Liver Progress From the Beginning

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – This Is The Power Of Steam

Chapter 4 This is the power of steam

Steam is the hot air that Zhong Chao is most familiar with, and he has seen it countless times.

However, when he was visualizing steam, Zhong Chao couldn’t help but think of the first industrial revolution, and the power of steam, which is the terrifying power that can drive trains and 10,000-ton giant ships, and even steam can make people go to the sky (steam airship).

In addition to the industrial revolution, Zhong Chao also thought of injecting steam into the human body to speed up the flow of blood and strengthen the strength of the body because of a certain comic.

Because he still couldn’t control his messy thoughts, these two kinds of knowledge and experience appeared in his mind, and as Zhong Chao visualized, they merged into the visualized Qi.

Afterwards, this ‘Qi’ entered Zhong Chao’s body and spread throughout his whole body.


Such a visualization made Zhong Chao feel that the qi he inhaled this time was completely different from before. After the qi spread to his whole body, he not only felt the warmth radiating from his body, but also felt the slight acceleration of the blood flow, and the strength of his body. , also became a little bit bigger because of the heat.

And when Zhong Chao opened his eyes and saw the changes on the system panel, the smile on his face could no longer be contained.

【One Qijue (can be renamed): Level 2 Proficiency (21/800), Effect: Blazing 1, Accelerate Qi and Blood Flow 1]

“The warmth has become fiery, and there are more entries to accelerate the flow of Qi and blood. My visualization has changed!”

The uncontrollable ecstasy made Zhong Chao walk back and forth in the room, and it took five minutes for his ecstasy to stop slightly.

At the same time, he also understood one thing.

“For me, the benefits of time travel are not only the data panel, but also the knowledge and experience of the previous life… Purely based on my understanding of the world, I am even better than a martial arts master in some aspects!”

This is not a gap in personal ability, but a gap in civilization.

This world is very restricted in the dissemination of knowledge. Even a master may not be as good as a netizen in his previous life in terms of knowledge experience and reserves.

After all, no matter how high the master is, does he know the essence of the sun? Do you know the three elements of gravity? Do you know the four fundamental forces?

Of course, Zhong Chao also knows that the world is different, and not all of his knowledge is useful, and the master’s understanding of qi far surpasses him.

But even so, the knowledge of his previous life will benefit him endlessly.

“We must make good use of the knowledge of previous lives!”

“It started with a one-piece fight… No, it can’t be called a one-piece fight now.”

After thinking for a while, Zhong Chao changed the Yiqi Jue to – Steam Turbine·One.

The name Steam Turbine was chosen because Zhong Chao felt that this exercise was like a steam turbine, which could provide him with strong power.

As for the latter one, in addition to indicating that this is a revision of the first edition, it also means that it only has the power to hold your breath once.

——Zhong Chao’s knowledge is limited after all, and he can’t completely get rid of the shackles of one-chijue. Therefore, if Zhong Chao wants to turn on the steam turbine, he must first take a breath, and then hold his breath, so that the steam can spread in his body and drive his blood. flow.

The air will dissipate, and his steam turbine will stop.

As Zhong Chao changed his name, on the data panel, Yiqijue also changed.

【Steam Turbine · 1: 2-level proficiency (21/800), effect: hot 1, accelerate blood flow 1】

After careful observation, he found another interesting point:

“Proficiency 800… The upper limit has increased by 500, which is almost tripled.”

The upper limit of 300-800 made Zhong Chao dizzy, but he was relieved when he thought that the power would increase accordingly with the increase of the upper limit.

Afterwards, Zhong Chao’s eyes looked at the two entries of blazing heat and accelerated blood flow.

Following Zhong Chao’s gaze, these two entries were also explained in detail.

【Hot 1: Steam keeps your body high, so you don’t have to worry about the cold outside】

【Accelerate Qi and blood flow 1: The high temperature of the steam makes your blood flow faster, strength +30%, speed +30%】

“Thirty percent of the strength and speed blessing, it’s not bad, but it’s a pity that it can only be activated when you hold your breath.”

