Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 182

Chapter 181: Beta overwhelms Alpha (8)

On the side of the Werther Empire, it should be known that their marshal was in a violent state for a long time, and even if the alpha in such a state was combined with the omega, it would be difficult to return to normal.

Only a handful of omegas with exceptionally strong mental powers can sort out the mental powers of their marshals.

In this case, the Werther Empire sent an omega with strong mental power, how could he think wrong.

Rey was full of doubts, and the people around him didn’t think much about it: “Did you not read the news from the Werther Empire? This Sinia—who was going to marry Dino at first, and Dino didn’t want to be with him. If he wants to marry Selena, he will-get married out of anger.”

“That Dino is unlucky now, but he deserves it.”

“That’s it, he doesn’t want such a good omega!”

These people-they didn’t have any impression of Yanjing at first, and paid more attention to Selena, but now Yanjing healed Su Moxiu… They saw him especially pleasing to their eyes.

Rey wanted to say something, he heard someone say: “Look, the marshal blushes again!”

Hearing this, Lei hurriedly went to watch the video, and he saw that Su Moxiu’s pale face was red.

He coughed lightly-sound: “The marshal wears a mask all day, his face is particularly white, so that’s the way…”

As soon as his voice fell, Su Moxiu’s face turned redder, and his speech was not so smooth: “We…we now understand each other-next?”

Su Moxiu knew the identity of the person in front of him, but he had not known this person well before. He only knew that this person was the son of the Marquis of Will of the Werther Empire. He had a relationship with Dino, the eldest prince of Werther. As for the name… What nya?

Alpha enters the violent period for a short time, and he will feel very powerful. There is an indescribable feeling of mastering everything, which is addictive.

But being in a violent period for a long time will make them very painful.

He used to be very excited and had difficulty falling asleep. Sometimes he felt exhausted, but he just couldn’t fall asleep.

The mental disorder will also make him want to kill without restraint… He has to spend a lot of time every day to restrain his thoughts.

For this reason, he has no time to care about other things.

He really feels that if this goes on, he will not live to be fifty years old.

He doesn’t really want to live anymore… Alpha in the violent period has no interest in food and the like, which means that he not only has insomnia but also anorexia, and it is really meaningless to live!

But now… he feels that everything around him is exceptionally beautiful, and the omega in front of him makes him even more fascinated.

He even smelled the sweet strawberry smell of this omega.

Wait, can’t he smell other people’s pheromones? Why can I smell the strawberry?

Is it because he marked this omega?

But why didn’t he feel it at all?

Forget it, it doesn’t make much sense to think about it, he only needs to know that the person in front of him fits him very well, so that he is extremely addicted!

He used to look down on those alphas that were influenced by pheromone and was in love with omegas. He felt that those alphas were not strong enough, but now… he has to admit that this is a very beautiful feeling, even making it difficult for him to restrain. .

Yan Jing also wanted to know the young Bright Army officer in front of him.

Yes, he thinks the person in front of him is very young.

Before he crossed, he was definitely not young, anyway, he felt that he was much more mature than the eighteen-year-old original.

Yan Jing stood up and said to the person in front of him: “Shall we go to the house to talk?”

They are talking outside and don’t know how many people will be onlookers!

“Fine.” Su Moxiu agreed.

The two came to the house.

Yan Jing saw that alpha, a silly look. He only knew to follow him, so he didn’t give up the initiative. He asked, “You should know who I am?”

Su Moxiu thought for a while and said, “I know.”

“From the beginning, I didn’t want to marry Su Moxiu. Fortunately, he was not interested in me either…”

“You didn’t do it voluntarily?” Su Moxiu asked. He remembered that he had heard someone mention it-one sentence, saying that the man in front of him took the initiative to make a kiss after he was hurt by love…

But looking at him, it seems reluctant?

Besides, this person obviously doesn’t know his identity…

“Why do you think I am voluntary?” Yan Jing asked rhetorically, and added another sentence: “I don’t like someone who is too old. I can’t marry him anyway.”

The original owner’s wish was that he could not marry that Su Moxiu.

But when he said so, he didn’t like Su Moxiu in words… Before, he wanted to test the bottom line of those who monitored him, but now he wanted to test the person in front of him.

If those people or the person in front of them can’t tolerate him to say something bad about Su Moxiu… then he won’t say it.

Su Moxiu: “…You hate him?”

“I haven’t seen him. I hate it.” Yan Jing said.

“Then why don’t you want to marry him?”

“Are you willing to let you marry the emperor of the Werther Empire?” Yan Jing asked.

Su Moxiu: Of course not!

