Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 4

Aozaki Orange’s gentle words slowly spoke.

Listening to Orange’s words, Irisviel was silent for a while, and then said a little disappointedly: “So, how to judge this qualification, when will we be able to have children?”

“…I don’t know~”

Aozaki Chengzi smiled gently: “However, we have a plan, I will take you to the orphanage, to various places, and slowly come to find your answer!”

“So…are we leaving Einzbern?”

Irisviel’s red eyes showed anticipation, she was still full of longing for the outside world, and she was full of curiosity about this world, just like a niece who had never left the cabinet.

“…I’ll take you away!”

Without denying it, Aozaki Orange said in a positive tone: “This place will limit your growth, I will take you here to see the reality of this world!”

“Can I have a baby by then?”

Irisviel tilted her head sideways, her focus a little subtle.


Cangzaki Chengzi smiled, and then said softly: “I have a hunch… When you give birth to a child, my lovely wife, you will completely break away from the shackles of androids and understand what “love” is!”

“Orange… Have you thought about this long ago?”

Irisviel blinked her eyes, her focus was still a little subtle. These words did not seem to be a temporary idea of ​​Aozaki Orange, which means that Aozaki Orange had already had this idea.


Aozaki Orange nodded slightly: “Actually, I even thought about the name of the child, how about the name is “Ilias Phil von Einzbern”?”

“Illya, Illya, Illya, Illya…”

Listening to Irisviel repeated a few words, and then smiled: “I like this name very much, and I am looking forward to the birth of Illya more and more!”

In the claustrophobic room, the candles were burning with bright yellow flames. Hadeon listened to the maid’s report expressionlessly, until he heard that Aozaki orange wanted to take Irisviel away from the castle, the majestic face was not moved at all. .

In fact, even if Irisviel dies, it is nothing more than redesigning a little Holy Grail.

As long as they have Aozaki Orange to participate in the Holy Grail War, then they can guarantee the greatest hope of victory. In just four months, Aozaki Orange’s strength has undergone a leap forward, whether it is the amazing understanding in magic, or that The amazing innovation ability makes people sigh.

It is simply an aggregate of talents, genius among geniuses, and now it is only necessary to wait for the accumulation of time.

“…Let her go.”

“Well… If necessary, assist her as much as possible!”

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and did not speak. The maid bowed slightly when she saw this, turned and left the room, closing the door gently by the way.

at the same time.

Inside the huge library of the Hesitation Library, Aozaki orange slenderly stroked the bookshelves, walking along the bookshelves to the depths.

The surface of every bookshelf here is covered with bizarre blue lines, and faint magic power fluctuations circulate in it. If someone does not have permission to enter here, they will be torn to pieces by self-defense magic in an instant.

However, there is no obstacle for Aozaki oranges.

Soon, she walked to a bookshelf, took down a book and quickly flipped through it. The book recorded how to quickly release the potential of the human body, that is, how to turn off the protective mechanism of the body.

Yes, now her research is on how to liberate the body’s protective mechanisms.

At the same time, the human body can continue to function normally.

Chapter 7 Potential liberation? !

Snow keeps falling.

The snow-covered ground, and the icy cold wind blew endlessly.

At this moment, Aozaki Chengzi stood on the snow, staring at the boulder about half a meter high in front of her eyes. The texture like an integrated circuit covered the surface of her skin, and the flowing magic power was a reminder of her physical strength.

“Orange… Are you really going to split this stone with your bare hands?!”

On the side, Irisviel’s red eyes showed concern, and her slender hands were nervously clasped in front of her chest. Her husband suddenly said this morning that he wanted to test the magic results.

The content is to split a hard boulder with bare hands!

“…of course!”

Aozaki Orange replied decisively: “The human body has very powerful strength, but if it is really used without restrictions, when the fragile human body faces the reaction force, it will break its bones first… “

“However, if I use magic to strengthen my body, then theoretically I can punch through the steel plate and kick through the wall without any damage to my body!”

After that, she raised her arms high, and with the sound of air tearing, a violent wave blew the snow away, and the ground seemed to tremble.

The blown snow fell, and the line of sight disappeared.

Irisviel’s ruby-like eyes showed joy, the half-meter-high boulder was broken in half, and Aozaki Orange showed her intact and slender hands to her.

“I succeeded!”

Aozaki Chengzi smiled very happily. The success of this experiment means that, as a puppeteer who is not good at melee combat, she will make up for her biggest weakness, if someone wants to hit her through melee combat.

Then, her Aozaki orange will let people know what cruelty is!

“As expected of an orange that is the egg of a magician!”

“With this level of power, it will definitely be safer in the Holy Grail War.”

Irisviel complimented softly, while holding the orange’s slender hand, carefully observing whether it was damaged, this kind of terrifying attack, it is hard to believe that it will be intact.

“…The difficulty of the Holy Grail War is not necessarily to win!”

Seeing this scene, Aozaki Chengzi smiled helplessly, then backhanded Irisviel’s slender hand and led her towards the castle.

shortly after leaving.

