Married To The Male Lead’s Father

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Zhao Guanjia looked at Grandpa Guo’s serious reading of the script, with a look of satisfaction and satisfaction, but he deliberately collected these books. Later, Grandpa Guo would definitely not be in trouble with the oolong incident.

Xie Qi was stunned. The father-in-law was so serious that he turned over the incomprehensible market language. At this moment, the image of Ding Guo-gong’s tall and magnificent bank suddenly collapsed in his heart.

I don’t know if the official Xie Heng looked at this “Guanjin Qianjin and Qiaolangjun”, which tells the story of Guanqianjinjin dare to love and hate the pursuit of poor scholar Qiao Langjun.

This reminded Ding Guogong of the little girl who often dared to flick him, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised a little arc.

The little girl must have read the book.

Ding Guogong suddenly became interested in this script, and looked at it with a learning attitude.

This has to be luck.

If Ding Guo Gong read another love story of “Du Erlang monopolizes the flower leader”, he would definitely not be so serious and read it with a learning attitude.

Maybe the garbage dump is the home of these words.

After Yi Xiang, Ding Guogong read the complete script and placed it on the desk. He fell into contemplation, his expression was still serious, and he seemed to be thinking about the major events in his life.

Xie Qi glanced at the cover of the book that Grandpa Guo had read on the desk with the light of Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes. He was relieved. It turned out to be the most serious one. No wonder that Grandpa Guo did not respond.

For a while, the cold voice of Ding Guo Gong Xie Heng rang in the quiet study.

“Xie Qi, I will send a basket of fresh melons and fruits to Miss Jiang Si every day starting from tomorrow.” Then Qiao Langjun in this book only sent a basket of melons and fruits to Guanjia Qianjin, who would cry with joy.

He sends a basket every day, there are many more baskets than Qiao Langjun in the book, and the little girl should be more happy to receive the fresh melons and fruits from him.

Ding Guo Gong Xie Heng thought cheerfully.

Xie Qi quickly and respectfully agreed, but Zhao’s housekeeper was very happy. The father-in-law gave Ms. Jiang Si melons and fruits. This was a prelude to the awakening. I suddenly felt that I was in the right direction to collect the books.

Try harder in the future.

When leaving the main courtyard, Zhao Guanjia walked with wind, obviously in a good mood.

Jiang Ningbao, who returned to Changning’s Mansion, had a wife to report before taking a rest.

Mrs. Jiang wants to see her.

Jiang Ningbao had no choice but to lead a group of maid-in-laws to the Shou Jintang, leaving the people outside. Jiang Ningbao sorted out the shirt and lifted the skirt corner into the Shou Jintang.

Shou Jintang’s atmosphere was rather oppressive. All the maidservants in the room had their heads bowed, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, trembling.

Mrs. Jiang, who was sitting in a high position, had a dark complexion, and there was no smile on the face of the maidservant.

There was a trace of suspense in Jiang Ningbao’s eyes. It was probably something happened in Changningbo, but when she came back, the people in the house were doing things in an orderly manner, unlike what happened. Jiang Ningbao stepped forward slowly. , Mrs. Chao Jiang blessed herself.

“Give my grandmother peace!”

Mrs. Jiang narrowed her expression, staring sharply at Jiang Ningbao’s face, and said coldly: “Six girl, your uncle suddenly fell into a coma while eating at lunch.”

Jiang Ningbao had the feeling that she was finally here. Her face showed a shock and disbelief at the right time: “Grandma, this… is this true?”

“Several doctors with excellent medical skills were invited, but no abnormalities were detected.”

Mrs. Jiang remembered the nightmare mentioned by her four granddaughter a few days ago, and the dream that she said that Uncle was surrounded by a big snake and Uncle was unconscious.

I regretted that I didn’t return Zhang Zhan, Zhang’s mother’s nephew, to Dongping Bofu earlier. Now it’s too late to say anything. The eldest son is suddenly in a coma, and the doctor can’t find out why.

Mrs. Jiang finally panicked.

The nephew of the son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jiang, of course, chose her son. When she thought of her son being Zhang Zhanke, he also promised to let his four granddaughters take him to the flower feast of Princess Rui.

Once he climbed high, he became a joke.

Mrs. Jiang almost suffocated.

Jiang Ningbao laughed secretly in his heart, and his uncle also has today. Unfortunately, the time of his unconscious coma is not long. The inexplicable coma and the inexplicable wake up. The book is only a pen. Jiang Ningbao does not know the inside. But there was a hint of fear: “Grandma, doesn’t that mean Master Zhang he…he…”

“Shut up.” Mrs. Jiang stopped drinking like water, and at the same time swiped back the servants in Shoujintang, leaving only a confidante.

“Six girl, did you really not see when your uncle woke up in your nightmare?” Mrs. Jiang stared at Jiang Ningbao’s expression, and her eyes flashed on the golden hairpin inlaid with the pearl of night on her head. .

It turned out to be the pearl of night.

Ding Guo Gong is really generous.

Thinking of the granddaughter being the fiancee of Ding Guo Gong, Mrs. Jiang’s face eased a lot.

