Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 997

Chapter 988 Dead planet

The space next to the floating fortress was distorted, and a small “black hole” was formed.

Then, a little red light suddenly appeared in the center of the “black hole”, dyeing it red.

After seeing the weird changes in the holographic image, Renault couldn’t help being stunned.

Before he could understand, a slender red silk thread shot out from the center of the “black hole”, and after it got out of the range of the “black hole”, its volume rapidly expanded thousands of times, instantly transforming into a huge pillar of flame.

“What the **** does the Void Demon want to do?”

An officer couldn’t help but yelled, his eyes full of amazement.

The pillars of fire suddenly dispersed into countless flame snakes, and they swam to the top of the floating fortresses, criss-crossing in the air, and instantly “weaved” into a giant flame net, completely shielding the two fortresses.

“Under the supreme crown, the second satellite control center sent a message that the’Sky Eye System’ detected the center of the devil’s sea area, and there was a super high-level energy flow.” A voice came from the communication channel.

Obviously, the flame giant net is the product of “super high-level energy flow”.

After a few breaths, hundreds of black shadows flashed past and hit the giant flame net.

This time, in the competition between “spear” and “shield”, the demons won the victory, and the giant net made up of high-level energy flow melted away the “wrath of the gods” in an instant.

Renault sneered:

“Idiot! I actually forcibly transfer energy across borders, across countless interfaces, but also break through the barriers of space, I am afraid that the energy loss rate is not 80% or 70%, and maintaining the energy network will also consume a certain amount of energy… Master today. You work hard and consume, I don’t believe you can hold it!”

He shouted in a deep voice:

“Every 10 minutes, launch 50’God’s Wrath’ until the energy net disappears!”


The 10 launch platforms that have been reloaded with the projectiles slowly stretched out from the Dragon Palace, and a group of soldiers began to busy synchro-satellite signals while inputting target coordinates.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The launching platform shook slightly, and quickly bounced out the “Wrath of the Gods” and fell towards the planet below.

Renault activated the communicator again, adjusted the communication frequency to a secret channel, and said quickly:

“Christopher, activate the’Astral Circle’, and detect and analyze the coordinates of the Demon Race’s alien space!”


In the Misty Islands on the ground of Blue Star, under one of the islands, a giant black ring with a diameter of up to 300 meters is standing in a super huge underground cave.

This is the “gate of the void” that a large number of “artificial” animal trainers of the Haichao leader drove thousands of lava monsters to salvage from the lava sea a few years ago.

However, this is no longer the original “Void Gate”. In the past few years, Renault and a group of magicians have conducted a comprehensive research and transformation on it.

The “Vulcan Network” and “Light God Network” used by the Federation for ultra-long-distance energy transmission can reach tens of thousands of kilometers. A large part of the technology comes from the “Void Gate.”

It is a pity that the Federation did not research the technology of cross-border transmission from it, because this is only the “receiving end”, and those 10,000-meter-high super giant rings in the alien space where the Demon Race is located are the “transmission end”.

In addition, its control center was dismantled and replaced with a control system designed by Renault. The Void Demon could no longer connect to the “Void Gate” across the border, nor could it transfer energy.

The function of this huge building has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is no longer a portal, but a probe that scans different spaces. Renault named it the “Astral Circle”.

The person in charge of “Astral Circle”, the high-level rune magician, Christopher, put down the communicator in his hand and shouted:

“Guys, the Supreme Crown has issued an order to activate the’Astral Circle’ for me!”

A group of magicians immediately ran, activating the control system of the device one by one, and a faint blue light flickered from all parts of the ring, gradually turning it into a blue ring, dyeing the entire cave blue.

In the mysterious high-dimensional space, there are invisible waves rippling, and there is a strange resonance between it and a giant projection in the sea of ​​magic energy.

“Boss, we have detected the’hyperspace magic resonance signal’ here, and the signal strength is very high!” a magician exclaimed in surprise.

Christopher replied loudly without even thinking about it:

“Record the signal spectrum, save it for later analysis!”


Christopher looked at another group of magicians:

“Hobbs, let your hands penetrate the alien space in reverse, remember to control the energy intensity, and don’t cause too much disturbance in the sea of ​​magic energy, and avoid alarming the void demons in the alien space!”

“Okay, boss!”

Another middle-level magician responded with excitement, and then repeatedly shouted to his subordinates to activate the equipment.

Exploring the space coordinates of the demons is not a simple matter.

The “Void Gate” of the Demon Race has crossed a large number of different worlds to complete the cross-border transmission. The different worlds in between constitute a “path”, and each different world is equivalent to a “node”.

If the federation wants to obtain coordinate information, it must adopt a “reverse” detection method, crack each “node” one by one, and push it backwards from “tail” to “head” to get a complete “path.”

Since the completion of the “Astral Circle”, the magicians have scanned the high-dimensional space countless times, trying to find other planes, but it took 2 years to find a few dozen different spaces.

This is a nascent human federation, ignorant of the first step towards exploring a different space.

Ten minutes later, Hobbs roared with great joy:

“Boss, we have found a different world!”

Christopher lifted up his spirits and rushed over as he trot, shouting:

“Get rid of pretty, guys! Try to collect information from a different space!”

“no problem!”

Hobbs responded and began to work again, pressing both hands on the console.

The other magicians were also alarmed, and they gathered around to see the surprise.

Not long after, Hobbs suddenly raised his arms and exclaimed excitedly:

“The abnormal magic energy wave has successfully penetrated, and within 5 seconds, the display crystal ball will receive the screen information!”

There was a sensation in the cave!

Hundreds of heads lifted up and stared at a crystal ball with a diameter of 1 meter on the top of the console.

The crystal ball suddenly emitted a faint blue light, and then the blue light subsided, and a strange fragmented pattern flashed inside.

The atmosphere of the crowd became more heated.


“There is a signal!”

The picture in the crystal ball stabilized, and a pair of dark gray pictures flashed through like a slideshow.

The images displayed in front of everyone, or bare mountains, or plains without any vitality, or rolling ruins, or frozen oceans, everything is so silent.

This is a dead planet.

It is also a world that has been invaded by the Void Demon Race.

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