Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 890-899

Chapter 890: Activated Their Desire

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

“Have you experienced this feeling of being pulled out of despair and thrown back into it again? The despair of being under someone else’s control all your life, which one of you have tasted that before?”

This time, everyone was silent, even George. This was indeed an experience none of them had been unfortunate enough to taste. They knew what the He Lan family had done them. They were treated like trash from the day they were born. Their lives were worse than a family pet’s.

This was not the worst though, because they had never tasted freedom. They would never miss something that they had never experienced.

However, the He Lan family’s downfall had given them hope, and the sweet taste of freedom. But, reality had sent them back into the darkest depths of despair. The hope that had come to them after so many difficulties was eclipsed once more. This was a pain even harsher than death.

This kind of absolute despair was an experience unique to them. No one would be able to share their pain. Therefore, there was no way they would willingly subject themselves to some other people’s domination anymore. They needed a new purpose in life, something that was greater than being someone else’s puppet.

If there was no choice, then they would rather choose death.

With these thoughts crowding their mind, Shi Jian hissed through gritted teeth as he glared viciously as them. “So many of us have never tasted a day of freedom. It is not that we cannot survive on the island, but we want freedom. None of you will be able to understand our desire for freedom.

“There are even children among us that are barely over ten years old. We have given them hope that their lives will be improved, but now? The eldest among us are at least fifty. We thought we could finally let our elders enjoy the rest that they deserve, the freedom that was taken away from them, but now? So many of us died in despair from the stifling of freedom. The only reason we survived until now was through hope and you are now even taking that hope away. So, are you telling me that we deserve to be abandoned by the world, to live a life only suitable for livestock‽”

Shi Jian’s rousing speech incited rebellion within the crowd. They all started to protest. Even SamWolf joined them in protesting. The situation was chaotic and explosive…

George’s soldiers were tense, they were worried that confrontation was inevitable. George looked toward Tong Liang for directions. “Miss Tong, this…”

“Haul them away!” Tong Liang ordered expressionlessly, as if these people were really nothing more than livestock to her. “These are the orders from above, and no one can change them. If they want freedom, they have to wait for the top officials to review their request! Now we need to accomplish this mission. You are allowed to use force on whomever dares to violate the order! Also, you people there, if you dare to resist the order, then you will be taken away for obstruction of justice! Major George, stop wasting time.”

“…Yes, ma’am!” George nodded and issued the heartless order, “Detain them and haul them away.”

“We are not leaving!” Shi Jian and the guys started resisting. However, they were no match for trained soldiers. The few who tried to escape were tackled to the floor and forced into submission.


Chapter 891: I Will Save You; I Will Give you Freedom

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

But no matter how harsh the soldiers pressed down on them, they continued to struggle. Everyone was yelling at the top of their lungs like this was their last bout, like a beast in despair.

Witnessing their strong and painful emotions, the members of SamWolf were stunned. They really had not thought that these people’s desire for freedom would be so strong. Normal people would go down easily against specially-trained soldiers, but these people continued to struggle even though their limbs were at the point of dislocating. Despair was plainly written on their faces…

This was worse than an open slaughter. Why should they be treated this way? What wrong did they do other than being chosen by He Lan family?

SamWolf was deeply infected by their sorrow and despair. They gripped their fists tightly and finally they lost control of the fury burning in their hearts.

“Let them go—” Sam roared as he rushed to tackle the soldier who was apprehending Shi Jian. His roar was like an order for the rest of the SamWolf. They were professional mercenaries, so they managed to rescue many people in the short amount of time.

Tong Liang saw this and her face hardened. “Do you people want to die? Fine, guards, shoot them!”

“Stop right now!” At the same time, Xinghe’s sharp voice pierced through the room. Her words were like magic, SamWolf and Shi Jian’s group stopped their actions immediately. As they did so, all the soldiers also stopped moving.

Xinghe scanned everyone there and asked Tong Liang in a clear and powerful voice, “Do you have to take them away no matter what?”

For some reason, Tong Liang felt great pressure talking to Xinghe. She pulled herself to her full height and replied firmly, “Yes, they all have to be taken away.”

“Simply because they might be a threat to the human society?” Xinghe asked with a cold smile.

