Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 45

Chapter 44: Learn to dominate every day to file a complaint (5)

Yan Jing smiled and talked with Su Mo Xiula: “Brother Su, I wanted to call you earlier, but it took a while to change the dormitory… Well, I use my new roommate’s cell phone, and the others are very nice.”

“Why do you suddenly change the dormitory?” Su Moxiu asked.

Yan Jing immediately explained the fact that Sun Binbin gave himself a laxative, and at the end he did not forget to show himself secretly: “I was at least third in grade, because they gave me laxatives, and finally only passed the 50th grade. .”

“This Sun Binbin is too much! What did the teacher say?” Su Moxiu was distressed, angry, and a little proud at the same time-his little fat guy is amazing, in the top three of his grade!

“I have no evidence, and the teacher can’t do anything to him.” Yan Jing said in frustration.

“Don’t be sad, a person like him will suffer a big loss sooner or later.” Su Moxiu comforted Yan Jingze, and at the same time remembered one thing-among his brother’s friends, it seems that there is one named Sun Binbin!

What kind of friends did his brother make!

“I’m not sad, I will be careful in the future, and I won’t make such mistakes again.” Yan Jing said.

“It’s not your fault at all, it’s that others are too hateful!” Su Moxiu felt even more distressed.

“Well,” Yan Jing said, “Brother Su, the monthly exam will be the day after tomorrow, and I will show you the first place in the exam at that time!”

“There is no need to be the first, the top three are already very good,” Su Moxiu covered his heart, and moved in his heart, “Well, if you can get to the top three in the grade, I will reward you with a mobile phone, how about?”

Su Moxiu heard that Yanjing said that he was using the cellphone of his roommate, so he wanted to buy a cellphone for Yanjing. At this moment, he couldn’t hold back any more, so he said it out.

After speaking out, I felt a little anxious about what I did.

This is the first time he and Little Fatty have met today. They have to buy a mobile phone for them. What would they think of him?

Moreover, he has met Little Fatty’s father, who is also a well-known entrepreneur in T City, and his family is definitely not short of money.

Would the little fat man treat him as a strange uncle?

Su Mo corrected the entanglement, and listened to Yan Jingze and said: “Okay!”

The heart that Su Moxiu mentioned, instantly let go.

As soon as Yan Jing made the call, it lasted more than ten minutes.

It was someone else’s cell phone after all, and he reluctantly hung up.

Shao Shenyang asked curiously: “Who are you calling, for so long!”

Yan Jing said: “Fight with one of my brothers.”

“You have a good relationship?”

“Yes! I have a very good relationship with him!” Yan Jing smiled.

If a man who is over 1.8 meters tall is full of muscles, even if he weighs one hundred and eighty kilos, he won’t look fat, at most a little bit strong.

Shi Chengying would be a fat man, just because the meat on his body was fat, the whole person looked white and soft, very harmless.

Shao Chenyang liked this chubby roommate. He looked at the sky and asked, “What are you eating tonight?”

Yan Jing said: “I plan to have some snacks.”

There are two kinds of canteens in W. One is the ordinary canteen. Although the price of the food in it is much higher than that of the ordinary school, it is not too expensive. The other is the autonomous canteen, where people order food. What is there? Both are expensive.

Today is the weekend, the ordinary cafeteria does not open, but the autonomous cafeteria is open.

Shao Shenyang has never eaten in the self-service canteen. He is reluctant to pay, and Yan Jing does not plan to go. He is going to lose weight.

With such a fat body, he was embarrassed to chase Su Moxiu!

Speaking of which, in the hospital these days, he has been able to control his food intake and has lost several catties.

He went from a fat man weighing more than 180 to a fat man weighing just 180.

“Is it enough to eat snacks? Would you like to eat with me?” Shao Chenyang asked, as he said, he took out four boiled eggs, two tomatoes, and three big steamed buns that were full of ingredients at a glance.

Plus a lunch box of braised chicken, it is true that he can’t finish it all by himself.

