Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Special Evolution

“Ding, it is detected that the current species level has reached its peak and has entered a state of evolutionary dormancy.”

“Monitoring physical condition…”

“Monitoring the state of the soul…”

“Monitoring skill status…”

“Monitoring completed”

“Hint: Since you meet special conditions, additional evolution options are open to you”

“Please choose between the following evolutionary directions:”

“1. Swift Zombie. Description: Zombies with enhanced body flexibility, run fast, and can make flexible movements like humans.”

“2. Bloated Zombies. Description: Zombies with additional body tissues have no increase in speed, but have high blood volume and are not easy to be killed.”

“3. Venomous corpse. Description: The thyroid has evolved to become a poison sac that can store corpse venom pus. The physical quality is the same as that of ordinary zombies, but it can spit sputum to infect the enemy.”

“Special evolution options:”

“4. Ghoul. Explanation: Zombies with specialised stomach bags have the same physical fitness as before, but the additional skill of “Infinite Stomach Bags” allows this species to eat without any scruples.”

Jiang Si was confused and saw the words in front of him in a daze.

He was so tired that he didn’t even bother to read it carefully.

It’s just the ‘special evolution” option that stands out, so why not?


Choose 4 out of 4…

With special evolution, who wants ordinary evolution?


Your tip is worthless?

Can you choose for me?

Why are you disturbing my sleep?

Jiang Si spit out a trough in a daze, and then fell asleep on the back of the assembled zombie.

This feeling is simply sweet.

Jiang Si fell into a deep sleep, and it seemed that nothing in the outside world could disturb him.

He was peaceful.

But the human players have already fried the pot.


“Your Ranger was wiped out by Zombie A.”

“Your Ranger was wiped out by Zombie B.”

“Your shield guard was wiped out by the bloated zombie C.”

“Your shield guard was destroyed by the Cursed Bone A.”

“Your shield guard was wiped out by the Dark Ranger.”

The speed is too fast.

The 15 prompts popped out almost at the same time. Player Chen Feng stood in the territory and was stunned on the spot.

what’s the situation?

Group gone? !

Breathing suddenly became rapid, and the mind was blank.

You must know that at the current stage of the game, there are not many people who can make up 15 units of troops.

In the current area, Chen Feng is already a big boss.

With excellent physical fitness, he was lucky enough to draw a military crossbow at the beginning.

With these, his development speed is much ahead of other players in the region.

The absolute advantage made Chen Feng’s ambition gradually expand.

I am sure that as long as we maintain this speed and continue to develop.

Well, wait until the tide is over in 7 days.

When the protection of other players disappears, you can start to gradually expand outwards and annex other people’s territories.

But the sudden destruction of the group completely disintegrated his conspiracy.

That was the battle power that was accumulated after spending 2,000 Doomsday coins and a lot of resources!

Now that it has completely disappeared, it is easier said than done if you want to accumulate it again?

Ha ha…

It surprised me that.

Clown, it’s me!

Don’t you even know what human beings are facing?

Hey, still thinking about conquering the world or something…

Simply stupid!

Or think about the different tide after 7 days.

Humans, as expected, still have to unite…

Thinking of this, Chen Feng fell to the ground with his legs limp.

After pondering for a long time, he slowly opened the regional dialogue channel.

Chen Feng: “Tell the brothers the bad news, I was just killed by the regiment.”

Wang Kaiqing: “…???”

He Jun: “What?! Brother Feng, you were killed by the regiment?!”

Chen Feng: “Yes, I just got the news. The team of 15 people was destroyed by the regiment.”

As Chen Feng said, he posted all the death reminders into the channel.

Including the time of the kill and the mutant creatures are also posted.

The forum was plunged into discussion, and everyone was studying Chen Feng’s news.

Until a message appeared, the atmosphere in the channel suddenly changed:

Cui Xuan: “Chen Feng… You really haven’t changed your content? 10 Rangers were killed by ordinary zombies… Who are you lying to?”

Wang Kaiqing: “I mean, ordinary zombies…Isn’t that an experience pack? It’s free as much as you come.”

Qiao Yu: “You won’t make any crooked ideas, will you?”

The news one by one seems to have questioned these killing news.

Looking at the news in the channel, Chen Feng almost got angry.

Are they all idiots?

Your brains are also eaten by zombies, right? !

He cursed in his heart, but in order to unite everyone, he still suppressed his anger and sent messages.

Chen Feng: “What I sent is a system message.”

Wang Kaiqing: “Yes, the posted system messages cannot be modified…”

Cui Xuan: “Okay, my fault…”

As soon as this remark came out, Cui Xuan also persuaded.

Not that he was afraid of Chen Feng.

Mainly 15 people were killed by the zombies, the news is too scary.

Could it be that there are some strange dangers in the woods?

In short, don’t spray it, let’s see what everyone says.

