Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Take 2 Steps

He dashed forward three steps, then fell headfirst to the ground.

Only then did Jiang Si realize the difficulty of zombies.

It’s not that they don’t want to go fast, it’s that they really can’t go fast.

As the body dies, muscle fibers also become stiff.

When moving, the feedback from the muscles is weird.

It’s like suffering from severe polio, and the body is unimaginably stiff.

And the sense of balance gets weird.

If you move too fast, you will lose your balance.


He struggled to get up from the ground again.

Jiang Si kept thinking of ways to make himself go faster.

During this period, the one-eyed zombie whose eyeballs fell off has been following behind.

It seems that its sanity still retains a little bit, and it is quite interested in Jiang Si’s second-hand behavior.

Jiang Si was too lazy to care about it.

Your corpse is beginning to rot, right?

Why don’t you go out to find food?

Are you really going to starve to death in this small cemetery?


Although Tucao people.

He himself has been eating dirt.

After doing this a dozen times, I finally compromised.


It hurts.

There seems to be no way to change the settings through effort.

Then slow down, just slow down, in short, don’t start wrestling…

Sighing, Jiang Si rebalanced his body.

Move slowly and move forward.

Come to the edge of the cemetery and step out.

Jiang Si only felt that something was missing in his heart.

That is the concept of territory inherent to mutant creatures in the new world, even zombies.


It’s the land of zombies.

As for the forest, it is the habitat of other mutant creatures.


Are there infighting between mutant creatures?

It seems that it will be difficult to unite here if there is no different tide!

Jiang Si complained in his heart, and looked into the distance of the woods.

that direction.

kilometers away.

A faint breath attracted him.

Let me say it again: go there, you can find a lot of fresh food.

Is it the player’s territory?

Jiang Si was puzzled.

At this time, the feeling of attraction is still very weak, even if you do not deliberately control your mind, you can resist this temptation.

But who knows, when the tide comes, will this feeling become stronger?

Anyway, don’t provoke players now.

People have novice protection.

If you really run into someone who draws a crossbow at the beginning.

Obscene development.

Just shoot and run.

Repeatedly hop across territory and in the wild.

Don’t say that I am a low-level zombie, even if I encounter a few high-level goods, I guess I can easily handle it, right?



You guys are **** scumbags!

cough cough.

Jiang Si secretly complained and focused on hunting.

After walking in the forest for 10 minutes, a rabbit with one horn appeared in his sight.

Jiang Si hid behind the tree and observed quietly.

Mind infusion, opened the rabbit’s attribute menu:

“Murdering Poison Horned Rabbit”

“Level: Lv3”

“Skills: Swiftness Lv2, Sprint Lv4, Breath Hold Lv3, Poison Grant Lv2”

“Characteristics: Sensitive hearing, rapid reproduction”

“Explanation: The mutated hare has a ferocious personality and will actively attack the enemy. The long horn on its head contains psychotoxin, and being hit by it will produce strong hallucinations.”

Jiang Si carefully read the attribute description and frowned while controlling his stiff brows.

The world has really changed.

Rabbits will kill.

And also poisoning.

As insidious as it is to be.


This attribute shows that it should be for human players.

He is a zombie and is immune to all poisons.

very good.

In the first battle, he encountered a murderous poisonous horned rabbit.

It can be said.

How much restrained each other in terms of attributes.

But it has a higher rating, which should also be noted.

Jiang Si thought in his heart, raised his hand and finally checked the fist blade on his right wrist.

Taking a deep breath, he staggered his head out from behind the tree.


A crisp sound.

Jiang Si accidentally stepped on a dry branch.

The Killer Rabbit turned around slowly when he heard the voice.

Not panic at all.

It seems that the super sensitive hearing has made it aware of Jiang Si’s existence long ago.


So you were waiting for me on purpose?

Then we have to see, who of us is more powerful!

Raising the fist blade in his hand, Jiang Si took another step forward.

It was this step that allowed him to enter the sprinting range of the murderous Poison Horned Rabbit.

I saw the rabbit’s hind legs slammed, and the body rushed forward like an arrow from the string.

It is indeed a creature with two skills of swiftness and sprinting!

The speed is so fast that it is two extremes from zombies.

Spiral rabbit horns about 20 cm long are sharp.

In the face of the rotting body, it is even more powerful.

A dark shadow flashed.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Si’s heart was completely penetrated.

The rabbit’s horn pierced from the back of the heart, and the black viscous blood slowly flowed out.

If Jiang Si was still a human being, it would definitely be colder this time.

Broken heart.

I am afraid that before the poison on the rabbit’s horn penetrates into the brain, his life will be ruined.


He has now turned into a zombie.

As long as it’s not a headshot.

It doesn’t matter whether it is pierced through the heart or contaminated with psychotoxins.

This is what Jiang Si had long expected.

