Liver Progress From the Beginning

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 – Break Through The Realm, Practice The Five Treasures Internally

Chapter 12 Breakthrough, practice five treasures internally

There was no accident in the process of buying the medicine, but after buying the medicine, he suddenly found that the team atmosphere had become a little dull.

This made his brow wrinkle immediately.

“What’s going on? Someone bullied you?”

At the end, Zhong Chao’s tone couldn’t help but become stern.

He still values this team very much, not to mention the upcoming sparring support, even in normal practice, with their help beating, Zhong Chao can get twice the result with half the effort.

So, he will never let the team fall apart.

However, after asking coldly, Zhong Chao found that the team members were all looking at him, especially the medicine in his hand.

“Look what I’m doing, uh… for drug money?”

Zhong Chao is not stupid, he thought of the reason as soon as he thought about it, and because of this, he was a little embarrassed.

Seven days ago, he clearly told the team members that they should reserve two taels of silver and not use it for other purposes. He also said that he would never pay in advance if it was embezzled.

For his words, the team members listened. In the end, they didn’t spend too much money, but it was Zhong Chao who spent all the money, plus he was the boss of the team, it was hard not to make people think too much.

Understanding this, Zhong Chao smiled wryly and shook his head: “Don’t look so sad, money for medicine is necessary for you, but it’s not for me… medicine bought for a few dollars is not as fast as my own recovery.”

This kind of reason is definitely perfunctory for others, but when Zhong Chao said this, Zong Sheng and the others couldn’t help but think of Zhong Chao’s gradually abnormal recovery ability as time went by.

Thinking of this, Jiang Liang slapped himself on the head severely:

“I was stupid, boss, you have such resilience, you really don’t need to reserve money.”

Zongsheng: “I was taken aback, Dachao, I thought you would change completely if you had the strength, and you were going to ‘borrow’ money from us.”

Di Hua: “What happened?”

“Okay, don’t patronize Lehe, come and help me train.”

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the team atmosphere became harmonious again. In this situation, Zong Sheng thought of something and said to him involuntarily: “Da Chao, your physical resilience is indeed strong, but no matter what, you should save some money for emergencies. “

Zong Sheng’s suggestion is very good, and this is also Zhong Chao’s original idea, that is, the last tael of silver should not be spent anyway.

The plan can’t keep up with the changes.

Big fish and big meat, free time, internal steam burning, someone outside to help beat… All kinds of circumstances made his golden bell cover improve rapidly every day. In just one week, the proficiency of this exercise has reached more than 700, It is only about 170 proficiency away from the 2nd realm.

Although the 2nd Realm is close to the threshold, the time before they participate in the sparring is even shorter, only one day.

Normal cultivation, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t cultivate the Pure Yang Golden Bell Cover to the second level in one day.

Because of this, he thought of drug assistance.

And he has reasons for doing so.

“Breakthrough from the first level to the second level, the pure yang golden bell will have a qualitative change, which will allow me to better cope with tomorrow’s duel… No matter how good the healing effect of the wound medicine is, it is not as good as not being injured after the strength is greatly improved. “

After some careful thinking, Zhong Chao will spend the last tael of silver.

Of course, these need not be said.

“…Let’s not talk about this anymore, cultivation is important.”

“By the way, let’s see if Huoxue Powder is effective.”

Hearing this, Jiang Liang smiled wryly and shrugged:

“Boss, we can’t afford Huoxue Powder.”

Zongsheng: “Jiang Liang, be promising. We can’t use it now, but we will be stronger in the future, so you can use it, no, we can use better ones in the future.”

While joking, the three of Zong Sheng slapped Zhong Chao again.

And three hours later, Zhong Chao tried it out, and the decoction was indeed effective, and the effect was excellent.

In the past, Zhong Chao’s longest training time was one and a half hours, but this time, after drinking Huoxue powder, he could feel a wave of heat rising from his lower abdomen.

This hot air can relieve fatigue, eliminate injuries, and provide Zhong Chao with a steady stream of energy support, which also doubles his training time and efficiency.

