Martial Arts: at the Beginning of the Opening Mouth, Hi Yaoyue Was Forcibly Captured and Moved to Hu

Chapter 27

Page 27

The masters below the Grandmaster level, without exception, all fell to the ground, and those above the Grandmaster level were not much better, their legs trembled and their faces paled.

Especially empty smells.

The explosion appeared not far in front of him.

If he didn’t stop and retreat just now, he would definitely be smashed to pieces.

When the hustle and bustle dissipated.

A huge pit with a radius of several meters appeared on the top of the bright light.

At the bottom is a shiny wine gourd.

Air smelled the hair standing on end, and the scalp was numb.

It can make a small wine gourd cause such heavenly power, and it is intact.

A master of heaven and earth!

There are really experts in Heaven and Human Realm watching the battle!

Kong Wen is more aware that this is a warning.

Warn yourself, the only great master of the six sects, that you are not allowed to intervene in this.

Otherwise, whoever comes forward will die!

This hand descended from the sky, the glorious Tianwei.

It’s too shocking.

And all the people present understood it.

This move is to warn Master Kong Wen.

It’s just that the top masters in secret are like this?

If you really stood on Zhu Xian’s side, why didn’t you take action when Shitai and others were besieged?

If not, it is unclear about Master Kong Wen.


So weird.

Mingjiao and the others also had no blood on their faces.

Whether it is the Dharma King, or the Messenger of Light.

The most powerful masters I have seen today have not surpassed the peak of the great masters.

The strength of the Heaven and Human Realm is vastly different from that of the Great Master.

All were shocked by this move.

“…Old Bat, in the heyday of the Yang Cult Master, it wasn’t so scary…” Yin Tianzheng’s scalp was numb, and his startled beard was raised.

Wei Yixiao shook his head mechanically, “What nonsense…. Leader Yang is the pinnacle of the great master, and the two are not on the same level.

Although the Daming Rivers and Lakes have a profound background, they are incomparably huge.

Not to mention the supreme existence of the land gods, the masters of the heaven and the human realm have not appeared in the arena for many years, and the dragon can’t see the end.

In their eyes, ordinary disputes between rivers and lakes are simply ignored.

One person destroys a city in the realm of heaven and man, by no means a false name.

If you really want to intervene in the disputes at Bright Summit, you can cut this place down to the ground at will.

“Old Baimao… What do you think the master of heaven and man has to do with Zhu Xian?”

“I’m not quite sure. The coercion just now was aimed at Mie Shitai’s Yitian Sword. This move is obviously aimed at Kong Wen, the only great master on the spot. There’s nothing wrong with it.”

Countless questions lingered in my mind.

Only Zhu Yunlie himself was not affected at all.

There is only a round tone bald donkey in his eyes.

After clasping his pipa bones with ten fingers, he smiled coldly.

“Next time, don’t be mad in front of the young master.”

As soon as the voice fell, the mana suddenly burst into his hands, and the inside was madly poured into it.


Yuanyin’s scream resounded through the bright top.

Along the pipa bone, both arms were torn off alive.

Blood mist sprayed, shocking.

Immediately, he kicked and kicked Yuanyin upside down, and most of his internal organs were displaced.

And at the moment of Kong Wen, he didn’t dare to connect, and he didn’t dare to move.

He could only helplessly watch Yuan Yin fall heavily in front of him, causing him to faint due to the severe pain.

“Quickly help Yuanyin down to heal the wound.” Kong Wen sighed heavily, and only asked the monks behind him to help.

If I had known this earlier, I shouldn’t have been in this muddy water.

Anyway, the demon sect has already fallen apart, why kill them all, it is best to leave them to fend for themselves.


It’s too late to say anything.

At this moment, Song Yuanqiao froze all over, and heard Master Kong Wen’s voice in his ears.

Although it is a bit illusory, it can still be heard.

He knew that this was the method of transmitting sound through a thousand miles of superior internal power.

