Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 900-909

Chapter 900: They Are Like That

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Old Madam Shen added with pride, “That’s right, our Xinghe is the best. Even such a big crisis was no match for you; no one is be better than you in this world.”

Xinghe shook her head. “Actually, I am not the one who solved this crisis.”

“It was not you?” Elder Shen was confused. “How can it not be you? The whole world saw you do it.”

“I was merely following the instructions left behind by my mother.”

Elder Shen and Old Madam Shen were stunned. Her mother was their daughter…

“Your mother, you have found her?” That was Elder Shen’s first reaction; he almost coughed out the question.

“No, she left me with the method a long time ago. It was why I was able to foil He Lan Yuan’s evil plot so successfully.”

Elder Shen was startled once more. He did not understand it. “She left it with you? What do you mean by that?”

Xinghe did not hide the truth from them and told them everything about her mother, including the fact that she was the mastermind behind Project Galaxy. The two elders were stunned speechless for quite a long time. They knew Xinghe’s mother was a really capable woman, but even so, they did not expect her to be responsible for the crisis that almost destroyed the world…

“There must some kind of secret we are not aware of. I do not believe my daughter would do something like this, or else she would not have gone through the trouble of leaving the method to hack the system with you,” Elder Shen said firmly.

Old Madam Shen also added, “Even if she did, she is still my daughter, of course, I believe that she wouldn’t.”

This was how they were, always ready to shield one of their own. Xinghe was appreciative of their concern, but she was not someone who was blinded by emotions.

“Actually, I also believed she had her reasons for doing all of this, therefore, I wish to locate her and help those victims who were involved in this tragedy.”

“Victims?” Elder Shen asked.

“That’s right.” Xinghe nodded. “I’m referring to the people who followed me back from the moon. They were the innocent victims of this conspiracy. They have now been quarantined by the United Nations and probably will not see freedom again in this life. Therefore, I wish to help them, to aid them get the freedom they deserve.”

“But why would the United Nations quarantine them against their will?”

This involved plenty of sensitive topics. Mubai explained in broad strokes, but Elder Shen understood immediately. After all, he had spent his whole life around the center of power; he could see immediately what the United Nations were up to.

Perhaps the quarantine was to balance the power structure between the countries, or perhaps they wanted to take advantage of these people for their hidden scheme. Either way, from a certain perspective, they were not wrong in their actions.

However, since Xinghe wanted to rescue those people, they could not sit idle either.

Elder Shen contemplated for a while before asking her, “Then what is your plan?”

Xinghe answered, “I plan to open an academy here; I wish to get your support.”

“Open an academy?” Elder Shen did not veto her suggestion, but he asked, “It is not an issue if you want to open an education academy, but how big will it be?”

“The size doesn’t matter, but this academy must be the best,” Xinghe said determinedly.

Elder Shen was taken aback. “But why an academy?”

“To help those people. I still cannot reveal the details for now, and I wish to get this started as soon as possible, I have enough monetary assets, I only wish for your support.”


Chapter 901: Meeting the President

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

With his blessing and support, the formation of her academy would be smoother and faster. Furthermore, with Elder Shen’s blessing, it would be easier for her to gain the president’s support. Naturally, Elder Shen understood what she was aiming for.

He slapped the top of the table and promised, “Don’t worry, leave this to Grandpa! I will make sure the opening of your academy is a success.”

Xinghe widened her smile and said, “Thank you, Grandpa.”

Elder Shen faked a pout. “There’s no need for thanks; we’re family. Plus, we should be supporting you, since you are only looking out for the public’s interest.”

In actuality, they didn’t know exactly what she was planning, but they trusted her implicitly. Xinghe was appreciative of this faith they had in her. The opening of the academy was thus settled.

After that, they continued to plan in greater detail. Then Elder Shen suggested bringing them to go meet the president at the president’s house.

It was also appropriate for Xinghe and Mubai to pay Hwa Xia’s first couple a visit. They must have plenty of questions for each other. They soon departed for the president’s house.