But he should have eaten another meal tomorrow morning.

“No, I actually plan to lose weight.” Yan Jing said, “I want to lose weight, I want to fall in love.”

“Senior year in high school… Do you still want to fall in love?” Shao Shenyang looked at Yan Jingze in shock.

“You don’t want to?” Yan Jing asked.

“I don’t want to.” Shao Shenyang said without thinking.

If you don’t want to, why did you stay with Chu Qiyu in your last life? Yan Jing was a little curious, but did not delve into it. He took out a braised chicken drumstick from his bag and said while unpacking: “You don’t want to fall in love, I think, I decided to eat less and exercise more from today. lose weight.”

When Yan Jing was packing Shi Chengying’s luggage before, he turned out a large bag of food that Shi Chengying had stocked.

As a fat person, Shi Chengying is easy to get hungry, and most of the food he prepares is mainly full of food. Among them, the most are instant noodles, instant noodles, ham sausage and braised chicken legs.

In addition, there is only a small amount of jerky with confectionery… All his stuff is bought at the school supermarket. The confectionery jerky at the school supermarket is very expensive, and for him he can’t get enough to eat, so he doesn’t buy much.

The braised chicken drumstick that Yan Jing took out was a whole large drumstick with a lot of meat. Shao Chenyang was a little surprised when he saw it: “You still eat chicken drumsticks for weight loss?”

Yan Jing said: “Brother, the correct way to lose weight is to eat less carbohydrate and more meat! Well, this meat does not include fat.”

As a high school boy, Shao Shenyang has never studied weight loss. He was dubious when he heard Yan Jing’s words: “Really?”

“Why did I lie to you?” Yan Jing took out the original owner’s book while eating chicken legs.

Since I told Su Moxiu to take the first place, he couldn’t take the second place.

As a result, while watching, the door of the bedroom was knocked.

“Who?” Shao Shenyang asked as he opened the door.

Standing at the door was Chu Qiyu, and Chu Qiyu was holding a packed lunch box from the school’s own restaurant.

“Shao Shenyang, I packed a meal for you.” Chu Qiyu smiled when he saw Shao Shenyang.

The young people these days are tall, Chu Qiyu and Shao Shenyang are both over 1.8 meters and they are both very handsome.

At this moment, Chu Qiyu is wearing a tailored tailored suit. He should have taken care of his own image. It looks very different.

Especially his expression is very gentle. If the girl standing in front of him is a little girl who likes him, she would be blushing already.

However, Chu Qiyu soon couldn’t hold back his gentle and kind expression-he saw Yan Jingze.

Yan Jing gave Chu Qiyu a provocative expression.

Chu Qiyu’s face turned dark: “Why are you here?”

Yan Jing sneered at Chu Qiyu, and put away the smile when Shao Shenyang looked over. His voice seemed a little weak: “Ms. Yang changed my dormitory.”

“It’s so easy to change dormitories?” Chu Qiyu asked through gritted teeth.

“I was injured. Sun Binbin gave me a laxative before…” Yan Jing explained as if in fear, but his eyes were provocative and proud.

Chu Qiyu was angry: “Fat pig! You move out for me!”

“How can you scold someone… what do you want?” Yan Jing’s voice trembled, but his eyes… just like “what can you do to me”.

Chu Qiyu strode towards Yan Jingze, and wanted to grab Yan Jingze’s clothes: “Get out of here…”

Yan Jing said, “Don’t come over, don’t hit me…” He stretched out his hand and pushed Chu Qiyu directly down.

Although the original owner’s fat is puffy, his weight is really there, and his strength is not much weaker!

In the past, the original owner was strictly controlled by his mother since he was a child, and he was also quite persuaded. Fighting is naturally insulated from him, but now, it is Yan Jingrue who uses this body.

Chu Qiyu got up from the ground and couldn’t help cursing: “Dead pig, you…”

However, before Chu Qiyu finished speaking, he saw that Shao Shenyang stood in front of the people he hated, and said: “Chu Qiyu! What do you want to do? Go out! If you don’t go out again, I’m calling for someone!”

