Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 37: Unholy Confessions

This little bastard didn't know that he was trying to steal the wife of one of the strongest people in the world. He wanted to kill him right now. Ryan's eyes grew cold.

"Hey, didn't you say that Mrs. Irina would reject it?" Two people beside Ryan were discussing in low voices.

"Yes, how could Mrs. Irina accept it. This company belongs to her and their class is different too." The other person replied.

"And also I heard that Mrs. Irina is married!"

"What? How come I don't know?" The random person didn't believe that the boss had been married.

"Hey, don't be too loud when you say it. I just found out recently too. The perfumer on the 9th floor told me. A man called Mrs. Irina his wife and Mrs. Irina didn't deny it! But people say, when seen from the way they talk, they are not like husband and wife. So, this is all still a mystery."

Ryan began to join in, "Hey, do you know who the man after Mrs. Irina is?"

When Ryan interrupted their conversation, they enthusiastically answered, "That person is our personnel manager. He's been in this company for a long time so he knows the company all the way."

At this time, Eric looked Irina in the eye and said, "Irina, I've loved you since the beginning we met. I left my old company just to be with you."

Irina really didn't know what to do. Many people were crowding around and looking at them so he didn't know how to properly reject them.

"Irina, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. You may still not understand my love, but I'm sure my heart is formed to love you!" Eric kept trying to pursue her.

Ryan thought that this man's words were too exaggerated and disgusting.

Irina blushed. She also realized that there were many people watching the two of them. If this was not resolved carefully she was afraid that this would lead to big trouble later.

Especially with Eric's position as a personnel manager. He was in charge of many people. If Irina hurted him, she feared there would be an internal crisis.

"Irina, give me a chance. I will make you happy." Eric said as he handed the flowers in his hand.

'Irina you are mine!' Eric thought to himself that if he got rejected, he would make the company suffer. He had planned the day well. He had received support from various important departments so if Irina refused him, he would bring down this company!

At this time, a voice appeared, "Wow, these flowers are so beautiful."

Hearing this sudden voice, Irina was a little relieved because she felt someone wanted to help her. When she turned around, the man she despised a lot had come to her rescue.

Ryan got out of the crowd and became the center of attention. He immediately took the flower from Eric's hand saying, "Hmmm it smells good. This way, my toilet will smell good all day long. Thank you for your donation. I don't need to buy air freshener after this."


The viewers couldn't help laughing when they saw this. They did not think that the man would come and mock Eric in such a way.

Irina also wanted to laugh but she managed to restrain herself. Now, she was more worried about Ryan who usually overdid things. She was about to warn Ryan but the man turned to her and said, "Excuse me, Mrs. Irina, I have something important to say."

After saying that, Ryan turned from side to side while glancing at Eric before finally saying, "Seems it's quite busy here, our conversation will be heard later. How about we continue it in my office? Or should I come to your office?"

Irina knew that Ryan wanted to save her from this situation so she just nodded and headed for her office. This was probably the smoothest way to solve this situation.

Eric, still kneeling on his leg, couldn't help but feel surprised. He then stood up and stared angrily at Ryan, "Which department are you from?"

Ryan turned and looked at Eric. After a while he said, "Which department are you from?"

"I am the personnel manager of this company!" Eric said, shouting.

"Oh the personnel manager." Ryan nodded then smiled and stretched out his hand, "I'm from the madman department, nice to meet you."

Some people immediately laughed in muffles, they wondered why this man was so funny.

"You!" Eric almost lost his temper and immediately pointed at Ryan, "You don't see that I'm confessing love?"

"Sorry I didn't see it." Ryan said with a smile, "I was really in a rush earlier. I need to talk to Mrs. Irina as soon as possible so I just saw her standing alone. Then I saw the flower, I thought you were a flower delivery man so I just took it. Excuse my previous misunderstanding. Here are your flowers. I will return it to you if you still want it."

The people were a little amazed at Ryan. Even though he already knew Eric's real title, Ryan still didn't back down. Feeling annoyed, Eric couldn't take it anymore. He immediately slammed the flower that Ryan returned.

The man pretended to be shocked and said, "Mr. Eric, I know that you are angry but don't take it on the flowers. I know that your love is being rejected but please appreciate the person who has worked so hard to plant the flower. "

Hearing Ryan's words made Eric get even more angry. He then turned to some of his subordinates to help him if anything happened.

"Your actions are too much, sir. Is a personnel manager unable to contain his emotions?" Ryan said.

"Enough." Eric already felt himself about to explode, "Get lost! I have business with Irina."

It turned out that the personnel manager couldn't hold his anger and was about to head to his wife's office. Ryan was getting confused. He immediately came up with an idea. The man then focused his internal energy on his finger and fired it at Eric's belt. His internal power immediately spread and crushed the belt.

"Sir, your pants are dropping!" Ryan shouted.

Eric turned his head and found out Ryan was right. His pants sagged to the floor and his red underwear was clearly visible.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Laughter came from behind him. Eric has lost his temper. He immediately put his pants back on and glared at Ryan. He then rushed to the elevator holding his trousers sagging, walking like a cute penguin.

Eric felt embarrassed to death. Before the man came, everything was going well. Even if Irina rejected him, his confession would still be witnessed by everyone in this company and he could use that to create chaos. Maybe his plans had been ruined just because of that man's interference.

Eric then gritted his teeth while swearing to himself, "With all the strength I have, I will make sure you pay dearly for this!"

Irina was in her office room when she heard a knock on the door and invited the person outside to enter. Eric stepped in, puffing out his chest as soon as he fixed his trouser.

"Irina, you know I like you. If you don't have the same feelings as me, there's no need to run away in such a lowly manner." Since he came into the room, Eric did not let Irina speak.

When she heard him, Irina was a little confused. She finally realized that Ryan seemed to have done something to Eric.

"I don't know what Ryan has done to you." Irina said with a cold face.

When he saw that Irina still didn't want to comment, Eric sighed and asked, "Then, may I know which department that person is from?"

"He is my special perfumer. What's wrong?" Irina asked.

Eric replied, "Just now, he embarrassed me in public. If you do not defend me and punish him then I will quit this company!" He threatened, "I'm the one recruiting the workers here so I can also invite them out with me too!"

Irina responded calmly, "Don't overdo it, I'll call that person over here."

"No need to look for me, I'm already here." Ryan walked into the room casually.

Seeing Ryan's smiling face, Eric wanted to hit him. He then just gritted his teeth and tried to calm down for the sake of his ambition.

"Mrs. Irina, why did you call me here? You know that I'm busy right?" The man then yawned, "I'm really busy with our new product development right now, it was also quite exhausting for me and I'm sleep-deprived now."

Irina frowned when she heard that, 'Busy? Aren't you working on Felix's perfume in just a few minutes? And didn't you just come back after being away for a few days?'

"Please watch this person carefully, Irina. He has no manners." Eric turned to Irina, "How is it possible that he can maintain the image of this Avalerion company? If he doesn't come out then I will come out!"

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