Lord: 10,000-fold Increase at the Start, and The Store has been Emptied!

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Selling Tier 4 Arms, Crazy Dragon Country Players! (45)

The same scene does not only appear in Rose.

All the guilds discovered the strategy published by Ye Fan at the first time.

While they were shocked, they also confirmed a message.

That is, Ye Fan is short of money.

Otherwise, such a valuable guide would not be made public, and it would still be free.

In their opinion, publishing the strategy is just for a sentence at the end of the post-

“I will sell Tier 4 arms tomorrow. The attributes are not bad. If you have a trading house, you can come and buy them.”

Since then, all the guilds have formulated a method to win over Ye Fan – throwing money at them.

Of course, none of these Ye Fans knew, if he knew about it…

He would definitely be dumbfounded, wondering how they could understand that.

time flies.

When I woke up, the sky outside was already bright.

Ye Fan got up, took a shower, and went downstairs to the supermarket.

Started with a simple filling at the street food shop.

Next, he booked a game bay.

The game compartment is not only comfortable, but also can add nutrient solution.

After you have the nutrient solution, you can stay in the [Lord] all the time.

As long as you take a rest in the game world, your body will enter a state of deep sleep.

However, the price is more expensive.

Just the game warehouse requires 30,000 Dragon Coins, and the daily consumption of nutrient solution is more than 1,000 Dragon Coins.

Back home, Ye Fan opened the forum and briefly browsed.

On the icon of the private message of his account, it is already +999.

He clicked the private message button, and suddenly, countless messages popped up.

“@Yemo, the boss is awesome, how do you know that the skeleton warriors can fight like this? After reading your strategy, I immediately cleared the surrounding threats! Thank you boss!”

“@Yemo, the boss is really a god, according to your strategy, my territory is now level five, I can’t stop, I worked all night, and finally I was forced to go offline by the system!”

“@Yemo, boss, how do you get the Tier 4 soldier [Bat Knight] you mentioned?”


Ye Fan was quite satisfied, the feedback from the players was very good, and many people were even more excited to go straight to the night.

It seems that the strategy has worked.

After closing the post and putting on the game helmet, Ye Fan entered the 【Lord】world again.

“Ding Dong~Welcome to [Lord], I wish you a happy game!”

The familiar system sound fell, and Ye Fan’s eyes appeared in front of the territory.

The morning air in the Lost Continent is very fresh.

At the same time, a series of system voices rang in Ye Fan’s ears again.

“Ding Dong~ During your offline period, [Basic Training Ground] will train a total of 6,000 troops and gain 6W experience points!”

“Ding dong~ You have triggered a 10,000-fold increase and gained a total of 600 million experience points!”

“Ding Dong~ One of your [Sky Knights] has been upgraded, and it is currently level 2!”

“Ding Dong~ One of your [Sky Knights] has been upgraded, and it is currently level 3!”

“Ding Dong~ Your troops…”

“Ding dong~ During your offline period, the research progress of [Flaming Burning] has made new progress, and a total of 1920 skill experience points have been obtained!”

“Ding dong~ You triggered a ten thousand-fold increase, and gained a total of 1920W of skill experience points!”

“Ding Dong~[Flame Burning] level has been increased, and it is currently level 2!”

“Ding Dong~[Flame Burning] level has been increased, and it is currently level 2!”


“Ding Dong~ [Flame Burning] level has been increased, and it is currently level 10, which is full!”

The sound fell.

Ye Fan scratched his head, he didn’t expect that the effect of the building could also be multiplied ten thousand times.

One night at the basic training ground, I only got 6W points of experience, and it was evenly spread to everyone, which was only 10 points.

But after the ten thousand-fold increase, everyone has 100,000 points, and the level naturally soars.

It can be said that with the [Basic Training Ground], Ye Fan’s training speed is countless times faster than the players even if he hangs up every day.

