Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 880-889

Chapter 880: Cannot Join Us

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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The ambassador smiled encouragingly. “It’s okay, you can name anything you want.”

“I have nothing to ask,” Sam said smartly. “The only reason I went to the moon was to protect my friend, I did say I wanted nothing more than that.”

The ambassador smiled. “Mr. Sam’s modesty is mighty impressive. No matter, when you think of a reward in the future, do not hesitate to tell us. What about Mr. Xi and Miss Xia, is there anything you wish for?”

Xinghe shared a look with Mubai, and she shook her head. “We don’t need anything, I just wish to know what will happen to them.”

The ambassador visibly hesitated. Xinghe saw this and knew something was wrong. She stressed, “The only thing I wish to get in return is to know what the United Nations plan to do with the people from the moon. I want to hear the truth.”

The ambassadors looked at each other and started discussing on their own. “Fine, you deserve to know the truth. After several days of discussion, United Nations plan to not do anything with them.”

“Not do anything?” Xinghe was confused. “You wish for them to survive on their own? That works, we will be responsible for their basic needs.”

“Miss Xia, you misunderstood us,” the eldest ambassador said. “We will not do anything to them, but we will not let them survive on their own either.”

“What do you mean by that?” Sam blurted out his question. Xinghe and Mubai’s expression turned severe. The earlier merry mood also turned solemn.

The ambassadors chose to come clean. “It means we will limit their freedom and will care for them for life. But we will not arrange work for them because they will not be a part of human society.”

“Why not?” Sam was curious. “They too are human beings, so why can’t they be a part of human society? You people really think they are aliens? They are humans, humans like you and me.”

“We know, but they are not normal humans; they are humans who once planned to destroy the Earth.”

“But He Lan Yuan is the real mastermind behind that. It was not their intention. They have switched sides by helping us take down He Lan Yuan.”

“Therefore, we chose to not harm them and allow them a peaceful life. It is impossible for us to pretend nothing ever happened and let them live a normal life. We have to put the safety of humanity first,” the eldest ambassador stressed; what they said was logical.

Xinghe’s group remained silent after that.

The ambassador consoled them, “I know you feel this arrangement is unfair, but we cannot trust them implicitly. No one can tell whether there are still some of He Lan Yuan’s followers among them. We cannot allow these ticking time bombs to live among humans, no one can shoulder that responsibility. Therefore, we have decided to quarantine them, that is the best solution.”

“What is the concrete plan for them?” Xinghe asked softly in a level tone.

The ambassador answered, “The United Nations will build an island for them and quarantine them there. There will be guards who watch over them, but they are allowed freedom to wander the island, and their basic needs will be taken care of. As long as they do not leave the small island and create no issues, their lives will be fine.”

Another ambassador chimed in, “That is the best ending we can give them.”


Chapter 881: Two Square Kilometers

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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“But this is not the life they wanted!” Sam growled angrily.

The eldest ambassador retorted firmly, “We are unable to afford the life that they wanted.”

“It is because of them that Earth was saved or else He Lan Yuan would have blown up this planet.”

“But it is also because of them that Earth was placed in an unmitigated crisis, one that caused serious damage.”

“But that was because He Lan Yuan forced them to do it; it was not their will.”

The eldest ambassador sighed. “This is not our will either.”

So, Shi Jian and his group were forced to threaten the world and the United Nations was forced to keep them in quarantine. Both sides had their own logic, so it was hard to say who was right and who was wrong.

Sam was still angered; he felt indignant. He noticed Xinghe and Mubai’s silence, so he tried to persuade them. “You have to understand they have the simplest of requests. They want the simplest thing, only a normal life. They wish for the freedom accorded to the common citizen. They wish to be a normal human being. What will they think if you treat them this way?”

“Mr. Sam, you have to understand that they are not normal citizens, they are high IQ criminals. Any one of them could create a world-devastating disaster. They are the world’s biggest hidden threat. I also believe they have turned over a new leaf, but not everyone is willing to be so kind. For the sake of humanity and the safety of the world, we cannot believe them fully! Furthermore, life on the island will not be that bad.”

