Martial Arts: at the Beginning of the Opening Mouth, Hi Yaoyue Was Forcibly Captured and Moved to Hu

Chapter 14

Page 14

Seeing that there was little success, Master Mie Jue drank coldly.

The divine weapon Yitian Sword in his hand suddenly unsheathed!

The sword glow flickered, and the energy was like a rainbow.

In an instant, more than a dozen Righteous Dao disciples were killed, and all of them fell to the ground, blood gushing like a spring.

Mie Mie Shitai’s strength is also at the peak of the master, but with the blessing of the gods, he can match the great masters in a short period of time.

Seeing this, the rest of the sects scolded Shitai Shitai a hundred and eighty times in their hearts.

He had only killed a few enemies just now, but he was very good at doing his own work.

Foreign war layman, civil war layman.

But no one dared to use the neck to test the edge of the Heavenly Sword.

Up is death, retreat is also death.

Give it a go.


Zhu Yunlie patted his thighs one after another.

“Did you see it?”

“These people who claim to be famous and righteous, what they do are thousands of times worse than the demons they say.”

“Everyone is a warrior, why do you say that you are righteous, and that the other party is evil?”

Jiang Yuyan agreed, “Master Mingjian, there are many villains in this world, but there are more hypocrites, and slaves are more willing to face villains than hypocrites.”

Seeing the hot and cold world, Jiang Yuyan certainly knew the meaning of the son’s words.

“That’s the truth. There is no difference between good and evil between sects and exercises. Only people can distinguish between good and evil.”


The tremors in my feet became more intense.

The Ming devotees on the Gobi seem to have invested their money.

Actually, countless deep pits and traps were dug in advance at the foot of the mountain.

Below is either a spear or a bamboo skewer.

For the sake of apologetics, it can be said that everything is done.

I do not know how to suffer the six sects, and also suffer Jiang Yuyan who has no martial arts.

The world is spinning in the shaking.

If it wasn’t for the accidental fall into Zhu Yunlie’s arms, it is estimated that he would have fallen down the mountain and shattered his bones.

“Young master, look at there, it seems like a hole has popped out.”

Jiang Yuyan pointed to the hidden mountainside further above.

There is indeed a large hole exposed, but it is mostly blocked by dead wood and large rocks, making it difficult to see clearly.

If there is no vibration just now, it is estimated that it will not be found at all.

Jiang Yuyan didn’t know what it was.

But how could Zhu Yunlie not know.

What’s inside is simple and simple.

A pair of dead bones, a parchment scroll, a living person.

Yang Dingtian, and Qiankun greatly moved the mind, Cheng Kun.

For Zhu Yunlie, neither of these things is attractive.

But the benefits brought by it are really many.

“People from the six sects won’t be able to kill Guangmingding for a while, let’s go, let’s go in and see.”

Zhu Yunlie was not afraid and entered the cave directly.

Jiang Yuyan, who was behind her, did not hesitate at all. She had already decided that she would either die in this life or serve the young master forever. She never wanted to experience the hard times in the past.

As expected, the caves are by no means natural, but artificially excavated.

This also confirmed Zhu Yunlie’s guess.

After walking for half an hour, there was a bright light in the corner ahead, and there was a man’s voice inside.


“What if you become the leader of Mingjiao!”

“What if you stole my childhood sweetheart!”

“It’s not that I’ve gone crazy and fell into such a field!”

“Today, I, Chengkun, want to use the six major factions to destroy your Ming Sect and rob you of your magic powers. When I break into the realm of a great master, I will go to Dayuan comfortably and become a protector of the country!”

Cheng Kun laughed madly and arrogantly.

I have been waiting for a day for many years.

The great wish is about to be tasted, how can you not be happy?

“Tsk tsk, stealing a man and hooking up a wife is quite reasonable.”

Cheng Kun turned around suddenly, his eyes scanning like falcons.


14 What can I do if I seek death?One punch kills Cheng Kun

Cheng Kun, who has revealed his identity, still has a ring scar and wears a cassock.

The identity of an undercover agent in Shaolin has been spied on.

Whoever comes, must be killed on the spot.

Outside the only passage in the stone room, a man and a woman walked in, it was Zhu Yunlie and Jiang Yuyan.

Especially that young man, with his disdainful sneer and his rubbish eyes, made Cheng Kun furious.

“Who are you! How did you find out about this place?”

Zhu Yunlie shrugged, “If you want people to not know, don’t do anything wrong. Since you can be yin Yang Dingtian and Mingjiao, of course you will also be yawned by others.”

Come to Bright Summit to join in the fun.

Of course I want to find this secret room.

But without a guide, finding it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The sudden joy fell from the sky, and Zhu Yunlie had to sigh about the benefits of luck.

It is also more determined to scrape more luck and completely change the gray attribute.

“Heh! Then let you taste the power of Illusory Yin Finger!”

Cheng Kun was ready to kill, and without hesitation, it was the killing move.

The figure jumped up, turned palms into fingers, and straightened Zhu Yunlie’s heart.

Cool air pavement.

At the moment of crisis, Jiang Yuyan wanted to protect Zhu Yunlie like a conditioned reflex, but was pulled behind by the latter.

“How powerful?”

Zhu Yunlie’s expression was very relaxed.

The breath is restrained, and the strength is returned to the fist.

The inner strength of the whole body is agitated, and there are ripples.

Especially the right fist that Pentium hits has a hidden golden body.


click –

The first is the crisp sound of the intersection of gold and stone.

It was followed by a screeching sound of fractures.

It was not blood spraying, but blood mist.

Cheng Kun’s famous stunt, Magic Yin Finger, met Zhu Yunlie’s fist, as if a fine needle pierced an iron stone.

Not only were the fingers shattered, but the entire arm was completely riddled with holes and cracked every inch.

Many more broken bone spurs pierced through the body.

A pig-like scream resounded through the secret room.

“It’s not that powerful either.” Zhu Yunlie looked at his right fist, there was a small green spot on it that was not very conspicuous, and even the skin was not broken.

Cheng Kun, who pretended to be in pain, suddenly attacked and threw several hidden weapons.

A little bit of cold light lasing!

But Zhu Yunlie was well prepared for Cheng Kun’s cunning.

Not only did he dodge away in advance, but in the next instant, he stepped on Cheng Kun’s chest.

There was no mercy in this foot, and Cheng Kun’s chest was sunken by the foot, and his eyes suddenly burst.

The blood was sprayed out together with the pieces of internal organs.

Seeing that there is more air out and less air in, the edge is dying.

“If you scold you, I’ll do mine. You don’t have to do anything if the well water doesn’t break the river. Unfortunately, you have to use that broken finger to point it around.”

Cheng Kun glared angrily, “Yes… it’s you first…”

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