Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Story 11. The male owner of the harem (6)- Chapter 17

Story 11. The male owner of the harem (6)

Chapter 17

Minurd was surrounded by mountains. It wasn’t a prominent place, but it was still large enough that it would take a while to get to specific locations on foot. The highest area in the eastern hills was where Hakim Karid resided.

From there, the long stone wall descended and separated the inner castle from the outer castle. The area in between the inner and the outer castle was where the selamliques, the Innocent Ones, the soldiers, Prince Camille, and the servants were located. This area was rather cold and wet.

We were surrounded by the minarets, and only from here could we see the women’s harem, which was located in the inner castle. Usually, no men could enter this place.

Whenever I got near the walls that protected the harem, I could feel an oddly warm wind coming from it. The air from the harem was cleaner and friendlier, and rumor has it that every resource we used in Minurd went from the inside of the harem’s garden. If one of us became greedy, this would be the best place to raid.

I wondered if the odalisques’ lives inside the harem were blissful. It was said that the harem garden boasted of spring all year round. Then, I pondered what that woman thought when she left such a happy place by order of a prince.

I couldn’t even guess.

For now, what I needed to focus on was following the warrior’s order. I decided I could spy on Prince Camille after our daily training. I sent a message to him that I was fully recovered, so I assumed he would show up at the training hall this morning.

I waited for him patiently. It was a little after lunch, which was when we usually started our lessons. I felt expectant in seeing him again with his shirt off for our sparring.

But… the boy prince never showed up.

1 o’clock… 2 o’clock…

When it seemed that he wasn’t coming, I headed towards his quarters. The prince’s servants seemed ignorant of what was happening.

“His Highness isn’t in his bedroom or the library…”

“How about the bathroom?”

“Not that we know of. His Highness never ordered us to prepare a bath.”

I got a horrible feeling about this situation. I pushed everyone aside and ran inside. I knew the servants weren’t familiar with the place I was heading to. I moved fast and ran down the hallways.

“Oh, w, where are you going, oh, Innocent One!?”


I ignored the servants and ran. I was too fast for them to follow, or… perhaps they hesitated to follow me at all because they knew where I was heading.

As I got closer to my destination, I could smell a familiar scent. It was a strange fiery scent, and it became thicker as I got closer.

I panted and found that the door was locked as I expected. I tried pushing and pulling, but it wouldn’t budge. The door was made of wood, but it was fortified with metal sheets, which meant that I couldn’t hear anything from inside. I couldn’t even tell if someone was inside.

However, before I gave up, I had to try one more thing. I took my top off and placed it around the back of my head. Then, I looked through the sliver of space between the door and frame while using my shirt to block the light around me.

Through it, I could tell that there was a bright light coming from inside and knew that the light was flickering, which meant someone was inside.

“Phew… Your highness…. Could it be…”

The usual thing for me to do here was to bang on the door loudly. Although this place was forbidden for everyone, I was the prince’s teacher, and therefore, I had the right to come to find my student, who was clearly late for his lessons.

However, this situation was nothing but typical. I suspected something abnormal may be happening inside.

When I looked around, I saw a staircase at the end of the hallway to the right. The stairs seemed to lead to the floor directly above, and I was hoping that I may be able to see more from there, so I climbed it.

As soon as I reached the top, a firmly locked door blocked me. It was a suspicious-looking door, and thankfully, it was made of wood. The lock was also very poorly made. It didn’t take me long to rip the lock and enter.

I coughed as the overwhelming burning scent greeted me. I covered my nose and mouth quickly and realized where that odd smell came from. It was very dark so I couldn’t see clearly, but I saw that it was a small storage area.

The floor looked weak. It was made of wooden boards, but they weren’t tightly connected. The light from below sipped through many different places; in the corner, I saw a small latch on the floor. I approached it carefully, and when I tapped it, it made a metallic sound.


I opened the latch, and the door on the floor opened quickly. It seemed that this was a well-used pathway because I didn’t see any rust anywhere. A narrow ladder was located on the wall beside the opening.

Now, I could see everything down below and what I saw was disgusting.

“Camille… Ahhh! Ah… Camille!”

Wet sucking sound, erotic movements, a woman’s excited moan, the sound of skin hitting skin.

Two bodies were entwined together, making a giant shadow on the wall. The woman’s pale porcelain skin looked inviting. Her perky breasts… Her round plump butt…

“… Ahhh…”

I needed to get closer to confirm what was happening. Should I yell and reprimand him on the spot? Make a scene, perhaps? I had the inexcusable proof right here, so it was my job, as his teacher, to teach my young naïve student the right path.

“Ahh…. Aaa.”

The erotic groan annoyed me. I climbed down the ladder to reach the ceiling beam, where I could sit and see even better. I sighed in irritation.

A naked woman, a boy who was naked and seemed awkward.

Why did I bring that woman here? Why did I feel sorry for her when I carried her here?

I heard the Virtuous Priestess was younger than Hakim Karid and older than Sevan Camille. Hmm… I supposed she was somewhat experienced.

“Ahhh… Camille…”

The prince looked almost pathetic while blushing and hesitating the entire time. He seemed uncertain of what to do, yet he was clearly very aroused as the woman caressed him.

I couldn’t take it anymore. Slowly, I dropped my shirt, which I was holding in my hand, and it fell on the prince’s head.

“Huh? J, Juya?!”

The boy finally looked up in shock. I wondered if he saw me as his savior or a nightmare in his situation. Prince Camille pushed the woman away, but he was worried she might fall, so he quickly steadied her.

Just what was he thinking?

I jumped down and ignored the naked woman. I looked at Prince Camille, who handed me back my shirt. I then looked away, not wanting him to see my expression.

“Your highness, your lesson hour has passed. You never showed up at the training hall, so I came here to find you. I was worried, your highness. We should go now.”

Before the woman could cling onto the prince, I took out my dagger as a show. Jealousy was a dangerous thing. I was no longer in my right mind.

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