After improving his skills, Zhong Chao… continued to do odd jobs.

This is the case with the handyman disciples, the work is always endless.

However, with the increase in speed of the steam turbine, Zhong Chao’s working efficiency is correspondingly much faster.

It’s just that he didn’t show it.

When he first came here, he thought about expressing himself and gaining the appreciation of the pharmacist, so that he could become the registered student of the pharmacist and break away from the status of a handyman student.

Unfortunately, his hard work at that time, apart from the increase in workload, there was no other change.

After realizing this, Zhong Chao naturally wouldn’t continue.

Of course, his working speed is not slow, a bit faster than others, but not much faster, so that he can stay in the back kitchen all the time.

Now he can’t do without the medicine dregs in the back kitchen.

At night, while eating medicine dregs, Zhong Chao and Zong Sheng returned to the six-person dormitory.

While walking, Zong Sheng’s excitement in practicing martial arts has not subsided, and he kept talking about memorizing a few moves today, and striking out palms from time to time.

Yes, until today, the handyman disciples who chose Vajra Palm have not memorized this set of palm techniques.

The thirteenth form of Vajra Palm is very strong, both offensive and defensive, but because of this, it takes more effort to learn it.

And the handyman disciples don’t have much time, which makes their progress extremely slow.

“In this way, I can far surpass them.”

Thinking of this, Zhong Chao felt a little excited, but soon he shook his head: “The handyman disciples have no resources, and it is meaningless to compare with them.”

Just when Zhong Chao was sighing, Zong Sheng thought of something, and changed his words: “By the way, there will be a selection of registered disciples next month, and I am going to participate in the selection!”

This remark stunned Zhong Chao, and he couldn’t help dissuading him: “It’s really decided, you just got martial arts, why don’t you wait for half a year.”

“I can’t wait. The younger you are, the better your martial arts training will be. If it takes a lot of time, I’ll really be useless… This time is an opportunity. I heard that the number of registered disciples will double after one month.”

Speaking of this, Zong Sheng was not too excited.

The selection of registered disciples in King Kong Martial Arts Hall is very loose. As long as they work hard, most of the handymen can become registered disciples.

After becoming a registered disciple of the martial arts school, there is no need to be busy with chores every day, and each meal is supplied with big fish and meat.

However, with such benefits, half of the many handymen dare not go.

The main reason is that the registered disciples of King Kong Martial Art Museum are very pitiful.

In the King Kong Martial Art Museum, the registered disciples are divided into two categories, one is promoted by handymen, and the other is outsiders learning martial arts.

The former is provided by the Vajra Martial Art Museum, while the latter is learned by wealthy households in the city.

From this point of view, it seems that the registered disciples of the King Kong Martial Art Museum are better—but how could such a good thing happen to such hard-working people as Zhong Chao.

The registered disciples of King Kong Martial Arts School are more like training machines than disciples.

Practicing martial arts is not only about practicing, but also fighting. There is even a saying that a hundred exercises are not as good as a single battle.

Martial arts gyms often hold sparring meetings, but not all the disciples who pay to come have the time, and some people are afraid of getting hurt and are unwilling to fight.

Under such circumstances, King Kong Martial Arts has raised a group of so-called ‘named’ disciples, and asked them to practice boxing with foreign named disciples.

This kind of sparring has many restrictions on registered disciples in the martial arts gym, but outside disciples don’t have so many scruples. Therefore, registered disciples in the martial arts hall are often beaten to disability or even killed directly.

Among the many servant disciples, some became unnamed disciples. They were beaten and disabled and then fell back.

Nowadays, the number of martial arts disciples has expanded, and anyone with a little brain knows that this means that most of the former batch of registered disciples have been beaten and disabled.

Zong Sheng and Zhong Chao, who were in the same situation, naturally couldn’t be happy.

“In short, be careful in everything.”

(end of this chapter)

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