Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: The Magic Of Iron Chains

“Sir, this…this is?!”

With a trembling voice, Neva asked Jiang Si.

Jiang Si looked calm and wanted to explain to her:

“This is the bow of the wind chaser, how is it, is it strong?”

“More than strong?!”

Neva was so excited that he even raised his voice an octave.

With trembling hands, he fondly stroked the longbow and said in a trembling voice:

“Having such a top-quality longbow is the ultimate long-cherished wish of a shooter…”

“Really? Then if you don’t dislike it, you can play with this bow.”

“Ah?! For me?!”

Neva looked panicked, and the sudden surprise made her seem unacceptable.

But even though he asked, the expectation in his eyes was hard to hide.

Jiang Si held back a smile and looked at her like this.

What about the ladylike image you’ve gone to great lengths to maintain?

Don’t you want it all?

“Cough, want a lady…isn’t it?”

“Uh, this…”

Neva heard this and gave Jiang Si a wry smile.

Take a deep breath and let the effect of the will of the undead be fully exerted.

His mood was calm again, but his eyes seemed to be reluctant to hold the Wind Chaser Bow in his hand.

He lowered his head and looked up at Jiang Si.

Be careful, be careful.

The voice was soft, as if he was afraid that if he spoke a little louder, Jiang Si would retract the bow in a fit of anger:

“Sir, this bow… is it really for me?”

“Of course! Otherwise, who is worthy of this bow in this broken place?”

“Ha… Thank you, my lord! Thank you!”

Neva was confirmed by Jiang Si, and he felt relieved.

Vaguely, Jiang Si seemed to see a few happy tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

I saw that she was holding the Bow of the Wind Chaser in her arms, and even if the electric light on it was numb, she would never let her go.

“You like it so much?”

Seeing this, Jiang Si leaned over and asked her.

Neva nodded and said softly:

“Yes, I like it!”

“Is there anything else, do you want to take a look?”

“No! I want this!”



Like coaxing a child, Jiang Si kept teasing Neva.

But at this time, Neva seemed to have become a child, and there was nothing else in his eyes.

Is it really that good?

Isn’t it just a bow?

And… it’s still half-sell and half-give away.

Compared to my cursed gauntlet, there is still some gap!


never mind.

Stop teasing this girl, and make her happy occasionally.

Jiang thought here and sighed softly.

Looking back, he was ready to hand over the Extreme Frost Warhammer to One Eye.

But when he turned around and looked, the one-eyed who was sitting there doing nothing just now disappeared.


Out for a walk?

Also, this corpse is usually restless.

Wasn’t that the case when you first crossed over?

I’d rather watch my jokes when I’m hungry.


What a restless guy!

“Neva, one more thing for you.”

Turning back, Jiang Si said to Neva, who was outside the church just now.

Hearing Jiang Si’s sudden question, Neva was also taken aback.

He held the Wind Chaser’s bow tightly with both hands, as if he was afraid that Jiang Si would regret it.

With a melancholy expression, he asked weakly:

“Huh? What?”

Jiang Si was speechless and gave her a look of contempt.

After coughing twice, he continued to ask:

“I didn’t want your bow! I just wanted to ask you, did you see where the one-eyed went?”


Neva blinked and thought for a moment, but still shook his head.

“I didn’t see it, he should have gone out through another door?”

“Really? Then I’ll find him myself. As it happens, I also found a weapon that suits him.”

I walked out of the church and walked around the cemetery.


Jiang Si searched every corner, but couldn’t see the one-eyed figure.



Then swipe and pull, and hundreds of corpses in the cemetery turned back at the same time.

Seeing that it was only his boss, he sighed in disappointment and continued to wander aimlessly.


Where did it go?

Scratching his head, Jiang Si looked puzzled.

One-eyed as his subordinate, obeying orders is absolute.

So without an order, it will never run out and hunt by itself.

But why can’t it be found in the cemetery?

I looked at the casualty records and found nothing.

The last piece of information in the record was left over from the battle of the degenerate corpse in the afternoon.

In other words, after returning to the fishing grounds, no one fought again.

Where have you been hiding?

Jiang Si was even more confused.

But since there is no death information, there is no record of kills.

The one-eyed should still be in the cemetery.

However, after the cemetery evolved to Lv4, there have been a lot of large tombstones.

There are too many places to hide. If there is a corpse that wants to hide on purpose, it is estimated that it will not be easy to find.

So forget it…

Who knows what’s going on with him?

In short, looking for him now, except to hand him the Extreme Frost Warhammer, there is nothing else to do.

Then we’ll talk about it when we gather in the evening.

Anyway, when he started to gather, he should have come out, right?


Let’s go back.

Time is running out, so we have to hurry up and prepare the equipment of the ordinary corpse soldiers.


Jiang Si angrily returned to the church.

I found a place to sit down, opened the system market again and began to scan the goods.

Unlike Neva and One Eye.

It is much easier to prepare standard equipment for common corpses.

Shield guards are an important combat force for human beings. There are quite a lot of players who provide them with equipment, and the price is very cheap.

Ordinary quality bulletproof vest and helmet two-piece set, if it is cheap, you can get a set for only 5 doomsday coins.

If you buy a large amount, you can also negotiate a discount with the seller.

Jiang Si bought 500 sets in one go, took a knife, and finally sold it at a 10% discount.

Paying Doomsday Coins will equip all ordinary zombies and corpses with thin limbs.

The most important thing is that once a zombie has a helmet, the probability of surviving in battle will be greatly improved. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

But these two suits are only suitable for them to wear, but not for the bloated corpse.

It’s too fat.

Such a big one, the body armor and helmet produced by the standard production can’t fit at all.

Therefore, after Jiang Si completed the equipment of ordinary zombies and slender corpses, he began to think about the equipment of these guys.


How to do it?

If you can’t wear the standard equipment, you can only place an order and let the craftsmen under the player customize it.

It’s not just a waste of time.

More, it will still arouse suspicion.

Why customize so many large-scale equipment in one go?

This body type is beyond the scope of human beings.


Still have to have their own craftsmen.

As for now?

No way, I can only think of other ways to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Si opened the market again, ready to find some alternatives.

This time, instead of entering the equipment market, he went to the material market for a stroll.

Since the equipment can’t be used, then save the country with a curve and see if there are any ready-made materials that can be used.

After trying hard to find it, a very common material came into view:

“Thick Chain”

“Type: Material”

“Quality: Normal Level 1”

“Description: The smelted iron chain can be used as a variety of connectors.”


This should work, right?

Jiang Si thought for a moment, then raised his head and looked at a bloated zombie.

Really fat.

The wobbly look is pretty cute.

If you wrap your body with iron chains…the effect should be good, right?

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