And you must know that Zhong Chao has researched the steam turbine through his previous life experience, and this turbine is connected with the pure yang golden bell jar, which makes the cultivation speed of his golden bell jar five or six times that of ordinary people.

On this basis, he doubled again, and his cultivation speed has reached ten times that of ordinary people.

Such a rapid growth made Zhong Chao startled, and felt that he saw hope.

“It can be done. According to this speed, I can advance the golden bell cover to the second level today.”

Zhong Chao, who was thinking like this… practiced until late at night.

The main reason is that there are only two sets of Huoxue powder, which cannot cover a whole day at all.

In desperation, Zhong Chao could only practice extra until late at night, and then barely raised his proficiency to 900/900.

Then, exhausted, he got stuck here.

“Why did it stop? Is my talent so poor? There are barriers from entry to proficiency.”

Unreconciled, Zhong Chao had the idea of continuing to practice more.

However, he quickly realized that tomorrow is the time for their group of registered disciples to enter the arena. Excessive cultivation will greatly affect tomorrow’s state, and practicing against warriors, once the state is not good, it may be disabled or even crippled. dead person’s.

“You can’t affect yourself, just rest like this.”

Exhausted all over, Zhong Chao took a shower and lay down.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhong Chao was awakened again by his brother.

In order to calm down, he first ran to the yard to take a bath, and then subconsciously, he inhaled and held his breath, turned on the steam turbine, and prepared to spread the Yuanyang Qi in his lower abdomen to his whole body to achieve the purpose of calming down.

Ling Zhongchao didn’t expect that the bottleneck that he couldn’t break through last night, after the subconscious operation today, it… broke directly.


As the steam drove the Yuanyang Qi to spread towards the whole body, at a certain moment, he suddenly felt the five internal organs heating up, and warm heat rose from the internal organs, and was involved with the Yuanyang Qi, connecting them together.

Qi is connected with essence Qi, which makes Zhong Chao feel that his internal organs have become a whole. He even has a feeling that his internal organs are wrapped in a layer of air film.

As Zhong Chao recalled some of the secrets of the Chunyang Golden Bell Shade, he was even more pleasantly surprised to find that this was not an illusion.

In the Chunyang golden bell jar, there is a description of this state, which is called internal training of the five internal organs.

“Training the five internal organs internally, reaching this level, the five internal organs of a person are not only tough, but also wrapped in a layer of air film, without fear of dark blows…the five internal organs that have been tempered have various miraculous effects, such as long breathing (lungs) and increased endurance (heart, lungs) Lungs work together), relieve toxins (liver, kidney, spleen), speed up digestion (stomach), and heal wounds (integration of the five internal organs).”

“These five benefits are of great use to warriors, so internal training of the five internal organs is also called internal training of the five treasures.”

The change in the abdomen made Zhong Chao immediately think of the description of the Chunyang golden bell jar.

But soon, his face became weird again.

“I remember that the cultivation realm of the Chunyang golden bell cover is golden clothes, dragon elephants, tigers, leopards, thunder sounds, and finally the internal five treasures. Come to me, the realm is reversed.”

The so-called golden clothes are leather training. The ancients believed that gold is immortal, so they called the great success of training skin golden clothes.

Similarly, in the eyes of the ancients, dragons and elephants are the most powerful in the world, so the state of great achievement in muscle training is called dragon and elephant.

The tiger and leopard leiyin is named after the forging of the bones, and the movement of the whole body can make the muscles and bones sing together, just like the sound of thunder.

Golden clothing (skin training), dragon elephant (meat training), tiger and leopard leiyin (bones training), internal training of five treasures (training internal organs), these are the four steps before the transformation of the pure yang golden bell jar.

Because the principles of external exercises are similar, they all temper the body from the outside to the inside. Therefore, other external exercises are also divided in this way before changing blood, and at most they have different names.

For example, the second step of the body training exercise is not called dragon and elephant, but nine bulls and two tigers, but its essence is also to exercise muscles.

These four steps are the four steps of a martial artist, and Zhong Chao directly crossed the first three steps and came to the last checkpoint, which is also the reason for his strange expression.

(end of this chapter)

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