“There are many reasons, but this is the decision approved internationally. Of course, we have our reasons for making this decision, and there are many pieces of information that I am not in the liberty to reveal,” Tong Liang explained nonchalantly, letting them know at the same time that they were captured due to some other reasons as well. But what reasons could there be? Who else knew about He Lan Yuan’s scheme better than them?

Xinghe did not want to play this political dance with her so she demanded coldly, “Is there a way for them to get released?”

Tong Liang smirked slightly. “There is not. We have already given them as much leeway as possible. Miss Xia, I advise you to stay out of this; this is not something you can intervene.”

“What if I decide to intervene?” Xinghe questioned.

Tong Liang’s smile faded. “Then it also depends on whether you have that capability or not.”

“You’re right, I am unable to do anything now.”

Xinghe turned to look at Shi Jian and the rest. Facing the expectant glow in their eyes, she announced clearly, “You all are right, I am the one who gave all of you hope, so I will not disappoint you. It is because of your contribution that He Lan Yuan’s evil plan was stopped, so I will not let your effort go to waste. I only have one question for you, do you believe me or not?”

“Miss Xia, what do you plan to do?” Shi Jian asked immediately, his blood was strangely boiling.

“I am going to rescue all of you to give you the freedom and life you deserve. Do you trust me or not‽” Xinghe answered in a loud and powerful voice.

At that moment, everyone was stunned.


Chapter 892: We Believe in You!

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

They all looked at her blankly, her words still reverberating in their ears. Her promise was so clear that it was hard for anyone to persuade themselves that they had heard wrongly. She is capable of saving them?

“Miss Xia, it is the United Nations that wants to quarantine us, can you really help us?” Shi Jian asked in disbelief.

Xinghe nodded. “Yes, I will figure out a way to help you. No matter how hard it may be, I will not give up.”

“But will you really be successful?”

Xinghe laughed and said, “I managed to solve a world crisis, so what else can stop me? If you believe me, then give me some more time, I will definitely get you all the freedom and happiness you deserve.”

“Okay!” Shi Jian yelled excitedly. “I believe you, we all believe you!”

“We all believe you!” the rest echoed in unison.

Xinghe nodded and promised solemnly, “I will not disappoint you again.”

“That is more than enough.” Shi Jian looked at her with tears in his eyes. “I am sorry for what I said; to be honest, we have never doubted your character. Miss Xia, thank you.”

Then, Shi Jian suddenly stepped forward to shake her hands. Xinghe’s eyes shuddered slightly, adding, “Don’t worry, I am a woman of my word.”

“We know.” Shi Jian held onto her hands, hanging onto her like she was their spiritual center. “Miss Xia, in this world, you are the one person we can trust. You answered our call for help, and you saved us. We will wait for you, no matter how long.”

“Okay.” Xinghe nodded without saying anything more. Her promise was worth gold because she never promised anything easily. Shi Jian and the guys believed she would do everything to fulfil her promise. Her promise was also their last hope.

Shi Jian let go of Xinghe’s hand and he said in parting, “Miss Xia, please allow me to represent everyone in thanking you!”

After giving her a deep bow, Shi Jian walked toward George. “Now, we agree to go with you.”

The rest of them followed suit. They finally saw hope again, there was still hope for them to get release after they were captured.

George hesitated before ordering, “Take them away.”

“Yes, sir!” The soldiers lined up in a straight line, forming a procession to lead them toward the exit. They did not rough the men up and allowed them to move at their preferred speed. Shi Jian took one last look at Xinghe’s group before turning away to follow the rest.

As they were brought away, there was a heavy feeling that settled in Xinghe’s heart.

“Miss Xia, thank you for your aid just now. You do have them wrapped around your finger.” Tong Liang suddenly came to praise her with hints of smile. Xinghe looked at her coolly; her gaze as cold as the surface of a winter’s lake.

Tong Liang naturally felt the hostility directed at her.

“I was not helping you,” Xinghe explained forcefully. “I meant every single word I told them.”

She was really going to help them find a life of happiness and freedom. Tong Liang smiled to herself, as if she was dismissing this crazy woman talking to her.

“Miss Xia, then I wish you good luck. But a last word of advice, being a hero is not easy, I pray you will not get obsessed with being one. Don’t let the rush go to your head.”

Then, she turned to leave, the few ambassadors trailing behind her.