Or, this is his tactics!

The opponent is a rabbit, and the speed gap is too large.

If the attack is launched at the beginning, it will be alerted.

Once you run away, you will definitely not be able to catch up.

So it is better to show weakness and lure the opponent to take the initiative.

Waiting for the rabbit’s horn to penetrate the body like this, how to manipulate it is not my decision?



Jiang Sihan laughed.

There was a groan inherent in a zombie in his throat.

But that didn’t affect his actions.

He stretched out his left hand and grabbed the ears of the Killer Poison Horned Rabbit.

The rabbit was also startled and struggled violently.

But once the rabbit’s ears are caught, how easy is it to break free?

The body moved, and the long horns that affected the head also stirred wanton in Jiang Si’s body.

The dark blood was flowing non-stop.

It’s just that Jiang Si now doesn’t feel any pain at all.

At this time, there was only one belief in his heart:

How can you escape the prey you get?

The right hand clenched into a fist, exposing the fist blade at the wrist.

Drive the shoulders to drive the arms, and slam forward sharply.

It is exactly the same as the murderous poisonous horned rabbit.

But this time, Jiang Si used a slender blade to penetrate its heart.


A clear sound.

Blood splattered outwards along the blood groove on the fist blade.

The rabbit’s body simply twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

“Ding, congratulations on killing the Killer Poison Horned Rabbit. Gain 85 experience points and 50 doomsday coins.”

A system message popped up, proving that the dead rabbit in his arms had indeed become a dead rabbit.

Jiang Si was relieved, but he did not expect that the first hunting was so successful.

It was all thanks to this half-dead body.

It seems that turning into a zombie is not without benefits!

Jiang Si is excited, a heart…

Forget it, stop banging around.

The heart is rotten.

Not caring about the injury on his body, Jiang Si pulled out the rabbit horn embedded in his body.

Smelling the strong aroma of the rabbit carcass, an irresistible appetite flooded into my mind.

Almost unconsciously, Jiang Si opened his mouth and bit on the rabbit corpse.

Forcefully tore off a piece of rabbit meat and chewed it together with the rabbit fur.


It’s utterly embarrassing!

And the strange spicy taste mixed with it…

Could this be the poison glands of the Killer Poison Horned Rabbit? !


Smelly and poisonous.

But I am a zombie, why does it feel so delicious?

Taste buds, taste buds, you really can do anything for nutrition!

Jiang Si sighed and swallowed the rabbit meat in his mouth.

Immediately, a sense of satisfaction appeared.

The body does not seem to continue to decay, but begins to gradually repair.


As the effect of starvation erosion weakens, the recovery effect of undead resurrection gradually appears.

The perforations in the chest and the back of the heart gradually became smaller, and the decayed area on the skin surface stopped expanding.

“Ding, when the ghoul skill is activated, you gain an additional 15 experience points.”

“Ding, the experience points have reached 100 points, and your level has been raised to Lv2.”

I fuck!


Jiang Si was startled, and hurriedly opened his personal attributes to check:

“Player: Jiang Si”

“Race: Zombie”

“Level: Lv2”

“Skills: Resurrection Lv2, Hunger Corruption Lv1, Corpse Poison Lv2, Will of the Undead Lv2, Ghoul Lv1”

The level has definitely improved.

Moreover, the resurrection of the dead and the will of the dead have also been upgraded by one level.

Overjoyed in his heart, Jiang Si looked down at the corpse of the murderous Unicorn Rabbit that had been bitten, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Is this skill really normal level 1?


Perhaps for human players, UU reading www.uukanshu. com when many mutants are inedible and taste so bad.

The ghoul’s grade is indeed ordinary 1st grade.

But if this skill can only be obtained by zombies, it is more than ordinary level 1.

This is simply magic!

Thinking of this, Jiang Si couldn’t help but took another bite of the rabbit meat.

“Experience +15”

“Experience +15”

“Experience +15”

“You have acquired the skill: Sprint Lv1”

“Experience +15”

“Experience +15”

“You have acquired a skill: Poison Grant Lv1”

“Experience +15”

“Experience +15”

“Experience +15”

“You have acquired the skill: Swiftness Lv1”

One after another, the system prompts are also one after another.

Jiang Si swallowed the whole Poison Horned Rabbit, including its internal organs and brain, leaving only a pile of white dead bones.

In the end, a total of 390 additional experience points were obtained.

And dash, swiftness and poison grant three new skills.

Although the following experience points did not allow him to break through to Lv3, this is also very good!


Jiang Si sat on the ground and rubbed his stomach with satisfaction.

But at this moment, a crisp sound came from behind him.


The dead branches were trampled off.

Something was quietly touching behind him.

Jiang Si was alert, and subconsciously got up and looked behind him.

But standing behind is not any danger, but the one-eyed zombie.

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