[Battle Academy] is also very outrageous. After the increase of ten thousand times, the level of the skill is directly full.

You must know that the skills of the tenth-order arms require a high value of experience to upgrade.

At this time, Ye Fan checked the attributes of [Flaming Burning].

Burning Flames (LV10)

Effect: The attack of the flame marksman will cause fire damage to the enemy. The first time it deals damage to the target, it deals burning damage equal to ATK*10, and when the target dies, it deals equal damage to up to 10 nearby targets.

After the full level, the damage value of the flame burning is four times higher, and the AOE damage is directly full.

Ye Fan continued to arrange for Yina to study [Rain of Fire Arrows], of course, she could study it in her spare time.

After Ye Fan appeared, Vivian and Yina quickly greeted them.

“Good morning, my lord.”

“Good morning, Lord.”

Vivienne has changed her dress, her whole body is wrapped in light gray body armor, and she is valiant.

And Ina, still in silver-white robes, but with her little head exposed, her two pointed ears are very cute.

After a night’s rest, her mental state was much better, and she was looking at Ye Fan with a smile.

Ye Fan nodded to them and started his daily routine.

First, collect all the resources of the resource point, and get 200W gold coins.

Mosquito legs are also meat, so it doesn’t take much time anyway.


He found that nothing seemed to happen.

Ye Fan opened the interface of the trading line.

At this time, there are already many trading items, and it seems that many players have completed the first-order tasks.

Of course, there is nothing of value, either selling junk units or exchanging basic resources.

Ye Fan thought about it, and then hung up a few sets of resources.

Wood, stone, one-to-one exchange for spar, all hang up to 100 million.

Iron ore, one to two exchange for spar, is also linked to 100 million.

Crystals are a relatively scarce resource for Ye Fan.

Unfortunately, no spar resource points were found around his territory.

However, Ye Fan knew that spar was considered a more important strategic resource in the middle and late stages.

In the early stage, the popularity is far less than that of various basic resources.

Now buy a lot of spar, and after three months, the value will definitely double tenfold.

It’s just this information, if the merchants know it, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Of course, Ye Fan has no idea of making money.

He just simply wanted to search for the spar of the players.

After a few months, the effect of the spar will be reflected.

At that time, players who don’t have enough spar will have to work for Ye Fan.

At this time, Ye Fan started to sell units.

Goblin absenteeism, as a mid-level unit, only has one skill.

That is the acceleration of resource point mining.

It’s useless for combat.

Of course, it is definitely suitable for part-time work.

At this time, Ye Fan packed some of the goblin miners and dragged them into the trading line.

The sound of the system rang in his ears.

“Ding Dong~ Are you selling the arms [Goblin Absenteeism]*4296? Tip: After the arms are sold, the level will be forcibly reset to zero!”


In order to prevent the high-ranking lord from turning into an arsenal, any arms obtained from the trade will be forced to become the initial state of level 1.

Otherwise, the high-ranking lords of the Grand Guild can fully use their firepower, cultivate their troops indefinitely, and then put them in other people’s territories.

This one directly limits the expansion speed of the big guild and gives ordinary players a chance to breathe.

At this time, Ye Fan also adjusted the selling price.

200 spar each.

Love to buy or not.

After setting the price, Ye Fan directly pressed the confirmation button.


The territory is much quieter.

Afterwards, Ye Fan waved the remaining goblins to go to the resource point to collect resources.

At the same time, the changes in the trading line instantly caught the attention of the players.

“Damn it, everyone, look at the trading house!!”

“Hey, so many resources?! Night Demon boss cowhide!!”

“I’m short of lumber to upgrade my territory, Yongye boss is bullish!! Buy it and buy it!!”

“Wow, the big guy really hangs up the fourth-order arms?! It’s awesome!”

“It’s a Tier 4 unit?! Let me see, wow, this attribute, babbling!”

“Enough upstairs, the taste is so heavy, you can lick the goblin?”


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