Chapter 893: Returning to Hwa Xia Tonight

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Sam started grousing after they left the room. “What a b*tch! If Xinghe did not save this world, would she still be alive? Without Xinghe, the world was going to end! So, what is with the attitude!”

Ali was equally angered. “She really thinks our Xinghe sacrificed so much because she likes to, she had to!”

“Just how did someone like her get to such a high position?” Even Cairn was rarely furious.

Mubai explained, “She is also from Hwa Xia, one of the few vice secretaries working with the United Nations. She is young, only around 35 if I remember correctly. Her father was in the run for the presidency and lost to our current president.”

Comprehension dawned then.

“So, she knows about Xinghe’s identity? That explains the hostility,” Sam scoffed.

Mubai nodded. “That is the most logical conclusion.”

“Then, we’ll have be more careful around her in the future,” Ali reminded Xinghe.

Xinghe nodded. “I know.”

“By the way, Xinghe, do you really have the way to save Shi Jian and the guys?” Sam asked with anticipation.

Xinghe continued to nod. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way. In any case, I will try my best.”

Sam added, “We will support you!”

“That’s right, we also want to help them,” Ali chimed in. Cairn and Wolf nodded behind her. Ee Chen was also willing to throw in his support.

Xinghe looked at them and felt confidence surge through her heart. They were her loyal friends and companions who had aided her plenty along the way. With their support, nothing was impossible.

“Okay, we will figure this out together.” Xinghe nodded with a smile.

Sam asked Xinghe, “Then what is our plan? Open protest?”

Xinghe shook her head. “I still don’t have an exact plan in mind, but open protests will not be useful. They will only stone-wall us with more political mumbo-jumbo, plus if we go through the court system, it will take years. I don’t want this to drag on for too long.”

There was another thing that she left unsaid. She felt for some reason, the United Nations had a sinister motive for quarantining Shi Jian and the guys. If her hunch was correct, then, this would be a lot more complicated.

Sam nodded. “Indeed, it benefits no one to have this dragged out. We have to come up with a solution to save them as soon as possible.”

“But what solution will that be?” Ali asked with a frowned. This was a decision passed by the United Nations; it was supported by majority of the countries, so what could small characters like them do?

Xinghe seemed to read their thought and she said softly, “Rules are meant to be broken.”

“You mean, we can try to twist the rules to our benefit or make them change their mind? Won’t that be extremely difficult?” pondered Ali.

Xinghe nodded. “It will, but there is always a way. So tonight, we will return to Hwa Xia.”

Her sudden announcement to return home surprised and confused SamWolf. What does that have to do with anything?

Only Mubai looked at her with his knowing, black eyes. He seemed to have read her thoughts. Since Xinghe had made her decision, SamWolf went to pack; they planned to return to Hwa Xia with her.

Their decision was a bit too sudden. Chui Qian personally came to ask them to stay, as he was planning a celebration to thank them, but Xinghe kindly rejected his offer.

There was still plenty of unfinished business in Country R, but they had washed their hands clean of it all.


Chapter 894: Then Go Take It Yourself

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Chui Qian could handle those matters just fine. Their mission was accomplished, and they had nothing to do with the rest.

Lu Qi had removed He Bin’s memory that was in He Lan Qi’s body. He Bin’s physical had recovered for the most part, and He Lan Qi was jailed. They had nothing else to do there anymore. However, their leave was indeed too sudden, and Chui Qian did not even have the chance to give them a proper send-off.

“Mr. President, we still have things to rush home to. We will meet again next time,” Mubai told him politely.

Chui Qian nodded and said, “Of course, I will not force you all to stay if that’s the case. Come on, I will have my men send you to the airport. Consider it a personal thank you for the things you have done for me and this country.”

“Mr. President is too kind,” Mubai answered with a smile. He was a social person; his interaction with Chui Qian was on point. This was Xinghe’s weakness; she would only add a word or two here and there.

Chui Qian arranged a limo and driver for them. However, as Xinghe’s group was going to get into the car, Tong Liang suddenly arrived with a group of people behind her.

“The few of you are leaving?”

She walked over slowly with a thin smile on her face. Her question was directed at Xinghe. For some reason, she always targeted Xinghe, but her actual thoughts about Xinghe was an unknown.

Xinghe nodded. “Yes.”

Tong Liang asked with grace, “Why so soon? You all have just returned from the moon yesterday and you’re leaving tonight, isn’t that a bit too hurried?”

