Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 999

Chapter 990 Mechanized soul

Thousand Lakes Republic, Tututat City.

“Valkyria’s Spear” manufacturing plant.


The precision casting mold processed by the extraordinary person of the metal control system is pushed and closed by the magic machine. The magic silver melt melted by the “hot magic heater” is poured into the mold from the pouring port, and the pressure is maintained for 2 minutes. The recovery system” began to recover heat.


The mold opened, revealing a mirror-like magic silver plate.

An elementary rune magician picked it up and gently placed it under an optical instrument. Under the strange light of lavender, dense blue dots appeared on the surface of the magic silver plate, the total number was astonishing. .

“The batch number is 75610543, the number of prefabricated magic nodes is 15,395, and the pass rate is 100%!”

The magician glanced at the crystal display panel of the instrument, muttered, lowered his head to make a stroke on the form, and put the magic silver board into a wooden box with sponge and placed it on the conveyor belt.

Renault was wearing casual clothes, standing in the personnel aisle marked by yellow paint, watching the wooden box being sent to the next assembly line station, and asked softly:

“Mufasa, how many ‘Valky’s Spear’ can be produced every day after this factory undergoes technological transformation?”

An Intermediate Magician standing behind him, that is, “Mufasa” in his mouth, replied respectfully:

“Under the supreme crown, the degree of automation after the transformation has been increased to 80%, and the maximum production capacity of each assembly line has doubled to 180 pieces per day. The factory has 2 assembly lines and produces 360 Valkyrie per day, which is close to the monthly output. 11,000 pieces.”

Renault walked quickly to the next station and sighed:

“It sounds like a lot of more than 10,000 pieces, but it won’t take long for the real battle to begin. In the large-scale battle in the Devil’s Sea half a month ago, the Federal Air Force consumed more than 5,000 in half an hour. The Valkyrie has emptied the factory’s production capacity for half a month.”

“Since this time, the Void Demon has frequently deployed small-scale fleets. The several aviation divisions of the Federal Air Force stationed in the Glow Continent have attacked almost every day, consuming 1,000 Valkyries at most and 4,500 at least. …”

Mufasa lowered his head and answered carefully:

“Under the supreme crown, we must find a way to provide the output of the Valkyrie and provide more weapons for the front line… In addition, 15 days later, the third production line will be completed, and the production capacity will reach 16,000 by then!”

Renault nodded slightly, did not speak, and looked at the new station.


The magic silver plate is fixed by a special fixture. Under the control of a special rune device, hundreds of tiny silver needles move up and down continuously, quickly tapping the surface of the magic silver plate.

The moment each silver needle touches the magic silver plate, it will flash with a faint blue light and dark magic energy fluctuations.

Seeing Renault’s attention, Mufasa whispered:

“Under the supreme crown, this is the 4th generation’Automatic Rune Drawer’ developed by the Rune Research Institute! Compared with the 3rd generation, its drawing speed is increased by 27%, but its biggest improvement is to combine different energy levels. The magic nodes are combined in one station.”

“For example, the core rune version of this magic control system. The 3rd generation drawing instrument requires 3 stations to draw three different energy levels of high, medium and low. The 4th generation can be completed in one step, which greatly improves production efficiency. …”

“Yes! The higher the production efficiency, the greater our hope of winning the war.” Renault praised and asked, “Which Magician-led R&D team is this?”

“High-level Magician, Lord Stand!”

Over the past 10 years, the production process of rune square plates has undergone several major changes.

In the first one or two years, runes were mainly engraved by hand. For example, the most primitive magic air guns were all carved out stroke by stroke by the magician holding a special rune carving knife.

This kind of purely manual production method is ridiculously inefficient. Although the rune group structure of the original firearms is very simple, there are only more than 20 runes at most, but the magicians can make a rune in an average of 2 hours, and the scrap rate is Nearly half.