The regional channel was silent for a moment, until the appearance of a person broke the deadlock:

Ling Yongting: “Dark Ranger… What is that?”

Wang Kaiqing: “Hey, sister Yongting is here!”

Qiao Yu: “Sister Yongting, how’s it going? Did the farm upgrade go smoothly yesterday?”

Ling Yongting: “…Don’t tease me, okay? Let’s discuss Chen Feng’s annihilation, okay?”

He Jun: “Sister Yongting is right! Brother Feng’s troops were destroyed by a regiment, and it wasn’t just him alone.”

Chen Feng: “Well, who of you can be better than me? I’ve been killed by the group. Can you get good results when you go out?”

Chen Feng finally made up for the knife, and everyone fell into thinking.

A few minutes later, Cui Xuancai took the initiative to ask:

Cui Xuan: “Then what do you want to do?”

Chen Feng: “I don’t think we can count on each other anymore. Let’s unite until we get a clear picture of what’s going on in the woods, and we’ll talk about it after 7 days.”

He Jun: “I agree!”

Ling Yongting: “I agree too. Let’s work together for a while before we get a clearer picture of the situation.”

Cui Xuan: “Okay.”

Wang Kaiqing: “First of all.”

Qiao Yu: “Yeah.”

As soon as the news of Chen Feng was released, He Jun agreed.

It didn’t take long for Ling Yongting to join.

The goddess spoke, and the other three naturally had no opinion.

In short, if you can get close to the goddess, anything will do.

Anyway, it’s just cooperation, not alliance or surrender.

It’s just a cooperation in name, so what if you agree.

But everyone thought so, but the reason why they readily agreed to Chen Feng’s proposal was because of the fact that he was destroyed by the group.

This area is abnormal.

And it’s very abnormal.

Yesterday, He Jun was blocked by Lv5 zombies. Today, Chen Feng’s 15 people were killed in seconds.

And strange dark rangers, piecing together zombies…

It seems that this world is really not as simple as imagined.

Discussion continues.

The 6 players also began to unite under Jiang Si’s sudden attack.

As the division of labor became clearer, the development of players in this area also began to speed up.

Until the stars move, the sun and the moon alternate.

Jiang Si woke up from the dream and stretched hard.

Opening his eyes, he looked up and saw a beautiful face with dark skin.

His face was cold, but his blood-red eyes were full of rich emotions.

Jiang Si and Neva stared at each other for a while.

Then, Jiang Si smiled bitterly and asked her:

“What are you looking at?”

“No, it’s nothing… I just think you’ve become more handsome.”

Neva faltered and turned his head away.

The long ears trembled and seemed to turn a little red.


Does the banshee also blush?

Yes, today is also a long experience.

Jiang Si smiled secretly and got up from the ground.

Looking up at the sky, it was pitch black again, and I couldn’t help sighing:

“Have I slept all morning?”

“More than that, you’ve slept for two days.”

Neva replied.

After Jiang Si heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

“Two days?!”

“Yeah, it seems that your evolution this time was very successful. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be like this.”

Neva responded with a smile and picked up a broken mirror from beside him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The lens cracked, splitting Jiang Si in the mirror into several pieces.

But no matter which one it is, at this time there is no zombie appearance.

Jiang Siwei opened his mouth, admiring his new look.

Isn’t this the handsome face he had before he crossed over?

It’s just that the color of the skin remains the blue and white of a dead person, and the pupils have also turned into pitch black.


Great change.

Is this the power of evolution?

Oh, right!

Before falling asleep, it seems…

What special evolution did I choose!

Jiang Si was startled and hurriedly opened the properties.

The status bar unfolded, and the content immediately made him excited:

“Player: Jiang Si”

“Race: Ghoul”

“Level: Lv1”

“Skills: Undead Resurrection Lv9, Corpse Poison Lv5, Undead Will Lv7, Poison Empowerment Lv6, Swiftness Lv6, Sprint Lv7, Tongue Strike Lv5, Stealth Lv5, Death Coil Lv3, Sprint Lv3, Stealth Lv4, Fear Gaze Lv3, Moulting Rebirth Lv3, Hardened Scales Lv3, Infinite Stomach Lv1, Ghoul Food Lv5, Experience Digestion Lv1”

“Halo: Corpse Evil Lv3, Effect: Increase the physical activity of friendly undead within a radius of 150 meters by an additional 35%, and the undead resurrection level +3. When the weight of the corpse of the creature within the range exceeds 100KG, you can choose to create a creature: combine zombies, and combine thin limbs. Corpse, assembled pus corpse.”

“Characteristics: Pain Immunity, Abnormal Status Immunity, Crack Eating, Rapid Digestion”

“Explanation: Zombies that have been specially evolved have not increased their physical fitness. However, they have a strong appetite, and eating behavior can improve their own strength.”

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