Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Nirvana is reborn, the deep sea returns!

Today, NHI has ushered in a large order.

1000 3-star quality 150mm twin guns.

The eyes of the whole world suddenly gathered.

Gao Yingying broke out in cold sweat on her forehead. She never expected that she would be surrounded by reporters from all over the world as soon as she returned to China.

“Miss Gao, how did you meet Mr. Wang Dajian?”

“Miss Gao, it is said that you are Wang Dajian’s lover, is it true?”

“I’m a reporter from Geely Reuters. May I ask which country will this order be exported to first?”

All kinds of gossip news in China say that Gao Yingying is Wang Dajian’s lover, accompany him to bed, unspoken rules or something.

Foreign countries are concerned about who will give priority to this batch of orders?

“According to Mr. Wang’s instructions, this batch of orders will be given priority to the fleet of ships in the African International Port.”

Sweat dripped from Gao Yingying’s forehead.

Northern Heavy Industry has also been brilliant, but with the development of the south, the brain drain of Northern Industries, although the quality is the same, but the design can not keep up with the times, and gradually decline.

But just a few days ago…

When she ran to Africa, she met Wang Dajian, who is said to be in the East, and gave her an order, which suddenly brought the North Heavy Industries, which was about to go bankrupt, back to life!

“Masters of the factory, the new glory of NHI depends on this batch of goods!”

Gao Yingying looked at the masters whose average age was forty or fifty years old.


NHI stepped up to start production, not only to ensure the quality of Wang Dajian’s weapons, but also to ensure the speed.

And the design drawing of the artillery for production, Wang Dajian also let the brilliance pass to them.

In this way, as long as Wang Dajian gave them the design drawings, he could continue to create new cannons.

1000 guns, about a month to complete.

And a gun, Wang Dajian is also very strange, directly priced at 7,000 barrels of oil.

The 2,000 barrels of oil in the east are OEM fees, which are given to NHI, and the other 5,000 barrels are the profits made by Wang Dajian.

7,000 barrels of oil, the price of almost two million yuan, can be said to be a low-priced and used artillery.

The profit brought by 1000 guns to Wang Dajian is 5 million barrels of oil…


Really profitable!

The arms market is too lucrative, and it is no wonder that so many big countries like to do this kind of business.

Just 1,000 3-star guns can earn such a high profit.

North Heavy Industries produces nearly 200 artillery pieces for Wang Dajian a week, and Wang Dajian has no shortage of oil.

Next, raise a fleet again, Citi is zesty!

After all, both Akagi and Kaga got it!

But in the past few days, Wang Dajian was a little puzzled at the base.

As promised, can Akagi Kaga be repaired in 3.5 hours?

As a result, 2 days have passed.

Wang Dajian looked at Akagi Kaga still lying in the maintenance factory, which made him ponder.

“What’s going on? Didn’t fix it? Is there a bug in the system?”

There is no reason, there is no reason why the system cannot be repaired.

It all shows that Akagi and Kaga have been repaired, but the two girls have been lying on the bed motionless.

Could it be… are you pretending to be dead?

A group of shipgirls were all around.

“Commander, didn’t you say it can be repaired? Now… still not up.”

Canglong, the rabbit-eared mother with glasses, looked at Wang Dajian in disappointment.

It was clearly stated that they could be repaired, otherwise they would not be ruthless against Akagi and Kaga.

You know, when Akagi and Kaga were brought up, they were already horrible.

Water entered many parts of the body, and the system was severely damaged.

“There’s no reason.”

Wang Dajian took a deep breath and looked around: “You… don’t mind if I open Chicheng’s clothes and take a look?”

“Commander, we don’t mind, we just want to figure out why Akagi and Kaga didn’t wake up.”

Guanghui Niang shook her head, it didn’t matter anymore.


Wang Dajian swallowed his saliva, and the secretion of adrenaline accelerated.

But soon to get all the weird thoughts out of your head, it’s overhaul, overhaul!

Slowly undoing the Akagi kimono, the pair of murder weapons in her heart suddenly jumped out.

Wow, the society is really sinister, it’s really big.

However, Wang Dajian didn’t think much about it and looked away.

Isn’t that the grandma!

He has touched both Fusang and Shancheng’s, and it’s cool, what’s there to be afraid of!

After opening Chicheng’s ship outfit, Wang Dajian’s forehead burst into cold sweat.

The delicate body in front of him seems to be flawless.

But under the pair of murder weapons!

A problem occurred!

Mind Core!

There are two mental cores of the heavy ship girl, one is in the head and the other is near the heart.

Wang Dajian discovered the scene of the thief…

Akagi’s mental core is gone.

It’s like being dug up, no more!

In order to confirm the situation, Wang Dajian also took off Kaga’s ship outfit.

Under the tender and beautiful body, the core of the mind is also empty!

All are empty!

It’s like…their souls and brains have been taken away.


A group of ship girls peeped at each other, who took away the mental core of Akagi and Kaga?

Wang Dajian looked at the two bodies that had lost their souls. It was useless to retrieve them. They had no mental core, but they just retrieved a body.

At this moment, Guanghui suddenly opened his eyes.

“Commander, look at the big screen!”

Everyone looked at the past with the bright reminder.

In the international port, 30 kilometers away from the aircraft carrier base, the fire is soaring!

In broad daylight, the Deep Sea Fleet attacked the International Port? !

“Commander, look at the two flagships in the eastern part of the Deep Sea Fleet!”

Follow Guanghui Niang’s finger.

One red one basket two ship girls.

“That is……”

“Akagi and Kaga in the deep sea!?”

Seeing this scene, Wang Dajian realized instantly.

The mental core of Akagi and Kaga may be taken away by the deep sea forces.

And now… it’s Huang and Luan who are reborn in Nirvana, the two sisters have returned from the deep sea to seek revenge! , , .

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