Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Venomous Swamp

How to say.

Neva is also a demon with the will of the dead.

As soon as Jiang Si finished assembling the team, she recovered from her depression.

Come with a long bow.

Looking at Jiang Si with deep meaning, he stood beside One Eye.

Seeing that everyone was here, Jiang Si didn’t waste time.

With a wave of his hand, the large group of undead crowded together began to move forward.

The team was not neat at all.

This is also the characteristics of the primary undead army, right?

Although skeletal archers and shield guards could line up, with so many corpses, it would not be eye-catching if they were neatly arranged.

Simply, everyone shouted together and moved forward together.

Uyang Uyang.

Smoke is everywhere.

It’s just that under the effect of the breathless halo, only Jiang Si and the other corpses can see this spectacular scene.

The poisonous swamp is not far from the southeast of the cemetery.

After walking around a mountain and walking for less than a kilometer in the forest, the surrounding scenery began to change.

Dead old trees, polluted and moist soil intertwined,

There was also a faint green mist in the air.


It really is a place unsuitable for humans!

If the player wants to conquer this place, first of all, the debuff of this poisonous gas can make the troops peel off.

Even if the giant frog clan’s weaknesses are clear, if Miss Ranger can’t play 100% of her combat power, the battle damage ratio will definitely not be lower.

But it’s a pity.

The rangers in our family are all beautiful skinny beauties.

The bones felt the extreme, and there were only bones left!

So you poisonous gas is useless to us.

The combat power is not only 100%, but also has the halo of corpse and evil, and the combat power can be further improved.

As for the giant frog family.

It’s a pity, so be prepared to be used as a stepping stone by me!

Jiang Si thought so in his heart.

At the same time, the undead army entered the swamp.

The concept of territory of mutant creatures is implanted in the bone marrow.

Regardless of whether Jiang Si’s side is invisible, as long as other creatures step in, they will respond immediately.

I saw that the puddle filled with green liquid in front flipped, and 50 giant frogs jumped out immediately.

Among them, there are 30 gun-tongue giant frogs, and the others are tank-type giant frogs.

quack quack!

Noisy frog calls filled the swamp.

The giant frog clan bounced and charged slowly in the direction of Jiang Si.

The gun-tongue giant frog’s attack method is to roll its tongue into a sharp spear and eject it to stab the enemy.

The frog tongue is slender, and the longest range is up to 3 meters away.

But in front of the skeleton archer’s arrows, this distance is no different from a melee attack.

There is no need for Jiang Si to be distracted at all.

The moment the giant frog appeared, Neva had already organized the skeleton archers together.

Aiming ahead, it is a salvo.

Chi Chi Chi!

The sound of breaking the air came, and dozens of arrows crossed arcs in the sky, covering the giant frog clan.

Seeing this, the gun-tongued giant frog immediately raised his head.

Turning his eyes, he locked the arrow in front of him, and began to intercept the arrow rain in the sky with his tongue gun.

The crisp sound continued, and as the red lines shot out of the giant frog’s mouth, the number of arrows in the sky also decreased rapidly.

But unfortunately, the number of arrows shot by more than 40 archers still exceeded the frog tongue after all.

Even with an effective interception, more than 20 arrows still fell into the group of frogs.

A breathless absolute critical strike effect is activated.

20 arrows, all hit the key points!


Screams came.

Several giant frogs with scabies fell to the ground, and the giant frog with gun tongue suffered heavy losses.

But in the face of the death of the clan, the low-intelligence giant frog did not respond.

His eyes seemed to be indifferent, and he still jumped in the direction of the undead army foolishly.

Chi Chi Chi!

Another salvo.

This time, more arrows fell into the frog group.

It’s just that the second attack didn’t have the crit effect, and only seven spear-tongue giant frogs fell to the ground.

And the giant frog with leprosy has thick skin and thick flesh, and if it can’t hit key parts, its killing effect is very limited.