“There is no reason for us to stay anymore,” Xinghe answered softly. Sam and the rest behind Xinghe stared blankly at Tong Liang. Their impression of this woman was bad.

Tong Liang ignored them and said with a smile, “There are plenty of reasons for you all to stay. We still have many questions for you and need your cooperation with many things.”

“We have said everything we need to say and have done everything required of us. We have nothing else left to say and so there is no reason for us to stay,” Xinghe retorted flatly, not giving her any face.

Tong Liang smiled. “That is what Miss Xia thinks, but from how we see it, there are still questions that you people have not answered.”

“I am sorry, I can’t think of anything that we have not explained to you.”

“Then, let me remind you. Don’t tell me, Miss Xia went to the moon base and did not come back with more information?”

Xinghe’s eyes darkened. “What kind of information you’re referring to?”

“Naturally, their technology.” Tong Liang smiled. “None of you seem to have mentioned any technology, but I am sure that is because Miss Xia must have forgotten about it.”

This ignited Sam’s anger immediately. “What, you think we’re harboring their technology? Xinghe does not need their technology; she is better than that.”

Tong Liang ignored Sam completely like he was air. She stared at Xinghe and said, “Miss Xia is only good at computer science, but He Lan Yuan’s technology covered many different fields. Miss Xia, their technology belongs to the world, and if you claim it for yourself, that is a crime against the world.”

“What crime will that be?” Xinghe asked with a raised brow. “If you want their technologies so badly, why don’t you go take it yourself?”

Tong Liang’s face shifted from the indecorous answer. Ali hugged her arms and said smugly, “That’s right, if you want their technology so badly, why don’t you go to the moon and take it? If you can, go crack the satellite system and the base’s defense system and go take it yourself.”

“We did not take anything from the base, everything was left on the moon, so if you don’t believe it, you can go see it for yourself,” Sam added with a mischievous grin.


Chapter 895: You Have No Right

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

He was going to open his eyes wide to watch whether they were capable of that or not!

Tong Liang brushed off their snide comments, and her gaze that stared at Xinghe turned icy. “Miss Xia, I am advising you out of the kindness of my heart. Do not make this mistake.”

“Then, I thank you for your kindness. Alas, you’re wasting it on the wrong person.” Xinghe then turned to tell her friends, “Let us go.”

She was not interested in making friends in this Tong Liang. Sam and the rest also could not stand her face anymore, so they motioned to leave.

“Stop right there!” Tong Liang suddenly ordered. “Did I say you are allowed to leave? No one is leaving if you do not hand over the item!”

The moment she said that, the people she’d brought immediately surrounded Xinghe’s group.

Chui Qian frowned. “Miss Tong, what is the meaning of this?”

Tong Liang answered with a polite smile, “Mr. President, I am merely following my orders to ask them to hand over the item. You should also understand; they just returned from the moon, but they did not hand over anything, so I believe they must have kept something for themselves.”

“Stop falsely accusing us, we did not take anything!” Sam retorted angrily.

Mubai’s face also darkened. “Even if we did, you have no right to block our way, Miss Tong. The United Nations has no actual jurisdiction here.”

The United Nations was only a front for various countries to discuss international agendas; it was meant to balance the major powers. As an isolated entity, it had no real sense of power. Tong Liang was only a vice-secretary of the organization, so she had even less power.

Tong Liang said smugly, “But this is an order from the top official. I have to return with those things, and this is an order passed by the majority of the countries.”

Chui Qian undermined her lies subtly, “Miss Tong, the majority of the countries did pass this ruling, but the premise is that they have those things to begin with. Miss Xia said they did not bring back anything from the moon, so how do you expect them to give you something they do not have?”

Tong Liang smiled thinly. “Mr. President, you might choose to believe them, but I don’t. The people who came back from the moon trusted Xia Xinghe the most, and since they did not carry the thing with them, it has to be with Xia Xinghe. The only reason they needed to return in such a rush was to evade my detection and keep it for themselves. It is my responsibility to stop them from doing that, so naturally, I will not let them go easily. I would like to ask Mr. President to cooperate with the United Nations as well.”

Chui Qian was cornered. He asked Xinghe formally, “Miss Xia, do you have the thing?”