The president purposely cleared his schedule to meet them. Naturally, the first few minutes of the meeting were spent doing perfunctory greetings. The president did not maintain any pretenses around them; he treated Xinghe and Mubai like a kind elder.

After that, the President cut to the chase and asked them questions about Project Galaxy. Xinghe answered everything truthfully, leaving out only the details about her mother. This was Elder Shen’s request. He implored her on their way there to not reveal to anyone the project’s connection to her mother. He was not afraid that it might implicate the Shen family, but because there were still too many mysteries surrounding it, he did not want to create distractions or rumors.

Furthermore, release of this unconfirmed news would only add difficulties to Xinghe’s plan of opening an academy. Therefore, Elder Shen decided there was no reason for them to reveal information about her mother.

They did not even tell Madam President, who was sad that there was no information about her long-lost sister.

When the topic of conservation switched to the people from the moon, Xinghe asked the President cautiously, “Do you know what the purpose of them being taken away is? I have a sneaking feeling the real reason is not the one that the United Nations gave us.”

The decision was passed by the United Nations, so Hwa Xia had to be involved. As the President, he must have some insider information.

The President coughed and said seriously, “Taking them away is really to separate them from the general public. Many countries consider them as terrorist and thus are averse to them living alongside normal civilians.

“Of course, there is also the issue of politics. These are all incredible talents, and their talents are already so much better than all of our current scientists. Furthermore, there is only a handful of them. If one country plays host to all of them, can you imagine the advancement in technology that country would be able to enjoy?

“You understand, this world is only peaceful on the surface, and peace is only maintained with similarly powerful countries limiting one another. If this power hegemony is ruined, then our fragile peace will also be ruined.

“Therefore, this group of people is not allowed to assimilate into the public. The only solution is to segregate them temporarily to keep them out of everyone’s hands.”

Perhaps, the President still had some reasons that he kept to his own, but Xinghe did not press.

“So, they cannot be released no matter what?”

“I wouldn’t say that,” the President declared solemnly. “When the world’s economy and scientific level has reached a certain level, freedom perhaps will be theirs.”

Chapter 902: Research on Our Own

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“Of course, the United Nations will still conduct a test on their capability to see how advanced they really are.”

Xinghe’s group was the most familiar with their capability. They had visited their labs and factories when they were on the moon.

This was especially true for Mubai, who made a rudimentary assessment of their technology when he was there. Their ability was definitely greater than Earth’s current technology and therein lay the problem.

Their level was too high for the world in general to be able to catch up to them soon. Based on the research into memory cells alone, the world would need several decades to reach their level. The probability of them being released would be very small, in that case, it was highly possible that their incarceration would be for life.

The President expressed his woe over their incarceration. “They are all valuable talents and shouldn’t be quarantined like this. Great use of them will definitely bring great wealth to the overall human society. Unfortunately, most of the countries hold conservative values and are cautious of other countries gaining a technological edge over them. Therefore, many developing and third-world countries were adamantly against allowing these people to join the public. Labelling them as terrorists is of course only political talk. In the same vein, even the allocation of the black metal found on the moon will take at least one or two years of discussion before there is a conclusive solution.”

The black metal was incredible valuable; similar to Shi Jian and the guys, everyone wanted them and wanted them for themselves only. Therefore, there would be a lot of debate and political maneuvers before a final decision could be made. This was diplomacy, a war during peacetime!

Xinghe nodded. “I understand.”

“Therefore, if you have any thoughts of saving them, I advise you forget it because that is impossible,” the President added meaningfully.

Mubai commented nonchalantly, “It only benefits everyone if these wonderful talents are allowed to work without limitation. It comes as a surprise that even though we are in the modern century, so many countries are still afraid of change and development.”

Elder Shen also added pointedly, “That is why the world has stood at a standstill for so long with no improvement. With how things are going, I fear humanity will only go backward!”

“One kind of rice feeds millions of people. There are various belief and cultures, and we cannot force others to see things our way; there is simply nothing we can do,” the President offered diplomatically.

“If they don’t want to advance themselves, then we will do it on our own,” Xinghe said suddenly and seriously.

The President was startled.

