Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 995

Chapter 986 Wipe out

When the distance between the two fighter groups was shortened to 200 kilometers, the commander of the aircraft group, Major General Samba, immediately issued an order:

“Please raise the height of all Yinpeng, activate the optical stealth system, stay on the edge of the battlefield, and turn on the long-range magic radar to provide radar network signals and guide the fleet to fight!”


The surface of dozens of silver pengs flashed quickly, and the huge fuselage disappeared without a trace. At the same time, powerful waves of magic energy erupted inside them, and beams of magic energy waves shot forward, filling a radius of more than 100,000. Square kilometers of airspace.

According to the standard tactical manual of the Federal Army, when the Air Force’s large fleet is fighting, the Yinpeng bomber plays a part of the role on the battlefield, similar to the “early warning aircraft” on the earth, and the other part is to provide long-range fire support. After all, this is a genuine bomber. , Carrying a large number of Valkyrie.

After the radar signals were connected to the network, dense red light spots appeared on the display screens of nearly a thousand fighters.

Although the pilots were mentally prepared, after seeing this scene, everyone took a sigh of relief and immediately raised a heart.

The number of one’s own fighters is less than 1,000, and the number of enemy fighters is more than 6,500. With such a huge gap, who is uneasy?

At 150 kilometers, Major General Samba issued a second order:

“Activate the’Valkyrie’s Spear’, lock the target signal, enter the coordinate parameters!”


The “Valkyrie’s Spear” has a maximum range of 200 kilometers, and it is a very correct choice to use the “Valkyrie’s Spear” for “out-of-the-horizon” strikes.

Under the guidance of Yinpeng’s radar network, the preparation work was completed very quickly.


Each Yinpeng casts 4 “Valkyrie Spears”, while the Silver Eagle and Moguang fighters each drop a “Valkyrie Spear”. More than 1,000 Valkyries jets out hot air from their tails, pushing them at a rapid speed. rising.

The burning tail smoke of the Valkyrie, like a long snake, stretches forward rapidly, the scene is extremely magnificent and spectacular.

However, the attention of some pilots is focused on other aspects.

“It’s really strange. Why are the Mozu fighters so close to each other? According to the information displayed by the radar system, the average distance is actually less than 100 meters…”

“Isn’t this a good thing? Let me say that the closer the distance is, the better. A Valkyrie can knock down 3 or 4 fighters. It only takes 3 rounds at most to kill this group of demons…”

“I don’t think it’s that simple. After so many years of fighting with the Flying Wing Demon, the Demon Race should be very aware of the power of the Valkyrie. They might do this for another reason…”

Major General Samba suddenly shouted sharply on the channel:

“Shut up all of you, this is not the time to chat…This is the first battle between the Federation and the Demon Army. Many big figures are paying attention to us. If anyone makes a mistake, I will make him look good!”

The threat of Chi Guoguo caused the pilots to shut their mouths honestly, and the communication channel returned to silence.

A few minutes later, the Valkyrie’s speed exceeded 2 times the speed of sound, and it drew arcs in the air, crashing into the dense demons from all directions.

Thousands of Demon fighters on the other side suddenly flashed weird mana fluctuations inside. The surface of the fighters instantly emitted a faint red light, and then the red light quickly spread and merged with each other, and finally formed a huge red cloud.

This scene is very similar to the weird means used by the Flying Wing Demon (see Chapter 967), but the “red cloud” covering the Demon fighter is slightly different, and its “boundary” is clearer.

To be precise, the edge of the red cloud is a strange “film”, the surface of which is red and bright, and the brightness is quite high.

Immediately before the first Valkyrie was about to collide, the red cloud’s generous rays of light suddenly swelled and spread sharply to the periphery. The volume instantly became hundreds of times larger, and its edge was as far as 5 kilometers from the fighter.

“Whirring whirring……”

The hordes of Valkyrie came whizzing and plunged into the red cloud.

Whenever the Valkyrie touched by the film was instantly melted into molten metal by high temperature, the rune structure of its internal detonating projectile was also damaged, turning into a pile of residue and falling down.

In just two or three seconds, more than 60% of the Valkyries failed.

At this time, Major General Samba finally realized that the situation was not good, and hurriedly shouted:

“Detonate the Valkyrie in the air!”

The back seat pilot who was in charge of controlling the Valkyrie quickly activated the “active detonation” magic signal.

However, only a few hundred Valkyries were detonated in time, and the rest of the weapons were all swallowed by the terrifying red cloud.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The extremely low-temperature cold air mass produced by the burst of the Valkyrie did not harm the Demon fighters at all, but only “corroded” large holes on the surface of the red cloud.

