Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 49

Chapter 48 Behind the scenes

Renault finally breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn’t help showing a joyful smile on his face. The biggest difficulty was over!

At this time, his mana was almost exhausted, his mental strength was less than 1/8, and his combat effectiveness had dropped by at least 90%, but he knew that the battle was set and the victory was set!

Renault immediately let go of the control of the flame, the sky full of fireballs fell to the ground, and then withdrawn the magic energy that maintained the heat shield, the heat shield instantly collapsed, and an extremely hot wind blew in the sky.

Renault looked at the other venomous bees again.

Unsurprisingly, they had completely lost their courage to fight after witnessing the encounter with their comrades. Renault only glanced at them, and they fled, and the “buzzing” vibration quickly disappeared.

These venomous bees that run away are all “cowards” in the group. When other venomous bees fight Renault desperately, they choose to watch.

When Renault solved the poisonous queen bee, in their hearts, Renault had become an invincible super enemy, and they were even more afraid to attack him.

At this moment, Renault suddenly heard an exclamation, which was indeed Angela’s voice, and he immediately looked back at the fortress.

Everything into the goal surprised him!

Another group of venomous bees besieging Angela and Moos was actually gnawing on the vitrified fortress, and the surface of the fortress had even been gnawed by several gaps!

Renault couldn’t help but slapped his tongue. The teeth of these poisonous bees were so good, they could even chew on such a hard vitreous body.

He roared, and raised the cross sword high and rushed towards the fortress. When these poisonous bees saw the terrible “strong enemy” killed, they decisively gave up the feat of “gnawing the fortress” and flew away collectively.

They were also scared away!


With the care of each other, and the magical ability of Renault, this level was passed without risk.

As Renault walked towards the fortress, he shouted: “Uncle Moose, I drove the Venomous Bee away, you can come out!”

At this moment he suddenly felt something on top of his head.

At this moment, Renault realized that the black hand had appeared behind the scenes.

It has planned all this, and naturally knows the details well, knowing when is the best time to enter the game.

According to common sense, when you win, it is often the easiest time to be paralyzed. If you change to Renault, you will make the same choice.

But the problem is that it underestimates Renault.

From the very beginning, Renault knew about the existence of the black hand behind the scenes, and he also knew that this guy was likely to appear at a critical moment, so he kept secretly in his heart.

So he didn’t hesitate to run to the fortress, desperately inputting his mental power into the rune array of [Nan Motive Force], letting 8 spikes dance around him.

At the same time, he shouted again: “Uncle Moose, another enemy…”

As soon as his words fell, there was a sudden explosion on the fortress’s soil wall. It was Moose who was kicking the wall hard.

Reynolds suddenly decided.

Behind the scenes, you can go if you have the courage!

But does it really dare to go?

Renault can conclude that this guy dare not!

There are three reasons.

First, it is a coward.

Because the guys who love to play conspiracy trajectories are very life-saving, and life-saving means being timid and never willing to take risks.

Renault’s performance has made it realize that it has exposed itself!

Its strength is not strong, otherwise there is no need to set up a trap, facing a more powerful enemy (Renault), exposure means huge risks.

Second, Renault deployed a line of defense consisting of 8 spikes.

From the tooth print on that poisonous bee, it can be seen that this guy is a beast with no long-range ability, that is to say, if it wants to attack Renault, it must first break through the interception of the spikes.

But does it have the courage to do so?

Renault is very skeptical!

Third, Renault also called his companions.

That explosion fully demonstrated that the enemy’s companion is about to appear. At this time, is the “coward” still willing to stay here?

Of course not!

The development of the matter was the same as Renault had guessed, and soon there was a slight rubbing sound of branches and leaves on the branches overhead.

Obviously, the man behind the scenes intends to give up.

If it wants to continue to act, it should have jumped off the branch long ago, but it didn’t, and instead continued to stay on the branch, indicating that it wanted to leave from a high place.

But Renault quit!

Want to leave after playing this uncle?

No doors!

Renault didn’t hesitate to stop, looked up, and at the same time waved his right hand violently. The many fireballs still burning on the ground suddenly jumped up and hit the dense tree canopy.

Beasts are naturally afraid of fire. Seeing so many fireballs around them, Renault didn’t believe it wouldn’t panic.

As long as it is flustered, it is easy to make mistakes and flaws, so that Renault will have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

The light emitted by the fire illuminates the gloomy canopy. At this moment, Renault suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a strange green shadow in one of the lush branches, and the light spread here, as if abnormally distorted.

With a thought in his mind, a few fire lights quickly alluded to Green.

Lu Ying immediately moved. It walked between the branches and leaves, and some branches and leaves swayed due to the movement of the body.

Renault was shocked!

Because he suddenly discovered that this green shadow looked quite vague, and when it ran on the branches, the color of its body was constantly changing, and it was perfectly embedded in the environment.

This is optical camouflage!

What kind of beast is this? The fur on its body has its own optical camouflage function?

This world is really incredible, there are beasts that can evolve such a magical ability!

Although he was shocked in his heart, Renault didn’t slow down in his hand movement. Six spikes swept across the sky and surrounded the camouflage beasts from all directions.

The camouflage beast noticed something wrong, the branches were too narrow and there was almost no room to escape, so it jumped and jumped down from a height of more than 20 meters.

But Renault was waiting for this jump!

The reason why he only used 6 spikes, the purpose is actually to force them down, and the remaining spikes are his real killer move!

At this time, the camouflage beast is in the air, there is nowhere to hide, and it is easier to attack.

The two spikes suddenly flashed out of the grass, flew straight to the camouflage beast, and stabbed it on both sides of its body.

But to Renault’s surprise, at the moment when the spike was about to hit, the blurry figure of the camouflage beast suddenly twisted. A bunch of hair was picked up, leaving only a very shallow scar.

This guy’s movements are unexpectedly flexible!

However, at the moment it was about to land, a whistle suddenly sounded behind Renault, and a black shadow flew towards it with a strong wind, wiping its left hind leg.

It is hurt!

This is the epee projected by Moose!

At the critical moment, Moose made a shot!

The blade cut a deep wound on its hind leg, and blood poured out in an instant. It wailed in pain. When it landed, it staggered and almost fell to the ground.

More importantly, after the hind leg is injured, it can no longer exert force, and its running speed will definitely be reduced by more than half!

After it limped and ran for a few steps, Renault chased it up, and under the control of [Nian Motive Force], the blades of grass tightly entangled it.

It’s done!

This guy can’t steal the chicken and lose the rice. Not only did he fail the trap, but he also caught up with him.

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