Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 40: Twist of Fate

"Bro, we all lost to him." Örn immediately pointed at Ryan, "That person beat us. He also threatened to kill us and throw our bodies on the street! Brother, you have to beat him for our honor."

"Hmmm." The man snorted. Then his gaze swept towards the person who beat up his subordinates, "He's just trash!"

Then he approached Ryan and said, "There is no one in this city who dares to mess around with his name Ni..."

However, this person's voice was getting smaller. What was originally a threatening tone became as gentle as a bird's song. Even his subordinates couldn't hear the words of their leader.

Eric and Örn were confused, what had happened?

Nick saw Ryan who smiled at him. The man couldn't believe what he had seen. He then rubbed his eyes hard. Despite doing that, reality didn't change.

'Oh my god he's that person!'

"Do you want to see my face up close?" Ryan's eyes were already emitting a killing aura.

Fate was funny. The man in front of Nick single-handedly annihilated Dead Man Inc!

Everyone, including Eric and Nick' subordinates, thought that Ryan would die today. No one dared to go against this elder brother. They were already excitedly waiting for their leader's cool scene but what they saw was completely unexpected.

They saw Nick running towards Ryan and kneeling in front of him.

"Eldest brother, I've finally managed to meet you!"

Everyone who saw him fell silent. Nick's subordinates were no exception. Their jaw instantly dropped and their mouths opened wide when they heard this. Didn't they come to beat people up?

Örn's face was like a fool. What did he just see? His eldest brother kneeled in front of a stranger? It even felt like his eldest brother adored the young man. Was this a dream?

Eric's expression was even more stupid. It shouldn't be like this. Shouldn't Ryan be on his knees with his battered face? Why was it that one of the leaders of the underground world knelt in front of Ryan?

Ryan was also shocked himself as he thought, 'This guy's got some sense, too.'

He then sat back in his chair and stared at Nick, "I don't remember helping you, why are you looking for me?"

Nick's face was full of respect, "If it weren't for the help of the oldest brother, this Nick would have been lifeless since that day. Even though you were only doing 'cleaning' at that time, I never forgot your actions."

That scene really stuck in Nick's mind. That night, Ryan slaughtered the entire members of Dead Man Inc alone. Nowhere in history of the underworld had ever said that a gang, let alone the size of Dead Man Inc, was destroyed overnight.

The Dead Man Inc was confirmed to be destroyed when Ryan broke down their door. What really amazed Nick was when the gang leader's aimed his gun at Ryan.

The man in front of him could even dodge bullets! How could Ryan be human?

After that night, Nick took advantage of the power vacuum in the gang to become one of the strongest gangs in the city. It only took one night and the order of the underground world in the city of Avalerion changed. This was all thanks to Ryan's help.

Thanks to that one meeting with Ryan, Nick's life changed drastically. If it weren't for Ryan, he would have been killed by the Dead Man Inc. So he respected Ryan a lot. However, it's only a matter of time before the gang ran into Ryan. Nick tried to find his savior so that his gang would not have the same fate as the Dead Man Inc.

"Hey you! Why are you still standing?" Nick immediately turned around and snapped at all his subordinates, "Isn't my oldest brother your oldest brother too? Get on your knees right now!"

The goons were still confused. They stared at each other, not sure of what to do.

"If you won't kneel, I'll break your legs one by one!" Nick snapped.

This time, all the thugs obeyed Nick' words and knelt down in unison. It could be said that almost everyone on the 9th floor knelt before Ryan.

Still standing their ground were Eric and Örn. They still couldn't believe what just happened in front of them. Eric's expression began to turn into fear. This situation had developed into something completely unexpected. His survival in the Avalerion company was also in question.


Eric swallowed his saliva and looked sorry for his actions. How could he offend Ryan this way.

Nick realized that there were 2 people who had not kneeled despite his order. His face immediately filled with anger. Örn saw Nick's expression and immediately knelt down, leaving only Eric still standing.

'Since I'm not one of you, why do I have to kneel too?'

Even though he was scared, Eric still didn't falter. Nick was seen shouting at him, "Are you deaf? Didn't I tell everyone here to kneel? I don't care who you are but when I tell everyone to kneel down, get down on your knees or I'll beat you!"


Because his legs were so weak, Eric could not hold his body and knelt down. His face was already covered in sweat, he didn't know what would happen next.

"Respect the eldest brother!" Nick shouted, showing his worship toward his savior.

"Respect the eldest brother!" The thugs immediately followed Nick's movement.

The perfume experts peeking from inside the room were also surprised to see this scene. People from the underworld worshipped him? Who was Ryan really?

A security guard on this floor swallowed his saliva and reported what he saw, "The situation on the 9th floor is safe, nothing to worry about."

'Hmmm not bad.' Thought Ryan. He then looked at Nick once again. The guy saved his time and there was nothing wrong with accepting their respect.

"Alright, alright." Ryan waved his hand and said, "You all stand up."

Everyone then stood up and Ryan immediately pointed to Örn and Eric, "You worship me as your oldest brother but there are two people who consider me an enemy. If you can't have one voice then I can conclude you don't sincerely respect me."

Nick immediately approached the two of them and said, "Son of a bitch! You dare to show your hostility to my eldest brother? Are you ready to die?"

The thugs began to surround Örn and Eric.

'My life is on the line!' Eric's whole body was drenched in sweat. In this tense moment, he still had time to look at Ryan and see the man's evil grin.

Örn was scared for his life too. 'Aren't they my brothers? Why did they quickly dispose of me? Why did Nick respect that person so much?' He thought that today was his last day.

Two people immediately arrested Eric and Örn, "So far, what have you learned from this huh?"

Nick unleashed a violent blow to Örn's stomach and made the guy fall on the floor. Örn immediately stood up and bowed asking for mercy.

"Eldest brother, please forgive your stupid brother! I have done wrong!" Even when he bent down, the beating didn't stop on him.

"You're an adult and still think like a kid because you fall for money." Ryan said to Örn. These words pierced the boy's heart and made Örn's face turn red.

"Eldest brother, younger brother is wrong. This guy said he wanted to beat up one of his coworkers and promised me 25 million afterwards. It's my fault for being tempted by money! I deserve to be punished! I deserve to be punished!" While saying that, he slapped himself seven times.

Nick spat at him, "Tch! I'll deal with you when I get home." After that, he kicked him again. This time, blood flowed from the corner of Örn's mouth.

"Brother, it's also my fault for not being able to manage my own men." Nick apologized to Ryan. But the next sentence frightened Örn, "If you want, you can do anything to him then we will take care of the body."

When he heard this, Örn's face instantly turned pale.

Ryan waved his hand, "I don't understand how you take care of the delinquents in your group. He is your subordinate so punish him according to your law."

When he heard this, Örn breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you brother!" Nick immediately bowed.

"Thank you, eldest brother!" Örn followed right after.

Now Ryan's eyes fell on Eric. The guy's face was white and covered with cold sweat. His eyes filled with fear and a runny nose. His legs couldn't even stop shaking.

"How about Mr. Eric? Still want to fire me from here?" Ryan asked.

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