Xinghe looked him in the eye and said, “Mr. President, I wish to open an academy, I hope you will approve it.”

“An academy?” the President repeated with apparent confusion.

Xinghe’s group explained to the President the general direction of their plan and he finally agreed. After all, opening an academy was a good thing.

However, Xinghe’s academy was unique in the sense that she would only admit uniquely-talented people, like known geniuses or people with special skills.

However, such people were hard to entice. They had their own arrogance and would not admit just anyone as their teacher. Furthermore, she wanted to enroll many people, making the difficulty of her plan even higher.

Therefore, many people had doubts regarding the feasibility of Xinghe’s plan. However, Xinghe was confident, and the President did not have the heart to say anything to her.

Furthermore, they trusted her. Plus, this was a plan in which they had nothing to lose; they were willing to let Xinghe try.

The President was an admirer of Xinghe’s talent and capability, and he was in her debt for many things, so he approved of her demands easily.


Chapter 903: Excited the World of Science

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Then, the next step would be to start Xinghe’s plan in earnest!

After He Lan Yuan’s appearance, the world’s economy was struck. However, the blow wasn’t that significant. Humanity was one of the most resilient creatures, and since most of the world’s technology was still intact, the world managed to recover to its original form rather quickly.

To be fair, his appearance not only had bad repercussions because he also instigated an explosive advancement in the general field of science!

Now, more people showed an interest in science. Earlier, many thought sciences were dull and not worth investing in. However, now they realized that science was the only engine pushing mankind’s advancement forward. Without science, the threat of extinction was always possible. After all, a world-threatening crisis had shown itself, what else was really impossible?

Perhaps extra-terrestrial lives really existed in the galaxy, and when they arrived, how were Earthlings going to defend themselves with backwards science?

Humanity’s choice would only be extinction or slavery, like how it was with He Lan Yuan. This crisis had opened many people’s eyes to the feeling of abject fear and despair. It was an experience no one wanted to repeat.

Everyone over the world just wanted to secure their home and live a safe life in peace and harmony. Therefore, they supported the growth of science; many people even personally devoted themselves to the development of science.

This phenomenon was not unlike when the computer was first introduced to the world. It created a ripple effect that encouraged many to join the field of computer technology, which was why the most advanced field within modern society was computer science.

Furthermore, Xinghe had utilized her computer science knowledge to neutralize He Lan Yuan’s scheme and that only added to this field’s popularity. Therefore, the academy Xinghe was opening had to have a computer science class.

Of course, it would be the main attraction of her academy!

This was because, in terms of computer science, no one was at her level. This class instructed by her would be the best in the world. However, Xinghe did not plan to construct and popularize this academy the conventional way. There was already a rudimentary plan in her mind, and she was only waiting for the academy to be built before she initiated it.

It was not that difficult for Xinghe to establish this academy. There was already a large private institute site in City A. However, the institute had been losing money every year and it was on its last legs.

The number of students was slowly dwindling, and the sprawling institute grounds were like a ghost town, an observation that was eerily accurate at night. Furthermore, after this world-threatening crisis, almost all of its students had decided to leave school!

This institute was not supported by the government and was not a famed school. Most of the students there were second generation nouveau riche or rich good-for-nothings. Basically, they were enrolled there to purchase a certificate.

Therefore, there was no difference between leaving school and attending classes to them, considering they had the money to live the rest of their lives with ease. Therefore, when the crisis broke out, they all decided to leave school and return home to enjoy life…

After all, wouldn’t it be a waste to siphon all the inheritance their ancestors had left them into an educational fund alone?

Just like that, the private institute was completely abandoned!

The institute’s investors almost fainted from pure trauma and sadness. Thankfully, the heavens seemed to be on the lookout for them, because there were still plenty of dumb rich people in the world like the Xi family around.

Even with the economic collapse following the crisis and no students in school, the Xi family still crazily volunteered to buy the school from the investors!


Chapter 904: No Loss, All Gain

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

The investors suddenly felt blessed by all the gods there ever were. They gave thanks at churches, temples, and mosques; they’d finally managed to toss this dumpster fire away from their hands.