“But they will be hidden away from the world, away from human contact, right?” Sam asked icily.

“We will provide them with every spiritual and materialistic need.”

But there would be no human contact. Sam flared up even greater noticing their stubbornness. Thankfully, he knew to not use force and glared at them with his fists clenched. “Listen, you people are reneging on your promise! They have surrendered, but you have all violated your promise; don’t you think this has crossed the line‽”

“We did not renege on our words; we did not promise them a life of normalcy. This decision is already our greatest kindness,” the eldest ambassador asserted.

Sam hated these kinds of people the most. There were only rules in their eyes; there was no consideration for human decency and kindness. But this was the real world, and rules had to be put in place, and certain rules only benefited certain people.

Sam kept his emotions under great control and asked calmly, “Fine, even if you don’t trust them then you should trust their ability, right? Give them a chance to prove their worth and help improve the world, wouldn’t that be a better solution?”

“I am sorry, but this is the United Nation’s decision. We have no power to change it.”

“How big is the island?” Sam suddenly asked.

The ambassador was bewildered by the sudden change of question, but he answered honestly, “There are only so many of them, so the island will not be big. However, it will be big enough to ensure a comfortable moving space, so the island is about two square kilometers.”

Two square kilometers…

Sam aloud laughed aloud. It would take him about one hour to finish walking all the way around such a small space.

“That is even smaller than the moon base. If I had known sooner, I would have persuaded them to stay on the moon,” Sam commented sarcastically.

The group of ambassadors frowned.


Chapter 882: Wordless and Helpless Sadness

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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“Mr. Sam, please watch your words, we are merely putting the whole of humanity’s safety first.”

“So, for that, they have to be sacrificed?”

“This is not a sacrifice.”

“That’s right. We know about their life on the moon; on this island, we will provide them a life that is at least several hundred times better. I think it is enough for them to spend the rest of their lives peacefully.”

Sam’s gaze hardened. “What they want is not a life trapped on a tiny island.”

“What we want is world peace.”

“There are places all over the world that are not peaceful, so why don’t you go do something about that?”

“We are, starting with this.”

“But they will not harm the world. If they had that intention, they would not have stopped He Lan Yuan and surrendered.”

The group of ambassadors stone-walled him no matter how emotional Sam got. They tried to console him and reason with him. “We admit you are not wrong, but how can you be sure this is not part of their elaborate ruse? How can you be sure they are truly innocent? He Lan Yuan is unable to continue his scheme, but how can you be sure these people will not carry out his masterplan? If you cannot assure us with one hundred percent certainty that they are safe, it will useless. Even if you can, your words mean nothing. In conclusion, this is the decision passed by United Nations. No one can change, not even you all.”

The ambassadors left after that.

Sam slumped to the floor, defeated. Xinghe and Mubai were still silent. The meeting room was permeated with a sense of heavy melancholy. Ali and the rest of SamWolf walked in and noticed the weird atmosphere instantly.

“What’s wrong?” Ali asked cautiously.

Ee Chen seemed to sense the issue, and he also asked, “What was discussed earlier? The ambassadors who left just earlier did not look too happy.”

“I am the one who is not happy!” Sam slammed his fist on the table.

“What exactly happened?” Cairn frowned.

Sam told them everything. Yesterday, after Sam got settled, he spent the whole night telling SamWolf his adventure to the moon. He told them about many things, including his experience with Shi Jian and the guys. He painted a picture of their innocence. They might have high IQ, but they had low EQ. No matter how exaggerated Sam was in his story, they would believe him without question. He also mentioned many interesting things that happened along the way.

Therefore, SamWolf and Ee Chen had a good impression of this bunch of people, especially since they knew of the life they had led. However, the United Nations was going to keep them locked up on a small island; this decision angered them appropriately.

“But why?” Ali demanded angrily. “They have not harmed anyone, if anything, they are the victims, so why should they be treated like this? This is all He Lan Yuan and He Lan family’s fault, so why should they suffer on their behalf?”

