Morning, the Heir

Chapter 81 - Nothing Is More Lamentable Than a Dead Heart

Chapter 81: Nothing Is More Lamentable Than a Dead Heart

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Lin Xiaomi limply fell on the sofa. Hearing these words, she only felt a burst of sadness.

She didn’t expect that Jiang Hui would do such a thing to her.

Even though Jiang Hui had never taken her as family, even though Jiang Hui treated Lin Xin’er better than her, even though she had been thoroughly disappointed with Jiang Hui, never had she thought that Jiang Hui would do such a despicable thing to her.

She always thought that a mother sending her daughter to someone else’s bed was a dramatic plot which was only possible in TV series.

Today, she didn’t expect that she had experienced it herself.

“This is outrageous.” Lin Xiaomi had no strength at all, and her body was very weak.

It became difficult for her even to speak.

With all her strength, she squeezed these words out of her teeth.

Jiang Hui looked at her indifferently, got up and put Lin Xiaomi on the sofa. She took out Xiaomi’s mobile phone and sent a text massage to Tang Fengmo: I am waiting for you at Lihua Hotel 1208. Come at once.

After doing this, Jiang Hui tore apart the collar of Lin Xiaomi’s clothes, revealing her seductive white and tender skin.

Lin Xiaomi was powerless and could not resist. Not only did she have no strength at all, but also she felt an indescribable hotness swelling from her lower abdomen.

There seemed to be ants crawling in her body.

It was so itchy that she wanted to scratch it hard but she didn’t know where to start.

With everything done, Jiang Hui looked at Lin Xiaomi lightly and turned away.

“Mom,” Lin Xiaomi suddenly burst into tears. Through her dim eyes, she entreatingly looked at Jiang Hui, hoping that she could stop her vicious plan right now.

Anyhow she was her daughter, did she really have the heart to ruin her daughter like this?

Jiang Hui paused for a moment, without turning back, and said, “I’m doing this all for your good.” Then she left the room.

Nothing was more lamentable than a dead heart for Lin Xiaomi.

She was really disappointed with Jiang Hui.

She vowed in her heart that after this incident, she would no longer regard Jiang Hui as her mother.

It would be better without this kind of mother.

But no matter how resentful she was, she was soon controlled by an indescribable hotness, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Tears flowing out of control, she was afraid of what would happen next.

She had no idea how much time had passed before a man appeared in her sight.

Lin Xiaomi’s body suddenly shook, at the same time a horny desire arose in her body.

Tang Fengmo rushed to the hotel with the fastest speed. He did not expect that the door was open. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lin Xiaomi lying on the sofa with a seductive posture.

Was she trying to seduce him? Tang Fengmo couldn’t believe what he saw.

Within a second, Tang Fengmo made a choice between dying in the arms of this big beauty and being tortured to death by Leng Yihuang.

When he walked closer, he found that something was wrong with Lin Xiaomi.

Why was her face so red?

“Xiaomi?” Tang Fengmo crouched down in front of her, reached out and touched her forehead.

The woman who seemed to be asleep suddenly moved and pulled his hands towards her chest.

Her tender little hands reached out to him and touched his body wildly.

Based on his experience, Tang Fengmo immediately realized that she had been drugged.

“Xiaomi, who did it?” Touched and seduced by her for several times, Tang Fengmo immediately was turned on. He grasped Xiaomi’s little hands that were trying to get into his clothes and said in a trembling voice, “I’m not strong enough to resist this. Don’t seduce me anymore, otherwise, I really can’t control myself.”

At this point Lin Xiaomi had already lost her consciousness. She was just crying desperately, and wanted more.

Her body was slightly twisted because of the discomfort, and her legs were rubbed unconsciously.

“I want it. Ohh…” Lin Xiaomi was so uncomfortable. She just wanted to erase the itching, but she felt itchy everywhere but couldn’t scratch it.

Tang Fengmo swallowed his saliva and hesitated before he took any action.

“Damn! One-night romance with such a gorgeous girl, it’s worth it even if I’ll be killed! Don’t back off, coward!” Tang Fengmo vigorously tore apart his neckline, and his eyes were reddish because of her seduction.

Her body was really soft and she smelled so good.

She was the woman he longed for, but he knew clearly that even though the woman was lying under him, he couldn’t lay a finger on her anyway.

Why was she here? Who had drugged her? If he did anything to her today, what would happen to both of them?

Tang Fengmo eventually got up from her, took out his phone and cursed while making a call, “Master Leng, something went wrong with Miss Lin.”

Hanging up the phone, Tang Fengmo quickly poured a cup of cold water to feed her, and at the same time splashed some cold water on her face.

While taking care of her, he also prevented her from seducing him again.

Tang Fengmo was so embarrassed that in just ten minutes, he was sweating and his collar was torn by her.

When Leng Yihuang arrived, he saw Tang Fengmo defending himself with embarrassment against Lin Xiaomi’s wandering hands.

“What’s the matter?”

“Help me, Master Leng.”

Tang Fengmo looked relieved as if he saw a savior, pushing Lin Xiaomi away, and ran to Master Leng, “I received a message saying that she was waiting for me at the hotel, asking me to come at once. I didn’t expect she would behave like this when I came.”

Leng Yihuang’s eyes became cold, and Tang Fengmo immediately raised his hands and swore, “I promise I didn’t do anything!”

Leng Yihuang looked at Tang Fengmo’s almost torn clothes up and down and snorted coldly.

Tang Fengmo was almost scared to tears.

“Master Leng, I swear I didn’t do anything.”

Leng Yihuang looked at the tears on Lin Xiaomi’s face, coming forward and lovingly hugged her. But when he approached, Lin Xiaomi pulled him down directly with a kind of strength that nobody knew where it came from.

Leng Yihuang was unprepared, and he fell on the ground with his back heavily hit.

The woman on him had apparently lost her mind.

Tang Fengmo looked at this live version of the passionate show.

Leng Yihuang held Lin Xiaomi’s wandering hands tight, and his eyes glared at Tang Fengmo harshly, “Get out!”

Tang Fengmo then came to his senses and ran away at once.

The door was closed in front of his eyes, and his back was against the wall. The hotel’s wall was soundproof. He couldn’t hear anything. For a long while, he reached out wiping his face and his eyes were scarlet.

Even if he was not afraid to be killed, he had to think for the rest of the Tang family.

Ah, sometimes that’s how fucking life is.

Obviously, he couldn’t get the so-called opportunity anyway, but it always seduced you and gave you hope again and again.

Until the indelible desire and regret were left in your heart forever.

This is how life played tricks on you!

In the room, Leng Yihuang had just pushed Lin Xiaomi away, and she pestered him again.

She cried pitifully while crying, “It’s so itchy, help me.”

Leng Yihuang held her up, letting her touch him randomly. He checked at the fastest speed that there was no camera equipment in the bedroom, and then he fell on the bed with her.

Lin Xiaomi was riding on him, grabbing and tearing his clothes, with her little hands.

Leng Yihuang stared at her, feeling a little annoyed and amused.

Stupid woman. Today, luckily it was Tang Fengmo who came here first. He did not dare to do anything harmful to Lin Xiaomi. If she met someone else, the consequences would be unimaginable.

She was such a fool. Who plotted this against her? Once she was not of his sight, she would make trouble for him.

However, he used to be the horny one, finally it was her turn.

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