With almost zero negotiation, the investors sold the school at the price of five hundred million. When the school was first built, it had cost three hundred million. It was simple math; selling it at five hundred million was pure profit for the investors!

With this idea in mind, the investors dropped the school like hot cake and went on their merry ways with the money. Alas, none of them could envision the momentous changes this academy would bring to the world. It would become the best academy in the world, to which admission would be harder than winning the lottery!

The academy had a humble beginning; it basically grew out of an abandoned jungle. After Mubai purchased the site, he brought Xinghe and the rest for a tour.

The institute had been designed with inspiration from classical European buildings. The compound was big, and the surroundings were pretty. It felt like a town hidden away from the bustle of the city. After a short tour, Xinghe nodded, satisfied.

“How was it?” Mubai asked her.

Xinghe nodded. “It’s nice, it is the kind of compound I want for the academy. The current size is enough for the plan, and we can discuss expansion when the time comes.”

Mubai smirked. “I have considered that already. I have purchased the adjacent lands. When we need to, we can expand whenever we want.”

SamWolf gawked at the surrounding plots of land that stretched for several thousand meters. [He bought all these empty lands? So, this is how rich people operate… No, wait a minute, it only benefits us to be his friends!

Xinghe was surprised by what he said. “You have already bought them?”

Mubai nodded. “Yes, I have. I believe in you.”

He believed that her academy would be a wild success and the academy would be greatly expanded. Xinghe’s eyes glistened; she did not expect such strong support from him. He not only supported her verbally and had contributed plenty to the fruition of her plan. In the world, he was probably the only one who would trust her so unconditionally and implicitly. He would always put her first.

Xinghe looked at him with her pair of glowing eyes, and her lips curved into a smile. “I will make sure your investment is not lost on me.”

This was the best thank you she could give him.

Mubai smiled in return. “Then you have to make sure you will be able to make all these lands into the compound of your academy.”

“I promise.”

Ali looked at them and sighed with faux envy. “Although I feel this current compound is already very big, it should be enough because I have never seen such a huge school before.”

“That is because you have not been to school.” Sam exposed her pointedly.

Ali huffed. “What difference does that make? Can’t I have gone to a school for visits?”

Cairn laughed and said, “The schools that we used to have at Country R cannot really be called schools; they were mostly temporary seminaries.”

Country Y had too many years, even if there were seminaries, they were used as shelters and not schools. Having an education was an unachievable dream for the children there, much less attending such a large, gorgeous campus to study.

To be frank, the scale of this private institute in Hwa Xia could only be considered normal.

Chapter 905: Galaxy Academy

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

The difference in such upbringing brought a heavy pall over SamWolf’s hearts. The first to lament was surprisingly, Wolf. He said suddenly, “The children here are very fortunate.”

Everyone turned to look at him with surprise, hearing his husky voice. Ali then sighed. “You’re right, I always had the dream of attending school when I was a little girl. I just wanted to have an education; I didn’t even dare to hope for a school as gorgeous as this.”

“Don’t feel down, after all, none of us have been to school. Look at it this way, we are now part of a school-building project; we will be able to help those children who aren’t as lucky as us,” Sam said with optimism.

Ali nodded with a smile. “You’re right, this is a kind of dream come true for me as well.”

Xinghe turned to look at them and suddenly said, “In the future, all of you can come and attend this school.”

SamWolf looked at her with shock. “What did you say?”

Xinghe said clearly, “This academy will not always limit itself to unique talents, eventually it will open its doors to the world. When that day comes, you all will be the first in line to enroll. You can attend any classes that you want.”

This was the thank you she could give them and the thank you they deserved.

Saying that SamWolf were excited would be an understatement.

“We can really attend school here?”

“We can still go to school?”

“But we don’t know anything…”

The few of them who could kill without batting an eye suddenly felt incredibly nervous. This was because the school had always held a sacred place in their hearts. Could the few of them who had no academic knowledge really have the chance to attend school?

Xinghe nodded firmly. “You can! You all are more than qualified to enroll here; your fees will be nullified, and this offer will be extended to your children as well.”

