My Empire

Chapter 26 - Allan Hill Grenadier

The dark clouds of war had actually been floating over the Tubo. After learning that Mayne had been breached, Dongbulan, the lord of Tubo, had already been wary of his neighbors.

This nearly sixty-year-old Tubao City Lord can be regarded as a powerful character, not comparable to the two straw-bag City Lords Mayne and Dukou. Tubao is also a rich territory with a lot of mineral deposits and a good life.

There are 1,000 cavalry in Tubao, which is the most proud place of Tubao. These cavalry have the best horses, and they are well-trained and capable of fighting. Even facing the nomads in the north, they are a powerful existence that wins more and loses less.

And six months ago, he formed an alliance with his neighbor North County and Hanhai to the east, in order to target the Principality of Ailan Hill, which had already acquired the three places.

On the other hand, he also increased the price of steel sold to the Principality of Alan Hill, strictly limited the total amount of steel sold, extorted more than 150,000 gold coins, strengthened himself and weakened Alan Hill to a certain extent. .

As a result, just this morning, the city lord who has some skills received a declaration of war from Ailan Hill. After the messenger from Ailan Hill handed the war book to the minister of Tubao, he did not look back. Left here quickly.

“Notify North County that there are two city masters of Hanhai, and gather forces! I want that idiot Chris to see how powerful the army of 2500 cavalry is!” City Master Dongbulan waved his fist to his subordinates. Commanded,

“Blow the horn! Assemble the cavalry! Let’s invade the territory of Ailan Hill first, burn, kill, and looting, so that the soft guys in Ailan Hill will see and see what the real war looks like!” He started from his own. Standing up on the seat, he stretched his hands and said.

The waiters on both sides stepped forward and draped his armor on his body. The heavy cavalry of the Tubao is the existence of the well-known Arante, and the frontal charge is enough to penetrate anyone’s defense.

“Would you like to wait for the cavalry from Beijun and Hanhai to arrive?” a minister asked in a low voice.

Dongbulan waved his hand and said, “The soldiers are very fast! If I don’t take the opportunity to bite back, I will bring the infantry of Ailan Hill down to the city. No matter how we fight, we will have to pay a heavy price for the castle. Cost-effective.”

As he said, he had already put on his armor: “I will use the mobility of the cavalry to block, and consume those clumsy infantry on the plain!… Don’t worry, I’m all a cavalry. I can’t beat it, so I will retreat. It can be done.”

On the other side, on the original border between Seris City and Tubao, Chris’s soldiers crossed the boundary marker and marched forward mightily into the distance.

“I can’t imagine that our soldiers don’t even have armor… just like this on the battlefield.” Standing next to Chris, Wagron said with a wry smile.

Before the war, he had been reporting to Chris about the lack of armor and equipment in the army. But to this day, this problem has not been completely resolved.

In the entire 1st regiment that participated in the battle, only the officers were equipped with breastplates, and the other soldiers had only the uniformly issued new uniforms.

These new-style military uniforms consist of a normal uniform and an armed belt. Each soldier carries 10 rifle bullets in a bullet bag around his waist. This is already the largest amount that the arsenal has worked hard to work overtime and can gather before the expedition.

Each soldier is equipped with a long military stab. The three-row military stab can maintain the length of the bayonet while ensuring the strength of the bayonet. This design is the least dependent on technology. It can be said to be the cheapest and most labor-saving design.

However, military stabs are not without shortcomings, that is, this weapon can only be used for stabs, without hacking and other functions. This is also an important reason why modern military stabs have been completely eliminated.

But now Chris doesn’t care about this. What he wants is the length of the military stab, so that soldiers can have more sense of security, and increase the advantage of the troops in close combat: he needs to use the length of the military stab to make up for the lack of length of the Mauser 98k rifle. .

On the other side of the waist, there is a hung up grenade ammunition bag: this thing is Chris’s “play on the spot”, it comes from the creative invention of the Chinese army, and it solves to a certain extent that there is no place to carry the wooden grenade. The problem.

This thing is still very practical. On the one hand, it took advantage of the lack of ammunition in the early Ailan Hill army, and the unused space of the ammunition bag on one side of the waist. On the other hand, it also has a little bit of protection. The three wooden handles erected on the chest can play a little better than nothing.

In order to increase the marching speed of the troops, each soldier distributed specially designed long leather boots. This kind of shoes used to be only distributed to officers, but now, because of the cost, they have become the Allan Hill army. Standard configuration.