Hadeon walked alone in front of the split stone, and looked at the viewing stone with a deep gaze. He was watching the scene of the stone being split the whole time.

In fact, he did not have many surprises about the scene of Aozaki orange splitting the stone. He had no less than a hundred ways to split the stone.

But what if this scene of splitting the stone was a simple prelude?

As the patriarch of the Einzbern family, he has the most profound knowledge in himself. Of course, Aozaki orange will not give up such a good resource.

And in order to fulfill Einzbern’s long-cherished wish, he is also helping as much as possible.

Just a while ago, a girl named Aozaki Chengzi suddenly said an idea, no… more prepared to say it was a plan.

I want to gain enough power to fight Heroic Spirits.

If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely make people laugh and sigh about their ignorance.

However, Aozaki Orange has come up with a specific implementation plan.

And the scene of splitting the stone is a symbol of the initial success of this plan.

The magic name is – Gene Lock Release!

Now the first phase has been successful.

“…Aozaki Orange… Maybe she’s even more talented than I thought!”

The old voice contained surprise.

Satisfied, Hadeon turned and walked towards the castle. There is still a long time for this girl to grow up. When the Holy Grail War begins, he must be able to get a satisfying answer!

Inside Einzbern Castle.

Back in the room, Aozaki Orange leaned on the soft sofa, and under the warmth of the fireplace, it softened lazily like an orange cat.

“I’m almost exhausted…”

“Then take a break. Orange, you are a human and not a machine. You have been working at a high intensity, and your body will be exhausted sooner or later!”

Pouring down a cup of black tea, Irisviel sat on the side and spoke softly.

During this period of time, she did not see Aozaki Chengzi resting. Except for spending some time with her, she spent the rest of her time doing research.

To be honest, if she was an ordinary female wife, she should now be complaining about the lack of company of her new husband, and then start a small conflict between husband and wife.

“If I relax, I’ll feel more uncomfortable if I try harder!”

Cangzaki Chengzi muttered: “Now…every research is very important, and when it’s not time to relax, it has to be done in one go!”

Having said that, it is absolutely impossible to complete every technology in a short period of time.

At present, the research at hand includes cell strengthening technology, human potential liberation technology, development of rose girl series dolls, and production of dolls that are the same as human beings. These studies are enough for ordinary magicians to devote their entire lives. If talent is not enough, they may need to be passed down for generations to complete.


Irisviel sighed helplessly, then gently pulled Aozaki Orange, laying it on her knees, soft and boneless hands caressing Aozaki Orange’s forehead, full of love and pity:

“I’m not good at research…but as a wife, I think this is what you need.”

“Hmm… a little sleepy~”

Feeling the unusually soft touch on the back of her head, Cangzaki Chengzi closed her eyes and fell asleep sweetly after a while. She slept very deeply…

Chapter 8 True Red


At the top of Einzbern Castle.

A beautiful silver-haired girl with jet-black wings on her back, wearing a gorgeous Lolita-style dress.

She danced gracefully in the falling snow, her dress undulating with the dance, and her long silver hair swayed like a princess in a fairy tale.

“…This is the Rose Girl?”

On the side, Irisviel witnessed this scene, her ruby-like pupils flickered with longing, what a beautiful scene, in this castle far away from the world, a delicate girl dancing in the snow.

At this moment, the reality seems to be intertwined with the dream, and the impossible fairy tale has entered the reality from the dream.

“Well… the mercury lamp is the first doll of the rose girl!”

Aozaki Chengzi nodded proudly, which was the pride of being able to create such an excellent doll, just like the parent of a child who was praised.

“From now on… the representative of the highest puppet art in the entire magic world will be my Rose Girl!”

Very confident, full of expectations for the future.

Although the mercury lamp she created has not yet been completed, it is undoubtedly an extremely powerful magic dress. With the financial blessing of Einzbern, this doll has been completed again, and it is very close to complete completion. .

“If it’s Orange, I believe that they will be the highest masterpieces in the future. I am absolutely sure!”

Irisviel smiled softly, that was the unreserved trust of the wife in her husband, and she had no doubts about whether the Rose Girl could become the highest masterpiece of the doll girl.

“…Anyway, refute it~”

Hearing this, Cangqi Chengzi smiled, and immediately fluttered his long hair, revealing a bright smile, like a warm morning light.

“The name of the next rose girl is Zhenhong, do you want to come and witness her birth with me!”

“Make sure to show me!”

Irisviel nodded quickly.

Seeing this, Cangzaki Chengzi smiled slightly, then waved at the dancing mercury lamp, and then the mercury lamp stopped dancing, got up and flew behind the orange, like a guardian spirit, its dark wings seemed to turn into a shield.


Misaki City

The drizzle was pouring down, and dark clouds covered the sky.


Aoko Aozaki held a red umbrella and headed towards the hill step by step. She was going to see a witch, just like a witch in a fairy tale, a witch who could make strange potions and cast strange curses.

However, there is one point that needs to be corrected.

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