This was the extra Xinghe threw in for them. SamWolf felt warmth wash over them, and they looked at her with strong emotions in their eyes.

“Xinghe, thank you,” Ali said sincerely. “With that promise alone, I swear to protect this academy with my life! For this academy, I am willing to do anything!”

Sam added with a bright smile, “Me too, this academy is our effort as well. We will fight to the death against anyone who dares to challenge the formation of this academy!”

Cairn and Wolf also nodded with determination.

Xinghe smiled. “Okay, we will open this academy today. We will never give up.”

“Okay!” the few of them replied in unison. With the sunlight filtering through the verdant trees, they made that precious promise.

Watching them, Mubai could feel every one of their cells boiling. A smile appeared on his face as he acted as the witness to their promise. He would keep this memory in his mind for as long as he lived.

Xinghe’s academy was soon established. Mubai was highly proficient in his business. He not only helped her purchase a compound but also hired a powerful management team for her.

Xinghe only needed to come up with a general plan; the team would handle the rest.

SamWolf only had one request regarding this academy, that was for it to be named: Galaxy Academy!

Xinghe was speechless regarding this decision.

The whole world was familiar with Project Galaxy; the term Galaxy was famous all over the world. Even the control tower designed by Xinghe was called Galaxy Control Tower.

Now they wanted to name the academy Galaxy as well… wouldn’t that cheapen the name?

Obviously, Ali and the rest did not think that way.


Chapter 906: Trademark

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“The term Galaxy is worth castles nowadays. Branding is essential, so if you don’t use it, what if some other school uses it? In that case, we might as well use it ourselves; this is to tell the world that yours is the original and the rest are copycats.”

“That’s right, you have no idea how famous the term ‘Galaxy’ is. I just came back from a stroll of the streets and everywhere I looked there is Galaxy. There are Galaxy Restaurant, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Café, Galaxy KTV, and even Galaxy Massage Parlor!” Sam huffed angrily.

When they heard Galaxy Massage Parlor, their faces froze awkwardly. Ee Chen suddenly rushed over to add, “I even saw an adult website called Galaxy earlier.”

Mubai suddenly stood up and said, “I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?” Xinghe asked out of habit.

The man answered expressionlessly, “Have to deal with some things.”

How come Xinghe had a feeling he was going out to ‘hunt’?

Xinghe’s feeling was proven right. Mubai spent the next few days shutting down those merchants that used Galaxy in their names. Especially that Galaxy Massage Parlor and Galaxy Website, he shut them all down immediately!

Very soon, those two companies went bankrupt due to financial and legal issues.

At the same time, Hwa Xia’s bureau of commerce and industry filed many trademarks using the Galaxy name. No matter the field, the name Galaxy was trademarked. Even food items were trademarked. In any case, if it could be trademarked, then Mubai had done that.

The workers at the bureau almost died from exhaustion. Mubai had them work with several million trademarks in just days; they would rather have died.

However, the method was effective because no one managed to trademark the name after that. Even if there was, the request would be denied. In conclusion, the term Galaxy was banned in the business world; whoever used it would have to deal with Xi Empire!

SamWolf were impressed by Mubai’s ferociousness. Thankfully, he was quick and efficient, and the term Galaxy hadn’t gotten too pedestrian. It still had its allure.

Therefore, when Galaxy Academy was going to open, it soon attracted various media companies’ attention. The main attraction was it was Xinghe’s academy!

The name, Galaxy Academy, on the plaque for the school was personally written by Mr. President using gold ink. This added to the background of the academy.

However, the most shocking detail was that this academy would not accept new students; it would only accept famed scientists or researchers. In other words, this academy only accepted ready academics!

However, these people did not need to attend school anymore, even if they did, they would not select a brand-new school like Galaxy Academy.

Who were the teachers to teach these academicians? Who was qualified to be their teacher? Even if they could find some, would they come work for this academy?

In other words, the quality of teaching staff was this academy’s biggest loophole. No educational institute in the world dared say that they only accept academics with ample research background, and they had no confidence they could handle students like that.

