Konoha: Genocide Night? I Will Stand In The Sky!

Chapter 32

032 Kakashi, You Don’T Want Konoha To Be Destroyed, Do You?

Kakashi didn’t answer, and said in a long silence: “You will come back to life, is it related to Uchiha Wu Yue?”

“You’ve already met Lin, right?” Kushina bent down and touched her son’s head, and said lightly, “In this case, you should have the answer in your heart.”

“Arrancar, is it?” Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief.

He really wanted to know what Arrancar was, but he didn’t ask. Just by talking to Mrs. Kushina in front of him, he has already heard that there is a gap between the other party and Konoha.

Kakashi knew that this could not be blamed on Mrs. Kushina in front of him.

After all, both husband and wife died fighting for Konoha, leaving Naruto as an orphan living in the world. But how did the Konoha executives treat Naruto, the son of a hero?

Directly conceal the identity of the other party and package it as the incarnation of Nine Tails. Let the villagers and ninjas who don’t know the truth bully and abuse. In this regard, the Third Hokage not only did not stop it, but sometimes watched it quietly not far away.

According to Hokage, this kind of pain is for Naruto to better understand what is the will of fire… How can he not be angry if he treats his own flesh and blood like this?

“Yes, Arrancar.” Kushina said softly with an exclamation tone, stretching out her index finger and pointing at the center of her son’s eyebrows.

Uzumaki Naruto trembled, and slowly opened Azure’s eyes. “You, who are you?”

Hearing the same oral habit as her own, Kushina showed a warm smile, like a red peony blooming under the moon.

Naruto blinked, and felt that this big sister instinctively made him very close. Turning his head sideways, he saw Kakashi standing not far away. “Ah, that white-haired ninja! I think I’ve seen you before!”

“I was the one you threw at your face that day with a rancid milk box.” Kakashi said calmly with a blank face.

“a ha ha ha!”

Naruto’s expression became a little awkward, he turned his face and changed the subject bluntly: “By the way, what’s going on now? I remember I was sleeping at home… who are they?” He looked at the unconscious man who fell on the ground A few ninjas from the past.

“Don’t worry about them.” Kushina said with a gentle smile on her face, “I’m here to take you home, Naruto.”


Naruto scratched his head, confused: “But my house seems to be over there?” As he spoke, he pointed to the block where he lived.

“It’s not our home here, it’s our real home.” Kushina pinched his little face and said apologetically, “It’s warm there, and you won’t be hated by anyone.”

Naruto was taken aback, his eyes revealed eagerness. “Is there really such a place? Me, can I go…”

Kushina wanted to say a thousand words at this moment, but in the end she just nodded gently and said with a smile: “Of course, you can.”

“I’m going! Thank you, kind big sister!

“Although I’m glad you called me older sister, I’m your mother. My own mother.”


“Your name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I’m Uzumaki Kushina. You are my child, understand now?”


Naruto’s eyes were wide open, and there was great shock in his small eyes. Mother? I just fell asleep and woke up with my mother?

At the same time, on the other side of Konoha.


There was a muffled sound.

Romi’s body was sent flying again by the Might Guy who opened the Seventh Gate, smashing through dozens of walls behind him. But even so, he still didn’t fall down, and struggled to get up again.

“It’s amazing perseverance.” Might Guy was also panting at this time, and there were obvious scars on his right leg and waist. “Even if you have reached this point, do you still want to continue fighting?”

“Don’t underestimate me, Konoha beast!”

The corner of Romi Yi’s mouth was bleeding, his body was already in disarray, and the bone structure covering the body surface was riddled with holes. “For the sake of the great leader, these mere pains are nothing! We will definitely win the final victory!”

“So that’s it, I’ve understood your enlightenment!” Might Guy took a breath, his whole body Chakra was concentrated on one point, and his hands showed a strange Indian pattern. “Then in order to respond to this awareness, I will use my full strength! Day Tiger!”


The surrounding air was condensed and compressed at this moment, finally forming a huge ferocious tiger. Opening his bloody mouth, he roared and bit at Romi Yi.

Is there such a trick? As expected, I am still too weak!

Looking at the vicious tiger in front of him, Romii couldn’t move even if he wanted to. Even in his heyday, he might not be able to escape the sense of restraint that was squeezed and fixed by the air.

In fact, not to mention him, the other ninjas present were also quite awed by Might Guy’s move.

Many Konoha Shinobi fans know Might Guy, but they don’t know that this idiot who always runs towards the sunset and shouts “youth” at every turn is so terrifying? !

And Fourth Raikage, who was also dumbfounded at this time, felt a chill down his spine.

He had heard about the power of the Eight Inner Gates, so he didn’t pay much attention to it at first. After all, the rumors said that the Eight Gates could reach Kage-level when fully opened. But now that he actually saw it, he felt that the rumors were all lies!

Seventh Gate has already reached such strength, and Eight Gate is only Kage-level? Could it be the movie of First Hokage?


The ferocious tiger condensed by the air cannons rushed down and was about to devour Romi. But at this moment, a female figure in a backless dress suddenly appeared, blocking Romi’s front.

But she saw her slowly raising her right hand, facing the vicious tiger with five fingers open.


Just with a seemingly casual grip, the entire tiger head dissipated into nothingness in an instant. The tyrannical airflow surged towards the surroundings, and people unconsciously raised their arms to block in front of them.

When they opened their eyes again, the figure and Romi had disappeared.


The entire battlefield fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone swallowed involuntarily, with their mouths wide open as if they could swallow a big duck egg. Just now, what happened? That kind of attack that was so terrifying that it seemed to be able to level the entire street was actually crushed by someone with one hand?


Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t think it was a hallucination, because he had already recognized the identity of the woman in the backless dress. Sand Shinobi’s hero, Hakura!

The southwest block of Konoha.

Ye Cang, who was carrying Romi, suddenly appeared beside Kushina. Seeing this scene, Kakashi seemed to be on the verge of a formidable enemy, and his face was full of vigilance.

Kushina glanced at Romi, who was about to get cold, frowned and said, “It looks miserable, who made it?”

“Might Guy, opened the Seventh Gate.” Ye Cang replied flatly.

“It’s not surprising, Guy still has some skills.” Kushina no longer entangled in this matter, and greeted her son. “Let’s go, Naruto.”

“Oh, oh, good mother!” Naruto ran over in a hurry.

Their mother and son have already recognized each other, and Naruto, who has a mother, naturally chooses to go to the country of Sichuan with his mother. What’s more, his elder brother Wu Yue is also in the country of Sichuan. In his heart, that exists like a father!


Ye Cang tapped the air in front of him lightly with his fingers, and Black’s cavity opened in response, looking like a giant beast that chooses to eat people.

“Ms. Kushina!” Seeing that the other party was about to leave with Naruto, Kakashi finally couldn’t help but said, “Ms. Minato didn’t become Arrancar, did she?”

“Yes, what do you want to say?” Kushina stopped in front of the black cavity and asked with a smile.

Kakashi’s voice was very soft, but he said firmly: “I think Mr. Minato may not want Naruto…”

“You know, Kakashi.” The smile on Kushina’s face was still there, but her tone was slightly cold. “Wu Yue doesn’t want me to fight with others, because some bad things will happen, such as this.” He raised his right arm and waved it casually.


The earth trembled and there were constant explosions.

In Kakashi’s horrified eyes, a gully with a width of more than ten meters suddenly formed, and continued to extend forward, and finally traversed the entire Konoha.

“Kakashi, you don’t want Konoha to be destroyed by me just like that, do you?” After the words fell, the person had disappeared in place.

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