“We did not take anything back from the moon,” Xinghe said firmly.

Chui Qian immediately told Tong Liang, “They already said they do not have…”

“Mr. President, you are doing this wrongly. We will find out whether they have it or not after a careful search,” Tong Liang interrupted him rudely and demanded, “Miss Xia, I wish for your cooperation. If the search comes up with nothing, we will immediately let you all go.”

“A search?” Xinghe asked with a raised brow.

“Yes, a strip search if necessary!” Tong Liang demanded.

Xinghe smiled thinly and retorted with authority, “Who gave you the right to do that‽”

“You!” Tong Liang was furious; she did not expect Xinghe would be so uncooperative.

“You have no right to search either one of us,” Xinghe continued her barrage.

Mubai also added coldly, “She’s right, you have no right to conduct any search on us. No one has that right, or have you forgotten who saved the world and why you are able to stand here today?”

MOAR UpVote (づ⚆□⚆)づ!!! Thx <3

Chapter 896: Play This Game

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

“Let me answer that for you, it is Xinghe. She has done the most, so what gives you, someone who has done nothing, the right to search her?” Sam added snidely.

“That’s right, none of you have the right to disrespect her thusly, especially you.” Ali glared openly at Tong Liang.

Tong Liang was so angered that she lost her official smiling face. Her features were twisted from anger as she barked, “So you people have let your glory go to your head? You think you’re above the law simply because you have made one small contribution?”

“It is you who thinks you are above the law. You are pursuing your personal agenda using your official position, suppressing us with your official title,” Xinghe scoffed. “If you want us to cooperate with you, fine, then show us the warrant, if you don’t have one, then get out of our way!”

“My words are the words of the United Nations, and this search must be conducted!” Tong Liang finally lost her patience, she ordered, “Move it, if any of them dare to resist, arrest them!”

“I will see who dares!” Xinghe’s sharp gaze swept the crowd and Tong Liang’s lackeys were stunned motionless. For some reason, they felt afraid of Xinghe’s imposing aura.

However, Tong Liang was not afraid of her, and she had lost her last shred of patience.

“Xia Xinghe, I am warning you for the last time, stop obstructing justice!”

If they continued this resistance, she was going to open fire.

Xinghe looked at her with a wicked grin. “Well, I do wish to see what you intend to do. If you aren’t afraid of making international news, then we are more than willing to play this game with you.”

Mubai suddenly blocked Xinghe and glared at Tong Liang with his dark, cold gaze. “Miss Tong, if you insist on continuing this bullying, then our Xi family will not hesitate to join in the fun. I, Xi Mubai, am a man of my words.”

Tong Liang’s pupils shuddered. Xi Mubai was openly threatening her!

Of course, she understood what he meant. If she continued this charade, the Xi family would come after the Tong family. The Xi family was already a force to be reckoned with, but now Xinghe also had the Shen family and Hwa Xia’s Madam President behind her back. If this exploded, the Tong family would be the party who suffered.

Tong Liang smirked coldly and said, “Fine, the thing had better not be with you, or else no one will be able to save you!”

Xinghe and Mubai didn’t waste time with her anymore; they jumped into the car and sped away.

Under the cover of the night, Tong Liang glared at their car as it disappeared into the night, her gaze as dark as the night around it.

Since the driver was Chui Qian’s man, Sam and the rest did not say anything. It was not until they hopped onto Mubai’s personal plane that they could not help but ask, “Xinghe, do you really have something on you?”

They had to ask, because from how Tong Liang acted, it really seemed like she was certain Xinghe was hiding something from her, even though they were certain Xinghe did not remove anything from the moon base.

To their surprise, Xinghe admitted easily, “Yes, the thing is with me.”

“Really? When did you take it?” Sam gasped in shock.

Ee Chen guessed, “Mr. Shi surreptitiously passed it to you yesterday?”

“Yes.” Xinghe nodded. Finally, Sam and the rest understood. Shi Jian had snuck the thing to Xinghe before he was captured.

No wonder he came to shake Xinghe’s hands. They did not realize Shi Jian had the foresight to hand the thing over to Xinghe then.

Now they thought about it, thankfully the search did not happen or else they would have been exposed.


Chapter 897: Love Her More

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Sam and the rest shivered from the possible consequences.

“What did he give you?” Ali asked curiously.

