Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 993

0984 Our technology is stronger than the

Devil’s waters.

Ten thousand years ago, this place was a whole continent, and the “Black Crown Empire” established by magicians called “Magic Star Continent” created an unprecedentedly brilliant and splendid magical civilization.

It is a pity that the invasion of the Void Demon Race has brought a great war that swept the world.

At the last juncture, the magic civilization launched a “disaster of destruction” that burned jade and stone, and drove the demon army out of this world.

In this devastating natural disaster, the Magic Star Continent was completely shattered, the mountains that stretched for thousands of miles collapsed, the vast land cracked with terrible rift valleys, and the sky tsunami washed away all traces.

This is what Renault learned from the gray dolphin population.

After the disaster passed, the Magic Star Continent disappeared, replaced by a dangerous sea area full of turbulent currents, always blowing squally winds and waves, it seems that the anger of this planet has never been subdued.

Looking down from the sky, the densely populated land in the past is left with only one dotted island. In the past, they were proud high mountains, but now they sink to the bottom of the sea. Only the peaks stand alone in the turbulent waves.

After the establishment of the Human Federation, Renault once led a team to explore some areas of the Devil’s Sea, but the environment here was too harsh to be feasible for development at all.

But now, in the center of the Devil’s Sea, a giant black metal ball with a diameter of more than 6000 meters has been suspended quietly over the sea in an incomprehensible way.

A “magic energy holographic imaging satellite” passed hundreds of kilometers in the sky, using the imaging principle of “condensing light devil” to transmit this scene to the Dragon Palace Space City and display it in front of Renault.

“damn it!”

Renault couldn’t help but cursed:

“I should have thought that somewhere in the deep ocean of the Devil Sea, there must be a’Void Gate’ left. In the war ten thousand years ago, the army of the Void Demon Race first captured the Devil Star Continent, and they had enough time to build it. This kind of cross-border transport device.”

“If I’m right, this giant metal ball should be the’floating fortress’ of the demon army, and the demon sent it from the alien space through the’Void Gate’.”

Gurum said with a wry smile:

“Under the Supreme Crown, the Devil Sea has become like this ghost. Everyone thought that the catastrophe destroyed everything in the Eastern Hemisphere, so they did not carefully probe the Devil Sea…”

This is a holographic figure of Grum, he himself is leading the sea at this time, and several high-level military officials participated in this emergency meeting through the holographic imaging system.

Renault shook his head:

“Now it seems that we are all fooled…Various demonic disasters created by the Void Demon Race, as well as sea monsters emerging from the Abyss Caverns. The real purpose is to divert human attention and make us ignore the Devil Sea. …… It’s really a Void Demon, it is treacherous and cunning!”

The generals’ expressions changed.

Army Chief Moose stepped forward and said:

“Under the supreme crown, I request the use of the’Thor’s Hammer’ magic sense guided weapon to attack the’Floating Fortress’. Its maximum range is 8,000 kilometers. I have calculated that if it is launched from the western region of the White Antelope Republic, it will just cover it. ‘Floating Fortress’…The Federal Army happened to have deployed a Thunder Division in the capital of the White Antelope Republic!”

Renault shook his head decisively and rejected Moose’s proposal:

“Don’t attack for now. This is just the vanguard of the demons. The threat will not be too great. I want to take a look at the flying battleships of the demons.”

He turned his head to look at a magician and asked:

“When will the next ‘imaging satellite’ be in place?”

The magician quickly replied:

“There are still 4 minutes! In addition, the three major satellite control centers are mobilizing more satellites. In half an hour, we can monitor the Mozu’s “floating fortress” 24 hours a day!”

At this moment, Angela suddenly inserted a sentence:

“Under the Supreme Crown, since the Void Demon Race has arrived, do you announce to the entire human federation that it has officially entered a state of total war?”