It sounds like a person is on the side, the more exquisite the inner strength, the softer the sound transmission is.

Today’s Kongwen also has the double realm of the great master, and the distance of thousands of feet is not too much of a problem.

“Song Daxia, a secret master of heaven and man, can be sure that he has an inextricable relationship with Zhu Xian.”

“The three previous coercions were aimed at Yi Tianjian, and this time it was aimed at Lao Na. The common point is that it will definitely threaten Zhu Xian.”

“Now as long as the old man doesn’t make a move, and Shuei doesn’t need to rely on the sky, the master of that day will not show up to intervene.”

“This time, the six sects are besieging Guangming Ding, and they are [*] in a hundred. They can’t just give up and fall short. Now only the noble sect Wudang is left. Please go all out.”

Song Yuanqiao listened carefully.

I also feel that what Kong Wen said is very reasonable.

The Wudang people who are now on the top of Guangming do not have a great master, let alone the Heavenly Sword.

Compared with Zhu Xian, it will not be targeted by the masters of heaven and man.

It also shows that the winner and loser are determined by destiny.

Can’t all five factions be finished, and only the remaining Wudang is timid, right?

Zhu Yunlie saw that the scene was extraordinarily quiet and awkward, so he had an idea and started playing again.

“Kongtong, Kunlun, Huashan, Emei, and Shaolin are all defeated, and the rest of Wudang—cough, cough—”

While speaking, Zhu Yunlie suddenly clutched his chest and coughed violently, as if his internal energy was out of whack, causing him to lose his breath.

This surprised a lot of people.

Since the gods descended from heaven, the senses they have displayed have been mysterious, arrogant, and invincible.

Seeing him like this suddenly, not only did he have no doubts, but he also breathed a sigh of relief.

That’s right!

Finally act like a normal person!

He lost more than a dozen grandmasters in a row, dying and dying.

In the Innate Realm, how could he have nothing to do with himself?

In an instant, the minds of many people became active again, but only Wudang was left to play.

Zhang Wuji, who pretended to be a little transparent, had a panoramic view of everything.

But to be cautious, he did not stand up immediately.

After seeing Song Qingshu not far in front of him, he immediately came up with a plan.

“Sigh…. Although the first Tianjiao is powerful, but after all, it is in the innate realm, and the masters of the five major sects have been defeated in a row. At this moment, I am also a little powerless. Unfortunately, my strength is not good, otherwise I will go forward and become famous and won the Tianjiao champion. …”

Zhang Wuji muttered in a low voice and heard it in the ears of a dozen Wudang disciples around him, including Song Qingshu.

It doesn’t matter where that Huanghuang Tianwei came from or whose handwriting it came from.

But never showed up.

Second, he did not fully express his intention to help Zhu Xian.

Everyone has a fluke mentality, not to mention absolute interests in front of them.

Especially Song Qingshu.

Recalling the last time the Tianjiao list appeared in the world, Zhu Xian overwhelmed [*] people, but only squeezed himself out of the list. I don’t know how much ridicule he received.

Not to mention killing him, as long as he can defeat Zhu Xian, who is now suffering from discomfort, not only can he take revenge, but the benefits are even more unparalleled.

Song Qingshu looked at Zhu Xian in the distance, and then looked at Zhou Zhiruo next to Shitai Mie Mie, and made up his mind.

He didn’t ask his father Song Yuanqiao for instructions, and plundered him directly to fight on behalf of Wudang.

Seeing this, Zhang Wuji was very happy.

Since he decided to rely on Wudang, he must have strong capital, and only by virtue of his identity, his status is at most the same as that of Song Qingshu.

Now that he is motivated to fight, it is like hitting a stone with an egg. It is ridiculous that he is simple-minded, but also confused by hatred and interests.

After the defeat, Wudang Song Yuanqiao must not see his only son die here.

But there is a difference in age, and Wudang can never do anything to bully the small.

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