Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 998

Chapter 989 Thanks to the great supreme

“Astral Circle” only explored 3 different worlds, and had to stop.

The reason is simple. The “black hole” in the center of the Devil’s Sea has disappeared. Without the “guidance” of high-energy energy flow, cross-border exploration has become as difficult as ever.

And these three different worlds, without exception, all died.

The energy of their ground veins is evacuated, the inner core of the planet is cooled to solid, the sea water freezes into ice, all the creatures on the surface of the land die, and the entire planet becomes barren.

The most amazing thing is that the sea of ​​magic energy on these planets suddenly collapsed after losing the support of the “fire element”.

The so-called “collapse” here does not mean that the sea of ​​magic power has become extremely violent and the law has changed like the blue star that Renault crossed, but that the sea of ​​magic power has begun to ‘dissipate’.

It’s as if a hole suddenly broke in the bottom of the bucket, and the water in the bucket leaked out a little bit until it leaked out.

Even Renault was quite surprised to learn this afterwards.

In this regard, he made an inference.

“Drawing away a certain element quickly will cause the sea of ​​magic energy to be unable to maintain balance. It is like a wooden table with four corners. After one corner is cut off, it will fall to the ground… If only a part of the element is removed, the magic The sea of ​​energy can adjust spontaneously, slowly transforming other elements into this kind of element, and maintain the balance of the sea of ​​magical energy.”

“The most typical example is the Blue Star. There is conclusive evidence that during the invasion ten thousand years ago, the Void Demon drew a small part of the energy from the veins, and the cost was the complete cessation of geological movements such as volcanoes and earthquakes.”

“However, ten thousand years have passed, and Blue Star’s sea of ​​magical energy has basically restored its balance.”

On the other side, as Renault had expected, the Void Demons had only sustained 4 rounds of “Wrath of the Gods” bombardment, and could not bear the huge energy loss. In order to stop the damage in time, they decisively cut off the transboundary energy transmission and discarded it. The last two floating fortresses of the Vanguard Corps.

Subsequently, the fifth round of “Wrath of the Gods” fell from the sky and destroyed the two forts.

So far, this sudden battle ended with the victory of the Human Federation.

Misty Islands, Black Dolphin Island.

Young Dhaka stood on the balcony, facing the oncoming icy sea breeze, looking out at the undulating sea in the distance.

The sound of the billowing sea kept coming into his ears, reminding him that this is a land completely different from his hometown of Gaspar Plateau.

It has been more than half a year since I immigrated to this place from the Republic of Bailing. During this time, the teenager has fully adapted to the new life on the island and has also seen many new things that he has never seen before.

For example, huge steel battleships, hordes of silver angels, prosperous cities, wide roads like spider webs, and a large number of magical vehicles running on the roads all made this young man from a poor country feel very fresh.

The most commendable is the legendary “Gate of Hell”.

In the past, a teenager had only seen pictures of “Hell’s Gate” in geography textbooks, but after he settled on Black Dolphin Island, he could see the skyrocketing fire column from “Hell’s Gate” every day.

It is said that when the Supreme Crown first discovered the “Gate of Hell”, this famous fire cave in the human world was shrouded in a boundless mist. At that time, the height of the fire pillar was more than 300 meters, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

Later, the Misty Islands began to absorb the heat of the fire cave on a large scale, and a large number of factories were built around it. The height of the fire pillar gradually decreased to less than 150 meters, shrinking by half.

The school teacher also said that at the current rate of development, the pillar of fire will disappear completely in another 10 years at most.

Life here is far more prosperous and peaceful than in the remote hometown. Due to the numerous factories, more job opportunities and high income, coupled with the availability of local commodities and materials, the family’s living standards have been greatly improved.

“Dhaka, don’t look, come over and eat!”

From inside the room came the cry of mother Marianne.


The boy responded, turned around and opened the door, and walked into the living room. The warmth came oncoming and dispelled the chill.

Last Monday, on the first day of the wind-tracing moon, the city hall officially began to provide heating to the entire city. The whole family experienced the warmth like spring for the first time, and the heat of the heating network came from the “Hell of Hell”. door”.

