing Wang Runze, who was already sitting cross-legged on the sofa watching TV. The water heater in her house was left by the previous tenant. It is a little old, and it is much more difficult to use than ordinary water heaters.

Wang Runze shrugged and hugged a pillow: “She knows how to use it, so she doesn’t need to teach.” After that, he continued to watch his cartoons.

Cheng Nan glanced at Wang Runze, good guy, dare to ignore me. She took a thick quilt and a pillow from the guest room cupboard and hit him on top.

“Keep your voice down, I want to write a paper.”

“Also, do you know when you will let her sleep in the room you slept in before?”

“Got it…” Wang Runze replied casually.

Cheng Nan picked up a theory and comprehensive exercise book on the top of the stack of books on the corner of the dining table, sat on the foldable dining table, picked up a black pen and lowered his head to write.

Before Shen Chenxi took a bath, she should have been able to complete the multiple-choice questions.

The moment Cheng Nan held the pen, the whole person instantly calmed down, and then he entered the world of test questions.

The minute hand of the clock kept moving, and finally, when Cheng Nan was expressionlessly calculating the answer to the last multiple-choice question in physics, a finger with a clear and temporarily clear knuckle tapped Cheng Nan’s desk.

Cheng Nan looked up and saw an extremely beautiful girl standing in front of her desk. Because Shen Chenxi had been wearing a mask, Cheng Nan didn’t know what she looked like. Now her face is completely exposed, and her facial features are all good-looking. But what attracted Cheng Nan the most was Shen Chenxi’s eyes that seemed to contain a sea of ​​stars.

“Your makeup…” The makeup on Shen Chenxi’s face was still quite obvious.

[I am used to unloading after taking a shower. 】Shen Chenxi sent a line explanation.

Shen Chenxi’s hair was wet and she was wearing a white nightdress. Seeing Cheng Nan looking over, she pointed to the toilet and signaled that Cheng Nan could go take a bath.

“Okay, sit down first, and I’ll arrange a room for you later.” Cheng Nan’s voice was very gentle, she stood up and took out the hairdryer from the drawer under the TV.

“Blow your hair, don’t catch a cold.”

Shen Chenxi’s eyes were sparkling, she felt Cheng Nan’s consideration, and showed a shallow smile.

[Thank you, it’s getting late, you should go and wash quickly. 】

Cheng Nan looked at the time, it was almost eleven o’clock, he quickly nodded, picked up the clothes that had been prepared long ago, and walked into the toilet.

Water vapor filled the entire toilet, and it was warm. There were three towels on the bar. She had never seen the pink one, it should be Shen Chenxi’s.

So adaptable? I’m not afraid, if she is a bad person, Shen Chenxi is so beautiful, I am afraid she will suffer.

Facing the blurred mirror, Cheng Nan deliberately grinned and pretended to be fierce.

so stupid…

When Cheng Nan came out, he found that the living room was dark, only a small yellow light outside the toilet was on.

Are all asleep?

Cheng Nan gently opened the guest room and saw that there was no one on the bed. He frowned and turned on the room light. Shen Chenxi was really not here.

He walked to the next door, grabbed the doorknob of his bedroom, took a deep breath, and twisted it down.

The faint bedside lamp was on, his pink quilt was bowed, and his hair was scattered on the pink and tender cartoon character pillow.

Shen Chenxi fell asleep, fell asleep in her bedroom.

Cheng Nan stepped back and looked into the living room. Wang Runze was sleeping soundly on the sofa, covered with a thick quilt.

This kid forgot my words again…

Cheng Nan walked lightly to the bed, and after a moment of deep thought, he reached out and gently shook Shen Chenxi up.

“Shen Chenxi, wake up…”

Shen Chenxi’s eyelids trembled a little. Gradually, she opened her blindfolded eyes and looked at Cheng Nan, touching her phone around under the quilt.

“No need to type, I came to tell you that you are sleeping in the wrong room. This is my room.”

Shen Chenxi woke up a lot in an instant. She subconsciously reached out and touched the **** mask on her face. After confirming that she was wearing it, she glanced at Cheng Nan and quickly scanned the bedroom again. I typed a line on the phone: [Excuse me, can I sleep in this room? What do you think of the rent increase to 500 a day? 】

Cheng Nan saw this line of words, his pupils were slightly opened, and the nail of his thumb was desperately touching the pulp of his index finger.

“If you want to live in this room…then just do it. I’ll take my things to the guest room tomorrow,” Cheng Nanqiang pretended to be calm, “Excuse me, you continue to sleep.”

[Ok, thank you. 】Shen Chenxi sincerely thanked him.

Cheng Nan smiled and shook his head, watching Shen Chenxi sitting on the bed, after thinking about it, he still suggested: “It’s better not to wear a mask to sleep, so as not to have trouble breathing.”

Shen Chenxi frowned, “I’m used to wearing a mask to sleep, it’s fine. 】

“Uh, that’s fine, then you can rest. I’ll go to sleep next door.” Cheng Nan suddenly said again, “If you live outside, it’s better to lock the door when you sleep at night, it’s safer.”

Hearing this, Shen Chenxi picked up the quilt and got out of bed, and when Cheng Nan went out, it was locked with a “click”.

The moment the voice sounded, the corner of Cheng Nan’s mouth rose slightly outside the door.

At this moment, the phone vibrated, Cheng Nan clicked it, and received a transfer of 6,000 yuan.

