Marvel: Opening Prince of Asgard

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: The Sly Fury

Asgard’s collections may contain numerous accounts of cosmic empires.

But busy with training, Caesar, who was afraid of Ragnarök and Thanos snapping his fingers, didn’t spend much time flipping through the thick and numerous history books.

The universe is too vast, and civilization is almost infinite.

No one knows how many civilization materials are hidden in Asgard’s library.

His impressions of many civilizations only came from memories of past lives, but it was obvious.

This is not just a short film, but a real and huge world.

Caesar and Valina continued to carefully follow Carol and his party, waiting for Carol to tell the coordinates.

However, after seeing Nick. Fury and that Carroll, it seemed easy to forgive the Skrulls and plan to help them.

Valina couldn’t bear it any longer, and began to frantically complain to Caesar, “Are they all brainless pigs?”

“Believe in the Skrulls?”

“And the Skrulls who attacked them not long ago and wanted to kill them?”

“By the way, there is another planet called Tofa, which was destroyed by the fleet of the Kerry Empire not long ago?”

“Oh, that’s not the Skrull’s fault, it’s all the Kree Empire’s fault!”

“God, are you so stupid?”

“Are you sure she really has an incomparably powerful force in her body?”

Valina seemed eager to try, and wanted to rush out and punch Carol.

Caesar nodded earnestly, puzzled by some of Carroll’s and Nick. Fury’s decisions.

If the Skaklu people had not escaped to Tofa, then Tofa would never have been directly destroyed by the Kree Empire.

The Kree Empire is a murderer, so the Skrulls can definitely be regarded as an inducement to murder and an accomplice.

And, according to Carroll, the Skrulls were in order to escape.

It also killed a large number of people on Tofa for disguise.

No matter how you look at it, the guilt of the Skrulls seems to be greater.

Valina couldn’t make a move, but her mouth began to chatter.

As a former valkyrie, a soldier who defended her homeland, she had a hard time putting up with some of the actions of Nick. Fury and Carol.

Also, Dr. Laura, the person in charge of the so-called “Pegasus Project”.

Well, her real name was Marvel, and she was a Kree scientist.

“Good kill,”

After learning that Laura was directly killed by Yong Rogge, the leader of the Star Troopers, Valina almost jumped up happily.

“Be quieter,” Caesar stopped the excited Varina, somewhat confused as to why she was so excited.

“That Laura is a traitor and a traitor!”

As a former soldier, she hated the royal family of Asgard because of some of Odin’s actions.

But she was an Asgard, and she had given everything for Asgard.

“She betrayed her own race, her own country, just to help her former enemy.”

“Damn her!”

“God, she’s so stupid, is she really a doctor, really a scientist?”

Valina looked at Carroll with some doubts, she doubted what Carroll said.

Then he said excitedly:

“What on earth was she thinking?”

“What’s right or wrong in a war between civilizations?”

“Individuals have justice, and civilizations have no right or wrong. Even Asgard’s brainless fighters understand the truth. She is a scientist who doesn’t understand?”

“The Kree Empire painstakingly sent her lurking in Midgard to study the Tesseract.”

“She’s good, she finally developed the speed of light engine, and she planned to use it for the Skrulls?”

“Not to one’s own motherland, but to one’s own enemy?”

“Will the old and weak not grow up?”

“They are pitiful, aren’t those who were impersonated by the ruthless slaughter of the Skrulls?”

“Aren’t the countless civilians who died when the Kree Empire fought the Skrulls?”

“She’s a traitor, damn it!”

Caesar gradually understood it, but he didn’t think much of it when he first watched the movie.

Five hundred years in Asgard.

Watch as Odin and Hela conquer countless civilizations, plunder countless resources, and grow the entire Asgard.

There is also the constant talk of Valina in front of him.

Let him deeply understand that individuals may have justice, but civilization is absolutely right or wrong.

Everything is for the development and continuation of civilization, which is the real world.

“And that ugly-haired Nick. Fury, how did he get along with someone who just wanted to kill him not long ago,”

“And he also successfully impersonated his boss and entered into the friendly cooperation of the Skrulls at the top of their organization?”

“Doesn’t he understand how much harm this Skrull ability would do to Midgard?”

“A bunch of stupid pigs?”

Valina is still blaming Nick. Fury, after all she fought to protect Midgard and the Giants of Jotunheim.

Caesar took a closer look at Nick. Fury, who was still young, and didn’t think he was really stupid.

Just combining a few things to get a feel for some of Nick. Fury’s thoughts.

He wants to use the Skrulls!

This is also why he can be after this incident in the future.

From a small tertiary agent.

It only took six years to board the throne of the director.

Nick. Fury, very crafty. *

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