Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 244: Needless worries

Marek reappeared at the top of a high rising building. He raised his head slightly speaking to the void:

"You know it's rude to follow people like that…"

A person appeared, he had a goofy and composed demeanor making him look like an idiot. But in the depths of his eyes one could preceive deep seated wisdom. One tempered by numerous trials.

"You didn't even recover your Shinigami Powers and you are already this naughty…"

"Ishin Shiba."

He had a focused gaze on….

"Hahaha….I thought you would let me play a little while longer…"

The Emperor smiled mildly:

"You could go back in my shadow once again…It doesn't bother me that much…"

He looked at the man still wearing normal clothes on…

"You are the one who seem bothered, after all."

He patted his neck as he laughed:

"I guess you are right!"

"But you should understand where my worries come from, your Majesty…"

Marek narrowed his eyes:

"Oh so you've made your homework before coming here…Who told you about it? Urahara or Yoruichi?"

He titled his head:

"Not that it matters anyway…"

He smiled lightly as he observed him once again:

"10TH division captain Ishin Chiba…Powerless time and time again…Yet never once compromising in the face of your duties…"

A hint of greed appeared on the Emperor's eyes:

"Here you are…Coming before me…knowing that offending me could easily cost you your life."

His eyes were half closed:

"Yet still completely in peace with your actions…"

Ishin laughed dumbly:

"You flatter me, your majesty! Hahaha!! I am not that great!!"

Marek laughed back:

"So you do see that as a compliment, huh…"

"It is indeed so…"

Marek sighed…

"Your shiba clan is indeed interesting…."

Ishin shiba narrowed his eyes, and stopped laughing as he knew what are the meaning of those words…

"It is normal for you to be shunned by the other four."

"But that is only make you more brilliant….Not faltering in the face of oppression and clinging to one's ideals until the end."

The Emperor looked deeply in the eyes of Ishin:

"Your Shiba Clan is indeed to this Emperor's taste!!"

Ishin Shiba had a complex gaze as he understood the undertone of his words:

"Your words would vertainly flatter those of the shiba Clan your majesty…"

The Emperor hearing this response only casually nodded:

"You are indeed right…"

"It is not your decision to make anyway."

He smiled lightly:

"You must be worried about your son…."

Ishin nodded…

"I guess it is impossible to hide it."

Marek kept a calm gaze on:

"You worries are unfounded…"

His doubled voice resounded in the head of Ishin like powerful drums:

"He who serves my dynasty, he who is a part of my Empire is protected against Gods and Demons, against the destruction of the world itself."

"He is even protected against time and causality itself!"

"No man born is able to take the life of a citizen of my Empire!!"

He narrowed his eyes:

"Even myself!!"

He was met with a silent Ishin. Marek turned around:

"It is up for you to judge anyway. It is not easy to trust people with your family after all."

He disappeared and reappeared behind Ishin. He slightly touched his elbow….

"Since I took liking to you and your son. Let this be a little gift."

Ishin felt an overwhelming power traversing his whole body!! The dormant reatsu in his body seemed to rage once again!!

"This is…!!"

Ishin looked at his regained powers:

"This easily…."

Marek titled his head:

"I can do much more than that."

Ishin narrowed his eyes:

"What do you mean by that?"

Marek laughed out….as he left some mysterious words:

"What do I mean by that? I wonder…"

He looked at Ishin with a piercing gaze:

"What do you think I meant by that?"

Ishin was immediately immobilized as if struck by thunder.


The Emperor continued:

"The real formulation would be is…What can't I do in this world? Ishin Shiba…"

Ishin frowned seemingly conflicted:

"No matter who you are….I won't allow you to joke around with that…"

Sensing the fierceness and wariness in his tone, the Emperor was even more amused, he faced the angry man, with a taunting tone, he marched in his direction, stepping in the void in his direction:

"Then try me…"

He smiled like a saint but spoke like a tentative devil:

"Request it …The thing you long for the most in this world…Ishin shiba."

"Only then will you know if this Emperor loves to joke around this much."

Ishin looked down for a long while his newfound Shinigami powers were unleashed from his rattled emotions.

The Doubled voice of the Emperor sounded like the devil tentation, waking up his old wounds and regrets. In front of him, the image of a beautiful blond-haired woman appeared, as memories from a now distant past, took over his mind.


Finally…The Shinigami calmed down the storm in his heart. His face gradually calmed down:

"Thank you for your goodwill."

"I hope you take care of Ichigo in the future."

Marek seeing him resist so bravely only had an admirative smile on as he watched him disappear. He spoke in the air one last time:

"I shall await your request."

"Sooner or Later."

He then casually teared space and made his way to the Hueco Mundo. It was time for him to continue his cultivation.

As he thought about it he felt a little weird out….It turns out…the Saiyan Body lacks the spirituality for good cultivation.

It is not a problem with someone like him. But it seems the Soul Path is not really compatible with Saiyans…

He titled his head in exasperation. Saiyan do indeed lack some spirituality to understand the Dao and the sensibility to explore Mystery.

Saiyan are essentially the pinnacle of Body Cultivator or Knights in those worlds…Only cheer power without understanding. It is only in a Martial Art oriented world like DBZ were body refinement can attain such levels.

But even that only depends in which branch of it we are talking about. Saiyans and different races will always have spirituality but it is just not concentrated in the places where regular humans normally strive.

.In every discipline there are always exist exception. For examples Wisdom Path or Soul Path are difficult to grasp. It does't mean all paths are unsuitable/

He smiled lightly:

"I wouldn't say the same for Transformation Path or Food Path."

He marched confortably in Dang Hun Mountan as he looked over the different guts stones here and there.

He then sat calmly and began to cultivate again.

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