But that’s fine too.

In just two rounds of attacks, the opponent lost most of their combat power.

And when they jumped nearby, the archer could shoot at least two more rounds.

Although the arrows are not very effective on the giant frog with a scabbard, but as long as all the giant frogs are eliminated, it will be fine.

They are the current effective output, as long as they are eliminated, the sac poisonous frog is not enough.

“Neva, all the archers lock the gun-tongued giant frog, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Jiang thought here and turned his head to issue an order to Neva.

Hearing that, Neva nodded, raised the longbow in his hand again, and shot a guided arrow.


Chi Chi!

A screeching sound leads the way.

The remaining arrows followed.

More than 40 arrows fell, and the gun-tongue giant frogs with only 9 left could no longer support it.

Several arrows penetrated his head, and he stopped moving with a scream.

At this point, the first wave of giant frogs that came to face them was defeated, and only 11 giant frogs with scabbards were left, which did not pose a threat at all.

The adult giant frog is about the height of an adult, and its hind legs are also strong.

Even a higher-level shield guard might not be able to withstand it with a sudden jump.

But facing Jiang Si, facing his assembled zombies.

The advantages of the giant frog with the leprosy completely disappeared.

In terms of size and strength, it is incomparable, and the only poison sac attack is also blocked by the poison.

If the giant frog could speak, it must be cursing at this time.

But even as the body gets bigger, the IQ of the frog tribe is still low.

The 11 sacs didn’t seem to notice their casualties at all, and still stubbornly jumped forward.

It was at this moment that the assembled zombies under Jiang Si moved.

A huge body up to 3 meters rushed out, and a dozen corpses rushed forward at the same time, causing the ground to vibrate slightly.

There was a booming sound.

Then, the giant frog and the giant corpse collided together.

The sound of quack came, and the giant frog with a sac was still trying to push forward to assemble the zombies.

It’s just that the quality gap between the two sides is too large, and several efforts have been fruitless.

Taking advantage of this effort, dozens of zombies also came to their positions.

These corpses have been transformed by Jiang Si, and the long horns of the murderous poisonous horned rabbit are twisted on their right hands.

The horns of the rabbit are so sharp that even the hardened scales of the horn-scaled python can pierce, not to mention the skin of the giant frog with a sac.

Galala’s abnormal noise continued, and the roots of the rabbit horns pierced.

The leprosy sac on the body burst, and countless hot liquids with highly toxic poured on the bodies of the surrounding zombies.


The pale green liquid fell on the zombie, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com burst into steam.

But even if the surface of the skin was scalded by a large area, none of the zombies flinched.


This is the persistence of the undead, the will of the undead.

Even if it is dead, it will become a piercing bone waiting for the enemy to step on.

What’s more, this venom can only scald the skin.

Uh uh uh!

Moans came from deep in his throat.

Dozens of ordinary zombies tried their best to stab the rabbit horns deeper.

The skin of the giant frog is rough and the flesh is quite thick.

But once the internal organs are injured, they will still be unable to hold on.

Rabbit horns are slender, 20 cm long, enough to penetrate deep into their bodies.

The giant frog wanted to struggle, but his body was tightly locked by the assembled zombies.

Even if you are unwilling, you can only meet death in pain.

quack quack!

A miserable cry came.

The life of the leprosy giant frog also quickly passed away.

Looking at the battle in front of him, Jiang Si smiled.

This fight was so beautiful!

Giant frog clan death: 50 bodies.

And the undead army casualties: -20.

Why are casualties negative?

Because the moment the frogs fell to the ground, their bodies began to dismember strangely.

Then reassembled and stood up, becoming Jiang Si’s new assembled zombie.


This is the power of the undead.

For you it is death, but for me it is rebirth.

It doesn’t matter if the zombies fall.

Because their flesh is also a corpse, the same material that can become a corpse evil will be combined again to become a new zombie.

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