Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 23

23 Territory inspection

I became Earl Dorknes, but I do not want to leave the territory like my parents. However, it is difficult to engage in the management of the territory until you defeat the Demon King and graduate from the school. So at least once you will have to go see the territory.

I ride on Liu’s back to Dorknes. I once went to a dungeon in the territory, but I went to the lord’s mansion only after I came to the royal capital.

“Ryu, get down to the garden there. Please be quiet.”

When Liu falls down in the mansion’s garden, the sound of a humming sound and the ground shakes. Liu has a big body, so I’d rather keep it down.

The servants came out of the mansion as if he noticed my visit by the sound. For the first time in about two years, though, there was minimal conversation with them, so I’m not happy to see them again.

They look surprised at me and Liu. Some screamed.

I sent a letter to arrive a week ago, but is it natural to see a dragon for the first time?

“I’ve just returned. It’s been a long time.”

“Welcome back, master”

When I bowed lightly, they bowed deeply and stuck. I feel their strong willingness not to be my partner.

Anyway, my husband. Because the lady, the husband, and the wife are different, will that happen?

One man comes in a hurry behind the servant who came out first.

“I’m sorry to meet you late. I am Damon, acting lord.”

Deputy Damon was a middle-aged man in a tired atmosphere. He does not hear that the territory is in turmoil, so he may be running a solid territory.

I didn’t see it when I lived in this mansion.

“Hello, Damon, I want you to call me Yumiera.”

“Okay, Mr. Yumiera. You’ll be tired of your long journey, so we’ve got a room so please take a rest. And …”

Damon looks up at Liu and falls silent. I don’t know how to handle the dragon.

“I don’t need to take care of Liu. I’m not tired, so I’d like you to easily tell her the situation.”

It takes two days by carriage from the royal city to here, but we do not take an hour.

“I see. I’ll guide you to your room.”

“Thank you. Liu, you can rest in the garden or go play.”

Liu roared at Gau, spreading his wings and flying off into the sky. Don’t bring any souvenir demons back.

I follow the mansion led by Damon. Other servants do not look at me.

It would be scary if the girl who was cold-handed became the head and came back on the dragon. First, we must try to improve our relationships with our employees.

I don’t want to be fanatical like Rita.

“How many years has Damon been a substitute?”

Ask Damon questions while walking down the hallway.

“It’s been 18 years.”

I’ve been doing it long before I was born.

“Yes, my parents will come here a little later, but will you serve them?”

“My loyalty is to the family and the territory of Dorknes. You must serve.”

I looked into what I thought of usurping the crown, but received a safe answer. He can only be seen in a tired middle age, but he’s been savage.

“This is the office”

The office room passed through is too organized and does not feel like a workplace. One week ago, I knew that I would come and rushed away.

“So, can you show me these recent books?”

“Yes, this is the financial report for the last five years.”

For now, let’s just look at the balance for one year. For the last five years, tax revenue has been rising little by little every year. Funny, almost the same amount every year.

“How has the population of the territory changed over the past five years?”

“Although it has increased slightly, is it generally flat?”

“Did you implement any new policies in the last five years?”

“No, you can’t do anything new without the authority of the lord.

It would be strange that profits would continue to rise for five years.

“It looks like your profits have increased over the last five years, but what about earlier?”

“I have been increasing slightly since I was assigned.”

The sweat begins to appear on Damon’s forehead, which he had been answering plainly. After all the document has been falsified.

However, it is strange that it continues to increase even so. If you increase your stomach, you should gradually reduce your balance.

Speaking of difficulty in reducing his balance, is his ability suspected? However, agriculture, which accounts for the majority of tax revenues, depends on nature, so it has been decided to reduce it a little. Who can’t understand it …

“Hey, why did Damon’s predecessor leave?”

“I got fired because my earnings were reduced …”

Wow, after all. The territory may have been a money-making device for his father. If the deputy increases tax revenue, he will not say anything; if it decreases, he will be fired.

“Yes, so what’s the real balance?”

If the tax revenue doesn’t increase even after changing the deputy, the father could raise the tax rate with a sloppy voice. To avoid that, he pretended that tax revenues would go up or down, but by a fixed amount. Fraud is fraud, but it may be the result of his territorial focus.