Sam laughed mirthlessly. “That is a good question. They were captured against their will to conduct research for He Lan Yuan and have harmed no one, so why would they be treated be this way?”

“This is too much.” Cairn frowned and asked, “What is the difference between this punishment and their life on the moon base?”

“You’re right. It was not easy for them to come home, and they will be imprisoned before they even have the chance to enjoy the world at large. This is too sad, Xinghe, can you figure out a way to help them?” Ali looked to Xinghe with pleading eyes.

Chapter 883: Because of their Capability

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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They were used to turning to her for solutions. In their hearts, there was nothing Xinghe could not do. They believed she had a solution for this problem as well. After all, she did solve a crisis that threatened the whole world.

“I can’t do anything,” Xinghe replied softly, to their dismay. Ali and the rest were baffled.

“Xinghe, what did you say?” Ali gasped in horror. “Even you have no solution?”

“Sadly, that’s correct.” Xinghe was expressionless. If she had a solution, she would not have remained silent throughout.

Ali’s lips turned upside down. “Even you have no usable idea? If this stymies even you, then it is truly a helpless situation.”

“But why is there no solution?” Sam queried.

Mubai answered, “Because this is the United Nations’ decision. They have all the right reasons, and we cannot guarantee anything.”

Therefore, their hands were tied. The wind seemed to go out of Sam. “Then, we can only sit quietly as they…”

Xinghe did not say anything, but her silence said it all.

“But if they are really innocent, they will be devastated when they are informed of the news,” Ali said sadly.

Sam said weakly, “I even promised Kai Li and the gang to take them to climb the highest mountain, to visit the biggest plain, and to travel the seas.”

Alas, all that would not come true. Shi Jian and the guys were passionate about discovering Earth; they planned to travel the world and to try every experience available, to be a normal human being for once, but it was destined not to be.

No one could sway the United Nations’ decision, they could only end up in quarantine. Sam worried this move would upset Shi Jian and the guys, thus flaring their decision to revolt. After all, they had grown up under He Lan Yuan’s tutelage, so no one could guarantee that He Lan Yuan’s teachings did not rub off on them due to constant exposure. Doing this might cause the disaster that the United Nations was trying to prevent. The United Nations’ actions made no sense to them.

“Xinghe, is there really no solution? Even if they are separated from each other, that will still be better than nothing,” Ali suggested and inspiration hit Cairn.

“Yes, that might work, if they are separated, then the possible danger would not be so big. Plus, they are all talented geniuses, quarantining them is such a waste.”

Ali nodded in agreement. “That’s right, the United Nations’ worry will be lowered if they are separated. They are all incredible talents, so if used properly, people’s lives will greatly improve.”

SamWolf thought these people’s talents would be able to help them escape from the United Nations’ unjust treatment, which was why they were so shocked by what Xinghe had to say.

“It is because of their incredible talent that they have to be quarantined.”

“Why?” This time it was Ee Chen who asked the question, shocked.

Xinghe explained with a sigh, “Because they are not affiliated to any country, they are free citizens of the world.”

“So, that should give them the freedom they deserve. Is this because no country is willing to shelter them?” Ali was confused.

Xinghe shook her head as she stood up. “The exact opposite, everyone wants to shelter them and that is why no one is going to have them.”

Then, she strode out of the room, leaving behind the rest who were completely stunned.


Chapter 884: Give Me a Chance to Console You

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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So, no one was going to have them, what does she mean by that… Because they are all talented geniuses, the countries did not want to share them with each other? Afraid that the country sheltering them will have a momentous improvement over everyone else? Because of politics between the various countries, they have to be quarantined and not because United Nations were worried about humanity’s safety?

When the truth was out in the open, SamWolf felt a suffocating feeling in their chest; it rendered them speechless. This was the first time they realized how ugly humanity could be.