The posture of Miss Prime Minister at this time is different from that of other people. She is sitting in an aerospace seat, and the whole person and the seat are suspended on the ground half a meter high, which looks quite strange.

Obviously, she participated in this meeting on the way back to the ground in an X-wing space fighter.

Renault gave the answer without thinking about it:

“No, it is easy to cause panic if announced now! First finish this battle and eliminate this Demon Pioneer, and I will declare the Federation into a wartime state!”

Angela nodded in agreement:

“You are right. At that time, you can ask the Federal Propaganda Department to inform every federal citizen of the victory through the Magic Broadcasting Network, and you can also print relevant photos in the newspaper to boost the morale of the people!”

After another few minutes, after the next imaging satellite was in place, the holographic image in front of everyone changed.

Many huge hatches were opened on the surface of the floating fortress, revealing black holes. A large number of black spots flew out of the fortress in groups and gathered into a huge flying fleet.

“Lock a flying battleship and enlarge it!” Renault issued an instruction.


The holographic image suddenly split into a slightly smaller image, showing a pitch-black triangular aircraft. Compared with the prehistoric flying warship of the demons excavated from Tututa several years ago, the appearance of the two is hugely different. .

The shape of this aircraft is streamlined, with a clear body and wing structure, and a pair of vertical tails are erected at the rear. The most striking thing is that its tail ejects two light blue tail flames!

Renault blinked in disbelief, and smiled excitedly:

“This is an air vehicle, and the power engine is essentially thermal propulsion!”

Gurum asked in surprise:

“So, our engine technology is more advanced than the Void Demon?”

“That’s right!” Renault pointed to the floating fortress and said affirmatively, “This big guy can float on the surface of the sea. “Planetary Engines” also belong to this type of technology.”

“As you can see, the Demon’s aircraft are powered by thermal energy, which shows that they have not yet mastered the “miniaturized” “Magic Propulsion Technology”… But we have mastered this technology, such as the X-wing fighter and the Phoenix fighter. “Mozi thrust engine” is the most typical miniaturized magic propulsion engine!”

This sentence made others look surprised.

In everyone’s mind, the Void Demon Race is an extremely powerful race. They have invaded countless planets and destroyed one civilization after another. Their technical strength must be extremely powerful.

Before seeing this aircraft, Renault also held the same view, otherwise he would not engage in any “Prometheus” plan, even though he kept saying that it was “for the generals not to win, but to lose first”, but in the final analysis This is an expression of lack of confidence.

He looked around and said excitedly:

“This is not surprising. The Disaster of World Extinction has changed the magic environment of the entire planet. Although the demons are powerful, they also need enough time to build a new technical system from scratch to adapt to the new magic environment.”

His voice grew louder.

“Everyone, please believe me, in terms of technology, we are ahead of the demons, and in terms of weapons of war, we are also stronger than the demons! I have enough confidence to win this battle!”

In fact, this kind of violation of cognition can be attributed to the desperate effort of prehistoric magic civilization on the one hand, and to Renault and the “Book of Thermodynamics” on the other hand.

He abandoned the traditional route based on “personal strength” and unswervingly followed the route of runes and magic weapons, just choosing the right path.

In addition, with the help of “The Book of Thermodynamics”, he quickly advanced to dominate levels, from the level of basic laws, mastered a large amount of profound knowledge of runes, and promoted the rune literature of the entire mankind by his own power. To a very high level.

Although the demons also dominate the strong, don’t forget that in different worlds, the rules of the rules are different, and the rules of one world may not be adapted to another world.

If the demons want to master the laws of this world, there is only one way to go, which is to cultivate their own “indigenous” to dominate the strong, analyze the chain of laws from the source, and use this as a basis to deduce the knowledge of talismanic literature.

For the demons, it is not difficult to cultivate masters, but they require a lot of time.

However, before the time and space tide rises to a high enough height to isolate the two spaces again, can the demons cultivate a master?

There is another question, is Renault willing to give the Mozu a chance?

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