“Uh, what’s the story …”

Sweat does not stop from Damon’s forehead cutting white.

“I don’t blame you separately. I’d like to ask if you turned a surplus year into a deficit year or borrowed from somewhere.”

“… Yes, I disguised my documents. I hid the good years and turned them into bad years. There are no debts, but the finances are tough.”

“Is the finances tough because we sent most of the money to the parents of the royal city?”

“Yes, but it’s true that I forged the document-”

“Thank you Damon for supporting the Dorknes territory so far. It was really what the people of the Dorknes family had to do. Thank you in the future.”

As I lowered my head, Damon held his eyes down. Eh, are you crying?

“This Damon vows to do his best for Yumiera for his territory.”

He bows his ministry. Oh, isn’t it in the same pattern as Rita?

“Let’s shed the old days. It would be worse if you didn’t fake it. Let’s think about the future. Is there something we want to do?”

“But there’s no savings, so we need money.”

I want you to leave it, I’m rich with demonic materials.

“It’s okay because I get the money. I’ll do it if I’m breaking rocks or cutting mountains.”

For my territory, it is no wonder that it will be a human heavy machinery limited to sabotage. No, should I stay out of the way to get more jobs?

“That’s why we need to improve the highway, or the flood control business first.”

Damon begins to talk about the territory’s development plans in an effort to dispel his indignation. So when will this story end?

The next day, I decided to go visit Damon and Ichii. I said I could go alone, but I didn’t hear him saying he would follow.

“Yumiera, how about wearing a hat?”

“Good, I’m not going to hide it from now on.”

The townspeople pay attention to my hair but don’t mind. From now on, it is necessary to aim for a society where black hair can walk dignifiedly.

“Oh, I miss this store”

I stopped in front of a firm. In the past, we were taken care of by purchasing demonic materials.

“The reputation of this company is not very good. It looks like this.”

The building is old, as Damon says, and the inside is dim and difficult to see.

I decided to use this firm because of its appearance. A true firm wouldn’t buy the monster material that a child brought alone.

The state of the city has not changed since two years ago. It’s not lonely or rough, but it’s not lively.

“Somehow … there’s no feature, this territory.”

“Yes, there is no such specialty.”

You have to think a lot about new industries or successes elsewhere. I wish I could revitalize the town in a dungeon, like a variss who got a sword.

“Yumiera-sama is familiar with the town. You shouldn’t have left the mansion while in the territory?”

Surprisingly, it seems that I hadn’t gotten out of the mansion yet.

“As I say now, I was out of the mansion and leveling up in mountains and dungeons.”

“Well, what is the maid doing ……… No, I leave it to the maid, and I am responsible for it.”

“No, I’m the one who got out of it?”

When it comes to who is bad, it’s definitely me. I want you to stop making everything a liability issue. Because I am the most inconvenient.

I came to a rural village near the town because I thought that visiting the city alone was not enough. Once in the village, the eyes of the villagers concentrate on me.

“The guardian god of the mountain”

Eh, what ’s the grandpa there now? Other inhabitants gather and everyone speaks with the guardian deity of the mountain. Some even worshiped me together.

“Damon, what is this?”

“Now, what’s on me, too …

What kind of misunderstanding is this time?

“What is the god of the mountain? I guess you’re probably different?”

A grandfather, one of the villagers, answers on behalf of him.

“The guardian god of the mountains is a goddess with black hair. I was worried recently because there were no people to see … but isn’t you a god?”

Is there such a god? A god of poor auspicious black hair is rarely a guardian god.

“No, what kind of god is that god?”

“Manipulate the darkness and destroy demons.”

It’s a very martial god. Manipulating the darkness is likely to be treated as evil god in the world, and it is also a pity.

“Is that God on the mountain since long ago?”

“No, the villagers first witnessed about a decade ago, when they were little girls, but they seemed to be growing up.”

Yeah, that’s me. I knew it in the dark.

“Oh, that’s me. In the past, I was here to raise my level. I’m a human being, not God. I’m Yumiela Dorknes, who recently became the lord of this territory.”

I explained, but will the villagers be discouraged?

However, betrayal of my expectations, the villagers cheer.

“Is the mountain god the lord?”

“Hello God! Hello Lord! Hello Yumiera!”

……what’s this? Better than disliked …?

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