There was chaos beyond the wars between countries, even during peace time, there were unnecessary sacrifices, and this time, the party who was sacrificed was the group of innocent scientists from the moon. This was an issue of politics between major countries, not something that they could intervene in.

Not even Xinghe could do anything, because not even she could defeat the ugly side that was inherent in humanity. This was also the first time Xinghe felt the taste of defeat. Even though she had saved Earth, she did not feel one ounce of pride or happiness. If anything, she felt a great sense of loss.

Xinghe planted herself on the bench beside the Embassy Hall’s fountain and stared at a point on the floor dumbly. The dashing Mubai in a white shirt strode toward her slowly. His hands were in his pockets and his footsteps were leisurely, however his gaze was laser sharp. There was also a warmth in his eyes that would only appear when he was in her company.

Mubai loved Xinghe’s confidence the most, so he wished she would retain that forever and not be in a foul mood like this. Even though she did not show it on her face and her quiet, brooding face had its own beauty to it, he understood she was not happy.

Mubai sat down beside her and Xinghe could smell the scent of cut grass and sunlight, this was a scent unique to Mubai; he smelled clean and nice. Xinghe looked sideways at him and said directly, “I’m fine.”

The man’s sexy lips curved in a slope. “Then why are you blanking out here?”

“I just wish for some alone time.”

Mubai leaned in and jokingly begged, “Not even going to give me the opportunity to console you?”

Xinghe chuckled. She then nodded. “Fine, this does bother me, but I really am fine.”

Mubai shrugged and smiled. “Then, I will not console you, I will just listen. What’s on your mind? I’m here to share your thoughts.”

“Not much is on my mind.” Xinghe shook her head. “I only know even we are helpless in this situation.”

“Indeed, there are many situations where our power is limited, but at least you have saved them. You have brought them back to Earth and helped them end their life on the Moon, which was not much more than a mirage. You have done everything you could and sometimes that is just not enough, that is how life is, not everything can go perfectly.”

“I know.” Xinghe hugged her knees. “It is because I understand that fact I feel so helpless. Sometimes, seeing things too clearly has its own downfalls as well.”

“Then, try to live life with one eye closed.” Mubai looked at her intensely. Xinghe did not answer, was that something she could possibly achieve?

“I don’t want you to overwork yourself, plus this is not your responsibility and definitely not your fault.”


Chapter 885: I Was Too Naive

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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Mubai helped her smooth down her hair that was tousled by the wind and continued speaking in a gentle tone. “So, don’t blame yourself. You should feel happy, because this is not the worst ending for them.”

“But we gave them hope and promised them freedom to live the lives they wanted… This time, I was too naïve.” Xinghe laughed self-deprecatingly. She’d thought the world would accept them with open arms since they were innocent victims. Their talents would ensure that the world valued them. But in the end, the world was as ugly as ever; nothing had really changed. Therefore, this time, she had committed the sin of naivety!

Mubai tried to comfort her. “It is the same with me. Technically speaking, I should have seen this coming, but I didn’t much less you, so this is not your fault but mine; I should have envisioned this ending.”

Xinghe looked at him silently with her clear eyes. Mubai raised his brow. “Is there something on my face?”

She just wanted to show her appreciation, because she did feel comforted.

“I want to go find Shi Jian and the guys. We should explain this to them, they deserve this much,” Xinghe said.

Mubai stood up and pulled her along. “You’re right, let’s go.”

“Okay.” Xinghe quickly recovered her mood, removing the negative emotions from within her. She knew she had to give Shi Jian’s group an explanation. It was something she had to do.

When they found out Xinghe was going to meet Shi Jian and the guys, SamWolf volunteered to follow. After a few days of interaction, Sam had formed a relationship with the guys. Even the rest of SamWolf felt strangely connected to them.

They were such people, kind people with passionate hearts. If they accepted someone as their friend, they would do anything to help them. They treated their friends with sincerity, so they wanted to tag along to meet Shi Jian and the guys because this might be the last opportunity they had to do that.

However, to their surprise, the United Nations were one step faster than them; they were already in the middle of escorting them away.