Therefore, Galaxy Academy, when it was first revealed to the world, soon became everyone’s laughing stock in spite of the adoration and appreciation many had for her.


Chapter 907: Academic Olympic

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

But no one thought this academy would be a success; her dream was too big. However, everyone did admit that her computer skill was very good. Perhaps her academy would only get computer science experts to enroll and she would be the only teacher.

For some reason, people wanted the academy to fail just for the comedic effect alone. This was especially true with the experts who made fun of her. As experts, they had their own arrogance, and each one of them believed no one was better; they were the best of the best and there was nothing else for them to learn.

Therefore, the fact that Xinghe opened a school to welcome them felt like a humiliation directed specifically at them. No one wanted to enroll at her school. They all had steady work and had made a name for themselves in their respective fields. They were in their primes; only a fool would choose to return to school.

Therefore, this academy was deemed a joke, and no one wanted join as student. When this assumption was firm in everyone’s mind, Galaxy Academy suddenly released some news. It was about an academic competition.

According to the news, as long as you had the talents, or you thought that you did, you were welcome to participate in this competition. The competition would test several fields: computer science, mathematics, medicine, economics and physics.

If you managed to win the competition in any of the field, the prize of one hundred million would be yours. Yes, the prize for winning was one hundred million!

Not only that, even if you lost, if you had shown incredible talent, you would have a chance to join Galaxy Academy as its teaching staff with a yearly salary of 8,000,000 RMB. In other words, if you won this competition, and even if you chose to reject the job offer, a life of luxury was yours already. Even if you lost, there was still a chance for that with honest work.

This never before seen academic competition was given a befitting name—Academic Olympics.

The world was shocked with the release of the news. All the arrogant experts were moved by the allure of the prize. The attraction was bigger than a Nobel Prize, so only a fool would not register and participate.

The prize was so lucrative that they would not give up the opportunity. So many experts mobilized because the registration period would only open for fifteen days. If they missed this, it would be a regret that lasted a lifetime. The talents who saw this news all moved toward Hwa Xia’s City A to join this competition.

Of course, Xinghe also sent off many invitations to world famous scientists and institutions, inviting them to join the competition.

The President also helped them send invitations to various counties, asking them to allow their talents to come to Hwa Xia to join the competition. The President’s justification was simple: this was a competition to excite the scientific scene. Humanity’s scientific level still needed improvement as He Lan Yuan had proved, and the most effective method to do that was through competition and a grand prize.

Chapter 908: I Want That Woman’s Life

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

It is a sad reality that human beings are creatures of greed, which means their maximum potential can easily be ignited with a big enough attraction. That was why the Olympics kept having records broken.

Naturally, the Academic Olympics was modelled after that system. In the spirit of competition, there would be innovation. Therefore, this competition was welcomed, and every country had a responsibility to send their representatives.

Xinghe and Hwa Xia’s president had personally invited them, so every country would send their representatives just to be polite. Of course, it had also attracted a crowd. Very soon, City A was crowded with people.

In just a few days of registration, City A was flooded with crowds and the number of registration applications kept increasing. Of course, they would not accept all applications. One would have to pass a test before registering; the test was to weed out those who came to create a scene.

If anything, those with a small amount of knowledge were also shown the door. The early examination had eliminated many people. In any case, only two percent of the people who came managed to register for the competition.

That two percent was not a small number; there were already hundreds of people. Xinghe’s group was glad, noticing the good reception. The reason for this competition was to promote their academy and to recruit staff. Therefore, the more the merrier. Their plan had a greater chance of working with a great number of people.

The President valued this competition greatly, giving it his complete support. It seemed like many countries viewed this competition as important as well. Even the United Nations sent its representatives.

It appeared as if He Lan Yuan’s plot to dominate the world had excited everyone. Everyone paid attention to this competition that had plenty of things to do with academics from the very beginning.

Ee Chen and the rest who were part of the organization were happy and proud. They had a feeling, the spirit of the Academic Olympic would be promoted and advanced. This competition would be inherited and improved year after year. They were proud to be part of its foundation committee!

Registration alone had brought enough hype to this Academic Olympic. The global media kept reporting on it. Everyone followed this competition with interest.