Xinghe answered, “It should be the thing Tong Liang wanted, but I’m still unsure as to what it is.”

Sam scoffed, “They just want to take the credit and not do the work, why should we give it to them?”

Ali nodded in agreement. “That’s right! This belongs to Mr. Shi and the guys; we mustn’t give it to those bad people.”

“That’s why I held on to it earlier,” Xinghe added.

Ali smiled brightly. “Xinghe, you are the cleverest. I am in love with everything you have done.”

Sam unconsciously wanted to repeat what Ali said, but thankfully, he noticed Mubai sitting beside Xinghe, and he quickly swallowed his words. Phew, almost said the wrong thing again!

“Me too!” In the end, Cairn who sat beside him voiced his inner thoughts. He looked at Xinghe with a blush and added, “I love everything you do, and I think you are doing a great job.”

Hey, kid, do you want to die‽ Sam subconsciously turned to watch Mubai’s reaction, but to his surprise, Mubai appeared to not have heard Cairn. Sam was deeply confused by this; why wasn’t he angered by what Cairn had said?

“What are we going to do when we return?” Ee Chen asked Xinghe.

Xinghe thought about it and answered, “Open an academy.”

“Open an academy?” Sam and the rest were baffled.

“Yes.” Xinghe nodded. “Temporarily, my idea is to open any academy, but how exactly to go about that, we can discuss after we land.”

“But why an academy?” Ee Chen asked.

Xinghe smiled. “You will see.”

Ee Chen and the rest were confused by this latest mystery. Mubai was also initially befuddled, but he soon came to an answer. He looked at Xinghe intently and his eyes gleamed, but he did not say anything. He knew what she was thinking; he understood her plan and goal. Perhaps this world would experience another momentous change because of her…

Perhaps only she could influence the world in such a manner. He was confident that she was one of a kind, a unique existence in this world.

Mubai’s love toward Xinghe intensified. Every day, he would realize he loved her a little bit more. Every time that he thought his adoration for her was at its maximum, he would surprise himself. His love toward her was endless and timeless, and it rejuvenated his life.

Mubai looked at Xinghe and his face naturally broke into a smile. Like electricity, Xinghe suddenly turned to catch his gaze, and she fell into his pair of eyes that were like pools of black holes.

His gaze seemed to possess magic, attracting her attention all at once. They stared at each other quietly and in complete focus; the world around seemed to fall away… and they were the only thing left in the world.

Sam and the rest looked on and yelled internally, Hello, we are still here!

It was a two-hour flight from Country R to Hwa Xia. When the lavish private plane landed at City A’s airport, night had already fallen.

Xinghe’s group finally returned to this place where they called home.


Chapter 898: Open an Academy

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

At the same time, they thought about Shi Jian and the guys. When they first returned to Earth, this feeling of home and belonging must have been at least a hundred times stronger. They, who yearned desperately for freedom, must have been waiting for Xinghe to save them.

Therefore, they had to move faster or else their wait would be even more painful. Xinghe told Mubai her idea when they reached home. She explained why she wanted to open an academy.

“I wish to open a technical academy to spread the knowledge and technique so that more people will learn about them. The biggest liability hanging over Shi Jian and the guys’ heads is their skills and talents. When we manage to raise the world up to their level, it will not be necessary to feel guarded against them, and it will prevent them from being taken advantage of.”

Mubai looked at her and said, “I’d guessed as much. Your plan is brilliant, but it will take a long time to succeed.”

Xinghe smiled. “I have thought about that as well. The academy will only accept special students; they will have to be at a certain level to be admitted. Plus, their technical and theoretical basis has to be strong, so that they will improve greatly with a little cultivation.”

“That is not a bad idea,” Mubai agreed. “Go ahead with your plan then; leave the school opening to me, so you can focus on forming the teaching material.”

“How can I do that? This is my selfish idea and opening a school is not easy…”

Before Xinghe finished, she noticed the displeasure in Mubai’s eyes. Her voice petered off, and she did not have the heart to say that she did not want to trouble him.

Mubai looked at her with interest and said, “Why did you stop? I’m listening.”

“No, I’m done.” This was such an obvious trap.

“Why did you stop?” Mubai queried.

Xinghe grabbed his arm with a smile and whispered, “Because I know I can leave it in your hands.”