“Why do we have to follow you? Where are you taking us?” Shi Jian and the few influential leaders of the moon base were in the middle of a hostile confrontation with George’s forces. George was in his military outfit and behind him were a few soldiers armed with guns. It was obvious that this was not a friendly visit.

George tried to placate them. “Don’t worry, we will not harm any of you. You will know when we arrive where we are taking you. I promise, no harm will come to any of you.”

Shi Jian was not so easily fooled. “If you do not mean to harm us, then why bring along armed soldiers?”

“They are here to protect you all.”

“From the way I see it, they are here to harm us. Where are Miss Xia and the others? I want to see them!”

“I’m here,” Xinghe announced as she strode into the room. Shi Jian and the guys’ eyes lit up when they saw her like they had taken a glimpse at hope.

“Miss Xia, what is going on? My men have been detained by these people; where are they taking us?” Shi Jian asked with uncertainty, but it was clear that he still had full trust in Xinghe.

Xinghe’s gaze darted about. She did not answer him but asked George, “I wish to talk to them alone, is that possible?”

George nodded. “Of course, but don’t take too long.”

Translator’s Thoughts

Lonelytree Lonelytree

Sorry for the late release, I was at the airport.

Chapter 886: To Ruin Us

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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“Thank you.”

George still respected Xinghe, so he did not make things difficult for her. He led his men away to give them some privacy. Shi Jian by then had realized the gravity of the situation. He and his men looked at Xinghe in silence.

Xinghe met their gazes and said directly, “The top officials decided to send all of you to a small island. You will have a good life there, and they will not harm you.”

Shi Jian was not so easily fooled, he demanded, “Why should we be forced to live on this island and be escorted there in this manner like we’re fugitives?”

“I am sorry, I had no idea they would come to this kind of decision. They wanted to separate you all from normal human society.”

“Why?” Shi Jian asked in agitation, but as he did so, the answer already came to him.

“They want to punish us for our sins?” he asked with a gloom over his face. Xinghe did not answer, but the meaning was clear. Shi Jian and the guys’ faces darkened.

“They really think we are guilty? But we have not harmed anyone! We did not pose any real threat to the society; we were forced by He Lan Yuan.”

“He’s right, didn’t we help take down He Lan Yuan?” one man could not help but shout out angrily.

“Plus, we even handed He Lan Yuan to them, so why can’t they trust us?”

Xinghe said solemnly, “I have tried to come up with a solution, but there is nothing that can be done. I am sorry.”

When Xinghe said so, they knew this was already over. This was because on Earth, she was their only ally; no one else would lend them aid.

“Miss Xia, tell us the truth, do they plan to quarantine us forever?” Shi Jian said in a shaking voice. Facing their anxious eyes, Xinghe was at a loss for words. Even Mubai and the rest had to turn their eyes away.

“Yes,” Xinghe answered with finality.

Shi Jian and the guys looked at her with shock and despair. The biggest reason they returned to Earth was for freedom, but now, they were going to be quarantined again. Would they never escape the destiny of being controlled?

“But why?” Shi Jian’s eyes were blazing with fury. “It is not our fault! We were controlled by He Lan Yuan since we were children. We could not do anything, and no one came to our aid during those hellish years. None of you have any idea the lives that we have led! We lost hope, and now finally, after so many years, we are back on Earth and freedom was dangled so sweetly before our eyes… but we are going to be forced back into restriction and regulation… Why can’t you let us lead a normal life‽ We just want to be normal human beings like you, why must you take that away from us?”

“Miss Xia, this is too cruel. You lit up the hope in us, and now you’re extinguishing it again, is it all a big joke to you?”

“I can no longer survive a life in quarantine, so if you want me to continue a life of captivity, I’d rather die.”

“Miss Xia, this is different from what you promised. You all said, after we return, we can go anywhere we want and do anything we want. So those promises were just lies all along?”

“Miss Xia, we believed you so dearly, but you have playing us for fools!”

