Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 42: Poisoned Arrows

Ryan didn't want to just emit his aura and decided to observe the situation because he still didn't know what that person's target was.

The window in the hallway on the second floor opened and the sound of footsteps was heard. The sound of the footsteps were low but Ryan had super senses so he could hear everything. The footsteps sounded away from his room, so Irina's room was most definitely the target! Ryan immediately frowned and darted quickly towards his wife's room.

When he opened the door, Ryan immediately checked the entire room. But he couldn't see anyone there and the window in the woman's bedroom was still closed.

The bathroom light was still on. At this time, the bathroom lights suddenly turned off and the sound of the door opening was heard. Instantly, an arrow was released through the door's gap!

However, when the bathroom light went off, Ryan had already darted inside and slipped in the moment its door opened. Irina was only wrapped in a towel and got shocked when she saw Ryan's figure suddenly appearing in front of her.

"You…." Before Irina even finished speaking, Ryan carried her. The arrow then pierced the wall.

"You perverted man, let me go!" Irina, still unaware of the situation, struggled to release herself from Ryan. This man actually dared to peek at her while taking a shower!

"Shut up! Someone broke inside!" Ryan said in a low voice.

Irina was taking a shower so she didn't notice anything. When she was about to wrap a towel around her body, the light suddenly turned off, so she walked out to turn it back on.

Now, there was only light from outside illuminating this bathroom. Ryan returned to check the whole room. As it turned out, the lock on the window right outside the bathroom had been broken. There were no shoe tracks on the window. The enemy must have taken advantage of that window opening to turn off the lights and attack!

Now he was in a bad position. He was under the moonlight while his enemy was still hiding in the darkness.

"Ryan I can't believe you to do something like this. You are a shameless man!" Irina was still busy covering her body. She didn't believe Ryan's words at all, "Let me go!"

Seeing Irina struggling, he decided to hug her tightly with his face against her chest.

Before this, Irina had just finished taking a shower and her body was only wrapped in a towel. There was no doubt that the scent she emitted was very fragrant. Under Ryan's arms, Irina's plump body felt soft. The man could still feel Irina's tenderness though he was fully clothed.

While Irina kept on struggling, her towels were getting lower over time and there were more areas that were not covered.

Ryan sighed. Irina was indeed an extraordinary woman, her big chest pressed tightly against his chest. Her long white legs wrapped around one of his legs and her slender figure felt soft when he hugged her.

Irina already wanted to cry. She felt Ryan's breath excited her and she could feel the man��s muscular body even though Ryan was wearing clothes. Would she lose her holiness today? This man just didn't know any shame!

"Let me go! Otherwise, I will hate you!" Irina struggled even more.

In the end, Ryan was still a healthy man. Irina's wriggling movement gave him a distinct stimulus. And in a tense situation like this, he couldn't control his 'little brother'.

"You!" Irina turned pale immediately. She felt something harden at the bottom.

"If you keep struggling like this, we'll die!" Ryan pretended to be angry and put on a fierce face so that Irina would not aggravate the situation.

When Irina saw Ryan's angry expression, she was terrified. She didn't dare to move again. Seeing Irina no longer fought back, the man let out a sigh of relief. Now he could direct his focus on the intruder.

The enemy still hadn't moved back. Ryan peeked through the door to observe the situation. The moment he did, a shadow crossed the window! The enemy noticed Ryan and immediately put on his face mask.

"Watch out!" Ryan was shocked. He immediately hugged Irina tightly and rolled on the floor. The weapon that the enemy threw at him fell on the ground.

Irina instantly froze upon the view. She nervously gazed at the weapon that stuck to the floor right next to her. Ryan said the truth!

At this time, Ryan broke out in a cold sweat. It looked like a small arrow had hit his shoulder.


That loud, wicked laugh was coming from the assassin. He carried with him all his poisonous weapons, including the arrow that struck Ryan's shoulder. The man's life would be over if he didn't get the antidote.

"Ryan! Are you okay?" Irina asked as fear and anxiety filled her face. She saw Ryan's face covered in sweat and felt worried.

"It's okay, I'm fine." In Ryan's tone, there was a little pain that he endured.

"Die you Nergal!" Once his laughter stopped, he unleashed a legion of poisonous arrows to Ryan.

"Ryan! No!" Irina was already crying at this stage. How couldn't she? Her man was rained by a bunch of poisonous arrows again.

"Ha ha ha! He was nicknamed the god of war but he was completely helpless now. I will end your legend!" The killer approached Ryan with a knife.

Irina was terrified to see the killer approaching the two of them. She was shaking violently under Ryan's embrace. She gasped in shock as she caught the man that shielded her fell unconscious.

"Ryan! Get up quickly!" Irina shook and slapped Ryan but there was no reaction.

The assassin stepped closer and started swinging the knife to end Ryan's life!

When the enemy entered his range, Ryan suddenly opened his eyes. He slapped the floor with his hands and shot forward toward the killer!

The killer did not expect that Ryan was still able to move. He miscalculated the sudden attack and could not stop the man. Ryan floated midair and immediately kicked the killer hard. The killer bounced and held his chest as if it had been hit by a hammer.

Gasping, he stared at Ryan with disbelief, "You....You're not dead yet?"

"Surprised?" Ryan's internal power was circulating. The arrow that stuck in his body fell out one by one because of his muscle contraction. The man's inner strength had protected him since earlier. As a result, the arrow only pierced the surface of his skin and his internal power kept the poison from spreading.

'You think your poisoned arrows can take down one of the 12 Aesirs?'

"If I do not pretend to be dead and poisoned, how can I make you go forward?" Ryan said casually, "If you are too far from me, I'm afraid I can not catch you alive."

Ryan sighed deeply before moving rapidly toward the killer. It didn't take long for the assassin to realize that the mission had failed, so he escaped and fled from there. However, Ryan already understood the intention of the enemy and blocked the exit.

Suddenly the killer raised his hand and a number of arrows were shot towards Irina. He had to do this cowardly act to buy himself time to escape. Ryan then had no choice and immediately ran to save Irina. The killer took this opportunity to escape.

When Ryan wanted to chase after the attacker, he looked at Irina who was still lying on the floor. He still didn't know the real mission of the assassin. If the target was Irina, he was afraid that if he chased the killer, another one would come to attack.

But if he didn't chase him, Ryan would lose the valuable information about who was the real mastermind of this incident. Looking back at how the assassin only talked about him earlier, it seemed that he was the sole target. Ryan then made a mental note to this important clue. He could've used this to extract some information from his enemy.

In the midst of his doubts, a voice came from the outside door, "Don't worry about young miss' safety. Do what you have to do."

Hearing this made Ryan breathe freely. He then said to old maid Susan, "I'll leave the rest to you!"

After saying that, Ryan immediately jumped out of the window and became a wolf hunting its prey.

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