The man’s eyes were like the surface of the pond being swept by the spring breeze, rippling with joy. “You’re leaving it with me, just like that?”

“Yes, I trust you.” Xinghe nodded.

The gaze that looked at her turned passionate, and he leaned in to peck her on her lips. He then mumbled intimately, “Thank you for learning to share your trouble with me. Don’t forget to do it again next time.”

“Okay…” Xinghe knew what he was referring to.

Mubai smirked and hugged her slender waist, and he planted more gentle kisses on her lips. Even though he stopped himself from taking things further, he would not hesitate to claim these benefits that belonged to him. After all, the night was still young.

Xinghe planned to open an unrivalled international academy in City A. This plan naturally needed the support and help from many people.

The next day, Xinghe and Mubai went to the Shen family to visit Elder Shen and his family.

Elder Shen and Old Madam Shen missed them dearly. They knew everything that had happened to Xinghe in Country R.

When Xinghe was put on the public’s hit list by He Lan Yuan, they’d had the scare of their lives. They would not hesitate to sacrifice themselves to save her. After all, she was the only heiress of the Shen bloodline.

Thankfully, nothing had happened to Xinghe, and she even managed to foil He Lan Yuan’s evil scheme.

When they’d seen Xinghe regally destroyed those satellites, their hearts had almost jumped out of their bodies.

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Chapter 899: Young Miss Is Home!

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

The two elders crumpled to the floor in relief before starting to dance like crazy. They had never been so emotional in their lives before. They were so proud of Xinghe!

The heavens were still kind toward the Shen family, because even though they had taken away their smallest daughter, in return, they’d found such an impressive granddaughter, a granddaughter no one else could rival. This was the biggest consolation they had.

Both of them had woken up in the wee morning because Xinghe had told them she was returning home that day. They’d waited eagerly for them to arrive. Other than calling constantly to check on their progress, they’d taken turns walking to their front door, hoping to catch a glimpse of Mubai’s car.

Xinghe felt their anticipation and her heart was greatly warmed. She was not familiar with this feeling because she was raised to be a self-reliant and aloof person. However, she was not averse to this feeling, she found it to be quite comfortable. Similarly, she could not wait to reunite with her family, her kin.

The moment Mubai’s car stopped at the Shen family’s house gate, the guards pulled open the door and rushed to inform Elder Shen and the rest.

“Elder Shen, Madam Shen, the young miss is home!”

Before the guard even crossed the threshold, Elder Shen heard him. The two elders sprung up from their seats and dashed out of the house with abandon. From the way they moved, one would not have thought they were seniors in their seventies.

The two were already at the door when Xinghe and Mubai got out of the car. Seeing her in person, both of them suddenly stopped in their tracks and tears filled their eyes. Initially, they could not wait to see her when she was still away, but when she was there before their eyes, they hesitated to get closer…

Xinghe felt the same way. For some reason, she started to well up. Noticing the two particularly energized elders, she took the first step forward and greeted with a smile, “Grandfather, Grandmother, I am home.”

“My good child!” Old Madam Shen immediately rushed forward to hug her and tears came pouring out. “You have worried your grandmother so much. Thankfully, the gods have looked after you, and you have finally returned safely!”

Xinghe was startled by the sudden outpouring of emotion. She tensed out of habit but soon relaxed. “Grandma, look, I’m fine, please don’t cry.”

Elder Shen also could not stand such a sentimental situation, so he consoled his wife with a smile. “Okay, stop crying, you’re putting too much pressure on Xinghe. This is an auspicious event; you should be happy.”

Old Madam Shen let go of Xinghe and said, as she wiped away her tears, “These are tears of happiness, you old fart.”

Elder Shen laughed happily. “Fine, you win, but even so, you should stop crying…”

He might say so, but there were tears in his eyes as well. Xinghe pretended to not notice their banter, and she added with a smile, “Grandpa, grandma, let’s go in first.”

“The child’s right, come in first, we can continue this conversation inside.” Elder Shen also welcomed Mubai, and he greeted them with respect.

After they got into the house, they started to catch up. Naturally, Elder Shen asked them many questions. Xinghe answered them all truthfully.

The two elders’ emotions were intense and tumultuous hearing her story.

Elder Shen added with excitement, “Well done, befitting of the Shen name. Indeed, women are not inferior to men! Xinghe, you have done us proud.”

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