My Empire

Chapter 10 - Battle of Mayne

Wagron on the other side had already crossed the sword outside of Mayne Castle, and the troops he brought bypassed Mayne’s main force, as if entering an uninhabited land and smashed into Mayne City.

“Mayne must be taken down as soon as possible. On the frontal battlefield, our troops don’t know whether we can hold it… so we must win quickly here!” Riding on the horse, Wagron pointed at Mayne, who had few defenders with his whip. City walls.

“We brought 300 cavalry and only 100 infantry. We can only rely on artillery to siege the city.” Wagron’s adjutant Coria said with some concern: “I don’t know what damage the cannon we brought to the city wall is. Strong or not.”

“Order the soldiers to bury the pot and cook! The artillery is ready to attack! After an hour’s rest, start attacking immediately!” Wagron pulled the reins of the horse and withdrew to his cavalry array without looking back.

“Send someone to persuade you to surrender! If they are willing to hand over Meyn Castle, give them a chance to survive!” After returning to the array, Wagron added another command.

Coria randomly ordered two soldiers and asked them to bring Seris’s banner to Mayne City and persuade them to surrender.

The two soldiers tremblingly came to the gate of the castle, holding the king flag and shouting loudly to the Mayne soldiers on the wall: “Listen, Mayne soldiers! You have no way out! Put down your weapons and surrender!”

“Hahaha!” On the high city wall, Mayne’s guards held their weapons and pointed at the Serris cavalry under the city. Even the voice of ridicule could be heard clearly from the city.

“Mayne’s soldiers! You have no choice! Put down your weapons and surrender! This is your last chance!” Hearing the ridicule, the two cavalry blushed themselves, and they had to pluck up the courage again, loudly. Shouted to the city wall.

“Wow!” A feather arrow hit the side of the Serris Cavalry’s horse hoof, and the soldiers on the wall gave their warning: “Go back! Let’s just shout one more word and let’s release the arrow!”

The hero didn’t suffer the immediate loss, the two Serris cavalry glanced at each other, and immediately turned their horses and ran away. Behind them, Mayne’s garrison laughed more unscrupulously.

Wagron sneered when he heard the report from his subordinates, and continued silently watching the artillerymen arrange their artillery positions one kilometer away.

These 90mm caliber cannons are not advanced weapons in themselves, but in this world, they are definitely a big killer.

Coupled with the grenades that trigger the fuze, it has very strong lethality against general defensive targets.

“Wait a minute, those idiots won’t be able to laugh.” By Wagron’s side, his adjutant Coria looked at the direction of the city wall and curled his lips to vent his hatred.

“Two ammunition bases, grenade…After the fight, send someone to persuade you to surrender!” Wagron said coldly: “Let the shells talk about it, it’s better than we talk about it.”

“Haha, that’s right.” Adjutant Coria grinned when he heard Wagron’s words: “What do you say about Lord City Lord? Cannon range… range…”

“Within the range of the cannon, Ailan Hill is the truth!” Wagron pulled on the reins: “Get the soldiers ready! Launch an attack in ten minutes!”

“Yes! Yes! Within range of the cannon! Ailan Hill is the truth!” Coria nodded, and rode his horse to follow Wagron: “Ready to fight! Ready to fight!”

“Boom!” A minute later, a 90mm field gun roared, and a shell hit the building behind the city wall, exploding half a high tower.

The second shell directly broke the flagpole of Mayne City and flew the Mayne flag above it. By the way, an arrow tower behind the flag collapsed.

The laughter stopped abruptly. All Mayne’s soldiers looked at the explosion on the distant building in horror, not knowing what to say for a while.

According to myths and legends, this world is a magical empire with dragons. The dragon knights can easily cross the walls and destroy the castle with powerful force.

At this moment, there was no giant dragon in front of me, but the thick city wall shuddered and trembled in the sound of the explosion. God knew what magic the other party had used to make this incredible thing happen.

“The other party has a magician!” A soldier screamed hysterically. Not far from his side, the black smoke from the explosion was dissipating, and the surrounding stumps and arms reminded him how terrible the explosion was just now.

“Quick! Quick! Hang the white flag!” The officer in charge of defending the city was so scared that he stammered. He pointed to the distant crenels and ordered loudly: “Get the white sheets! Quick! We surrender!”

It is not a wise choice to disobey the magician, because those powerful magicians are more proud and noble than the king. If they were really angry, it would be so easy to burn a few mortals with magic.

Now, for the people in Mayne City, surrendering as soon as possible is the best way to save their lives. Although they didn’t know how Serris invited the magician, the explosion in front of them really made people unable to resist the courage.