After the Valkyrie was consumed, Hong Yun suddenly shrank back and returned to its original state.

The first wave of attacks came back without success!

Dragon Palace Space City.

“Hey, as expected, the **** demons will definitely play this trick!”

Instead of a look of disappointment, Renault looked happy. He shouted into the remote communicator:

“Phoenix, have you found the core node of the Mozu fighter’s energy defense layer?”

A voice immediately came out from the communicator:

“Under the Supreme Crown, the transformed’Sky Eye System’ has detected a total of 214 core nodes. We have sent the relevant data to the’Hand of Thanos Orbital Strike Group’!”

Now that the demon’s methods were predicted, Renault was certainly prepared.

As early as half a year ago, after the Navy found the “Black Crystal Skull” from the corpse of the Flying Wing Demon, that is, the item that made the red cloud, Renault studied its principle clearly and modified the “Sky Eye System” in a targeted manner. An additional function has been added to it.

Renault issued a series of commands:

“Samba, drop the second batch of Valkyrie!”

“Lockwood, activate the ‘Hand of Thanos’ to destroy the ‘energy defense layer’ of the Demon fighter, pay attention to coordinating the time with Samba, and attack the core node 5 seconds before the Valkyrie’s arrival!”

“If there are still Demon fighters, Samba you can handle it!”

“Husello, prepare to cast the wrath of the gods and attack the 8 demons behind!”

Several different voices responded in unison:


Two minutes later, when the second batch of more than 1,000 Valkyries flew to the Mozu fighter 10 kilometers away with a long tail smoke, more than 200 bright red beams of light slashed straight down from the void and pierced into the red. In the clouds.

This extremely magnificent blow can be clearly seen from 300 kilometers away.

Each [heat death] ray accurately hit a Mozu fighter, and none of the 214 core nodes slipped through the net.

At this moment, the destructive power of the sub-law level contained in [Thermal Death] turned the demons in the fighter into fly ashes, and the overflowing power also caused the fighter’s energy to run away.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

More than 200 huge fireballs burst into the red cloud. Unprepared, many fighters around the node were swallowed by flames, and at least 800 fighters were completely destroyed or partially damaged.

The next moment, the film of the red cloud melted, and the red cloud completely collapsed.

Thousands of Demon fighters suddenly became chaotic. Seeing that another group of Valkyries had flown in front of them, the group of fighters hurriedly changed directions, trying to leave the group of fighters and leave this dangerous area.

But it was too late.


More than 1,000 Valkyries rushed into the demons fighter group like lightning, and then exploded.

Thousands of cold mists spread wildly, creating a huge cloud of cold air in the blink of an eye. More than 3,500 Demon fighters were frozen into ice, and the Demon in the aircraft were quickly killed by ice elements.

What is amazing is that the surviving more than 2,000 Mozu fighters did not even mean to evacuate, but continued to fly to human fighters.

Obviously, the demon army’s military orders are extremely strict, and they dare not retreat if they know they are not enemy.

Samba’s eyes flashed, and he shouted:

“Turn on the’Afterburner Mode’, keep a distance of more than 100 kilometers from the Mozu fighters, use the Valkyrie to solve them, don’t fight melee with the opponent!”


The roar of the engine suddenly rose up a step, the large group of fighters deflected and dispersed in all directions, and the Mozu fighters were chasing after them.

However, the maximum flight speed of the “afterburner mode” exceeded 5 times the speed of sound, and the Mozu fighter was thrown away almost in the breath.

Afterwards, the fleet began to fire the “valkyrie spears”. Although the Demon fighters tried their best to dodge, the airburst range of the Valkyries spread to more than 300 meters, and it was enough to kill the Demon by rubbing it to the edge.

During this period, the Mozu fighter demonstrated a unique attack mode.

There are 8 strange black cones on the bottom of the nose and on both sides of the wings. They will turn red, shoot out a strange “flame dart”, fly a distance, and explode, turning into a ball. The fireball with a diameter of more than 30 meters is quite powerful.

Its rate of fire is surprisingly fast. You can see more than 30 shots almost every second. You can see dense fireballs in front of the nose, like a wall of flames.

It’s a pity that its limit range is less than 5 kilometers, and you can only watch the human fighters stare at it.

Only more than three minutes later, the remaining Mozu fighters were cleaned up by the Air Force.

So far, more than 6,000 Mozu fighters have been wiped out.

Thousands of kilometers away, 8 floating fortresses seemed to have received the news and suddenly stopped moving.

At an altitude of 400 kilometers above them, the 1200 “Wrath of the Gods” dropped from the Dragon Palace are rapidly descending.

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