Naturally, Renault couldn’t bear such low efficiency, so after thinking hard, he creatively introduced the concept of “rune carving tooling” into the field of rune production.

Relying on high-precision and adjustable tooling, the trajectory of the carving knife can be perfectly controlled, the yield rate has risen to more than 95% in one fell swoop, and the rune activation step has been greatly simplified.

With the advent of the first tooling, the production time of the airsoft rune square plate was instantly reduced to 5 minutes. If it is a skilled person, it can even be as low as 3 minutes, which greatly increases the efficiency!

Later, the rune carving tooling embarked on the development route of ‘automation’ and ‘integration’, from manual operation to semi-automatic carving, and finally to fully automatic and highly integrated carving.

For example, the tooling in front of Renault can complete the carving of thousands of runes in just 2 minutes. Compared with 10 years, the efficiency is more than ten thousand times higher?

Until now, even fools know that technology represents productivity, but also represents combat effectiveness.

This is why Renault took time out of his busy schedule to inspect the Valkyrie factory.

“Under the supreme crown, this is the final assembly line of the Valkyrie. All 168 parts or sub-assemblies are assembled in the 23 stations of this assembly line.” After entering a spacious and bright workshop, Mufasa shouted. Introduced.

Renault raised his eyes and saw a nearly 50-meter-long conveyor belt greeted him.

The Valkyrie projectile formed by casting in one time moves slowly along the conveyor belt. Every time it passes through a station, one or more parts are installed, and the last complete Valkyrie rolls off the assembly line.

Mufasa walked forward with Renault and talked freely:

“Due to the complexity of the assembly process, the final assembly line has the lowest degree of automation. Only 11 stations can be installed automatically. Other processes must be operated by a magician or apprentice.”

“However, each manual station has a set of auxiliary assembly tooling to improve assembly efficiency as much as possible and reduce everyone’s labor load… For example, this tooling for installing’solid high-energy fuel tanks’ has a total weight of 1.2 tons. The transportation is very laborious, so we deliberately designed a magic operation car.”

Having said that, Mufasa reached out to one of the weird-looking cars.

“The operator can use the’magic helmet’ to control the movement of the vehicle back and forth, or control the’robotic arm’ to move this big guy as he wants…”

Renault saw that, under the control of a magician wearing a magic helmet, a small car holding a fuel tank slowly approached the production line, the mechanical arm extended a distance forward and rotated another angle, just right Aim the fuel tank at the tail of the projectile.

The magician picked up a measuring tool and gestured, and then fine-tuned the position of the mechanical arm to ensure that the two were completely aligned. Then the ‘rail’ at the bottom of the fuel tank suddenly moved forward, pushing the fuel tank accurately into the projectile.

Until a soft “click” sound, the internal card slots are docked.

The whole process took 45 seconds, and the installation of a heavy fuel tank was completed, and the operator hardly did anything.

Renault smiled satisfied for the first time:

“Mufasa, you guys are doing very well!”

After a pause, he revealed a little more confidential information:

“A confidential laboratory that I personally manage is conducting research on ‘mechanized soul’. If this project is successful, we can combine ‘mechanized soul’ with rune magic machines in the future to create a real ‘smart magic machine’.”

“You only need to issue an order to the’intelligent magic machine’, and they can automatically complete the production of equipment without human involvement… The production efficiency of this new type of factory will be 10 times higher than today, even 50 times, 100 times. !”

Mufasa opened his mouth wide when he heard it, with a shocked expression on his face:

“Under the crown, is this the ‘unmanned factory’ in the third-generation industry that you described before?”

Renault nodded affirmatively:

“Yes! The project has made some progress. Within the next 1-3 years, the project team may be able to separate the first ‘mechanized soul’.”

Mufasa suddenly asked curiously:

“Under the crown, what do you call the’mechanized soul’, what are the raw materials for making?”

Renault shrugged his shoulders and said a **** sentence:

“A few come from magical creatures with a certain amount of wisdom, and most of them are on death row.”

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