Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 248: Pioneers.

The World seemed to be spoken effortlessly, yet perfectly resounded in his ears. The Dark Mage seemingly realizing something, smiled slightly:

"It is me, indeed, your excellency."

"It seems the time, to meet, his majesty has come."

The Woman slightly raised her eyebrows and spoke faintly:

"It is indeed so…"

"Your Majesty is awaiting your arrival."

Her eyes then moved slightly to the left:

"You shall follow me too."

"Irene Belesserion."

An Enchantment, disappeared from the place where she was looking. A Beautiful Woman with red fiery hair appeared, her eyes showing momentary surprise.

Before smiling lightly, and feigning playfulness:

"Ah! I was found out."

Mercedes kept her indifferent front all the way, nodding casually:

"If you are ready, let's go out now."

She then added:

"His Majesty, said that you should get everything about your old lives in order."

"You will spend a long amount of time, where we will be heading."

"Of course, not many days would have passed here."

The Two were surprised for a moment…Before titling their heads…They lived for so long…

If they were willing to 'resolve' things before leaving, they would have done it centuries ago.

Those 'things' they left behind could only be mended when they, themselves, resolved their own problems.

The Woman narrowed her powerful eyes before nodding:

"Then, let's go. We got another stop."

She then spoke to the air as if summoning the wind:

"Come in, Grace."

A neighing sound, resounded in the void!!

A rare sense of oppression enveloped the world!!

Suddenly, the deafening sound of blue thunder resounded, as the neighing sound grew louder!!

Suddenly in the Moonlit night a beautiful spectacle ensued!

Followed by a mesmerizing galloping sound!! A White and Blue Unicorn traveled the starry sky, like a fallen comet's far cry!!

The Unicorn galloped casually, yet its speed crossed eons in mere instants.

It's gigantic size only made its splendor more appealing.

It didn't have the fierceness of a Dragon, but its holiness made it seem faintly above it.

With Blue Thunder as a mane, it was the epitome of epic beauty.

It hastily stopped before the Female Knight, its head hung low ever so slightly, like it was partaking to its rightful owner.

The knight boldly, rode on it. Leaving to the astounded duo a word:

"Climb up."

The two took a deep breath, before prudently approaching the beast and riding on it.

Finally, Grace disappeared in the Starry sky, once more.

The time seemed to stand still for a while…Before the voice of Irene resounded once more:

"May I ask? What is your excellency's identity?"

Hearing the question, the knight for the first time, showed a faint smile, her tone moving away from indifference to pride and blind worship:

"I am a Knight serving his Majesty. The Third Knight of the Imperial Knight Order."

Her voice was domineering containing infinite vainglory!! Her eyes glowed with green luster

"The Eyes of the Imperium, Mercedes Veintz."

The eyes of the two became even more solemn. Remembering these worlds in their heart.

'Imperial Knight.'

The Galloping sound was heard through the void as the beast travelled to another continent…


At a rather remote location….

Hooded silhouettes, reappeared here and there, before disappearing immediately…

In a rather inconspicuous building…a dim light shone upon…a rather remote corner.

In it…

Two gorgeous women were sitting across from each other. Behind them, two slender looking girls

Ultear Milkovic draped in the same curious hood, smiled playfully:

"You look nervous, Kassandra."

"I haven't seen you like that in years…"

Yes….She indeed said 'years'….Kassandra stood up and karate chopped her head!

"Stupid child…Do you realize what an honor is it?"

"To be in the presence of his Majesty!!"

Ultear eyes gleamed with curiosity, as she caressed her bruised head:

"Well…I know that you are always fluttering like a butterfly when he calls upon you."

Her eyes then moved slightly to the left…

"He even makes you, Demon Sword, tremble…Hehe…"

Hidden under a hood, a limber and beautiful woman was hiding in the darkness, her blood red eyes…Staring through the void, her indifferent persona, seemed to have softened a bit.

Akame then used her sheathed Katana to beat her head once more:

"His Majesty, Be polite."

Looking at her somewhat resolute expression, Ultear conceded:

"Okay, okay…."

By her side, a short haired girl who seemed to resemble Akame, asked with the same curious eyes:

"The Seniors back at the order, all speak of his Majesty's kindness!!"

"It is said that he single-handedly rebuilt the Empire from scratch!"

Akame looked at her starry-eyed sister…Somehow the words of the Emperor resounded through her head.

"Rely on your Emperor."

"Only focus on loving your sister."

The training center of the Brotherhood always stayed at the Room of Time and Space.

In it, she experienced a different kind of training…It was a much more difficult one.

Nevertheless, it was much more enjoyable.

Kurome and her talents began to shine. And they were the next candidates for 'The Named Ones'.

But more importantly, here…

…She met comrades, and a family…

And she rekindled with her sister.

For now, the two were under the Kassandra squad.

Even Ultear who was somewhat, rebellious at the beginning, began to soften with time. Kassandra and the order gradually became her and Meredy's new family.

But even so…She never forgot her past….

Kassandra herself didn't know much about it. After all…All who join the Brotherhood has somewhat difficult pasts.

Kassandra smiled lightly:

"You are summoned this time."

"His Majesty's has high expectation for you."

Ultear spoke calmly:

"If he can grant my wish, I am willing to serve him with all my soul"

Kassandra chuckled:

"Do you know the other two who his Majesty decided to take with him this time?"

Ultear narrowed her eyes:


Kassandra sighed:

"You must heard of him."

"Zeref, the Dark Mage, that is…"

Ultear who was somewhat expectant, found herself stunned. Unable to utter a single world.

"Zeref…The King of Darkness…Actually joined his Majesty?"

Kassandra sighed:

"And also…."

"The Scarlet Despair…The Queen and the Mother of all Dragon Slayers…"

"Irene Belsserion."