Luggage has also become something that every soldier must carry. The well-designed backpack is very convenient. It contains bedding for rest and some important personal items. For more than a year, almost all the gadgets produced by Ailan Hill’s industrial production line were in this bag.

It includes a small piece of soap for hand washing, a printed weapon maintenance manual, a small round mirror that looks good, a small candle that can be used in the wild, and two boxes of matches, a wooden comb, and a shave. Knife…

It can also be seen from the things carried by these soldiers that Ailan Hill’s products are already silently changing the world and changing the lives of Ailan Hill civilians.

What makes people laugh and cry is that although they are not equipped with armor, everyone in this army is issued with a steel helmet, a defensive tool that looks very majestic but is very simple to process. Wagron didn’t understand this approach of Chris very much. He felt that it was more appropriate to allocate breastplates to each soldier.

This type of m42 steel helmet is easier to process and provides better service. What’s more interesting is that this kind of helmet suddenly refreshed the plain Ailan Hill soldier, and it seemed to have a handsome taste.

After such a modification, the image of an early grenadier known as Ailan Hill is ready to come out: wearing a Y-shaped armed belt, an ammunition bag hanging from his waist, a long military barbed sheath, and one side of his chest hanging. Three hand grenades with wooden handles, a suitcase on his back, a water bottle and a ration bag on the back of his butt, an m42 steel helmet on top of his head, and a pair of long leather boots under his feet…

No matter how you look at it, this unit already has the charm of modern infantry. From a certain point of view, they are even as good as the weapons and equipment of the German soldiers in the early days of World War II.

It’s a pity that this unit is definitely a typical representative of foreign powers and mid-doers, just like the well-equipped Chinese German Weaponists during the Songhu Battle. Their ammunition is not sufficient, and the logistics supply can only be described as shabby.

This time, the force mobilized by Seris was not the original 1,500-strong regiment, but a total of 2,400, which was almost the main force of the two regiments.

Because Chris discovered before the expedition that the original force could not guarantee the investigation and logistical support of the entire campaign, he could only draw some troops from other troops to ensure that the entire force can function normally.

He drew 500 cavalry from the 2nd regiment, that is, the cavalry regiment, and used it as a guard unit of the reconnaissance unit, in order to avoid being attacked by the opposing cavalry in the wild. These cavalrymen do not need to fight the enemy frontally, they only need to provide early warning of the troops.

The other 400 people are to strengthen his artillery and transport detachments. Two hundred of them are actual transport troops, responsible for transporting the supplies and materials for this conquest of the fort. They are drawn from the cavalry unit and are responsible for driving the carriage to ensure the supply of the troops.

There are also 200 people in a 10 artillery reinforced artillery squad, also drawn from the artillery of the 2nd regiment, equipped with old 90mm caliber howitzers pulled up to make up the number, that is, Chris was conquering Mayne earlier. Old artillery used at the ferry.

In fact, in this way, the 30 cannons have two calibers, which makes Chris’ supply of shells more complicated. However, the problem is actually not prominent, because the number of shells is not large, and all shells are operated with the large forces, so there is no trouble of logistics supply difficulties.

As a result, Ailan Hill’s first active external attack battle started abruptly during the autumn harvest season. The reason for choosing this season is mainly because of the unexpected and the industrial needs of Ailan Hill. Chris believes that he has the ability to make a quick fight, so he does not worry about dragging the war into the winter.

In the same way, thinking that his troops have the advantage of maneuverability, and are ambitiously preparing to eliminate the opponent’s Lord Dongbulan before the main force of Ailan Hill reaches the core area of ​​the fort, and then gather together at almost the same time. More than 800 cavalrymen went south.

The scheming Dongbulan never imagined that his opponent’s cavalry from the Principality of Ellenhill would become rangers and would never collide with his main cavalry. After the opponent learned that his cavalry was going south, they didn’t even proceed with the harassment, so they immediately retreated.

The cavalry who fell in the distance were like ghosts, and they did not fight against Dongbulan at all, and left without waiting for contact. This made Dongbulan always feel a very bad feeling. He also once sent cavalry to fight with each other on a small scale, but the effect was really not ideal.

On the one hand, the opponent didn’t want to fight at all, and he didn’t equip any armor, and he didn’t even mean to fight a battle. On the other hand, the reason is that after more than a dozen small-scale conflicts, he only killed more than 30 Ailan Hill cavalry, but he made more than 100 cavalry on his side tired and almost lost their combat effectiveness.

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