After chatting with Yan Jing for a few words, Su Moxiu woke up from the initial state of being in love at first sight, and realized something.

He fell in love with the omega in front of him—at sight, but not necessarily the omega in front of him.

This omega is willing to be with him, maybe just because… he was marked by him.

As for this person’s dislike of Su Moxiu, he can actually understand that he was only eighteen years old and was forced to marry—an enemy leader much older than him. He was definitely not happy, not to mention that he was still being caught after he had travelled thousands of miles. Throw it in such a place where birds don’t shit.

Su Moxiu knew something about the capital star of the Werther Empire. It was a very prosperous place with a lot of food and drink to play, but here… there was nothing.

It is too much to think about it that he makes people lock the omega in such a place.

He had already done too much, and now he has forcibly marked this person… Su Moxiu felt like he was going to finish it.

Fortunately, although he blushed and heartbeat easily in front of this omega, he was still able to hide his emotions, so all he showed was a slight guilty conscience.

“What about you, should you introduce your situation?” Yan Jing saw the opposite person feel a little guilty, and suddenly appeared-a little bit of amusement, and asked ill-intentionally: “You…are there a lot of people here? Looking at me and Selena, you fell in front of me that day, was it planned?”

Su Moxiu was asked like this by Yanjing, and immediately defended: “It was not planned…” Although he said that, but thinking that Yanjing asked if there were many people watching his affairs… Su Moxiu became even more guilty. .

As far as he knows, all the people under his hand who have permission to watch the surveillance have time to watch the omega.

“Heh.” Yan Jing chuckled lightly, “You are in the Bright Army, right?”

Su Mo Xiudao: “Yes…”

“What’s your name?” Yan Jing asked.

“My name is Xius, I’m… a general in the Army of Light, I… I’m twenty-eight this year.” Su Moxiu subconsciously said his nickname, and reported his age by ten years younger.

Yan Jing didn’t doubt it, and felt that the alpha in front of him was very cute.

This bewildered little appearance even made him want to tease: “Twenty-eight years old… ten years older than me…”

“I’ll be twenty-eight in a few months! Now…it’s only twenty-seven.” Su Moxiu reported that he was younger-year old.

It’s really becoming more and more lovely… Yan Jing asked again: “Who is in your family?”

There is no need to make up these… Su Mo Xiu said: “My parents have passed away, and there are no other relatives…” His father, who was sent to this planet a hundred years ago, was locked up, and the reason for the delivery. …Because his father organized a group of people who wanted to overthrow the aristocracy of the Werther Empire.

As for why his father did this…

His father was actually a nobleman, and then he saw the life of the Witte nobles to the extreme.

Even if those alphas have their own omegas, they will look for other prey, playing with betas and even civilian-born omegas and alphas.

In short, as long as they can think of anything they can play.

Forget it, not only did the great nobles have no death penalty, they even…if they committed a crime, they didn’t have to go to jail.

The great aristocracy has a strong network of relationships, and they even start to do something illegal, which makes them more and more “united”. Even if ordinary people are harmed by them, they have no way to ask. If things get mad, they won’t stop in the end…

Although his father came from a nobleman, he was only an illegitimate son of a great nobleman, and he could not have a knighthood. He even watched his brothers and sisters being violated… He organized a lot of people to try to do what the nobles did. Open, even overthrow those nobles.

Of course it also includes the royal family.

He knew that he might not be able to succeed, so he sent something to the star in advance, and later he was arrested because he had something that scared the nobles, and the nobles really threw him away. The light star of networking.

-Those who threw it away, and some people who had worked with his father.

Many of these people are the illegitimate children of aristocrats. Although they have a low status in the aristocratic circle, they can also learn a lot of knowledge that ordinary people can’t learn, and there are many scientists in them.

It is precisely because of this that they can step out of the star and make a spacecraft that can fight against the spacecraft of the Werther Empire.

Yan Jing asked the person in front of him a lot of questions, and this person answered, but he was a little nervous throughout.

Few omegas in the Bright Army seem to be real. Look, this alpha is exactly like it has never been seen in the world.

Yan Jing became more and more satisfied with him, and finally said, “Then you can stay here, and we will cultivate the relationship.”

“Oh…good!” Su Moxiu responded. After finishing talking, I feel like this is not too alpha.

But his father also said that alpha should love omega, listen to his own omega, and can’t do things that hurt omega.

His father also said that omega was very weak and needed to be coaxed.

Su Moxiu turned all the words his father had said out of his mind, and realized that he should also boast about the omega in front of him, and immediately said: “Your taste is so good, it is the most tempting taste I have ever smelled.”

Yan Jingze’s face turned black.

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