When Shao Shenyang opened the door and saw Chu Qiyu, he felt a little annoyed.

This is not the first time that Chu Qiyu has given him food. He has refused many times before, but… it’s sent again!

The food in the self-service canteen is very expensive, similar to the prices of mid-range restaurants outside. An ordinary tomato scrambled egg costs more than 20, which Shao Chenyang doesn’t want at all.

He was thinking about how to refuse, but… Chu Qiyu turned out to be cursing and wanting to hit someone!

Yan Jingze’s expression was also seen by Shao Chenyang, but Yan Jing mainly used his eyes to despise Chu Qiyu… Chu Qiyu, who was staring at him, received his “provocation”, but Shao Shenyang next to him felt that Yan Jingze was at best. The expression is a bit strange.

He was frightened only as Yan Jing, and he didn’t have time to show a scared expression on his face.

“You help him?” Chu Qiyu looked at Shao Shenyang incredulously.

Shao Shenyang is actually a little afraid of Chu Qiyu, after all, Chu Qiyu’s family is really rich… “If you don’t leave, I’ll be a teacher!”

Chu Qiyu glanced at Shao Chenyang, his dark gaze swept over Yan Jingze’s face, and turned away.

Seeing him leaving, Shao Shenyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Jing said: “Shao Shenyang, thank you.”

“No thanks, he bullied you, I should help.” Shao Shenyang said, “What are we going to do now? Go to the teacher? Hey, I didn’t expect him to be such a person!”

At this moment, Shao Shenyang’s impression of Chu Qiyu has fallen to the bottom.

At the same time, he also sympathized with his roommate-Chu Qiyu came up to scold Shi Chengying and wanted to beat Shi Chengying… Before Shi Chengying, he didn’t know how many times he had been bullied!

Yan Jing said: “Let’s go to Teacher Yang. It’s not the first time he has bullied me. No one was around before, and I have no evidence, but today you are by the side and I took your phone to record. ”

Shao Shenyang’s cell phone is clean, probably like this, he hasn’t set a password, anyone can open it.

When Yan Jing heard the knock on the door, he thought it might be Chu Qiyu who came, so he clicked on the recording app that comes with his phone. Chu Qiyu came to school so early today. He must be looking for Shao Shenyang, but he used to go to the classroom to study. Shao Shenyang has been staying in the dormitory today… he naturally found it.

“Okay, I’ll accompany you.” Shao Shenyang said.

“Thank you.” Yan Jing looked at Shao Shenyang gratefully, and went to see Teacher Yang with Shao Shenyang.

Yan Jing only started recording after Chu Qiyu saw him. Later, when Chu Qiyu left, he stopped recording.

So this recording starts with Chu Qiyu questioning Yan Jingze “how are you here?” and ends with Shao Shenyang driving Chu Qiyu away.

And just listening to the recording… Yan Jingze’s voice trembled, and she kept explaining, as if she was frightened by Chu Qiyu…

There is a big difference between people talking face-to-face and just hearing. The former can see the expression and use the other’s expression to judge what the other party means, but the latter can’t.

Just say that Su Moxiu was boasting at the school gate before…If Shifu hadn’t stood face to face with Su Moxiu and saw Su Moxiu’s sincere expression, he would definitely feel that Su Moxiu was sarcasm and would be very angry.

Now Yan Jing is in this situation. After provoking Chu Qiyu, he recorded such a recording that was completely biased towards himself.

Teacher Yang listened to the recording and Yan Jingze Shao Shenyang’s confession, and she was furious. She asked Yan Jingze to go back to rest and go to the classroom to find Chu Qiyu.

The result… Teacher Yang didn’t find it.

Chu Qiyu came out of Shao Chenyang’s dormitory and immediately went to find Sun Binbin, who was in the same dormitory with Shi Chengying, and then found that Shi Chengying had really moved away!

Shi Chengying even moved into Shao Shenyang’s bedroom!

Chu Qiyu was dizzy with anger.