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Chapter 887: Her Every Word

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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It was hardest to accept the fact that one had been swindled. Furthermore, it had been so long since Shi Jian and the guys tasted hope, and now that hope was cruelly being taken away again. Their dissatisfaction and resentment exploded.

They had lived most of their lives in dull despair, the He Lan family had never given them hope so they did not dare pray for hope. They thought that way for the entirety of their lives.

However, when He Lan Yuan wanted to rule the world, Xinghe destroyed his plan and promised them freedom!

It was her call to action that lit up their hope toward a life of freedom. It was because of her that they decided to revolt against He Lan Yuan and return to Earth. But in the end, it was all a lie?

Shi Jian looked at Xinghe with despairing pain, his voice forced from his throat. “Miss Xia, do you still remember the words you said before you destroyed the satellites?”

Xinghe’s was shocked. Shi Jian continued word by word. “You might not, but we remember them perfectly, do you want me to repeat them?”

Xinghe shook her head. “There’s no need for that, I remember them clearly.”

“Then tell me, what did you say then‽”

Xinghe’s eyes darkened and she repeated her words coldly, “I said, as long as you killed He Lan Yuan, this beautiful world would accept you. As long as you kill him, all of you would be free and would escape from his threat and suppression…”

“What else?” Shi Jian pressed.

Xinghe continued like an emotionless recording machine. “I also said, as long as you killed him, you all would be free, and no one would be able to take away your freedom and happiness… No one else could!”

Shi Jian asked in a shaking voice, “Then what is this‽”


“No one can take away our freedom and happiness… this is a bloody joke. Miss Xia, we trusted you, respected you, and that is why we are here today. However, nothing has changed, we still gain nothing. We still will be controlled and there is still no freedom for us, isn’t that right‽”

Shi Jian’s painful howl pierced everyone’s hearts. For the first time, Xinghe felt how utterly useless and despicable she was. It was Xinghe who had given them hope and now it only added to their despair. It was because of her that they had landed in this disastrous ordeal.

“This is not her fault!” Mubai stepped forth to say, “We also did not wish for this, but there is nothing we can do. Xinghe is not God! She has done everything she could, but she is not perfect; she cannot solve everything.”

“Then she shouldn’t have given us hope and false promises!”

Xinghe suddenly opened her lips to say, “I am sorry, this is all my fault.”

It was because of her lack of forethought that they ended up in this despair.

“Xinghe, this is not your fault!” Sam charged forward in anger and argued, “This is the fault of those top officials who reneged on their words! This is all their fault, and it has nothing to do with you.”

“It is my fault!” Xinghe confirmed. “No one told me to give them those promises, and they came from my mouth. This situation was created by my hands and has turned out like this because of how utterly useless I am.”

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Chapter 888: We Are Not Dangerous

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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“But you did all that to save the world,” Ali argued with tears in her eyes. “You have given so much to save the world, everything you did, it was for the betterment of the world, but these people only know how to enjoy the benefits. What they did was violating their promises pure and simple!”

“What we are doing is for the sake of world peace!”

Suddenly a few ambassadors in sharp suit walked toward them. The one leading the way was a woman. She looked to be in her forties and not a hair on her was out of place. She was wearing a conservative pant suit, lending her the look of a stern headmistress. It was this woman who said those words.

She came in with her heels clicking across the floor. Everyone looked at her with caution, and no one seemed to know who she was. However, it could be inferred that she was someone important or else those ambassadors would not be following behind her.

The woman stopped before them and her calculative gaze scanned the lot of them. She opened her mouth to introduce herself, “Nice to meet all of you, let me introduce myself. I am Tong Liang, the vice secretary from the United Nations specially assigned to overlook this case. I am happy to make everyone’s acquaintance, and I would like to personally thank everyone for their contribution to saving this world.”

“If that’s true, then you should let them go,” Sam said snidely.

Tong Liang smiled slightly. “I have heard everything you all said. I can understand your feelings, but we cannot let our emotions dictate our actions and let these dangerous criminals be a part of normal human society. So, I hope you all will learn to appreciate this kind gesture we have prepared for them.”

