Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Corpse Is With You


Your own person?

Sneaky, almost scared me to death?



The will of the undead played a role, and there was no turbulence in my heart just now…

Jiang Si secretly complained to himself, watching the one-eyed zombie coming.

After eating a whole murderous poisonous horned rabbit, there was also a trace of anger in the body.

The one-eyed zombie seemed to have noticed this, and his nose kept sniffing.

suck suck…

breath of life.

The taste is simply fantastic!

The one-eyed zombie stared blankly at Jiang Si with a stupid look.

Mouth uh uh sound.

As if to say: what did you eat? ! So fragrant!


Can I actually understand zombies? !

Jiang Si was also shocked.

After thinking for a moment, he also opened his mouth, uh uh: Killing Poison Horned Rabbit.

! !

After he finished speaking, he seemed to see three exclamation marks on the top of the one-eyed zombie’s head.

Silly turned his head.

He glanced at the bones piled on the ground.

Wandering around, he walked over and scratched a few times.

But Jiang Si ate cleanly, not even a single crispy bone was left for it.

Then, the whole corpse of the one-eyed zombie is not good.

He squinted his drooping eyes with a look of grief and indignation.


If that could be called grief…

After being silent for a long time, the one-eyed zombie said amazingly, uh uh, “You eat alone and shit!”


I am also a zombie.

What to eat, no poisonous shit? !

Jiang Si was speechless and secretly complained.

I really don’t care about one-eyed zombies.

So, he stretched out his hand to push it away, and slowly got up from the ground.

What’s next?

Of course, keep hunting!

Solving the problem of hunger is only the first stage of ensuring that you will not die.

Next, more problems will emerge.

The effect of the strange tide on mutant creatures is secondary.

The key, players are also continuing to grow.

The current Jiang Si is the enemy of mankind.

If you don’t work hard.

When the ghost knows, a team of people pops out.

Begging, cracking, and tearing me apart.


He secretly complained in his heart, Jiang Si pulsed his pace and continued to explore.

But this step gave him a whole new feeling.

The body seems less rigid.

Muscles are much softer and move lighter.

how to say?

If I had to describe it, polio had disappeared.

The current Jiang Si looks like an old lady in her seventies and eighties.

Legs and feet are weak, but walking is normal.


The level has been raised to Lv2, which makes the physical fitness a little higher.

Coupled with the two new skills of sprinting and swiftness, the movement ability has been greatly improved.

Oh hoo!

This is all thanks to the powerful ghouls skill.


Suddenly there is momentum.

Although the matter of becoming a zombie cannot be changed.

But as long as the consciousness is still there, it is possible to live.

Then don’t give up!

Thinking of this in his heart, Jiang Si also became more diligent.

Staggering in the woods, hunting aliens.

“Congratulations on killing the Killer Poison Horned Rabbit. Gain 75 experience points and 50 doomsday coins.”

“When the ghoul skill is activated, you gain an additional 400 experience points.”

“Congratulations on killing the gun-tongued giant frog. Gain 115 experience points and 70 doomsday coins.”

“When the ghoul skill is activated, you gain an additional 350 experience points and acquire the skill: Spear Tongue Striking.”

“Experience has reached 1500 points, and your level has been raised to Lv3.”

For more than three hours, kill three alien creatures in a row.

Counting the original one, there were a total of three killer rabbits and a gun-tongued giant frog.

Jiang Si lay on the ground and ate, but the giant frog was huge, and just ate two murderous poisonous horned rabbits in a row.

Really, I can’t eat it anymore!


Jiang Si painfully filled the last bite of frog meat and sat on the ground with a thud.

Eat here today!

As you continue to eat, food will come out of your throat.

Really drunk.

A zombie, shouldn’t it shout “hungry, hungry, hungry” all day long, and then gnaw people everywhere?

But he couldn’t keep it in his throat.

Ha ha.

As a loser, it’s so incompetent!

You can’t let other corpses know.

Otherwise, you’d really have to die of envy, right?


Just when he thought of this, the sound of dead branches breaking came from behind him.

Squinting his eyes, Jiang Si turned his head to look behind him.

I saw the one-eyed zombie slowly walk out from behind the tree again, looking at him with envy, and the half frog beside him.


You say you will be envious, right?


Jiang Si was speechless, shouting uh uh: Come here.

When the one-eyed zombie heard this, he hesitated for a moment.

Then he stepped forward and walked slowly to Jiang Si’s side.

Pointing at him, he said, uh, “You eat alone, and shit!”


Why are you still saying this? !

Jiang Si was even more speechless, and also said to him uuu: I won’t eat alone, I’ll give you the rest.

Uh uh uh? !

The one-eyed zombie was stunned, its head tilted to the side.

Jiang Si slowly raised his chin and pointed to the frog corpse.

Continue er er: Anyway, I’m full, so instead of throwing away the rest, it’s better for you to be cheaper.

Uh uh uh!

After speaking, the one-eyed zombie suddenly became excited.

At this time, it has been tortured by starvation, and its body has become more rotten.