Jiang Ningbao shook her head in fear: “No, the granddaughter was only awakened when she saw the snake becoming Zhang Gongzi. Grandma, don’t worry, the Big Birgis have their own appearance and will wake up.”

Four girls did not hide.

Mrs. Jiang’s face was even darker, and her heart was panicked and angry. If the son did not wake up, wouldn’t the title of Changning Bo House be inherited by the grandson? Listen to the mother Zhang.

Thinking of the Zhang family, I immediately thought of the senior monk of Qingshui Temple. Mrs. Jiang was shocked. The son was in a coma without any warning. The doctor could not find out the reason.

“Xingxing, quickly, quickly call someone to prepare the carriage to take Uncle to a trip to Kiyomizu Temple.”

Jiang Ningbao watched Mrs. Jiang’s face suddenly change, and anxiously sent the uncle to Qingshui Temple. Immediately, Mrs. Jiang was afraid that Uncle had contaminated something unclean.

“Four girl, please step back.”

Mrs. Jiang ordered Hong Xing to look back at the granddaughter and waved her away, without asking the three of them, Jiang Mingyao and Jiang Yue Zhang Zhan, who were attending the flower feast with Princess Rui.

Obviously, Chang Ningbo’s coma made Mrs. Jiang not interested in others.

Back in his yard, Jiang Ningbao sat on the soft couch, picked up the tea pot and took a sip of tea, the corners of her mouth curled up, exuding a pleasant breath.

After a cup of tea, Jiang Ningbao, who had walked around the hundred gardens of Ruiwang Mansion, was a bit sleepy. She yawned gracefully and lay down on a soft couch.

Chunxi and Chunle took out a thin cover over the girl and left the house lightly.

About half an hour, Jiang Ningbao opened his eyes and lifted the thin quilt on his body, and the whole person was full of energy and radiant.

Chunxi heard the noise inside the house and brought in some prepared fruit and fruit snacks on the short table, telling the girl a shocked news.

“The girl, the fifth girl and the second young master have returned to the house. I heard that Zhang Gongzi rescued a second daughter-in-law, who was framed by the sister-in-law, at the flower viewing banquet. .”

Jiang Ningbao ate a cleaned strawberry, and his eyes flashed a bit of consternation: “That second-in-law’s daughter-in-law was ruined by Zhang Zhan?”

Chun Le hesitated for a while and said: “It should be considered, girl, the news has spread. The second daughter-in-law of the servant of the bureau was given the medicine by the sister-in-law. It happened that Mr. Zhang met and took the young lady to find it. Princess Rui.”

All embraced, certainly not innocent.

Jiang Ningbao was surprised, Zhang Zhan had such a good luck… but this man really had a deep ambition, when the gentleman holding the noble lady who got the medicine to find Princess Rui.

This is better than the innocence of ruining other girls on the spot, and the local assistant will definitely look at Zhang Zhan differently.

The news will spread, Jiang Ningbao speculates in his heart, it must be Zhang Zhan holding the girl to go to find Princess Rui, deliberately bypassed the crowded place, so that many people will see this is the case.

Zhang Zhan is really a good calculation.

“I heard that the second young master was very angry when he learned that, and came back and smashed the house.” Chun Xi said that his face was full of smiles. The second young master always wanted to hook up a famous lady at the flower viewing feast, but no one ignored him. , And saw him detour.

The anger in one’s heart can be imagined after learning that Master Zhang Zhan got a step into the sky.

“Don’t he know that Uncle is in a coma, and he is still thinking about smashing the house?” Jiang Ningbao’s mouth twitched, and the two cousins’ brains were not very easy to use.

Could it be that they have read books for so many years and made people silly.

Chun Xi shook his head: “This slave-servant will not know, but the old lady called the second young master to Shou Jintang for a hard training.”

Jiang Ningbao couldn’t help but smile, and once again ate a strawberry, secretly, Mrs. Jiang was afraid that she was vomiting blood in anger, and let her take Zhang Zhan this morning, who knows that Zhang Zhan was lucky to save the local assistant Second daughter-in-law, but the second cousin found nothing, wasting a good opportunity to enjoy the flower feast.

The bureaucrat of the bureau… This man stood in the book but secretly surrendered to the court official of King Qin.

If Zhang Zhan married the second daughter-in-law of the minister’s assistant, wouldn’t it be equivalent to becoming a Qin king, who was Yang Shuqing’s next emperor.

That’s right, it’s choice.

Yang Shuqing is a reborn girl, knowing the opportunities, and naturally feels that she can hold Qin King on the throne.

Jiang Ningbao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

It seems that she has to get the pulse of Emperor Qian Yuan as soon as possible, and heal the body of the emperor as soon as possible.

Yang Shuqing will also get a basket of water.

Thinking about this, Jiang Ningbao wrote a letter to his elder brother Jiang Jin, so that no one would use the uncle’s coma as a demon.

In the afternoon, Yao dispensers delivered a batch of medicinal herbs.

The courtyard on the west side was strictly guarded by Jiang Ningbao’s staff, and it was difficult for outsiders to explore the news.

