Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 451 - finale 2

There were frequent reports of good news from various war zones, the enemy army was retreating, the Hebrew army was killed and wounded, and more than half of the troops surrendered.

In this war, his trump card was the troops from another world. The victory was already decided in the battle, but because Hatas sacrificed himself, he closed the seal and reversed it. Contract terminated.

But even if the army of the other world is gone, he still has the last trump card. He took the lead in putting the first generation of transformants on the battlefield of S continent. With experimental data, the second generation is naturally the most powerful.

It has been improved on the basis of the first generation, and no matter where it is placed, it is an invincible team.

It was unexpected that they still had such a weakness.

In the dark, everything seems to be destined by God.

Hebrew struggled to look at Jiatong who was placed there, his eyes were full of unwillingness and remorse.

“Father.” Ying Ran supported Hebrew’s body.

Lu Zhizhou brought someone to him and looked down at the person in Ying Ran’s arms.

“The trial against you is not just a matter of country K, it is a matter of the entire Intercontinental.” Lu Zhizhou said and squatted down beside him.

“What else do you want to say?”

Hebrew looked up at the sky, and the sky began to snow gradually, and the snowflakes began to cover.

“Win or lose, I have nothing to say.”

Lu Zhizhou could see that he had no love on his face, and also understood why he did this series of operations just now.

“You can use the eldest princess for so many years, and of course you know her character best. If she is willing to accept this result, why would she commit suicide?”

Hebrew’s breath was soft, how could he not understand the temperament of that person, she has never changed after so many years.

“Since you knew that the eldest princess was unable to face you and chose that path, how could you not know that when she was alive, she was full of guilt and shame when she saw Wen Li, so how could she still be willing to use Wen Li’s? name in exchange for his own resurrection.”

Lu Zhizhou’s words hit Hebrew’s heart, how could he not understand that person’s character?

For so many years, although she has floated gently like a water plant floating on the bottom of a lake, her heart is very tough.

“Even if my mother really comes back to life, facing the current situation, it will be more painful than dying.” Ying Ran said in a daze.

She has endured the fact that her beloved father has become a sinner through the ages, and her beloved father has turned the entire continent into a purgatory on earth, and her pride and self-esteem has always been trampled on the ground.

Although her mother is gentle in appearance, she is more proud than her.

Hebrew was her chosen husband, and at this point, she was naturally to blame.

Better to be direct.

Even if he can’t face the Hebrew who has gone astray, and he can’t face himself who condones sin, this is undoubtedly the best choice for Jiatong.

“As a husband, you have never known the eldest princess. Even if she is resurrected, she will not forgive you.”

The Hebrew laughed suddenly, and the emotion released from the laughter was as hearty as it had ever been.

“Yeah, I’ve never been competent.”

Lu Zhizhou stared at the people on the ground, “You have already achieved the position of the prince, what’s not to be satisfied with? You used the eldest princess to climb to the current position, but after killing the eldest princess, you did everything to wake her up, so Put the cart before the horse, I think you already know you regret it.”

In any case, the position of Jiatong in Hebrew’s heart must be very deep, otherwise, he would not have walked for so many years and threw himself on Jiatong wholeheartedly at the last pass.

What awaits him will be the judgment of the entire K country and the rejection of the entire continent.

“What about you, you are obviously from a noble background, and you can just wait to inherit the title. Why do you have to leave the K country for so many years?”

Lu Zhizhou stood there, he never thought of answering this question.

“You want to break free from your original destiny, and so do I.” Hebrew said and sat up straight.

Not far away, Wen Li was sitting on his knees in the snow, half hugging the man beside him.

Many things have come to an end.

“Anyway, I have a lot of blood on my hands. One more life and one less life doesn’t mean anything.”

“What do you mean?” Lu Zhizhou looked at him.

A defeated general is already nothing to be afraid of.

Hebrew looked at Lu Zhizhou with a relieved smile, “You have done what you think is right, and I have upheld my justice. Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser is the thief, and the loser is always ineligible. It is famous in history, but as long as the injustice in this world exists for a day, there will be thousands of people who will destroy the justice you think of.”