There are 3 dishes on the table, one is the most common stewed sea fish, the other is seaweed soup, and the other is fried scallops with mushrooms and algae.

Six or seven years ago, mushroom algae was still a very rare dish, and ordinary people could not afford it. However, with the improvement of varieties by the Agricultural Research Institute and large-scale promotion, the annual output of mushroom algae is now as high as millions of tons. It has already entered thousands of households and has become a kind of civilian dishes.

The 3-year-old little sister, Mei Rui, was slobbered by the smell of food, but the little guy was not as tall as a wooden table. She hurried around the table and called “Mom” repeatedly in her mouth.

The boy smiled and touched Mei Rui’s little head, opened the steaming pot, and the smell of wheat and beans and rice instantly spread.

“Oh, mother, why did you add sea wheat to the bean rice? The taste of this thing is too rough.” The boy complained.

Marianne cautiously walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of stewed bird custard, and replied confidently:

“It was said in the broadcast that sea wheat contains a lot of nutrients from the ocean, which complements soy rice and rice and helps to balance nutrition… In addition, soy rice and rice need to be transported from the Thousand Lakes Republic, and sea wheat is the local food. The price is half cheaper than that of soybeans, rice and rice. The government claims that everyone eats more seagrass to reduce the pressure on shipping…”

Dhaka gave in helplessly:

“Well, mom, now the Federation has been preparing for war, the pressure of ocean transportation is really too great.”

The teenager knows that low prices are the main reason why his mother always likes to mix soybeans, rice, rice and sea wheat together.

Half a year ago, the Haichao Islands and Misty Islands began to plant seaweed in shallow waters, with a total planting area of ​​4 million mu. At the harvest month, seaweed had a bumper harvest, with a total output of 13 million tons.

Despite a super large immigration, the total population of the two islands was only more than 4 million, and they could not consume such a huge amount of food at all. The supply exceeded demand, and the price was naturally hit to the bottom.

In order to consume this new staple food, the government vigorously promotes sea wheat through various channels and calls on the people to eat more sea wheat.

“Baby.” Marianne picked up her daughter Meri and put it on the small chair, and put the bird stew custard in front of her, “This is the dinner my mother specially prepared for you. Eat it quickly.”

The little guy picked up the metal spoon, dug a spoon of golden custard, and put it into his mouth impatiently, his eyes narrowed with beauty.

Marianne looked at her daughter’s eating affectionately, exhaled contentedly, and then sighed worriedly:

“In the past few months, there were all kinds of sea monsters everywhere in the sea, and I often heard news about merchant ships being attacked. Now the radio keeps saying that the demons are going to fight over. When will this day be a big head… to be honest, I really regret leaving the White Antelope Republic, at least there are absolutely no sea monsters on the Gaspar Plateau.”

While serving the meal, the boy replied:

“Mom, don’t worry, the Misty Islands are the safest place in the human world…”

Before the boy had finished speaking, a loud broadcasting sound suddenly came from a distance.

“All citizens of the Human Federation, good evening! I am President Renault Odin, and I have a very important news to announce to everyone!”

“At around 9:20 this morning, the Void Demon Race officially invaded our world, and an all-out war between the Human Federation and the Demon Race broke out!”

The mother and son stayed for a while, sat upright with shocked faces, and listened to the radio intently. Only Mei Rui kept waving the small spoon and eating happily.

“Over the Demon Sea 280 kilometers west of the White Antelope Republic, the Federal Air Force and the Demon Army fought for the first time. The Federation achieved a complete victory and wiped out the Demon Pioneers. In total, more than 8,400 Demon fighters were destroyed and 10 Demon fighters were destroyed. Clan Floating Fortress…”

“Oh, my God!” Marianne couldn’t help screaming, and said gratefully, “Fortunately, our family left the White Antelope Republic and immigrated to the Misty Islands…Thanks to the great supremacy, thanks to the Federation of Humanity!”

The sound of the broadcast continued.

“… Regarding the news of this battle, tomorrow’s “Hai Tide Current Affairs” will report in detail… Please believe that the Federal Army has sufficient strength to protect the safety of all citizens.”

“Present, in the name of the president and the first ruler of mankind, I call on all mankind to unite and fight against the evil Void Demon and defend our common homeland!”

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