Cheng Nan looked at the two transfers he received today, and the smile in his eyes couldn’t stop.

Fifteen thousand…

Cheng Nan, who was extremely happy, completed all the multiple-choice theory and comprehensive papers, and the final self-approval score made her even more satisfied.

After simply tidying up the guest room, Cheng Nan fell into a deep sleep within half a minute of covering the quilt. Getting up early and going to bed late every day is not that easy.

It was cold and windy outside, and it was freezing inside.

Winter in the south is gloomy and cold.

“Dong dong dong” It was late at night, and a knock on the door suddenly sounded, waking Cheng Nan from his sleep.

He sat up abruptly, with a cold face, turned his head and stared at the door expressionlessly, got out of bed and opened the door in one go.

When he saw Shen Chenxi outside the door, 15,000 quickly flashed in Cheng Nan’s mind, his expression quickly softened, and he tried his best to smile.

“What’s the matter, what’s the matter?”

Shen Chenxi shivered a little, and handed the phone to Cheng Nan to show her what she had typed.

[I was woken up by the cold, do you still have a thick quilt? 】

Cheng Nan was a little embarrassed after seeing it. The tenant gave such a high rent, but the accommodation he provided did not even have a heating and air conditioner, and the tenant was woken up by the freeze…

Cheng Nan went down to the cabinet, trying to find another thick quilt, but there was none. There are only three sets of quilts that can be covered at home, one in my original bedroom, one in the guest room, and one set on Wang Runze. Grandma’s quilt was found to be tattered by Cheng Nan some time ago, so she threw it away. .

“Would you mind sleeping with me?” Cheng Nan heard himself say after searching to no avail.

It doesn’t feel right to say it. After all, I just met and slept together. It’s not very good…

“It’s alright, you treat me—” Cheng Nan just wanted Shen Chenxi to think she didn’t pass, when she saw Shen Chenxi nodded, and then typed three words with her phone.

【do not mind】

Cheng Nan blinked and wanted to say something, but Shen Chenxi had already turned back to the room and stood in front of Cheng Nan with a pink quilt and pillow.

Cheng Nan helplessly reached out and took Shen Chenxi’s quilt, “Forget it, let’s go to your room and sleep. This room is overcast and colder.”

After speaking, Cheng Nan felt like she made a mistake, shouldn’t that be her room?

On the contrary, Shen Chenxi was very comfortable. She nodded and took the quilt back from Cheng Nan’s hand and turned back to the room. When Cheng Nan returned to her bedroom, she found that Shen Chenxi was in the back and half of the next room had been vacated. The bed, wearing a **** mask, sat on the bed and looked at Cheng Nan who entered the door.

Cheng Nan walked slowly into the door, seeing Shen Chenxi staring straight at her, he always felt strange in his heart.

We just met, and we slept together… It’s okay, just think it’s Zhang Xiaomin, it’s not that he hasn’t slept with a girl before, anyway, they slept separately, just covered the same two quilts.

Cheng Nan walked over calmly and put the pillow on the bed next to the pink pillow he had been sleeping on before, and then whispered to Shen Chenxi: “You lie down first, I’ll cover the quilt.”

Shen Chenxi nodded, and obediently lay on the bed and covered the pink quilt. Cheng Nan covered the sky blue quilt he had built in the guest room on the pink quilt, tore the four corners, and lay down on the two quilts, then tilted his head and said to Shen Chenxi: “Go to sleep, it’s getting late. , I turned off the lights.”

Cheng Nan reached out and turned off the room light, and the bedroom was instantly plunged into darkness. Soon, his eyes began to adapt to the dark environment, and the lights of the street lamps dimly penetrated into the room, allowing people to see things.

Cheng Nan closed his eyes and seemed to catch a glimpse of Shen Chenxi lying on his side staring at him, but because he was so sleepy, Cheng Nan fell asleep directly.

You can watch it if you like, I’m not ugly anyway.

This sentence is true. Although Cheng Nan is not as stunning as Shen Chenxi at first glance, she is undoubtedly very attractive. She looks very gentle and beautiful, her face is clean, there are no acne or moles, and she is tall and thin. , The usual simple ponytail is very youthful.

But there is also a strange point, such a gentle-looking person, once cold-faced, makes everyone around him very scared…

The warm winter sun shines through the glass window on Cheng Nan’s face, who is sleeping in two thick quilts.

The eight o’clock alarm rang, she squinted and reached out to turn off the alarm on her mobile phone, rubbing her eyes and sitting up, the building next door was already empty. As soon as Cheng Nan stretched out his hand, the mattress next door was cold, and his body temperature had already dissipated.

“Why are you going so early?”

Cheng Nan muttered twice, got out of bed and stepped out of the room with cotton slippers.

After searching all over the small house, she didn’t see Shen Chenxi’s figure. If it wasn’t for Shen Chenxi’s luggage still lying in the bedroom, she would have suspected that Shen Chenxi had left overnight.

Cheng Nan walked to Wang Runze, who was still sleeping soundly on the sofa, and stretched out his hand to wake him up.

“Tangyuan, where did Shen Chenxi go?”

Wang Runze was suddenly woken up from a good sleep, and the whole person was dazed. He looked up at Cheng Nan blankly, and said slowly under Cheng Nan’s gaze, “Who is Shen Chenxi?”

“Your sister Xixi.”

“Oh, oh,” Wang Runze remembered, “I don’t know, I’ve been sleeping, what happened to her?”

“She’s gone.”

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