Hebrew finally glanced at Jiatong and Yingran, “After I die, don’t let anyone restrain my body, it’s better to stay here, I’m no longer qualified to be buried with her.”

When Ying Ran realized what he wanted to do, it was already too late.

There was a gunshot, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Ying Ran’s eyes widened, and because she was too close, blood spattered on her face, and she fell down trembling.

“Father…Father!!” Ying screamed back, and fell down in the dark.

Lu Zhizhou raised his hand and wiped away the blood that had splattered on his face. The gun was the one he carried with him and had been with Hebrew for many years.

“Clean up the battlefield and bring back the remains of Hebrew and the eldest princess.” Lu Zhizhou instructed the people behind him.

His Majesty is still waiting for their news. After going out from here, I saw Quan Yanling, and it is time to end this place.

As for Ying Ran, he looked at the girl who had completely fainted.

I grew up pampered, when did I really see such a picture, and I didn’t know what it was when I woke up.

Wen Li fed Fu Yuxiu the pills he carried with him, and helped the man to stand up.

“It’s all over.” Fu Yuxiu lowered his head and hugged him tightly, “Let’s go home.”

The fluttering snowflakes began to float up, the man’s tall body blocked the wind and snow, and when he lowered his head, he could feel the hot thing falling on his collarbone.

“It’s alright.” The man’s thin lips kissed the top of her head again and again with reassurance.

Su Jingjing rubbed her hands together, and the emotions she had been suppressing for a long time were finally released easily.

“It looks like it’s over. We can also leave this ghost place. I have to sleep for three days and three nights.”

Xia Chen and Lu Min looked at each other, “Yeah, it’s been too long these days.”

From country K to Beishan, they have been tiring all the way, it’s time to take a good vacation.

Lu Zhizhou brought people to Fu Yuxiu.

“I will take them back to K country. As for Marshal Quan, I will trouble you. I will contact you after I report to Your Majesty.” Lu Zhizhou’s attitude was not as unruly as before.

In the matter of Hebrews, they were right after all.

Fu Yuxiu nodded, as a response to him.

Lu Zhizhou turned around with the man, and before he went out, he looked back at Wen Li buried in the man’s arms.

“Take good care of her, and remember to send me invitations when the wedding is over. I’ll make time for it.”

Fu Yuxiu lowered his eyebrows and looked at the girl who was silent.

“You’ve passed my test, and I recognize you. Wen Li’s vision is always right. The one she chooses is definitely the best.”

Lu Zhizhou waved goodbye to several people and took them on their journey back home.

Si Zhao came down from the mountain and stood in front of Wen Li, “Although it’s over, there are still some things that I’m particularly concerned about that need to be dealt with. I’ll see you again before I leave here. Let’s have a good chat then.”

“Goodbye.” Wen Li waved goodbye to her.

Yuan Cang and Hongyun escorted the escorts all the way out of the Northland and boarded the helicopter waiting at the edge of the Northland.

The smoke of gunpowder has dissipated in all the places that can be seen along the way, and the bones of all the fallen soldiers will be treated in place and sent back to their hometowns.

The electronic chips and electronic wristbands implanted in their bodies played a great role, and at this time, the bones of the fallen soldiers could be found most conveniently and directly.

“Can your body hold it up?” Wen Li said while supporting the man.

Fu Yuxiu chuckled and clenched her palm, “It’s alright.”

Wen Li’s face was not very good. Although the backlash of the spell would not hurt his life, the damage to his body was beyond Wen Li’s expectations.

His body was not very good in the first place, and to do it again, he needs to be properly conditioned.

Quan Yanling’s headquarters was already busy, and the aftermath of the war was not so easy to handle.

It is necessary to send the latest battle reports to various countries, accept the instructions of the heads of states, and let the soldiers return to the country in batches.

It is also necessary to leave a part of the soldiers to collect the corpses that were too late to collect, and return their bones to the country.