Chu Qiyu was born a month ago.

After he bankrupted the Shi family’s company in his last life, he didn’t know what to do. He drank every day, and then woke up one day. He found himself reborn until he just fell in love with Shao Shenyang and he hadn’t started chasing people.

At this time, Shao Chenyang is still alive, alive and well!

He was ecstatic, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the same class as him, because he was sitting tall in the row in front of him, that is, Shi Chengying in the penultimate row.

In the last life, if Shi Chengying hadn’t filed a complaint with the teacher, he and Shao Chenyang would not be forced to separate, and Shao Chenyang would not commit suicide!

Chu Qiyu hated Shi Chengying very much, and this reached the culmination after he saw Shi Chengying always secretly observing him, as if trying to grasp his handle.

Shi Chengying is a selfish trash!

In order to get the teacher’s favor, Shi Chengying would go to the teacher to give a short report no matter what happened in the class.

In order to make the teacher value him, he jumped up and down, taking care of a lot of things, and behaved in front of the teacher all day.

Of course, he hates Shi Chengying, mainly because Shi Chengying told the teacher about his relationship with Shao Shenyang.

Shi Chengying knew that this would ruin them, so he did so with sinister intentions!

No, Shi Chengying might just want to ruin them… As long as he didn’t take the first grade exam, Shi Chengying would cry like a dead mother, so he wished that Shao Shenyang was gone, right?

However, Shi Chengying was not pleased in the end, because he could not bear the pressure, he became a fat man who slumped in a chair and only played games.

Chu Qiyu hated Shi Chengying very much, and remembered the collapse of the building. Only then did he deliberately design and let Shi Chengying go there.

If Shi Chengying wanted to catch him… then he deserved it if he died.

Of course, Shi Chengying was lucky and did not die.

However, Shi Chengying should have been frightened by him, and he would definitely not dare to follow him… Chu Qiyu started chasing Shao Shenyang.

However, the matter of his chasing people hadn’t happened yet, and Shi Chengying, who was well wounded and returned to school, moved into Shao Chenyang’s dormitory.

How can this be!

He had established a relationship with Shao Shenyang in his previous life and wanted to let Shao Shenyang live in the same dormitory with him. Shao Chenyang just disagrees. Now it is better. Shao Shenyang not only shares a dormitory with Shi Chengying, but also helps Shi Chengying!

Chu Qiyu found a place to smoke, thinking about the follow-up by the way.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded: “No smoking in school! Don’t you know?”

Accompanied by this voice, the teaching director in W walked towards Chu Qiyu in anger.

The living environment provided by W Middle School for students is very good, but the requirements for students are also very high, and every student is striving to have a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art.

Students are naturally prohibited from doing things like smoking and drinking.

There is no parent who hopes that their children will only smoke and drink when they are in high school. And the parents are the fathers of the sponsors of W, and the fathers of the sponsors of W must educate their children well.

Even if it is Chu Qiyu who smokes, the dean of education is correct in his training. To be hated by Chu Qiyu is definitely better than being hated by Chu Qiyu’s parents!

As for the strict control of students, they might hate them for revenge in the future…

When these students grow up and become parents by themselves, they will definitely try their best to send their children to schools that are strictly regulated!

Chu Qiyu was called by the dean of education and reprimanded.

Although he was born again, he is now a student and can’t do anything. He can only listen to reprimands with his head down. He finally taught the director to let him go. His head teacher, Teacher Yang, also came: “Chu Qiyu! You! You bullied the classmates! Want to hit someone! I have already notified your mother!”

Notify his mother again! Chu Qiyu looked ugly and looked at Teacher Yang severely.

Seeing him look like this, Teacher Yang feels that this person must be well educated.

Yan Jing went to Teacher Yang to file a complaint, but this matter…not over yet.

He is not so easy to give up!

Yan Jing took Shao Shenyang’s cell phone and called Su Moxiu: “Brother Su, is Chu Qiyu misunderstanding me? He wants to hit me today…”

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