With Jiang Si’s charity, he immediately rushed forward two steps.

One head planted next to the frog corpse, and he began to tear up the frog meat.

The bran eats the bran.

Go, go, go.

The one-eyed zombie is pouting, and the food is called an incense.

A small half frog corpse would not be able to hold up like Jiang Si.

But want to say goodbye to hunger and let the body recover.

This bit of frog meat is enough.


Spitting out the last bone, the one-eyed zombie stood up satisfied.

Turning around, he seemed to smile at Jiang Si.

Then, a system prompt jumped out strangely:

“You ate Zombie A and got its admiration.”

“Zombie A has become your slave, and you can use it at will from now on.”

I fuck? !

Jiang Si really couldn’t control it this time, not even the will of the undead.

All the muscles in the body tensed, and the body bounced off the ground.

The force was too strong, and the frog meat stuck in the esophagus jumped out.

The clatter fell from his mouth and fell to the ground.

I couldn’t help provoking the one-eyed zombie to salivate and looked down.

no no no…

You let me stroke it!

Jiang Si was sluggish, thinking in his heart.

Can you feed zombies? !


Is it the rules of the game, or is it my own? !

I was puzzled, so I had to open the attributes of the one-eyed zombie to check:

“Zombie A”

“Race: Zombie”

“Level: Lv1”

“Skills: Resurrection Lv1, Starvation Corruption Lv1, Corpse Poison Lv1, Will of the Undead Lv1”

“Characteristics: Pain Immunity, Abnormal Status Immunity, Confusion”

“Description: The lowest level of zombies, slow to move. Headshots can cause fatal damage.”

Sure enough, it is also a most common zombie.

But no matter what, if you have more partners, it is indeed much better than fighting alone.

I am a zombie!

Zombies, they should get together!

This change made Jiang Si suddenly have a new idea.

If you hunt more mutant creatures, then take the corpse back to the small graveyard.

After feeding more zombies like this, can they also become my slaves?


Maybe it will work!

No matter how many there are, they are just zombies.

But isn’t that the same as becoming a lord?


The game starts with a different race selected.

The 10 billion players in the world are Terran.

but me.

It’s the undead!


Jiang Si thought about it, and decided in his heart.

Take out two poisonous horns from the item bar, which are just disassembled from the murderous poisonous horned rabbit.

Give it to the one-eyed zombie as a weapon, and continue to go deep into the woods with it.

With One Eye, the battle was suddenly much easier.

Since I ate my frog, I have to take responsibility.

In short, all the damage was left to One Eye, while Jiang Si stood aside to make up for it.

From morning to dusk, a total of 6 gun-tongued giant frogs and 15 murderous horned rabbits were harvested.

Jiang Si looked at the sky and seemed to be almost there.

Finally, he waved his hand and cut the poison-horned rabbit that pierced the one-eyed neck in half.

Loaded into the inventory, ready to return to the graveyard.

Take a deep breath and feel the cemetery.

But just as the thought floated out the next moment, Jiang Si suddenly alerted and looked behind him.

And just 200 meters behind him, there is a dense light intercepting there.


He couldn’t help taking a breath of cold air.

How did you get close to the player’s territory?

Playing too high, did not pay attention to the direction of travel.

The will of the dead will not make Jiang Si feel any sense of crisis.

He was fighting with One Eye while walking, but he was attracted by the aura of the territory, and gradually approached it.

Very dangerous.

The loss was closed in time.

Otherwise, come closer, and God knows if there will be danger.

Jiang Si sighed and squinted to look inside the protective cover.

Fuzzy, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can’t see anything.


forget it.

Now is not the time to go head-to-head with players.

Go back and feed the zombies quickly!

If you can really accept more little brothers, then going out in the future will be much easier!

Thinking of this, Jiang Si didn’t stay any longer, and left the vicinity of the territory with one eye.

Go quietly.

as quietly.

Jiang Si, did not take away a cloud.

But it scared the players in the territory.

The whole person was shivering in the territory, and his whole body was completely soaked in cold sweat.

Just now, the Poison Horn Rabbit killed by Jiang Si also became the target of this player.

But just when he was ready to leave the territory.

Two zombies suddenly sprang out of the forest.

One of them, Lv3.

The other one, Lv5!

At the time, he was terrified.

The foot that stepped out froze in place, and he didn’t dare to move half a minute.

How did such a strong mutant creature come to the vicinity of the territory? !

Could it be that I’m being targeted? !

Uneasy in his heart, he squatted in the territory to observe carefully.

But fortunately, the novice protection still plays a role, it seems that the two zombies have not been able to find themselves.

And the moment Jiang Siyu killed the Poison Horned Rabbit, he gathered up his courage and was ready to jump out and shoot him.

But at the moment when his body was just ready, Jiang Si, who was at Lv 5, suddenly turned his head.

The pale dead eyes stared straight at the player, and immediately frightened him.

His crotch was wet, and the corners of his eyes were also wet.

Until Jiang Si and One Eye left, he was unable to recover.

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