Jiang Ningbao didn’t mean to keep secrets this time. In the face of Chunxi and Chunle, the generous and generous pharmaceutical wine, speaking of it, the recipes for brewing medicinal wine and floral wine are not uncommon, but also very common, and the manufacturing process is extremely simple.

About half an hour, Jiang Ningbao made several large altar medicinal wines and put them into the wine cellar, which can be drunk for about a month.

Chun Xi is very calm, and Chun Le’s smiling face is full of surprises. She will also make some simple medicinal liquor. She learns that the medicinal liquor made by the girl is magical and thinks there is a secret. Nowadays, there are no special methods and steps to see the girl’s medicinal liquor. The effect of brewing medicinal wine is so miraculous.

Chun Le was puzzled.

“This is a girl’s special ability.” Chun Xi said proudly when he heard Chun Le unconsciously muttering.

“The girl is amazing.”

Chunle suddenly realized that no wonder the girl would make wine in front of them. It turned out to be the girl’s unique ability. The girl must be a blessed person favored by God.

Chunle was more loyal and awesome to the girl in her heart.

Jiang Ningbao heard the words of the two maids, and smiled secretly in her heart. Chunle was the daughter of Yao’s shopkeeper. Her mouth was strict, and she was not worried that she would divulge her ability.

After making several jars of medicinal liquor, Jiang Ningbao returned to the house to refresh and refresh.

“Girl, Mr. Zhang packed his luggage and left Bo Mansion.” Chun Xi soaked a pot of fragrant tea for the girl, and gladly told the girl what she had just learned.

Jiang Ningbao’s black hair that had just been bathed was picked up at will, and the whole person lazily sat on the soft couch reading the miscellaneous books. Hearing Chun Xi’s words, he smiled slightly.

“Mr. Zhang must have hurried back to prepare for the ceremony.”

“Sister-in-law’s sister-in-law’s daughter-in-law, Master Zhang really climbed the high branch.”

Jiang Ningbao smiled with a deep smile.

Zhang Zhan’s future is brighter, and Mrs. Jiang must have regrets in her heart. Zhang’s daughter-in-law, who has pitted her son, is probably not pleased.

Zhang’s good days are coming to an end.

Near the evening, the news of Chang Ningbo’s sudden coma was not suppressed, and finally spread.

If it was before, no one would pay attention to a small ruined Bo Fu, but Changning Bo Fu had good luck, and a four girl was born in the second room. Madam, it’s hard not to be concerned.

Jiang Ningbao learned that the news of Uncle’s coma had spread, and he didn’t care. Uncle just woke up in a coma for a few days, but just out of the yard, her face would still show a trace of worry at the right time.

Uncle suddenly fell into a coma, and the people in the palace were a little panicked, but Mrs. Jiang was sitting in the town. Changning Bo Palace was still the same as before, but the meal at night was a little light.

This night, the backyard of Changfang’s big house fell into panic and suffering.

Jiang Ningbao had a good night’s sleep.

On the second day, Jiang Ningbao received a large basket of fresh melons and fruits from Xie Heng sent by Ding Guo Gong. There were drops of water on the melons and fruits. It was just picked from Zhuangzi in the morning.

“Xie Qi, is this Grandpa Guo specially sent me?”

Jiang Ningbao saw the big basket of fresh melons and fruits, and her heart was slightly sweet, and her soft face was full of surprises. This was the first time the father-in-law gave her something.

I just didn’t expect it to be a big basket of fresh melons and fruits. The father-in-law was really down-to-earth.

Xie Qi nodded respectfully.

“Yes, the master also said, I will send you a basket of fresh melons and fruits every day.” Xie Qi truthfully conveyed the meaning of Ding Guo Gong Xie Heng.

Jiang Ningbao: “…”

A basket is a big surprise, but in the future there will be another basket every day. Jiang Ningbao is stunned and can’t help but recall the details of getting along with Grandpa Guo. Where did she give Grandpa Guo the illusion that she is eating?

A big basket every day, how she finished eating.

If it is used as a reward for the next person, is this not a ruin to the grandfather of the country?

“Xie Qi, you go back and tell Grandpa Guo that you don’t have to send it anymore. I can’t finish it all by myself, and I’m afraid to waste his heart.” Jiang Ningbao said quickly.

Xie Qi: “…”

When it was over, it was self-defeating, and Miss Jiang Si seemed to dislike these fruits.

Xie Qi was uneasy and went back to tell the father of the country faithfully.

Ding Guo Gong Xie Heng listened to Xie Qi’s insult, his eyebrows crooked, and the sharp and handsome face flashed a trace of amazement. He clearly did the same as the Qiao Langjun in the script, and he also took the little girl to eat the fruits and fruits in the future. It’s all done, how the little girl’s reaction is different from that of the official family.

What went wrong?

Ding Guo Gong Xie Heng admitted that he really took the “Guan Jin Qian Jin and Qiao Lang Jun” and carefully read it again.

Once again, he was right.

Perhaps the little girl was embarrassed and was talking nonsense.

Ding Guo Gong Xie Heng thought that he had found the reason and ordered Xie Qi tomorrow to continue to send a basket of melons to the little girl.

Xie Qi: “…”

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