“We are not dangerous criminals!” Shi Jian retorted. “If we meant this society any harm, we would not have revolted against He Lan Yuan.”

Tong Liang continued coolly, “He Lan Yuan had lost his power, so he was no longer a threat. If you did not revolt against him, your ending will only have been worse, therefore, I can see why you all decided to revolt. Furthermore, you all grew up under his influence, so who can tell for sure what is going on in those little heads of yours.”

“Simply because of your speculation, we are being treated like this?”

“We cannot help this because it is the truth that you all have threatened the world before.”

“That was all He Lan Yuan’s doing! It has nothing to do with us!”

“But you were all instrumental to the success of his plan. Before everything is confirmed, you are all suspects, and only after we are certain that none of you are threats to society can you be released.”

Her words seemed to give Shi Jian the hope he needed. He asked desperately, “How can we prove we mean no harm to the society?”

Tong Liang smiled, and she continued speaking in an emotionless manner. “Of course… after years of observation.”

Shi Jian’s face darkened. “In other words, we still have to be quarantined?”

“Quarantine is not the right word. We were kind enough to prepare a small island for you all to ensure your basic needs. You will still have the freedom you wish for on the island.”

“How big is the island and what can we do on it? What exactly is provided for us?” Shi Jian scoffed.

“The small island is newly developed, and the houses are already built. You can immediately move in when you arrive. The island has a library, where you can read and watch television. It also has basic amenities like a sports center,” Tong Liang said matter-of-factly.

Chapter 889: Such Small Hope

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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“But you will not be allowed to continue your earlier research. In other words, you’ll be free islanders living a normal life, is that not the life you all want?”

“The life we want is a life with absolute freedom!”

Not one where they were under constant surveillance, and not one where they were not even allowed to step foot off the island.

Even though Tong Liang had said this period of observation was going only to last several years, they had a feeling this woman’s words could not be trusted. If they really wanted to assimilate them into the general public, why would they sequester them on a tiny island?

This was no different from a sentence on Rikers Island. They would be locked up and never be given the freedom that they desperately hoped for. The point was, they would be the only ones on the island. No one was allowed entry and exit, and there would not be a normal society and open environment, so what was the meaning of life?

What was the difference between that and their lives on the moon base? They could still survive on the moon because they had a spiritual reservoir. They still had their research to focus on, so they could still enjoy the results of their research, but this island would take that away as well. Essentially, they were going to spend the rest of their lives waiting for death.

“No, we will not go.” Shi Jian shook his head firmly. “You might as well kill me, as I will not suffer another life of emptiness and hopelessness.”

“He’s right, we will not subject ourselves to life like that again, and you have no right to treat us like this. We will not surrender to your demands, never!”

“The only way you can take us to that island is if you take our bodies there!”

Shi Jian and the guys started revolting. No one was going to help them, so they had to save themselves, to fight this unfair treatment to its bitter end.

Tong Liang’s smile faded, and iciness entered her gaze. “I am sorry, but your death is not even your decision anymore. We have given you all the best we can, so your rejection is null. Major George, we have wasted much time, take them all away.”

George’s lips were stretched to a thin line and he announced, “Please follow us obediently, this is your only choice.”

“We will not.” Shi Jian glared at him and there was a deadly determination in his every word. “You have no right to toy with us like this, and we will not go unless you kill us.”

“Mr. Shi, this is the decision passed by the United Nations; no one can change or violate it.” Even though George pitied them, he put his responsibility as soldier first. “So, resistance is futile. Please follow us, there might still be hope in the future.”

Shi Jian replied sarcastically, “Do you really think there is still hope? What hope?”

“As long as you are alive, there is always hope,” George said firmly.

Shi Jian shook his head dumbly. “No, there is no hope, we cannot do this again. When we were selected by the He Lan family, we were surviving on hope. After so many years, we finally got to see it come into fruition. But now, our hope has been destroyed yet again.”

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