Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 992

Chapter 983 Demon descends

Lunar calendar 756 years, the month of the wind.

Dragon Palace Space City.

“This is the core device made by the “Apocalypse Project”-the “Apocalypse Magic Ring”? I have only seen a few sketches of the design you drew before, but I didn’t expect the actual object to be so huge…”

In a huge workshop, Angela, holding a small baby, looked up at a giant round arched metal door and asked in surprise.

The metal arch is astonishing more than 50 meters high, and the surface is engraved with dense runes. The shape is similar to the “Miracle Gate” of mass-produced transcendents, but its size is several times larger than the latter, and it looks very visually impactful.

Angela standing at the foot of the giant arch is like an ant at the foot of a giant, seemingly insignificant.

“Yes, this is the 18th ‘Apocalypse Devil’ that we made in the space city.”

Renault nodded affirmatively:

“Since we found those’ice element bombs’ in the remains of the prehistoric magical civilization that could trigger the’Void Annihilation’, I ordered the Rune Research Institute to launch the’Apocalypse Project’ and began to study the generation mechanism of the’Void Annihilation’ , And the essence of the formation of the’raging demon energy’.”

“It took more than 4 years for our research team to figure out that’raging magic powers’ and’non-raging magic powers’ are actually two in one relationship, and the two can be used between’glossy’ and’darkness’. “Face” to describe.”

“Under the ultra-high energy level environment, if you force the ‘Rage Demon Energy’ to be superimposed with a specific ‘High Dimensional Demon State’, the ‘Rage Devil Energy’ will be wonderfully integrated with the ‘Non-Rage Devil Energy’.”

“In this process, a huge amount of energy will be released, and all matter will be destroyed from the subatomic level. This is the fundamental principle of’Void Annihilation’… It took us another year to create the first The test product of the “Apocalypse Magic Ring”…”

Having said that, Renault said with emotion:

“Unexpectedly, the creation of the prehistoric magician will become the most important card of mankind after ten thousand years… To some extent, whether human civilization is in urgent need of continuation at Blue Star is due to the grace of the prehistoric magician. …”

When Reynolds told the story, the baby in Angela’s arms stretched out a white and tender little hand and kept holding it against the giant arch, babbling in his mouth.

It can be seen that the little guy is very curious about the giant object in front of him.

What’s even more amazing is that there is a slight air current around the baby’s little hand, and the dark wind element fluctuations in the body from time to time, although the fluctuations are extremely insignificant, if you don’t feel it carefully, you will not notice it at all.

This is a real extraordinary power.

The little guy is the son of Renault and Angela-Thor, the first born extraordinary person in human history.

Two days before his birth, he condensed the source of elements in his mother’s womb, breaking through the transcendent boundary. After his birth, the little guy could instinctively manipulate the extraordinary power of the wind element, and his body was also spontaneously gathering wind elements.

However, due to the fact that he is too young, the strength of the little guy is very weak.

“Oh, dear baby, do you want to touch the ‘Magic Ring of Apocalypse’ created by your father up close?” Angela touched her son’s little face and asked indulgently.

Although Sol was only 6 months old and couldn’t understand this sentence at all, his mother’s voice still made the little guy react. He shook his arm in excitement, making his cry louder.

Angela regarded the baby’s reaction as an affirmative answer. She gently kicked her legs on the ground, driving the force of the wind element, and took Thor off the ground and flew towards the giant arch.

Seeing that the mother and son were completely immersed in the parent-child interaction and turned a deaf ear to what he said, Renault shook his head helplessly and closed his mouth.

He thought for a while, turned his head and said to a high-level magician behind him:

“Edwin, you go to arrange a space transport ship to send this’Apocalyptic Ring’ to the Moon’Ya’an’ this afternoon, and assist the magician at the’Moon Palace’ base to incorporate it into the’Destructive Scourge Strike Group’ ‘.”


The magician called “Edwin” replied respectfully.

“Destroying Natural Disaster Strike Group” is the second set of super weapons established by the Human Federation after the “Hand of Thanos Orbital Strike Group”.

Renault looked at his wife again and asked loudly:

“Angela, when are you going to visit the Moon Palace?”

Angela flew down holding her son, and replied:

“Tomorrow…I went to the Moon Palace this time mainly to bring Thor there.”

Renault glanced at the baby and sighed:

“My dear, can’t you stay in the Moon Palace? Sol needs his mother!”

Angela stared at the little guy who kept moving hands and feet with a full face:

“I understand, but I said before that I am the Prime Minister of the Federation. For the stability of the entire Federation, I must not leave the Blue Star surface… In addition, Alietti and Althea are also in the Moon Palace, and they will help me take care of it. Thor…”

When Renault was about to speak, he suddenly turned to look at the blue planet below, his eyes full of shock.

As the legendary master of space, Renault clearly perceives that a trembling force is coming from the distant void, trying to enter this world.

Although the sea of ​​magic energy repelled this force, it still surged like a tide until it broke the space barrier.


A certain location on the planet suddenly burst into an extremely powerful spatial fluctuation, which spread across every corner of the planet in an instant.

Angela is an upright person, and she naturally sensed this wave of fluctuations. She unconsciously hugged Thor, and asked in horror:

“Honey, what is this?”

Renault took a deep breath and exhaled a few words very solemnly:

“The’Void Door’ is opened!”

Angela stayed for a while, and suddenly reacted:

“You mean, the army of the Void Demon Race is about to come?”

Renault shook his head slightly:

“No, they have come!”

Angela suddenly kissed Thor’s cheek heavily and whispered:

“My dear, can you ask your secretary’Regina’ to take the’Phoenix Fighter’ to the Moon Palace immediately and take Sol? I must return to the ground now!”

Renault stared at his wife without blinking, and finally nodded:

“I’ll arrange it!”

In fact, it is not only Renault and Angela, but any person with the ability above the extraordinary level on the Blue Star has all felt the spatial fluctuations sweeping the world. The stronger the strength, the clearer the feeling.

At the air force headquarters of Haichao, Gurum, who was talking with his wife and daughter far away in “Fengchao”, was suddenly startled.

He looked up at the sky in horror, and the communicator in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

In the permafrost in the northern polar regions, the Outlandish-class ice seal “Esshir” lying on the ice and snow suddenly lifted his body and screamed in panic:


At Cape Vetter Naval Base at the southernmost tip of the Star Kingdom on the Xinghai Continent, a group of extraordinary officers who were standing on the deck of a warship and talking and laughing suddenly closed their mouths and stared blankly at the sky.

From north to south, similar scenes are played out everywhere.

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