“Boom!” The second round of shelling began just as the parents were crying and crying for white sheets in Mayne City. The shells fell like raindrops, and several flame flowers bloomed near the city wall in an instant.

The crenel was blown to pieces by the shells, and the soldiers were blown into the sky by the shells, and fell to the bottom of the city wall in a hurry.

In the thick black smoke, the gate of Meyn Castle opened slowly, and a white flag pieced together with four sheets on the wall twisted and swayed with the wind.

“I thought they were so stiff…” Adjutant Coria, who was waiting to be out of range of the bow and arrow and ready to attack at any time, cursed contemptuously while pulling on the reins.

“Hey! Cheap leather! I can save some shells if I surrender early.” Wagron stretched out his right hand and waved forward in the void. The cavalry behind him urged the horse forward and poured into Mayne Castle.

The Serris infantry, who had no armor, pressed the long sword at his waist, pushed away the awkward Mayne defender, and walked up the stone steps of the city wall.

The Serris black flag, which had been prepared long ago, was spread out and spread on the outer wall of Mayne Castle.

Wagron stood on the wall, looking at the hundreds of Mayne defenders gathered together, but there was no joy of victory on his face.

“You lead 100 cavalry and return to Seris immediately along the road!” He was worried about the frontal battlefield commanded by Chris, so he immediately ordered Adjutant Corea to divide his troops and rescue him after he captured Mayne Castle.

He knew that Chris only had less than 500 soldiers in his hand, but he faced Mayne’s main force. If there was a mistake on the frontal battlefield, then his victory in capturing Mayne Castle would be greatly reduced.

It is a pity that when Korya ordered 100 cavalry to return to the division and rush to the frontal battlefield, the situation changed again.

“General! Another army has arrived outside the city! There are thousands of people!” An infantryman rushed to the wall with some nervousness and reported the latest situation to Wagron.

“What? Where did the army come from?” Wagron was taken aback when he heard the report, and then immediately led people to the other direction of the castle.

Then, lying on the crevice of the city wall, he saw one square after another, slowly unfolding right in front of Mayne Castle.

“Blue wave flag… Ferry City!” Looking at the opponent’s flag, Waglong frowned: “Order everyone to prepare for battle! Let the artillery immediately find a suitable position in the castle to deploy positions! Prepare to fire back!”

“Raise the black iron flag of Seris! Tell the **** in Dukou City that this is our city already! If they dare to mess around, don’t blame us for being polite!” Withdrawing a long sword from his waist, Varg Long gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Below the city wall, the city lord Berman, who led the Dukou City soldiers to Mayne, was also embarrassed at this time.

He had previously rejected Mayne’s plan to jointly attack Seris, in order to make the mantis catch the oriole and attack Mayne to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Regardless of whether Mayne City Lord Ensel succeeds in attacking Seris, the victorious side will be exhausted: Mayne wins will also suffer heavy losses, it is impossible to return to the school to rescue Mayne Castle; Serris wins also has no ability to advance east, and is intact Ferry City competed for the fruits of victory.

In the end, he had counted a lot, but he never expected that Mayne City would fall into the hands of the Ailan Hill family in Serris City in just a few days.

If this Lord Berman knew the truth of the matter: Mayne City did not hold on for two hours, and then surrendered to Wagron, probably to death under Mayne City.

Watching the soldiers on the wall spread out a huge black iron flag and hung it on the wall, the Lord Berman pressed the sword on his waist and couldn’t help Nai’s impulse to attack Mayne Castle.

It is a pity that he was worried that the preparations he had done were too obvious to be discovered by Mayne. He only assembled the troops and drove in all the way, and was not ready for the attack. It was really not an impulse to want to attack the city.

There are no long ladders and no catapults, and as long as 300 people guard the tall city wall in front of it, it is not a fortification that can be easily broken. Rather than wasting precious soldiers here, it is more appropriate to keep these soldiers for defensive warfare.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth twice and wanted to draw out his sword to order a storm, and twice resisted his impulse. He who claims to be unparalleled in strategy is not that impulsive type in his bones. He has always been making plans, and this time he attacked Mayne as such.

“Retreat!” In the end, he felt that he did not need to waste the elite troops on the wall, and gave the order to retreat: “Sweep away all the civilians and food along the way! Go back to the ferry!”

Seeing Berman, the lord of Ferry City, who was retreating under the city, Wagron stood behind the crenel with a long sword. He still didn’t know that the soldiers who had left Ferry City had looted and destroyed half of Mayne along the way.

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