Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Combine Zombies


Jiang Si was thinking while reading the system message.

Neva’s puzzled voice entered his ears at this time.

Looking back, I saw her graceful figure falling from the tree, and walked leisurely to the close.

Jiang Si asked her:


“My curse should have taken effect, but I don’t know why I couldn’t enslave it.”

Neva was puzzled and explained his thoughts to Jiang Si.

Jiang Si heard this, nodded and replied:

“Oh…that’s fine…”

After all, the mind moved slightly, denying the system’s proposal to use the corpse of the python to generate a combined zombie.

In the next moment, the python’s body began to wriggle in a weird way.

The surface of the body cracked, and the bones burst out of it.

Shaking his body, he squatted beside Neva.



Is that the setting?

Because I am a lord, my needs will be prioritized.

If I want to generate a skeleton zombie, Neva can’t make it into skeleton slavery.

However, this giant python has a very high level and has good skills.

Jiang Sike could not bear such good ingredients.

So instead of using it to generate zombies, it is better to keep it and eat it.

This is the biggest gain.

He ignored the surprise in Neva’s eyes.

Jiang Si looked at the large amount of meat on the ground, thinking in his heart.

Step forward, cut a piece of meat from the python corpse with a fist blade, and chew it.

As the level of ghouls increased to Lv3, his digestion ability also increased.

Eating more efficiently.

At the same time, the experience points that can be obtained from unit food and the probability of acquiring skills have also been greatly increased.


One bite after another.

System prompts also keep popping up.

“Experience +100”

“Experience +100”

“Experience +100”

The experience you get after eating it is different.

And the meat is delicious and the Q bomb is smooth!

good to eat!

Simply rare!

Jiang Si sighed and continued to eat.

Neva watched from the side with disgust on his face.

As a lady, I am always very particular about what to eat.

Although he has now become a spirit body and no longer needs to eat, he still pays attention to the pursuit of food.

In her eyes, zombies are like this.

It’s disgusting, all meat is eaten raw…

Even if your soul is intact, Lord, can you still not escape the essence of a zombie?

Frowning, looking at Jiang Si, who was squatting on the ground and chewing, was speechless.

But the moment she gave Jiang Si a bad review, she saw that the surface of Jiang Si’s skin, which was originally covered with corpse spots, suddenly developed a circle of strange scales.

my God!

what is this? !

Neva was shocked and hurriedly leaned over to observe.

The scales are small, but the shape and color are very similar to the scales of giant pythons on the ground.

Jiang Si stopped eating after eating here.

He raised his hand and glanced at the scales on his arm, and nodded with satisfaction.

Mind manipulates the scales and hides them under the skin.

“What the hell?!”

Seeing this, Neva finally couldn’t help it.

Hua Rong paled and shouted loudly.

Jiang Si heard this, looked back at her, and asked:

“What’s wrong?”

“What happened to the scales on your body…?”

Neva asked.

Jiang Si replied:

“Huh? Just at the cemetery… Didn’t you eat female elves?”

“I see…”

Jiang Si’s voice became more coherent, and he spoke much faster.

Neva was even more surprised when he heard this.

He hesitated to reply, his lips pursed, and his eyes kept swept across Jiang Si.

His skin became plumper after the scales disappeared.

Obviously, Jiang Si’s level increased again during the meal just now.

Although it has long been known, this zombie is not simple.

Unexpectedly, he not only has a complete soul, but even eating is so unique?

Level up so fast.

In the first battle just now, Neva’s level had only risen to level 2.

But Jiang Si, who was Lv5, broke through Lv6 with ease.

No wonder he can become a lord.

Don’t look at it as a zombie now, but with so many special abilities, will it become something strange in the next “evolution”?


I don’t know if this idea is right.

But there seems to be a high probability of it being achieved.

It seems that even under his hands, it will not humiliate my noble status.

Neva sighed and put the longbow back on his back. Jiang Si also ended the meal at this time.

After 100 kilograms of pythons were deboned, 90 kilograms of meat and internal organs were left.

Even with the support of ghoul food skills, after eating 5 catties of snake meat, he could no longer eat it.

This horn-scaled python is very high-level, and the remaining meat contains a lot of experience, so it will not be eaten by other corpses.

They don’t have ghoul eating skills, and even if they eat it, they won’t gain experience.

Taking it back to the item bar, Jiang Si stood up.

Looking back, looking at the snake bone entrenched beside Neva, open its properties to check:

“Cursed Bone Serpent”

“Race: Cursed Skeleton”

“Level: Lv7”

“Skills: Python Strangulation Lv9, Concealment Lv6, Fearful Gaze Lv7, Swiftness Lv4”

“Characteristics: Flexible bones, cold blood”

Ah, very good.

Even if it is turned into a dead bone, this python is still powerful.

With such a strong boost, the few zombies lost are worth it.

Jiang Si nodded, and a new idea appeared in his heart.

Continue hunting later, when encountering lower-level mutant creatures, save the corpses and make them into assembled zombies.

When encountering powerful mutant creatures with better skills, they will keep the meat for themselves to eat.

Bones turn Neva into Cursed Bones to increase combat power.

In this way, the unit creation of Zombie and Shadowbolt will not conflict.

As for the food…

Anyway, isn’t it enough for the zombies to eat?

Well, the way is good.

Then keep going.

Jiang Sian made a decision and consolidated the team.

Leave the severely injured zombies in place to recover, and continue to lead other zombies to start hunting.

With the addition of the bone snake, Jiang Si’s hunting was easier.

With the home field advantage after nightfall, coupled with strong teammates, Jiang Si’s hunting became easier.

Just after slaughtering a Lv3 wind wolf, the total mass of Jiang Si’s corpse had exceeded 100KG. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

“It was detected that the number of corpses within the range of the halo exceeded 100KG. Would you like to activate the corpse evil effect to create undead creatures: combine zombies?”

This time, the mutated creature corpses in the corpse pile are all of lower grades.

If you eat it to occupy your stomach, you will not get any useful benefits.

So Jiang Si clicked OK without hesitation.

Soon, the corpse pile responded.

Several animal carcasses spun and began to disintegrate into lumps of varying sizes.

Then the pieces of meat gathered again towards the center, butting together like a puzzle piece.

In the end, it turned into a full-bodied assembled zombie.

Strange to say, the materials used are animal corpses, but the assembled zombies that can appear look like humans.

The body is fat and the eyes are fierce.

Standing there swaying, the huge beer belly kept shaking.

It seems that as long as it is pierced, countless green thick venom will flow out.


It’s still pretty.

Jiang Si turned into a zombie, and his aesthetics seemed to have changed a bit.

Squinting his eyes, he opened the attribute interface of the assembled zombies:

“Mixed Zombies”

“Race: Bloated Zombie”

“Level: Lv1”

“Skills: Undead Resurrection Lv6, Hunger Corruption Lv2, Corpse Poison Lv8, Undead Will Lv1, Poison Stomach Stomach Lv2, Corpse Explosion Lv3.”

“Characteristics: Immunity to pain, immunity to abnormal state, confusion, rich flesh.”

“Explanation: A higher-level zombie made of different creatures, with a high blood volume. When it causes damage or chooses a corpse explosion, it will spew out a rotten liquid with corpse poison. It is a mutant zombie that is extremely difficult to deal with. ”

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