Ultear felt her breath quicken…

"Mother of all Dragon Slayers?"

Just this title was enough to speak of the horror of this person!!

Dragon Slaying Magic!!

A Magic created to slay Dragons!!!

Someone who created such powerful art!!

Actually was joining the Emperor?!!

Kassandra narrowed her eyes:

"You've been judged by the Imperial Court to have the same qualifications, as those two."

Ultear took a deep breath, a little uneasy:


Kassandra titled her head:

"It seems you don't understand."

"You've been given the chance to stand at the Peak of Mystery in the whole endless Omniverse."

These words made even Kurome and the usual calm Akame panic with cold sweat.

Kassandra smiled bitterly:

"Normally…If it was going according to the previous time. Zeref, Irene and you, would have been cultivated to Morning Star Magus. In the Magus World. Before you met his Majesty."

Ultear nodded lightly. This was the plan. Kassandra promised her that if she worked hard enough, she would be rewarded.

And said that if she reached the Rank 4, she could have the power to influence the whole world.

The Power showed by the Named Ones…Convinced her even more.

If that was the case…

With her Arc of Time magic, she would get to realize her dearest wish without even Zeref.

This was her primary reason for joining the Brotherhood. Of course, it was also because she took a liking to Kassandra.

And after that, to the whole Squad.

Under the questioning gaze of Ultear, Kassandra continued:

"Now it seems that the Empire will no longer use the 'Magus World Magic system'."

She took a deep breath:

"But…The Imperial Magic Codex."

Ultear felt might from the name:

"The Imperial Magic Codex….What is that?"

Kassandra smiled:

"I can't tell you."

"Is it top secret information?"

Ultear seemed to see through the nervous Kassandra. But to her surprise, Kassandra titled her head:

"I can't tell you…Simply because it's simply that doesn't exist."

Ultear eyes widened.

"Not yet …"

Kassandra continued:

"It will be up to you to assist the Emperor in creating it."

"In other worlds…You will be the Pioneers."

"The First Wielders of the Ultimate Magic."

Ultear took a deep breath and even her felt her shoulder bend slightly:


Kassandra continued:

"It is said that only one rank could be 'Explored' for now."

Her expression extremely solemn:

"But I have the Intuition…That this rank alone…"

"Is something beyond comprehension."


"…This the last time, you could be considered human."

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely heavy.

Kassandra took Ultear hands and spoke in a kind tone:

"Rest Assured. His Majesty cares for his subjects the most."

"No Matter what happens…It will all beneficial to you."

Taking her hand, the smiling Kassandra, seemingly spoke to the void:

"I hope you two, also understood, what's coming."

In a dark corner…

Some steps were heard as three silhouettes appeared.

In the lead, a beautiful knight was marching with a polite smile:

"Your Excellency, the named one."

"Your words seemed to point out a truth good to hear. So, I borrowed your wisdom."

"I hope it didn't disturb you."

Kassandra smiled back her dimples showing her noble grace:

"Your excellency, the Third Knight."

"How can I be offended, by such small things?"

She lightly glanced at the two behind her, showing a meaningful smile. After all…

Although those two were only ants in front of her might, at the moment.

But they were chosen as Pioneers.

In a short time, they would probably become Pillars of the Empire. Like she is now.

The two had a solemn look on their eyes.

The words spoken by the capped woman. They heard it too.

There was excitement to finally solve the curse…for Zeref.

And to solve the issue of her incomplete body…for Irene.

Previously, they were only about 70 percent sure.

But now, hearing the words of that woman…It seems, that what they are going to experience was far beyond that.

Irene frowned…At the time…She still remembered:

'A Smile…'

Her child's smile.

'I wonder where are you, now….'


Now…that she felt that she was about to get rid of her agony….She felt her heart full of longing for that smile once again.

Ultear felt her heart quicken as she glanced at the Dark haired youth…


After all, she has been in Grimoire Heart for so long…She still held great admiration for the Dark Mage Zeref.

Mercedes then spoke:

"Are you, Ultear Milkovic?"

Ultear suddenly felt a great sense of dread, like she was seen through.

Mercedes brows wrinkled…As she thought in her mind:

'What pitiable existences…'

Mercedes possessed the Eye of Imperial Wisdom. With a single glance, she could see through the life story of all people even those a reasonable amount stronger than her.

She sighed deeply…She know understood, why those people were so eager to join the Imperial Court.

But looking over at their life…Mercedes also understood why the Empire was so interested in them.

Their achievements, could be said to rival Braham.

She sighed:

'To think, that three people who could rival Braham in talent could be found in such a small world.'

What made her more alert is the Scarlet haired mage. When she looked over at her life story…

At that time of pregnancy….She felt a warning from the Imperial Eye…

She knew what that meant…

'Imperial Destiny?'

Indeed…The eye of Imperial Wisdom, is equipped with warnings of information, she shouldn't have access to without permission.

This kind of information…could only mean, that someone who has already had fate with the Imperial Family is concerned.

This made her even more restrained when talking to the mages.

'It seems his Majesty has some history with this world.'

Her eyes gleamed with short lived curiosity, before dimming once again.

She was knight. She would uphold her oath. And act according to justice in her heart.

Anything else is not worth mentioning.

Ultear responded calmly:

"Yes, your excellency."

Mercedes nodded slightly, before turning around:

"Let's go. His Majesty awaits in the Purgatory."

A Portal opened up. Ultear took a deep breath, before addressing a knowing smile to Kassandra:

"Please take care of Meredy."

Kassandra nodded with a slight smile:

"Meredy is my little niece; how can I wrong her?"

"We will be waiting for you."

Akame and Kurome nodded slightly.

"Take care."

They knew, that for them this journey might not exceed a month.

But for these three people…

This may last centuries.

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