Even though the competition had not exactly started, its popularity had swept the globe; it was as glorious as the actual Olympics. Xinghe’s group was busy fixing and preparing the competition.

While that was going on, at a secret place on Earth, several mysterious men in pressed suits were in a meeting with He Lan Yuan.

“Can your method really work?” one of the mysterious men asked solemnly.

He Lan Yuan’s lips curved into a chilling smile. “You still doubt my capability?”

Of course, no one would suspect the power of the man who had almost brought the world to its knees. However, they were guarded around him.

“We can follow the method you have outlined, but we have to experiment on it first. We will carry out the plan when everything is cleared.”

He Lan Yuan smiled thinly, apparently uninterested in their intention. “Do what you wish, but don’t forget the conditions you have promised me…”

Staring viciously at them, he croaked in his coarse voice, “I want that woman’s life, along with the lives of everyone around. I want all of them dead because they deserve to die—”

His tone was levelled, but for some reason, the group of mysterious men felt the skin on their hands crawl.

—————–( ゚ ͜ʖ ゚)/————-

Chapter 909: Worried About Her

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

At that moment, the few mysterious men didn’t feel guilty but sorry for Xinghe. She had saved the world and captured He Lan Yuan, but she still had to die because she stood in their way of capturing Hwa Xia, this wonderful piece of meat!

The registration lasted half a month and finally drew to a close. The Academic Olympic was about to officially begin.

Galaxy Academy set up five different competition categories, and each category would have a different test subject every day.

The examiner for computer science, mathematics, and physics would be Xinghe. For example, in the test for computer science, she would have the participants crack a system within a time limit; those who managed to hack the system would move on to the next round.

The examiner for medicine was Lu Qi, and for economics, Mubai. The three of them were famed in their respective fields, so as long as the candidates could pass the tests laid down by them, they were definitely talents. And they would extend an olive branch to all these talents.

The first day of the competition was closely followed by the global media; the process of the competition was broadcast live across the globe. Everyone stayed glued in front of their television screens, cheering for their favorite candidates; it was really no different from a sporting event.

Each country had their own representative that they would cheer for. The candidates from Hwa Xia had extra pressure to work harder because they were the home team.

Each round of the competition would eliminate more participants. Those who passed were overjoyed; those who were defeated hung their heads in shame. However, those who passed were also intensely nervous, nervous of being eliminated the next round. Therefore, they did not hold back for the competition, adding more flavor and excitement to the Academic Olympics.

With this, the public’s focus on the competition only increased. Xinghe’s purpose of having the competition had mostly been fulfilled.

She had managed to make the name Galaxy Academy famous, and that would, in turn, attract more academics to join them. The President was glad witnessing the competition’s roaring success; he personally congratulated and praised Xinghe for her vision.

Even Tong Liang congratulated her. She was the representative sent over by the United Nations to oversee this competition.

Tong Liang acted like there was no beef between her and Xinghe. She smiled thinly. “Miss Xia does have her talent, even a competition like this in your hands has become a runaway success. Miss Xia will definitely be Hwa Xia’s pride and focus in the future.”

Xinghe decided to play along for now. “Thank you, Miss Tong, for your kind praise.”

“You’re welcome.” Tong Liang smiled, but there seemed to be many secrets behind that simple smile.

Xinghe had her friends pay close attention to Tong Liang in secret; she had a feeling this woman was up to something.

Even though Tong Liang was Hwa Xia’s citizen and represented the United Nation, and thus should be a lawful citizen, for some reason, Xinghe felt the need to be cautious around her, and her instincts had never failed her before.

However, the ten days Academic Olympics passed in relative peace, and Tong Liang did not do anything suspicious!

Each category had its final winner. The most shining winner was the winner of the computer science category; it was Ee Chen.

He had joined the competition with the label, Xia Xinghe’s student, on his back. Therefore, his victory brought more glory to Xinghe and Galaxy Academy. If her student was so good, then one could imagine how incredibly powerful she really was.

With Xinghe’s name on the rise, the reputation of Galaxy Academy was brought up as consequence.

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