Even if the smoke of gunpowder dissipated and the suffocation of death subsided, the place was still shrouded in a heavy and depressing atmosphere.

“Marshal, Master Fu and his wife are here.”

Quan Yanling and Shen Qingyi stood side by side, and when they saw the two who came in from the door, they both took the documents in their hands.

“It looks like it’s over.”

Quan Yanling’s face was not at all relaxed, “Obviously I won, but I don’t feel like I won at all.”

He has also participated in large and small battles, and has been to many war-torn countries, but he has never seen a war that caused such casualties.

“Here are all the documents that Hebrew had with him. His body has been brought back to K country, and the war is over.”

Fei Ran put all the relevant documents found on the table in front of Quan Yanling.

“Thank you for your hard work, Dark Palace and Evans have helped a lot.” Quan Yanling looked at Wen Li.

In this victory, Wen Li’s help is naturally indispensable. As for the K country, he will follow up on the follow-up related issues.

“Although the war is over, it will take too long for all countries to heal this trauma, and there will be no extra energy between countries to fight any wars in the next few years, which is also a good thing.”

Everyone was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

“Where are you going next?” Quan Yanling looked at the two.

Fu Yuxiu hugged the girl beside him tightly, “I won’t fight with you for the credit of this war, and I’ll leave the rest to you.”

“Don’t tell me where to go?” Quan Yanling rarely joked, “Are you afraid that too many people will rob you after Wen Li’s credit is known to everyone.”

“Yan Xi is always talking about seeing the God of Medicine again. He is active on the battlefield as a medical team this time. He hopes that Wen Li can give more guidance in the future.”

Wen Li remembered the man he saw last time, which was completely different from the coercive aura of the elder brother Quan Yanling. After studying medicine for many years, he showed more tenderness and kindness.

“There will be a chance in the future.”

Just as he was talking, someone outside the door came in and reminded him.

“Deputy Marshal, the bones of the seven teams sent out have been found.”

Team Seven, a suicide team that volunteered to intercept the enemy, successfully completed the task, but the electronic channel they contacted could no longer get a response from them.

The team that knew the ending before they set off, in the end, still failed to come back.

The rows of tents in front of the command post are filled with soldiers carrying corpses. Not only do the corpses need to be collected, but also the soldiers’ relics need to be preserved and returned to their families.

“Is it all here?” Shen Qingyi looked at the complete line of clothes and the urn that had been put on the table in front of him.

Due to the large amount of work involved in transporting the corpse directly, the method of in-situ cremation was adopted.

“Yes, their bones are all incomplete. We used the inquest technology to classify the bones.”

However, their death status is different, and it is normal for their bones to be incomplete.

Shen Qingyi looked at the urn closest to him, and there lay the lieutenant closest to him.

It only took a few minutes to gather this team, and they were all elites who volunteered to participate. Of course, they also knew that to complete the task, they must be exchanged for their lives.

“When this team set out, they never thought that they would be able to come back alive. Their life and death were already doomed.”

Their mission was accomplished successfully, but fortunately not humiliated.

Wen Li stood a little far apart, but he could clearly see a picture on the table directly opposite her in a transparent bag on the urn.

She took a step forward and looked down at the photo in the bag. The girl in the photo was slightly curved, and even Wen Li could see it from the side. This face was three-pointed to hers.

The name on the urn is also clear, Yu Yanqing.

“They are also other people’s sons, husbands, or fathers, and they all have people they want to protect.”

Shen Qing raised his hand and took off his hat.

There was a solemn and solemn atmosphere around, and how many soldiers were burying their corpses while wiping their tears.

“It is because of these people that we have the current victory.” Wen Li stroked the urn in front of him with his fingers.

In each of their hearts, there are people who will try their best to protect them. For these people, they are invincible.

“They will live in this era forever.”

The Intercontinental Alliance has approved the construction of a monument at the northernmost point of the continent to commemorate the soldiers who died in this war.

Commemoration is to better protect peace, and forgetting is the greatest sin.

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