Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: call me Lei Feng

It’s just that when Ping Hai, sister Ning Hai, and the javelin of the Geely Royal Fleet just landed, the three of them didn’t know that they were already being targeted.

Now that the sun has disappeared from the sea level, it is very easy to be attacked by deep-sea ghosts when rushing into the sea at night.

“I have reported our situation to the international port, and now we just have to wait for dawn before returning to the port.”

Sister Ning Hai put down the satellite phone and told the two of the current situation.

“Then, let’s take out the tent and start camping and rest. Deep-sea ghosts won’t come ashore, we should be safe.”

Little Loli Pinghai took out an inflatable tent.

Just like the pool in Wang Dajian’s base, they would also take a bath in the Oriental Nutrient Liquid to restore themselves and prevent them from having nightmares at the same time.


As soon as they slept, their minds were filled with the companions who had been destroyed by them.

Javelin took the initiative to stand up: “Then, I will be in charge of the vigil, and you can rest.”

“Thanks for your hard work!”

After sisters Ning Hai and Ping Hai finished the inflatable tent, they soaked in the liquid and began to rest.

Two cheongsam loli, one purple and one red, embraced each other, and the sisters fell asleep together.

At night, only the little loli with the javelin was left at the post.

She was also very tired today, and spent most of the day looking for Lafite.

Little Loli, a javelin with a long gun and a torpedo launcher and a small cannon on her body, yawned.

Wearing a refreshing white suspender shirt and Qibei’s short skirt, chubby little legs, and an iron chain similar to a devil’s tail hanging on his buttocks.

Wearing a small crown symbolizing the imperial army’s gold on her head, in the dark east, this little loli looked around vigilantly.

Stand guard for your sleeping comrade, you must cheer up!

Although she is small, standing in the east of the cold wind with a javelin, holding a spear and looking in all directions, she is a qualified female warrior.


Da da da!

A familiar gunshot sounded, don’t think, it must be the AK47 in the hands of African magic black uncle!

A sudden attack catches Javelin off guard.

The inflatable tent where the two sisters slept was also leaked instantly, and the nutrient solution flowed all over the place.

“what happened!?”

The javelin in front of Little Loli turned the long spear in her hand to resist the bullets that were constantly being shot. Fortunately, it was an ordinary gun, which didn’t do much damage to the ship’s mother.

The javelin that blocked the bullet was at a loss: “I don’t know, the local armed forces don’t know why they attacked us.”

“It seems like… a pirate!?” Ping Hai looked out.

It was found that a group of people wearing pants and a pair of slippers were holding an old gun that was used by Dad’s father, and they were chug at Ning Hai.

In this world, the best shooting posture is probably the African black uncle.

Some African black uncles are simply intoxicated by the sound of gunshots in the east.

Wearing a buttonless shirt, holding an AK47 high, and facing the sea breeze, he gestured in a variety of strange shooting positions. The posture was as elegant as the urban-rural junction, which was simply intoxicating.

Inexplicably attacked by this magical and joyful group of African people, what can Pinghai and the others do? They are also very desperate!

“Can you fight back? It’s so annoying, these flies!” Little Javelin couldn’t help but want to open fire and swept the group of African black uncles into meat sauce.

“No!” Ning Hai took out the satellite phone: “We are soldiers and cannot open fire at will. After all, we are a peacekeeping team, and I want to ask the International Port for instructions.”

As a soldier, the ship girl will not hurt human beings casually, especially the army…

“I’ve asked the headquarters that we can fire warnings, but don’t hurt them.”

Hearing what Sister Ning Hai said, sister Ping Hai pouted: “I’m so annoying about these violations of the law. You can’t just open fire. You won’t be able to scare away these annoying flies.”

The three of them shot a few rounds towards the sand in front of them, but these black uncles were also old fritters.

They knew that the Violation Squad would not hurt anyone casually, so they had nothing to fear! Especially the ship girl!

To the east of the team, the leader is Vanura.

He is the leader of this band of bandits.

This group of people usually fishes or works part-time jobs. When they are not working, they drive speedboats to grab cargo ships.

But today, they received a mysterious commission.

Let them immediately go to a coast to attack the three little loli who landed ashore.

At that time, the employer said something to them.

[Don’t worry, the ship girl of the peacekeeping team will not hurt anyone casually, as long as you don’t hurt them. Then, you tie them up with fishing nets, and I will give you 400,000 Citi Gold for a ship girl. 】

400,000 Citi Gold a…

3 are…

How much is it?

Ah, Vanura can’t do arithmetic anyway, but he knows that 3 ships are worth a lot of money, 3 400,000.

Please forgive Vanura’s arithmetic, the best arithmetic in this world is only the oriental people, even the auspicious people have to learn the oriental arithmetic.

So, this group of stupid African magic black uncles just sat in a pickup truck, wore their shorts and carried an AK and smoked marijuana, attacking the three ship girls like a dancer.

It’s **** magic realism, but…

Instead, they used international rules, the rules of peacekeeping teams, and the rules of not easily hurting people.

And what about Wang Dajian?

He got pissed.

What the **** is this group of magic black uncles?

Even with a few broken guns, you dare to come to the ship girl? Or bullying the Oriental Ship Girl?

Wang Dajian was neither a soldier nor an organization.

First find a way to do the African black uncle with a shot!

Originally, Wang Dajian was flying in the middle of the sky, peeping… oh no, observe the lives of the loli, come to the loli to record something, and enjoy the fleshy legs of the two sisters Pinghai and Ninghai.

As a result, a group of black uncles came, which ruined his interest.

Another plane did not return, and Wang Dajian directly used the machine gun on the plane to shoot at the beach.

Uncle Hei, who was still showing off his shooting posture before, didn’t react, and several people fell down on the spot.

The others pointed to the sky wow, and shot at Wang Dajian’s plane with AK.

Possessed inside the small plane, Wang Dajian heard the plane’s ‘ding ding ding’ image, and there was nothing wrong with the bullet hitting it.

Wang Dajian turned around and swept over again, and Vanura’s ace car, the car, exploded on the spot.

All of a sudden, the group of Africans realized that they had provoked someone they shouldn’t have provoked, and they ran away screaming.

At this moment, the two sisters looked up at the mid-air east.

“You…you didn’t leave?”

Ping Hai came over happily: “You saved us again! Excuse me, who are you?”

Wang Dajian chuckled lightly, and said in a particularly forceful manner, “Me? Hey, don’t leave your name for good deeds, my name is Lei Feng.”

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